Investments | Investments (a) Available-for-Sale Securities The cost or amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and estimated fair value of fixed maturity and equity securities classified as available-for-sale as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 , are presented below: As of September 30, 2017 Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Fixed Maturity Securities: U.S. treasury securities $ 319,333 $ 1,080 $ (1,528 ) $ 318,885 U.S. government agencies 48,605 26 (481 ) 48,150 Municipal bonds 894,106 15,459 (3,772 ) 905,793 Foreign government 184,507 4,013 (1,404 ) 187,116 Corporate bonds: Finance 1,579,758 45,733 (2,413 ) 1,623,078 Industrial 2,184,009 60,640 (6,306 ) 2,238,343 Utilities 365,563 10,140 (964 ) 374,739 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 461,972 4,480 (5,461 ) 460,991 Residential mortgage-backed securities: Agency backed 801,586 13,362 (4,054 ) 810,894 Non-agency backed 5,677 3 (31 ) 5,649 Collateralized loan / debt obligation 617,392 9,323 (367 ) 626,348 Asset backed securities 21,464 114 (28 ) 21,550 Total fixed maturity securities $ 7,483,972 $ 164,373 $ (26,809 ) $ 7,621,536 Equity Securities: Common stock $ 87,416 $ 19,418 $ (2,294 ) $ 104,540 As of December 31, 2016 Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Fixed Maturity Securities: U.S. treasury securities $ 331,036 $ 1,235 $ (1,617 ) $ 330,654 U.S. government agencies 63,467 282 (17 ) 63,732 Municipal bonds 860,444 9,603 (15,877 ) 854,170 Foreign government 149,365 4,237 (726 ) 152,876 Corporate bonds: Finance 1,535,606 38,404 (7,722 ) 1,566,288 Industrial 2,222,843 62,133 (17,115 ) 2,267,861 Utilities 195,607 4,433 (1,210 ) 198,830 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 178,092 2,464 (2,562 ) 177,994 Residential mortgage-backed securities: Agency backed 1,210,229 13,685 (13,529 ) 1,210,385 Non-agency backed 61,646 586 (1,003 ) 61,229 Collateralized loan / debt obligations 476,767 8,389 (751 ) 484,405 Asset backed securities 29,939 31 (260 ) 29,710 Total fixed maturity securities $ 7,315,041 $ 145,482 $ (62,389 ) $ 7,398,134 Equity Securities: Preferred stock $ 4,044 $ — $ (59 ) $ 3,985 Common stock 122,626 12,899 (2,348 ) 133,177 Total equity securities $ 126,670 $ 12,899 $ (2,407 ) $ 137,162 Investments in foreign government securities include securities issued by national entities as well as instruments that are unconditionally guaranteed by such entities. As of September 30, 2017 , the Company's foreign government securities were issued or guaranteed primarily by governments in Europe, Canada and Israel. Proceeds from the sale of investments in available-for-sale securities were approximately $757,709 and $647,928 , respectively, during the three months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 , and were approximately $1,897,690 and $1,648,193 , respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 . A summary of the Company’s available-for-sale fixed maturity securities as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 , by contractual maturity, is shown below. Expected maturities may differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties. September 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 Amortized Cost Fair Value Amortized Cost Fair Value Due in one year or less $ 185,841 $ 186,532 $ 319,275 $ 319,882 Due after one through five years 1,748,551 1,788,962 2,956,429 2,998,711 Due after five through ten years 3,176,390 3,246,584 1,645,211 1,683,112 Due after ten years 465,099 474,026 437,452 432,702 Mortgage and asset backed securities 1,908,091 1,925,432 1,956,674 1,963,727 Total fixed maturity securities $ 7,483,972 $ 7,621,536 $ 7,315,041 $ 7,398,134 The tables below summarize the gross unrealized losses of our available-for-sale fixed maturity and equity securities by length of time the security has continuously been in an unrealized loss position as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 : Less Than 12 Months 12 Months or More Total As of September 30, 2017 Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fixed Maturity Securities: U.S. treasury securities $ 257,511 $ (1,452 ) $ 6,263 $ (76 ) $ 263,774 $ (1,528 ) U.S. government agencies 43,352 (481 ) — — 43,352 (481 ) Municipal bonds 291,908 (2,778 ) 42,088 (994 ) 333,996 (3,772 ) Foreign government 75,485 (1,315 ) 9,258 (89 ) 84,743 (1,404 ) Corporate bonds: Finance 184,303 (1,589 ) 65,061 (824 ) 249,364 (2,413 ) Industrial 347,521 (4,169 ) 86,507 (2,137 ) 434,028 (6,306 ) Utilities 62,260 (494 ) 23,913 (470 ) 86,173 (964 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 252,831 (4,784 ) 9,674 (677 ) 262,505 (5,461 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities: Agency backed 253,181 (3,998 ) 2,264 (56 ) 255,445 (4,054 ) Non-agency backed 3,206 (9 ) 2,322 (22 ) 5,528 (31 ) Collateralized loan / debt obligations 69,034 (367 ) — — 69,034 (367 ) Asset backed securities 5,797 (6 ) 1,008 (22 ) 6,805 (28 ) Total fixed maturity securities $ 1,846,389 $ (21,442 ) $ 248,358 $ (5,367 ) $ 2,094,747 $ (26,809 ) Equity Securities: Common stock $ 16,245 $ (2,294 ) $ — $ — $ 16,245 $ (2,294 ) Less Than 12 Months 12 Months or More Total As of December 31, 2016 Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fixed Maturity Securities: U.S. treasury securities $ 293,155 $ (1,613 ) $ 22,989 $ (4 ) $ 316,144 $ (1,617 ) U.S. government agencies 7,866 (17 ) — — 7,866 (17 ) Municipal bonds 519,578 (15,207 ) 15,742 (670 ) 535,320 (15,877 ) Foreign government 128,863 (688 ) 12,659 (38 ) 141,522 (726 ) Corporate bonds: Finance 1,071,982 (7,210 ) 16,840 (512 ) 1,088,822 (7,722 ) Industrial 1,200,129 (13,648 ) 114,035 (3,467 ) 1,314,164 (17,115 ) Utilities 119,488 (423 ) 10,391 (787 ) 129,879 (1,210 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 71,780 (1,654 ) 10,910 (908 ) 82,690 (2,562 ) Residential mortgage-backed securities: Agency backed 718,098 (13,469 ) 8,144 (60 ) 726,242 (13,529 ) Non-agency backed 24,372 (869 ) 4,462 (134 ) 28,834 (1,003 ) Collateralized loan / debt obligations 97,923 (433 ) 32,937 (318 ) 130,860 (751 ) Asset backed securities 9,220 (124 ) 4,926 (136 ) 14,146 (260 ) Total fixed maturity securities $ 4,262,454 $ (55,355 ) $ 254,035 $ (7,034 ) $ 4,516,489 $ (62,389 ) Equity Securities: Preferred stock $ 529 $ (30 ) $ — $ (29 ) $ 529 $ (59 ) Common stock 46,254 (1,394 ) 9,991 (954 ) 56,245 (2,348 ) Total equity securities $ 46,783 $ (1,424 ) $ 9,991 $ (983 ) $ 56,774 $ (2,407 ) There are 1,499 and 2,125 securities at September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 , respectively, that account for the gross unrealized loss, none of which is deemed by the Company to be other-than-temporarily impaired ("OTTI"). At September 30, 2017 , the Company determined that the unrealized losses on fixed maturity securities were primarily due to market interest rate movements since their date of purchase. On a quarterly basis, the Company analyzes securities in an unrealized loss position for OTTI. The Company considers an investment to be impaired when it has been in an unrealized loss position greater than a de minimis threshold for over 12 months, excluding securities backed by the U.S. government (e.g., U.S. treasury securities or agency-backed residential mortgage-backed securities). Additionally, the Company reviews whether any of the impaired positions related to securities for which OTTI was previously recognized, and whether the Company intends to sell any of the securities in an unrealized loss position. Once the Company completes the analysis described above, each security is further evaluated to assess whether the decline in the fair value of any investment below its cost basis is deemed other-than-temporary. The Company considers many factors in completing its quarterly review of securities with unrealized losses for OTTI. For equity securities, the Company considers the length of time and the extent to which the fair value has been below cost, the financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer, including any specific events that may influence the operations of the issuer, and the intent and ability of the Company to retain its investment for a period of time sufficient to allow for any anticipated recovery in fair value. For fixed maturity securities, the Company considers among other things, the length of time and the extent to which the fair value has been less than the amortized cost basis, adverse conditions and near-term prospects for improvement specifically related to the issuer, industry or geographic area, the historical and implied volatility of the fair value of the security, any information obtained from regulators and rating agencies, the issuer’s capital strength and the payment structure of the security and the likelihood the issuer will be able to make payments in the future (or the historical failure of the issuer to make scheduled interest or principal payments or payment of dividends). For equity securities, a decline in fair value that is considered to be other-than-temporary is recognized in net income based on the fair value of the security at the time of assessment, resulting in a new cost basis for the security. For fixed maturity securities where the Company intends to sell the security or it is more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost, a decline in fair value is considered to be other-than-temporary and is recognized in net income based on the fair value of the security at the time of assessment, resulting in a new cost basis for the security. If the decline in fair value of a fixed maturity security below its amortized cost is considered to be other-than-temporary based upon other considerations, the Company compares the estimated present value of the cash flows expected to be collected to the amortized cost of the security. The extent to which the estimated present value of the cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost of the security represents the credit-related portion of the other-than-temporary impairment, which is recognized in net income, resulting in a new cost basis for the security. Any remaining decline in fair value represents the non-credit portion of the other-than-temporary impairment, which is recognized in other comprehensive income (loss). There were no credit-related OTTI charges for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 . (b) Trading Securities The amortized cost, estimated fair value and gross unrealized gains and losses of trading securities as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 are presented in the tables below: As of September 30, 2017 Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Fixed Maturity Securities U.S. Treasury securities $ 10,050 $ — $ (140 ) $ 9,910 Corporate bonds: Industrial 23,955 643 (2,699 ) 21,899 Utilities 295 70 — 365 Total Fixed Maturity Securities $ 34,300 $ 713 $ (2,839 ) $ 32,174 Common stock $ 88,746 $ 3,960 $ (11,594 ) $ 81,112 As of December 31, 2016 Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Fixed Maturity Securities Corporate bonds: Industrial $ 24,151 $ 4,379 $ — $ 28,530 Utilities 4,930 322 — 5,252 Total Fixed Maturity Securities $ 29,081 $ 4,701 $ — $ 33,782 Common stock $ 76,163 $ 9,842 $ (4,045 ) $ 81,960 Proceeds from the sale of investments in trading securities were approximately $70,518 and $47,177 , respectively, during the three months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 , and were approximately $379,933 and $155,502 , respectively, during the nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 . The table below shows the portion of trading gains and losses for the period related to trading securities still held during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 : Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Net (losses) and gains recognized during the period on trading securities $ (2,241 ) $ 995 $ (17,481 ) $ 3,428 Less: Net (losses) and gains recognized during the period on trading securities sold during the period (1,584 ) 812 (933 ) 8,199 Unrealized (losses) and gains recognized during the reporting period on trading securities still held at the reporting date $ (657 ) $ 183 $ (16,548 ) $ (4,771 ) (c) Investment Income Net investment income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 was derived from the following sources: Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2016 2017 2016 Fixed maturity securities, available-for-sale $ 60,478 $ 59,712 $ 187,128 $ 152,140 Equity securities, available-for-sale 469 465 2,038 6,927 Fixed maturity securities, trading 473 — 1,505 — Equity securities, trading (141 ) (40 ) (121 ) (318 ) Cash and short term investments 5,695 410 8,977 2,182 Other invested assets (1) (664 ) — (15,665 ) — 66,310 60,547 183,862 160,931 Less: Investment expenses (5,207 ) (628 ) (10,208 ) (852 ) $ 61,103 $ 59,919 $ 173,654 $ 160,079 (1) Includes losses from equity method investments. (d) Realized Gains and Losses The tables below summarize the gross and net realized gains and (losses) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2016 : Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2017 2017 Gross Gains Gross Losses Net Gains (Losses) Gross Gains Gross Losses Net Gains (Losses) Fixed maturity securities, available-for-sale $ 15,577 $ (1,132 ) $ 14,445 $ 38,024 $ (3,188 ) $ 34,836 Equity securities, available-for-sale 9,122 (295 ) 8,827 21,633 (1,894 ) 19,739 Fixed maturity securities, trading 1,723 — 1,723 6,695 (9,548 ) (2,853 ) Equity securities, trading 6,204 (10,168 ) (3,964 ) 14,691 (29,319 ) (14,628 ) Other investments 3,489 — 3,489 19,516 (20 ) 19,496 $ 36,115 $ (11,595 ) $ 24,520 $ 100,559 $ (43,969 ) $ 56,590 Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2016 2016 Gross Gains Gross Losses Net Gains (Losses) Gross Gains Gross Losses Net Gains (Losses) Fixed maturity securities, available-for-sale $ 17,535 $ (2,582 ) $ 14,953 $ 57,346 $ (4,199 ) $ 53,147 Equity securities, available-for-sale 553 (1,126 ) (573 ) 1,821 (1,862 ) (41 ) Equity securities, trading 2,897 (1,902 ) 995 17,824 (14,396 ) 3,428 Other investments 3,449 (1,133 ) 2,316 1,189 (2 ) 1,187 Write-down of other invested assets — (6,440 ) (6,440 ) — (19,977 ) (19,977 ) Write-down of equity securities, available-for-sale — (3,021 ) (3,021 ) — (6,440 ) (6,440 ) $ 24,434 $ (16,204 ) $ 8,230 $ 78,180 $ (46,876 ) $ 31,304 On June 9, 2017 , the Company announced that it entered into agreements to sell 10,586 common shares of National General Holdings Corp. (“NGHC”), a related party, at a price of $20.00 per share (representing a discount of 8.3% to NGHC's common stock closing market price on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange on June 8, 2017 ). The sale was completed through separate, privately negotiated purchase agreements with unaffiliated third parties and resulted in a $68,425 realized gain, which is reflected in the Equity in earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries - related parties caption on the Consolidated Statements of Income. (f) Restricted Cash and Investments The Company, in order to conduct business in certain states, is required to maintain letters of credit or assets on deposit to support state mandated regulatory requirements and certain third party agreements. The Company also utilizes trust accounts to collateralize business with its reinsurance counterparties. These assets are primarily in the form of cash and certain investment grade securities. The fair values of the Company's restricted assets as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 are as follows: September 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 Restricted cash and cash equivalents $ 879,478 $ 713,338 Restricted investments - fixed maturity securities at fair value 2,861,413 2,126,216 Total restricted cash, cash equivalents, and investments $ 3,740,891 $ 2,839,554 (g) Other Securities sold but not yet purchased are securities that the Company has sold, but does not own, in anticipation of a decline in the market value of the security. For more information related to these agreements, please see Note 4 to the Consolidated Financial Statements included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016. The Company’s liability for securities to be delivered is measured at their fair value and was $56,181 and $36,394 as of September 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 , respectively. From time to time, the Company enters into repurchase agreements that are subject to a master netting arrangement, which are accounted for as collateralized borrowing transactions and are recorded at contract amounts. The Company receives cash or securities that it invests or holds in short term or fixed income securities. As of September 30, 2017 , the Company had no outstanding repurchase agreements. As of December 31, 2016, the Company had thirteen repurchase agreements with an outstanding principal amount of $160,270 , which approximates fair value, at interest rates between 0.75% and 0.90% . The Company had approximately $175,700 of collateral pledged in support of these agreements. |