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ability, accepted, accessed, achieved, active, activity, added, addition, additional, adjusted, agreement, Alberta, allocation, amortization, amount, analyzing, announced, anticipate, anxiety, appointed, appointment, assistance, assumption, Aurora, average, award, awarded, Barry, based, beginning, begun, bid, bolstered, busy, calculation, call, Canada, Canadian, CEO, civil, commented, commitment, committed, comparable, compared, compensation, competitive, concurrently, conference, conformity, conservation, consistent, constant, contact, contemplated, continue, continued, contract, cost, credit, critical, CSA, customer, debt, deck, declared, decrease, dedicated, delay, Deleveraging, delivery, demand, demonstrated, depreciation, detail, develop, development, dialing, Direct, directly, discipline, discretionary, diversification, dividend, dollar, download, easing, Eastern, EBIT, EBITDA, EDGAR, effective, effectively, elevating, eligible, Email, enhance, environmental, EPS, equally, equipment, escalated, excellence, excited, excluding, expect, expected, expense, experienced, expertise, expire, expressed, external, facility, factoring, fall, FCF, Ferron, field, final, fleet, flow, Fort, forward, found, fourth, framework, free, full, future, gas, general, generally, generated, generation, geography, goal, gold, good, greatly, guidance, haul, heavy, higher, highlighted, historical, history, hold, ID, impacted, implement, inaugural, increase, increased, inherit, interest, intimately, inventory, investment, involved, isolation, January, Joe, joint, Joseph, key, Lambert, large, largest, law, lead, led, leverage, limiting, link, liquidity, live, long, low, lower, maintain, maintenance, March, margin, Martin, material, materially, McMurray, measure, measurement, met, Millennium, million, Mountain, moving, nacg, natural, net, Northern, numerical, Nuna, objective, obtained, October, Offsetting, oil, ongoing, Ontario, onward, opportunity, paid, Palmer, pandemic, payable, peak, people, permitted, pervasive, Phone, pipeline, plan, portion, position, positive, positively, posted, predicated, prepared, present, presentation, presented, primarily, prior, prioritization, priority, profit, program, progressed, progressing, project, proven, pursue, qualify, quarter, quarterly, quickly, ramp, read, Realized, reassuring, rebuilt, received, reclamation, reconciled, reconciliation, record, recovery, reduced, reduction, reflected, reflecting, refurbished, region, regular, rehiring, reimbursed, release, relevant, reliability, reliance, remained, rental, replay, resource, response, result, resulted, retention, returning, revenue, revolving, routine, salary, scheduled, season, seek, senior, share, significant, site, slide, social, southern, spending, stage, steadily, storied, strategic, strategy, strength, strong, stronger, structured, Subsidy, substitute, support, sustainability, sustaining, target, tax, team, technical, temporary, Thursday, Time, timing, today, Toll, tomorrow, trailing, typical, uncertainty, uncompromising, Undue, upcoming, utilization, venture, visibility, visiting, volume, wage, weathering, webcast, winter, withstand, work, working, Wyoming
act, applied, area, attached, attestation, audit, audited, authorized, behalf, Bryan, Certification, check, Classification, code, Codification, Commission, committee, complying, Conduct, Consent, Consumer, controller, corporate, covered, domestic, duly, electronically, emerging, Employer, entitled, exchange, expert, eXtensible, file, filing, Finance, firm, fiscal, Form, formatted, furnish, furnished, granted, heading, herewith, ICFR, Identification, iii, implicit, incorporated, independent, Industrial, internal, Investor, iv, KPMG, Language, listing, LLP, make, mark, member, outstanding, past, performing, person, Pinney, Policy, preceding, principal, promptly, Protection, provision, public, pursuant, Reform, registered, registrant, REGISTRATION, regulation, relating, relation, reporting, requested, respond, reviewed, revised, Rule, sheet, shorter, STATEMENT, Street, tagged, telephone, term, text, thereto, transition, undersigned, Vice, viewing, Wall, Washington, XBRL, York, zip
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