Investments | Investments (a) Available-for-Sale Securities The cost or amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and estimated fair value of fixed maturities and equity securities classified as available-for-sale as of March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , are presented below: (Amounts in Thousands) Cost or amortized cost Gross unrealized gains Gross unrealized losses Fair Value Preferred stock $ 8,171 $ 163 $ (96 ) $ 8,238 Common stock 102,423 7,469 (19,612 ) 90,280 U.S. treasury securities 240,505 3,160 (11 ) 243,654 U.S. government agencies 40,167 475 (8 ) 40,634 Municipal bonds 572,156 16,929 (1,020 ) 588,065 Foreign government 123,306 6,617 (723 ) 129,200 Corporate bonds: Finance 1,444,380 53,401 (24,458 ) 1,473,323 Industrial 1,911,498 64,634 (51,426 ) 1,924,706 Utilities 166,380 4,392 (8,165 ) 162,607 Commercial mortgage backed securities 171,259 3,984 (3,538 ) 171,705 Residential mortgage backed securities: Agency backed 1,190,473 31,154 (722 ) 1,220,905 Non-agency backed 39,689 929 (259 ) 40,359 Collateralized loan / debt obligations 293,801 2,362 (11,412 ) 284,751 Asset-backed securities 28,125 30 (345 ) 27,810 $ 6,332,333 $ 195,699 $ (121,795 ) $ 6,406,237 (Amounts in Thousands) Cost or amortized cost Gross unrealized gains Gross unrealized losses Fair value Preferred stock $ 4,869 $ 150 $ (30 ) $ 4,989 Common stock 104,477 3,816 (8,785 ) 99,508 U.S. treasury securities 69,547 1,470 (258 ) 70,759 U.S. government agencies 45,586 235 (263 ) 45,558 Municipal bonds 530,004 11,952 (1,530 ) 540,426 Foreign government 109,645 4,912 (812 ) 113,745 Corporate bonds: Finance 1,358,765 38,058 (34,393 ) 1,362,430 Industrial 1,706,772 20,542 (80,251 ) 1,647,063 Utilities 157,067 1,548 (9,115 ) 149,500 Commercial mortgage backed securities 151,164 1,334 (1,180 ) 151,318 Residential mortgage backed securities: Agency backed 964,059 14,912 (4,133 ) 974,838 Non-agency backed 124,046 322 (4,139 ) 120,229 Collateralized loan / debt obligation 232,245 10 (6,161 ) 226,094 Asset backed securities 33,142 4 (1,309 ) 31,837 $ 5,591,388 $ 99,265 $ (152,359 ) $ 5,538,294 Investments in foreign government securities include securities issued by national entities as well as instruments that are unconditionally guaranteed by such entities. As of March 31, 2016 , the Company's foreign government securities were issued or guaranteed primarily by governments in Europe, Canada and Mexico. Proceeds from the sale of investments in available-for-sale securities during the three months ended March 31, 2016 and 2015 were approximately $202,736 and $302,246 , respectively. A summary of the Company’s available-for-sale fixed maturities as of March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , by contractual maturity, is shown below. Expected maturities may differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties. March 31, 2016 December 31, 2015 (Amounts in Thousands) Amortized Cost Fair Value Amortized Cost Fair Value Due in one year or less $ 131,009 $ 129,490 $ 125,563 $ 124,763 Due after one through five years 1,210,531 1,215,729 913,365 909,634 Due after five through ten years 2,756,834 2,807,027 2,586,061 2,537,734 Due after ten years 400,017 409,945 352,397 357,288 Mortgage and asset backed securities 1,723,348 1,745,528 1,504,656 1,504,378 Total fixed maturities $ 6,221,739 $ 6,307,719 $ 5,482,042 $ 5,433,797 Other-than-temporary impairment ("OTTI") charges of our fixed maturities and equity securities classified as available-for-sale are presented below: Three Months Ended March 31, (Amounts in Thousands) 2016 2015 Equity securities recognized in earnings $ — $ 1,016 Fixed-maturity securities recognized in earnings — — $ — $ 1,016 The tables below summarize the gross unrealized losses of our fixed maturity and equity securities by length of time the security has continuously been in an unrealized loss position as of March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 : Less Than 12 Months 12 Months or More Total (Amounts in Thousands) Fair Market Value Unrealized Losses No. of Positions Held Fair Market Value Unrealized Losses No. of Positions Held Fair Market Value Unrealized Losses Common and preferred stock $ 33,683 $ (19,467 ) 43 $ 6,548 $ (241 ) 20 $ 40,231 $ (19,708 ) U.S. treasury securities 7,742 (4 ) 15 3,254 (7 ) 9 10,996 (11 ) U.S. government agencies 2,220 (7 ) 2 182 (1 ) 2 2,402 (8 ) Municipal bonds 60,310 (291 ) 51 17,928 (729 ) 32 78,238 (1,020 ) Foreign government 10,756 (591 ) 18 6,269 (132 ) 1 17,025 (723 ) Corporate bonds: Finance 361,108 (22,595 ) 220 63,724 (1,863 ) 44 424,832 (24,458 ) Industrial 395,296 (39,700 ) 352 114,721 (11,726 ) 75 510,017 (51,426 ) Utilities 38,717 (4,219 ) 64 9,496 (3,946 ) 19 48,213 (8,165 ) Commercial mortgage backed securities 83,422 (3,303 ) 45 6,292 (235 ) 42 89,714 (3,538 ) Residential mortgage backed securities: Agency backed 2,586 (7 ) 19 37,131 (715 ) 48 39,717 (722 ) Non-agency backed 11,874 (174 ) 16 3,717 (85 ) 3 15,591 (259 ) Collateralized loan / debt obligations 173,126 (11,412 ) 70 — — — 173,126 (11,412 ) Asset-backed securities 22,397 (335 ) 36 1,177 (10 ) 8 23,574 (345 ) Total temporarily impaired securities $ 1,203,237 $ (102,105 ) 951 $ 270,439 $ (19,690 ) 303 $ 1,473,676 $ (121,795 ) Less Than 12 Months 12 Months or More Total (Amounts in Thousands) Fair Market Value Unrealized Losses No. of Positions Held Fair Market Value Unrealized Losses No. of Positions Held Fair Market Value Unrealized Losses Common and preferred stock $ 59,302 $ (8,711 ) 67 $ 402 $ (104 ) 2 $ 59,704 $ (8,815 ) U.S. treasury securities 31,658 (232 ) 77 2,586 (26 ) 8 34,244 (258 ) U.S. government agencies 22,412 (262 ) 20 182 (1 ) 2 22,594 (263 ) Municipal bonds 121,550 (867 ) 111 17,163 (663 ) 30 138,713 (1,530 ) Foreign government 18,598 (688 ) 27 5,977 (124 ) 1 24,575 (812 ) Corporate bonds: Finance 604,898 (33,068 ) 349 59,020 (1,325 ) 22 663,918 (34,393 ) Industrial 858,632 (65,887 ) 633 82,495 (14,364 ) 55 941,127 (80,251 ) Utilities 79,358 (5,305 ) 113 7,712 (3,810 ) 5 87,070 (9,115 ) Commercial mortgage backed securities 35,405 (1,079 ) 100 2,870 (101 ) 6 38,275 (1,180 ) Residential mortgage backed securities: Agency backed 334,224 (2,788 ) 163 35,446 (1,345 ) 29 369,670 (4,133 ) Non-agency backed 95,001 (4,077 ) 39 4,023 (62 ) 4 99,024 (4,139 ) Collateralized loan / debt obligations 201,086 (6,161 ) 78 — — — 201,086 (6,161 ) Asset-backed securities 30,302 (1,309 ) 70 — — — 30,302 (1,309 ) Total temporarily impaired securities $ 2,492,426 $ (130,434 ) 1,847 $ 217,876 $ (21,925 ) 164 $ 2,710,302 $ (152,359 ) There are 1,254 and 2,011 securities at March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , respectively, that account for the gross unrealized loss, none of which is deemed by the Company to be OTTI. At March 31, 2016 , we have determined that the unrealized losses on fixed maturities were primarily due to market interest rate movements since their date of purchase. The Company considers an investment to be impaired when it has been in a significant unrealized loss position (in excess of 35% of cost if the issuer has a market capitalization of under $1,000,000 and in excess of 25% of cost if the issuer has a market capitalization of $1,000,000 or more) for over 24 months. Additionally, other factors influencing the Company’s determination that unrealized losses were temporary included an evaluation of the investment’s discounted cash flows, the magnitude of the unrealized losses in relation to each security’s cost, near-term and long-term prospects of the issuer or the issuer's ability to have adequate resources to fulfill contractual obligations, the nature of the investment and management’s intent not to sell these securities, and it being not more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell these investments before anticipated recovery of fair value to the Company’s cost basis. As of March 31, 2016 , for the $19,690 of unrealized losses related to securities in unrealized loss positions for a period of twelve or more consecutive months, $6,717 of those unrealized losses were related to securities in unrealized loss positions greater than or equal to 20% of amortized cost or cost. (b) Trading Securities The original or amortized cost, estimated market value and gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of trading securities as of March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 are presented in the tables below: (Amounts in Thousands) Cost or amortized cost Gross unrealized gains Gross unrealized losses Market value Common stock $ 28,142 $ 2,129 $ (380 ) $ 29,891 (Amounts in Thousands) Cost or amortized cost Gross unrealized gains Gross unrealized losses Market value Common stock $ 26,937 $ 739 $ (405 ) $ 27,271 Proceeds from the sale of investments in trading securities during the three months ended March 31, 2016 and 2015 were approximately $52,744 and $60,268 , respectively. (c) Investment Income Net investment income for the three months ended March 31, 2016 and 2015 was derived from the following sources: Three Months Ended March 31, (Amounts in Thousands) 2016 2015 Fixed maturities, available-for-sale $ 46,193 $ 32,753 Equity securities, available-for-sale 2,364 409 Equity securities, trading (153 ) 8 Cash and short term investments 1,086 1,665 49,490 34,835 Investment expenses (75 ) (262 ) $ 49,415 $ 34,573 (d) Realized Gains and Losses The tables below summarize the gross realized gains and (losses) for the three months ended March 31, 2016 and 2015 : (Amounts in Thousands) Three Months Ended March 31, 2016 Gross Gains Gross Losses Net Gains (Losses) Fixed maturities, available-for-sale $ 4,799 $ (46 ) $ 4,753 Equity securities, available-for-sale 660 (141 ) 519 Equity securities, trading 9,612 (6,856 ) 2,756 Other invested assets 4 (57 ) (53 ) $ 15,075 $ (7,100 ) $ 7,975 (Amounts in Thousands) Three Months Ended March 31, 2015 Gross Gains Gross Losses Net Gains (Losses) Fixed maturities, available-for-sale $ 20,694 $ (4,190 ) $ 16,504 Equity securities, available-for-sale 2,164 (1,679 ) 485 Equity securities, trading 3,323 (2,475 ) 848 Other invested assets 21 (1,189 ) (1,168 ) Write-down of fixed maturities, available-for-sale — (1,016 ) (1,016 ) $ 26,202 $ (10,549 ) $ 15,653 (e) Derivatives The Company from time to time invests in a limited number of derivatives and other financial instruments as part of its investment portfolio to manage interest rate changes or other exposures to a particular financial market. The Company records changes in valuation on its derivative positions not designated as a hedge, if any, as a component of net realized gains and losses. The Company records changes in valuation on its hedge positions as a component of other comprehensive income. As of March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , the Company had two interest rate swaps designated as hedges that were recorded as a liability in the total amount of $894 and $1,077 , respectively, and were included as a component of accrued expenses and other liabilities. The following table presents the notional amounts by remaining maturity of the Company’s interest rate swaps as of March 31, 2016 : Remaining Life of Notional Amount (1) (Amounts in Thousands) One Year Two Through Five Years Six Through Ten Years After Ten Years Total Interest rate swaps $ 70,000 $ — $ — $ — $ 70,000 (1) Notional amount is not representative of either market risk or credit risk and is not recorded in the consolidated balance sheet. (f) Restricted Cash and Investments The Company, in order to conduct business in certain states, is required to maintain letters of credit or assets on deposit to support state mandated regulatory requirements and certain third party agreements. The Company also utilizes trust accounts to collateralize business with its reinsurance counterparties. These assets are primarily in the form of cash and certain high grade securities. The fair values of the Company's restricted assets as of March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 are as follows: (Amounts in Thousands) March 31, 2016 December 31, 2015 Restricted cash and cash equivalents $ 359,876 $ 380,699 Restricted investments - fixed maturities at fair value 1,502,788 1,490,547 Total restricted cash, cash equivalents, and investments $ 1,862,664 $ 1,871,246 (g) Other Securities sold but not yet purchased are securities that the Company has sold, but does not own, in anticipation of a decline in the market value of the security. The Company's risk is that the value of the security will increase rather than decline. Consequently, the settlement amount of the liability for securities sold, not yet purchased may exceed the amount recorded in the consolidated balance sheet as the Company is obligated to purchase the securities sold, not yet purchased in the market at prevailing prices to settle the obligations. To establish a position in security sold, not yet purchased, the Company needs to borrow the security for delivery to the buyer. When the transaction is open, the liability for the obligation to replace the borrowed security is marked to market and an unrealized gain or loss is recorded. At the time the transaction is closed, the Company realizes a gain or loss equal to the differences between the price at which the security was sold and the cost of replacing the borrowed security. While the transaction is open, the Company will also incur an expense for any dividends or interest which will be paid to the lender of the securities. The Company’s liability for securities to be delivered is measured at their fair value and was $28,855 and $38,618 as of March 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015 , respectively. The securities sold but not yet purchased consisted primarily of equity and fixed maturity securities, and the liability for securities sold but not yet purchased is included in accrued expenses and other liabilities in the condensed consolidated balance sheet. |