Dear Shareholder:
We are writing to ask for your critical support for the proposals to be voted on at Evercore’s 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and to express our appreciation for your independent analysis in conducting your evaluation. Our Board continues to unanimously recommend you cast your vote FOR all proposals, and we would like to draw your attention specifically to Proposal No. 4, our proposal to increase the number of shares available under our equity incentive plan by 6.5 million shares. We are requesting additional shares because we do not have enough shares remaining to continue to provide a significant portion of our annual incentive compensation in the form of equity, which aligns the interests of our employees and stockholders, and to continue to recruit and retain talented professionals, a key tenet of our growth strategy.
In its report (the “ISS Report”), Institutional Shareholder Services (“ISS”) supported our say-on-pay proposal and overall compensation program, acknowledging the alignment of pay and performance among other best practices of our compensation program. Nevertheless, ISS ultimately recommends shareholders vote against Proposal No. 4, consistent with its recommendation on prior years’ equity plan proposals, based on its application of quantitative tests that have significant flaws when applied to our business model, industry and equity compensation needs. Given its recommendation, and the importance of the proposal to long-standing business and compensation strategy, we believe it is imperative that we highlight the flaws in the ISS analysis, which we have described in detail in Attachment A.
In addition to the flaws with its analysis, the ISS Report does not address the significant implications for us and our shareholders if their recommendation is followed. If our proposal fails, we will not have access to additional shares, and we would be required to take one or more actions that our Board believes are not in the best interests of shareholders, including reducing the proportion of compensation paid to our employees in equity, decreasing their long-term alignment with investors and reducing cash available to return to shareholders. Our Board believes that these actions would be detrimental to our ability to continue growing our business and creating value for shareholders.
As you make your voting decision, we ask that you bear in mind that as a human capital-based business, we use equity differently than many other companies, including other financial companies. Equity is a fundamental element of our pay-for–performance compensation and retention philosophy that motivates our employees throughout the organization. Over the past three years, more than 90% of all equity awards granted have been granted to non-executive officers. Related to our broad-based use of equity, we also appreciate your consideration of our share repurchase program that has resulted in an average net negative burn rate of -2.6% over the past three years. In fact, we have worked to balance the feedback we’ve received over the years with an equity compensation program that works for Evercore, cutting our 3-year average unadjusted burn rate under the ISS calculations by over 45% relative to 2018. We believe that if your analysis considers the impact of our repurchase program, together with the benefit of broadly granting equity throughout the organization and our responsiveness to our shareholders, then any concerns you may have about our burn rate, potential dilution or other quantitative metrics would be alleviated. To vote against our proposal would effectively undermine our overall compensation program and negatively impact our strategy and growth initiatives.
In response to shareholder feedback, our 2022 proposal requests only the amount of shares that we believe are necessary to manage and grow our business in the current environment for approximately the next two years. We have a track record of prudent equity compensation management, and your approval of our proposal is critical to sustaining our momentum. Importantly, our prudent use of equity compensation has been critical for employee retention and in our recruitment and promotion of our Senior Managing Directors (SMDs), which has been a key contributing factor to our strong revenue and earnings growth since 2020.
In closing, we would like to assure you of our commitment to continue to work hard to increase the value of Evercore within the compensation framework set out in the proxy. We will continue to work with ISS in the hope that they will develop quantitative measures that accurately reflect our business. We thank you for the time you have focused on this matter and your careful consideration of this proposal, and for all the previously discussed reasons, our Board recommends that you vote “FOR” Proposal No. 4.