Note 15 - Acquisitions | NOTE 15 - ACQUISITIONS On March 29, 2015, the Company acquired a 50% interest in each of Leo Motors Factory 1 and 2 which are auto repair shops that specialize in repairing hand-made luxury cars such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, Porsche, and Rolls Royce. The Company also acquired a 50% interest in Leo Trade specializing in trading luxury cars. The consolidation of these acquisitions is presented below. Leo Motors consolidation LEO Motors LEO Motors LGM LEO Motors LEO Motors LEO Trade ELIM Consolidated March 31, 2015 US Korea Factory 1 Factory 2 (f/k/a/ Erum) ENTRIES Statements All numbers shown in US Dollars DR(CR) 3/31/2015 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $374 67853 211,957 91,187 2914 92173 0 466,458 Accounts receivable 0 0 476,777 8,754 48,425 418,422 0 952,378 Inventories 0 0 295,159 0 0 0 0 295,159 Prepayment to suppliers 0 137,236 160,484 0 0 0 0 297,720 Other current assets 0 7,297 57,403 1,595 125,212 36,685 0 228,192 Total Current Assets 374 212,386 1,201,780 101,536 176,551 547,280 2,239,907 Fixed assets, net 6,744 10,530 16,846 63,683 88,181 0 0 185,984 Deposit 0 46,234 22,637 4,804 145,196 9,025 0 227,896 Intangible assets 0 63,831 0 0 0 0 0 63,831 Goodwill 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,057,003 3,057,003 Investment in subsidiaries 8,089,368 0 0 0 0 0 -8,089,368 0 Total Non-Current Assets 8,096,112 120,595 39,483 68,487 233,377 9,025 3,534,714 Total Assets $8,096,486 332,981 1,241,263 170,023 409,928 556,305 -5,032,365 5,774,621 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses $1,139,889 1,060,342 291,900 97,840 307,112 416,183 0 3,313,266 Short term borrowings 0 256,392 183,245 32,052 0 0 0 471,689 Advance from customers 0 30,381 9,141 0 4,513 0 0 44,035 Due to related parties 0 116,617 0 0 0 0 0 116,617 Taxes payable 0 137,780 10,673 13,559 78,783 226 0 241,021 Notes Payable current portion 0 0 0 0 0 353,747 0 353,747 Total Current Liabilities 1,139,889 1,601,512 494,959 143,451 390,408 770,156 4,540,375 Long Term Notes 0 36,698 117,075 0 173,928 0 0 327,701 Accrued severance benefits 0 2,075 0 0 0 0 0 2,075 Total Liabilities 1,139,889 1,640,285 612,034 143,451 564,336 770,156 4,870,151 Stockholders' Equity: Common stock 154,144 2,831,276 284,870 90,253 135,379 180,505 (3,522,283 154,144 Additional paid-in capital 21,253,084 1,831,184 1,285,902 0 0 0 (4,973,230 19,396,940 Accumulated other comprehensive income 277,678 225,403 4,893 0 0 0 0 507,974 Accumulated loss (14,728,309 (6,195,167 (946,436 (63,681 (289,787 (394,356 733,773 (21,883,963 Total Stockholders' Deficit attributable to LEO MOTORS, INC. 6,956,597 (1,307,304 629,229 26,572 (154,408 (213,851 (1,824,905 Non-controlling interest 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,729,375 2,729,375 Total Stockholders' Deficit 6,956,597 (1,307,304 629,229 26,572 (154,408 (213,851 904,470 Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficit $8,096,486 332,981 1,241,263 170,023 409,928 556,305 (5,032,365 5,774,621 On June 3, 2016, the Company acquired a 50% interest in Lelcon Co., LTD. The Company develops car diagnostic and controlling device. The Company is based in South Korea. As of June 3, 2016, Lelcon Co., Ltd. operates as a subsidiary of Leo Motors, Inc. Leo Motors LELC Pro Forma Pro Forma 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 AJE Consolidated Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $130,874 998 $131,872 Accounts Receivable 1,015,447 14,031 1,029,478 Inventories 838,785 37,879 876,664 Prepayment to suppliers 382,545 0 382,545 Stockholder loans 0 129,066 129,066 Other current assets 199,073 2,905 201,978 Total Current Assets 2,566,724 184,879 2,751,603 Fixed assets, net 142,137 33,242 175,379 Deposit 346,255 0 346,255 Other non-current assets 87,275 1,228 88,503 Investments 500,000 0 (500,000 0 Goodwill 3,057,003 0 470,559 3,527,562 Total Assets $6,699,394 $219,349 $6,889,302 Liabilities and Equity(Deficit) Current Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses $3,748,487 $50,193 $3,798,680 Current portion notes payable 264,158 85,034 349,192 Advance from customers 496,385 0 496,385 Due to related parties 136,887 0 136,887 Taxes payable 155,151 4,429 159,580 Total Current Liabilities 4,801,068 139,656 4,940,724 Accrued retirement benefits 96,518 0 96,518 Other long term liabilities 196,579 0 196,579 Long term debt net of current portion 95,599 0 95,599 Total Liabilities 5,189,764 139,656 5,329,420 Commitments - - Leo Motors, Inc.("LEOM") Equity(Deficit): Common stock ($0.001 par value; 300,000,000 shares authorized); 163,198,512 shares issued and outstanding at March 31, 2016 164,614 169,348 (169,348 164,614 Additional paid-in capital 21,488,871 0 21,488,871 Accumulated other comprehensive income 1,329,240 1,805 1,331,045 Accumulated loss (25,827,119 (91,460 55,233 (25,863,346 Total Equity(Deficit) Leo Motors, Inc. (2,844,394 79,693 (2,878,816 Non-controlling interest 4,354,024 0 84,674 4,438,698 Total Equity(Deficit) 1,509,630 79,693 1,559,882 Total Liabilities and Equity(Deficit) $6,699,394 $219,349 0 $6,889,302 Leo Motors LELC Pro Forma Pro Forma 3/31/2016 3/31/2016 AJE Consolidated Revenues $745,706 $14,161 $759,867 Cost of Revenues 291,014 9,346 300,360 Gross Profit 454,692 4,815 459,507 Operating Expenses 908,860 40,422 949,282 Income(loss) from Continuing Operations (454,168 (35,607 (489,775 Other Income (Expenses) Assets disposal gain, net 0 0 0 Debt Forgiveness 0 0 0 Interest expense (9,328 (630 (9,958 Non-Operating (expense) income 5,330 10 5,340 Total Other Income (Expenses) (3,998 (620 (4,618 Income(loss) from Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes (458,166 (36,227 (494,393 Income Tax Expense 0 0 0 Net Income (Loss) $(458,166 $(36,227 $(494,393 Income(loss) attributable to non-controlling interest $(35,655 $0 $(35,655 Net Income (Loss) Attributable To Leo Motors, Inc. $(422,511 $(36,227 $(458,738 Other Comprehensive Income: Net Income (Loss) $(422,511 $(36,227 $(458,738 Unrealized foreign currency translation gain 78,120 1,921 80,041 Comprehensive Income(loss) Attributable to Leo Motors, Inc. $(344,391 $(34,306 $0 $(378,697 Net Loss per Common Share: Basic $(0.00 $(0.00 Diluted $(0.00 $(0.00 Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding: Basic $163,198,512 $164,613,340 Diluted $163,198,512 $164,613,340 |