Financial instruments | 14. Financial instruments Financial instruments by category The carrying value and fair value of financial instruments by class as at March 31, 2021 are as follows: Financial assets Financial Financial Financial Total carrying value Total fair value Cash and cash equivalents $ 105,633 $ — $ — $ 105,633 $ 105,633 Investment in fixed deposits 38,699 — — 38,699 38,699 Investments in marketable securities and mutual funds — 250,852 — 250,852 250,852 Trade receivables 83,387 — — 83,387 83,387 Unbilled revenue (1) 66,212 — — 66,212 66,212 Funds held for clients 12,139 — — 12,139 12,139 Prepayments and other assets (2) 4,757 — — 4,757 4,757 Other non-current (3) 13,790 — — 13,790 13,790 Derivative assets — 2,619 7,104 9,723 9,723 Total carrying value $ 324,617 $ 253,471 $ 7,104 $ 585,192 $ 585,192 Financial liabilities Financial Financial Financial Total carrying value Total fair Value Trade payables $ 28,015 $ — $ — $ 28,015 $ 28,015 Long-term debt (includes current portion) (4) 16,800 — — 16,800 16,800 Other employee obligations (5) 74,511 — — 74,511 74,511 Provisions and accrued expenses 23,933 — — 23,933 23,933 Lease liabilities 191,907 — — 191,907 191,907 Other liabilities (6) 1,803 — — 1,803 1,803 Derivative liabilities — 1,068 5,460 6,528 6,528 Total carrying value $ 336,969 $ 1,068 $ 5,460 $ 343,497 $ 343,497 Notes: (1) Excluding non-financial (2) Excluding non-financial (3) Excluding non-financial (4) Excluding non-financial (5) Excluding non-financial (6) Excluding non-financial The carrying value and fair value of financial instruments by class as at March 31, 20 20 Financial assets Financial Financial Financial Total carrying value Total fair value Cash and cash equivalents $ 96,929 $ — $ — $ 96,929 $ 96,929 Investment in fixed deposits 43,030 — — 43,030 43,030 Investments in marketable securities and mutual funds — 162,746 — 162,746 162,746 Trade receivables 89,772 — — 89,772 89,772 Unbilled revenue (1) 57,078 — — 57,078 57,078 Funds held for clients 15,833 — — 15,833 15,833 Prepayments and other assets (2) 6,431 — — 6,431 6,431 Other non-current (3) 9,925 — — 9,925 9,925 Derivative assets — 2,187 13,106 15,293 15,293 Total carrying value $ 318,998 $ 164,933 $ 13,106 $ 497,037 $ 497,037 Financial liabilities Financial Financial Financial Total carrying value Total fair Value Trade payables $ 29,333 $ — $ — $ 29,333 $ 29,333 Long-term debt (includes current portion) (4) 33,600 — — 33,600 33,600 Other employee obligations (5) 70,170 — — 70,170 70,170 Provision s 28,983 — — 28,983 28,983 Lease liabilities 178,892 — — 178,892 178,892 Other liabilities (6) 1,197 — — 1,197 1,197 Derivative liabilities — 4,710 8,745 13,455 13,455 Total carrying value $ 342,175 $ 4,710 $ 8,745 $ 355,630 $ 355,630 Notes: (1) Excluding non-financial (2) Excluding non-financial (3) Excluding non-financial (4) Excluding non-financial (5) Excluding non-financial (6) Excluding non-financial For the financial assets and liabilities subject to offsetting or similar arrangements, each agreement between the Company and the counterparty allows for net settlement of the relevant financial assets and liabilities when both elect to settle on a net basis. In the absence of such an election, financial assets and liabilities will be settled on a gross basis. Financial assets and liabilities subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements or similar agreements as at March 31, 2021 are as follows: Description of types of financial assets Gross amounts of recognized financial assets Gross amounts of recognized financial liabilities offset in the statement of financial position Net amounts of financial assets presented in the statement of financial position Related amount not set off in financial instruments Net Amount Financial Instruments Cash collateral received Derivative assets $ 9,723 $ — $ 9,723 $ (4,392 ) $ — $ 5,331 Total $ 9,723 $ — $ 9,723 $ (4,392 ) $ — $ 5,331 Description of types of financial liabilities Gross amounts of recognized financial liabilities Gross amounts of recognized financial assets offset in the statement of financial position Net amounts of financial liabilities presented in the statement of financial position Related amount not set off in financial instruments Net Amount Financial instruments Cash collateral pledged Derivative liabilities $ 6,528 $ — $ 6,528 $ (4,392 ) $ — $ 2,136 Total $ 6,528 $ — $ 6,528 $ (4,392 ) $ — $ 2,136 Financial assets and liabilities subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements or similar agreements as at March 31, 2020 are as follows: Description of types of financial assets Gross amounts of recognized financial assets Gross amounts of recognized financial liabilities offset in the statement of financial position Net amounts of financial assets presented in the statement of financial position Related amount not set off in financial instruments Net Amount Financial Instruments Cash collateral received Derivative assets $ 15,293 $ — $ 15,293 $ (7,040 ) $ — $ 8,253 Total $ 15,293 $ — $ 15,293 $ (7,040 ) $ — $ 8,253 Description of types of financial liabilities Gross amounts of recognized financial liabilities Gross amounts of recognized financial assets offset in the statement of financial position Net amounts of financial liabilities presented in the statement of financial position Related amount not set off in financial instruments Net Amount Financial instruments Cash collateral pledged Derivative liabilities $ 13,455 $ — $ 13,455 $ (7,040 ) $ — $ 6,415 Total $ 13,455 $ — $ 13,455 $ (7,040 ) $ — $ 6,415 Fair value hierarchy The following is the hierarchy for determining and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments by valuation technique: Level 1 — quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 — other techniques for which all inputs have a significant effect on the recorded fair value are observable, either directly or indirectly. Level 3 — techniques which use inputs that have a significant effect on the recorded fair value that are not based on observable market data. The fair value is estimated using the discounted cash flow approach and market rates of interest. The valuation technique involves assumptions and judgments regarding risk characteristics of the instruments, discount rates and future cash flows. The Company uses valuation techniques in measuring the fair value of financial instruments, where active market quotes are not available. In applying the valuation techniques, the Company makes maximum use of market inputs, and uses estimates and assumptions that are, as far as possible, consistent with observable data that market participants would use in pricing the instrument. Where applicable data is not observable, the Company uses its best estimate about the assumptions that market participants would make. These estimates may vary from the actual prices that would be achieved in an arm’s length transaction at the reporting date. The assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis as at March 31, 2021 are as follows: Fair value measurement at reporting date using Description March 31, 2021 Quoted prices in Significant other observable inputs (Level 2) Significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) Assets Financial assets at FVTPL Foreign exchange contracts $ 2,619 $ — $ 2,619 $ — Investments in marketable securities and mutual funds 250,852 250,439 413 — Financial assets at FVOCI Foreign exchange contracts 7,104 — 7,104 — Total assets $ 260,575 $ 250,439 $ 10,136 $ — Liabilities Financial liabilities at FVTPL Foreign exchange contracts $ 1,068 $ — $ 1,068 $ — Financial liabilities at FVOCI Foreign exchange contracts 5,234 — 5,234 — Interest rate swaps 226 — 226 — Total liabilities $ 6,528 $ — $ 6,528 $ — The assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis as at March 31, 2020 are as follows: Fair value measurement at reporting date using Description March 31, 2020 Quoted prices in Significant other observable inputs (Level 2) Significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) Assets Financial assets at FVTPL Foreign exchange contracts $ 2,187 $ — $ 2,187 $ — Investments in marketable securities and mutual funds 162,746 162,388 358 — Financial assets at FVOCI Foreign exchange contracts 13,106 — 13,106 — Total assets $ 178,039 $ 162,388 $ 15,651 $ — Liabilities Financial liabilities at FVTPL Foreign exchange contracts $ 4,710 $ — $ 4,710 $ — Financial liabilities at FVOCI Foreign exchange contracts 8,106 — 8,106 — Interest rate swaps 639 — 639 — Total liabilities $ 13,455 $ — $ 13,455 $ — Description of significant unobservable inputs to Level 3 valuation The fair value of the contingent consideration liability was estimated using a probability weighted method and achievement of revenue target with a discount rate of 2.5%. One percentage point change in the unobservable inputs used in fair valuation of the contingent consideration does not have a significant impact on its value. The fair value is estimated using discounted cash flow approach which involves assumptions and judgments regarding risk characteristics of the instruments, discount rates, future cash flows, foreign exchange spot, forward premium rates , The movement in contingent consideration categorized under Level 3 fair value measurement is given below: For the year ended March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Balance at the beginning of the year $ — $ 3,197 Additions — — Payouts — (3,279 ) Gain recognized in the consolidated statement of income — — Finance expense recognized in the consolidated statement of income — 82 Balance at the end of the year $ — $ — During the years ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, there were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 fair value measurements, and no transfers into and out of Level 3 fair value measurements. Fair value on a non-recurring 20 The non-recurring Derivative financial instruments The primary risks managed by using derivative instruments are foreign currency exchange risk and interest rate risk. Forward and option contracts up to 24 months on various foreign currencies are entered into to manage the foreign currency exchange rate risk on forecasted revenue denominated in foreign currencies and monetary assets and liabilities held in non-functional The following table presents the notional values of outstanding foreign exchange forward contracts, foreign exchange option contracts and interest rate swap contracts: As at March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Forward contracts (Sell) In US dollars $ 260,999 $ 263,092 In Pound Sterling 104,638 105,677 In Euro 26,395 37,843 In Australian dollars 29,076 35,287 Others 21,017 17,420 $ 442,125 $ 459,319 Option contracts (Sell) In US dollars $ 137,687 $ 149,501 In Pound Sterling 92,159 98,381 In Euro 33,202 39,038 In Australian dollars 45,022 40,922 Others — — $ 308,070 $ 327,842 Interest rate swap contracts In US dollars $ 16,800 $ 33,600 The amount of gain/ (loss) reclassified from other comprehensive income into consolidated statement of income in respective line items for the years ended March 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019 are as follows: Year ended March 31, 2021 2020 2019 Revenue $ 4,237 12,695 $ 66 Foreign exchange (loss)/gain, net (222 ) 543 (2 ) Finance expense (460 ) 171 422 Income tax related to amounts reclassified into consolidated statement of income 425 (1,947 ) (577 ) Total $ 3,980 11,462 $ 91 As at March 31, 2021, a loss amounting to $1,670 on account of cash flow hedges in relation to forward and option contracts entered is expected to be reclassified from other comprehensive income into the consolidated statement of income over a period of 24 months and $212 on account of cash flow hedges in relation to interest rate swaps is expected to be reclassified from other comprehensive income into the consolidated statement of income over a period of 12 months. Due to the discontinuation of cash flow hedge accounting on account of non-occurrence loss the years ended March 31, 2021, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The loss of $222 for the year ended March 31, 2021 is due to impact on account of COVID-19. Financial risk management Financial risk factors The Company’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The Company’s primary focus is to foresee the unpredictability of financial markets and seek to minimize potential adverse effects on its financial performance. The primary market risk to the Company is foreign exchange risk. The Company uses derivative financial instruments to mitigate foreign exchange related risk exposures. The Company’s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristic of each customer and the concentration of risk from the top few customers. The demographics of the customer including the default risk of the industry and country in which the customer operates also has an influence on credit risk assessment. The Company does not enter into or trade financial instruments, including derivative financial instruments, for speculative purposes. Risk management procedures The Company manages market risk through treasury operations. Senior management and the Board of Directors approve the Company’s treasury operations’ objectives and policies. The activities of treasury operations include management of cash resources, implementation of hedging strategies for foreign currency exposures, implementation of borrowing strategies and monitoring compliance with market risk limits and policies. The Company’s foreign exchange committee, comprising the Chairman of the Board, Group Chief Executive Officer and Group Chief Financial Officer, is the approving authority for all hedging transactions. Components of market risk Exchange rate or currency risk The Company’s exposure to market risk arises principally from exchange rate risk. Although substantially all of the Company’s revenue is denominated in pound sterling and US dollars, a significant portion of expenses for the year ended March 31, 20 21 Based upon the Company’s level of operations for the year ended March 31, 202 1 1 1 The foreign currency risk from non-derivative As at March 31, 2021 US Dollar Pound Sterling Indian Rupees Australian Dollar Euro Other currencies Total Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,739 1,818 — 61 1,024 314 $ 5,956 Trade receivables 116,135 34,041 1,269 7,411 10,911 3,543 173,310 Unbilled revenue 4,569 3,954 — — 3,271 275 12,069 Prepayments and other current assets 108 44 57 — 43 — 252 Other non-current 3 — — — — 16 19 Trade payables (44,492 ) (91,359 ) (5,770 ) — (20,540 ) (1,248 ) (163,409 ) Provisions and accrued expenses (3,886 ) (1,035 ) — (83 ) (587 ) — (5,591 ) Pension and other employee obligations (302 ) — — — (29 ) (347 ) (678 ) Lease liabilities — — — — (3,635 ) (52 ) (3,687 ) Other liabilities (1 ) (7 ) (2 ) (2 ) (7 ) (19 ) Net assets/ (liabilities) $ 74,873 (52,544 ) (4,444 ) 7,387 (9,544 ) 2,494 $ 18,222 The foreign currency risk from non-derivative As at March 31, 2020 US Dollar Pound Sterling Indian Rupees Australian Dollar Euro Other currencies Total Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,180 712 — 44 1,056 387 $ 4,379 Investments 403 — — — — — 403 Trade receivables 88,520 34,029 2,581 11,389 11,188 2,877 150,584 Unbilled revenue 3,899 3,651 — 74 4,200 502 12,325 Prepayments and other current assets 364 177 54 4 104 27 730 Other non-current 3 — — — 181 16 200 Trade payables (31,203 ) (70,745 ) (6,367 ) (4,640 ) (13,266 ) (1,064 ) (127,285 ) Provisions and accrued expenses (4,456 ) (907 ) 7 — (695 ) (20 ) (6,070 ) Pension and other employee obligations (4,055 ) (92 ) — — (38 ) (217 ) (4,402 ) Lease liabilities — — — — (7,573 ) (27 ) (7,600 ) Other liabilities (1 ) (7 ) — — — (1 ) (9 ) Net assets/ (liabilities) $ 55,654 (33,182 ) (3,725 ) 6,871 (4,843 ) 2,480 $ 23,255 Other currencies include currencies such as the Swiss Franc (CHF), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Philippine Peso (PHP), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Polish Zloty (PLN), Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR), Romanian Leu (RON), South African Rand (ZAR), New Zealand Dollar (NZD), Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED), Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY), Costa Rican colon (CRC), Danish Krone (DKK), Swedish Krona (SEK), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Omani Riyal (OMR) and Turkish Lira (TRY). As at March 31, 2021, every 10% appreciation or depreciation of the respective foreign currencies compared to the functional currency of the Company would impact the Company’s profit before tax from operating activities by approximately $2,310. Interest rate risk The Company’s exposure to interest rate risk arises from borrowings which have a floating rate of interest, which is linked to the US dollar LIBOR. The risk is managed by the Company by maintaining an appropriate mix of fixed and floating rate borrowings and by the use of interest rate swap contracts. The costs of floating rate borrowings may be affected by the fluctuations in the interest rates. In connection with the term loan facilities entered into during the year ended March 31, 2017, the Company entered into interest rate swap agreements with the banks in during the year ended March 31, 2017. These swap agreements effectively convert the term loans from variable US dollar LIBOR interest rates to fixed rates, thereby managing the Company’s exposure to changes in market interest rates under the term loans. The amounts outstanding under swap agreements as at March 31, 202 1 The Company monitors its positions and does not anticipate non-performance Credit risk Credit risk arises from the possibility that customers may not be able to settle their obligations as agreed. Trade receivables are typically unsecured and are derived from revenue earned from customers primarily located in the UK and the US. Credit risk is managed through periodic assessment of the financial reliability of customers, taking into account the financial condition, current economic trends, analysis of historical bad debts and ageing of trade receivables. The credit risk on marketable securities, FMPs, mutual funds, bank deposits and derivative financial instruments is limited because the counterparties are banks and mutual funds with high credit ratings assigned by international credit-rating agencies. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is primarily from trade receivables and unbilled revenue which amounted to $83,387 and $66,403, respectively as at March 31, 2021 and $89,772 and $57,983, respectively, as at March 31, 2020. The Company provides loss allowance using the ECL model on trade receivables and unbilled revenue with no significant financing component at an amount equal to lifetime ECL (Refer Note 7). The following table gives details in respect of the percentage of revenue generated from the Company’s top customer and top five customers: Year e 2021 2020 2019 Revenue from top customer 8.1 % 6.9 % 6.9 % Revenue from top five customers 26.8 % 25.1 % 27.1 % Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in meeting the obligations associated with its financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset. The Company’s approach to managing liquidity risk is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to its reputation. Typically, the Company ensures that it has sufficient cash on demand to meet expected operational expenses and service financial obligations. In addition, the Company has concluded arrangements with reputable banks and has unused lines of credit of $99,372 as at March 31, 2021 that could be drawn upon, should there be a need. The contractual maturities of financial liabilities are as follows: As at March 31, 2021 Less than 1 Year 1-2 years 2-5 years Total Long-term debt (includes current portion) (1) $ 16,800 $ $ — $ 16,800 Trade payables 28,015 — — 28,015 Provisions and accrued expenses 23,933 — — 23,933 Other liabilities 1,803 — — 1,803 Other employee obligations 74,511 — — 74,511 Derivative financial instruments 4,491 2,037 — 6,528 Total (2) (3) $ 149,553 $ 2,037 $ — $ 151,590 Notes: (1) Before netting off debt issuance cost of $52. (2) For contractual maturities of lease liabilities refer note 12. (3) Non-financial As at March 31, 2020 Less than 1 Year 1-2 years 2-5 years Total Long-term debt (includes current portion) (1) $ 16,800 $ 16,800 $ — $ 33,600 Trade payables 29,333 — — 29,333 Provisions and accrued expenses 28,983 — — 28,983 Other liabilities 1,197 — — 1,197 Other employee obligations 70,170 — — 70,170 Derivative financial instruments 9,575 3,880 — 13,455 Total (2) (3) $ 156,058 $ 20,680 $ — $ 176,738 Notes: (1) Before netting off debt issuance cost of $178. (2) For contractual maturities of lease liabilities refer note 12. (3) Non-financial The balanced view of liquidity and financial indebtedness is stated in the table below. This calculation of the net cash position is used by the management: As at March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Cash and cash equivalents $ 105,633 $ 96,929 Investments 289,551 205,776 Long-term debt (includes current portion) (1) (16,800 ) (33,600 ) Net cash position $ 378,384 $ 269,105 Note: (1) Before netting off debt issuance cost of $52 |