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abandoned, abandonment, absent, abstain, abundant, accessed, Accessibility, accessible, accommodation, accompanying, accredited, accurate, accurately, accusation, acid, acidification, acknowledged, acquire, acquired, acquiring, active, actively, activity, add, adding, Additionally, addressing, adequacy, adjacent, adjoining, adjusted, Admin, Administrativa, advantage, advice, advisor, AES, affect, affected, affecting, affiliate, afford, Africa, Ag, age, AgEq, aggregate, agitated, agreed, AIF, aim, air, AISC, AJAM, Alberta, Alcira, Alfred, algorithm, Alhfeld, allotted, alluvial, ALS, alter, alteration, altered, alternative, Alternatively, amenable, America, amount, analytical, analyzed, ancient, ancillary, Andean, andesite, andesitic, andorite, angle, announced, anomaly, anticipated, Antonio, apparent, appeal, approach, approximate, approximately, aqua, aquifer, Architect, Arena, arise, arising, Arizona, Armstrong, arrange, arrangement, array, arrival, arsenic, artisanal, ASM, ASMIN, assay, asset, assigned, assist, assistance, assurance, Atomic, attached, attempt, attract, attractive, attributable, Au, auger, August, automatically, Autoridad, average, averaging, awarded, aware, Bachelor, back, background, backhoe, balance, ball, Bank, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Barrick, baseline, basin, batch, BBA, BC, bearing, Bedrock, began, beginning, behaviour, belt, bench, benchmark, beneficial, beneficially, berm, Bermuda, billed, binding, biotite, Bisha, blast, blasting, blending, block, body, boliviano, bond, border, borehole, bottle, bottom, bought, boulangerite, boundary, bounded, bournonite, box, breach, breadth, breccia, brick, bring, bringing, British, brittle, broad, broken, Bronce, Brunswick, budgeted, build, building, built, bulk, Bunker, Bureau, Burrard, CAD, cake, caldera, Calibre, called, camp, campaign, Canickel, capacity, capped, case, cash, Cateador, categorization, category, CCD, CDN, cease, ceased, ceasing, cell, cemented, cementing, central, centre, century, CEO, Cerro, certainty, certified, cessation, CFO, Chair, Chairman, chalcedony, chalcopyrite, challenged, channel, characteristic, characterization, characterize, characterized, chargeability, charter, Chartered, chemical, Chile, China, Chinese, chip, CIM, circuit, circular, circulating, circulation, civil, claim, classified, clastic, clear, closure, coarse, coexist, COG, coincidence, Colapso, Colavi, cold, Collapso, collect, collected, collection, collective, collectively, colluvial, colluvium, colonial, color, Columbia, combination, combined, comfort, COMIBOL, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, commercial, comminution, commitment, committed, commute, compete, competent, complaint, complex, compliant, complicating, composed, composite, Composition, comprehensive, compromise, compromised, compute, computer, Computershare, COMSUR, concentrate, concentration, conceptual, concession, concluded, concrete, condemnation, cone, confidence, confidential, confined, confirm, confirmed, conflict, conformably, conformity, connect, connected, connection, connectivity, consecutive, considerable, consideration, consist, consistent, consistently, constant, constitute, constrained, constraint, consultant, consultation, consulting, consumable, consumer, consumption, contamination, continental, contingency, contingent, contractor, conventional, conversion, conveyed, Conveying, cooperation, copper, Cordillera, core, coring, corner, COSO, Council, counsel, counter, Country, Coupled, court, coverage, covert, crackle, create, created, creek, criminal, CRM, Crowe, crush, crushed, crusher, crushing, Cu, cubic, cultural, culture, curtailed, curtailing, custody, customarily, cut, cutoff, cyanidation, cyanide, cyberattack, cybersecurity, dacite, dacitic, daily, dam, damage, dark, database, dataset, deal, dealt, death, debt, decantation, December, decision, declared, decline, decrease, deep, deepest, defense, deformed, degradation, degrade, degree, del, delay, delayed, delineate, delineating, deliver, delivery, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, denied, denominated, density, department, depleted, deployment, depreciation, depth, derive, derived, desert, destroy, destruction, detail, detailed, detected, detection, deterioration, detoxification, devaluation, deviation, dewatered, dewatering, dialogue, diameter, diamond, diatream, diatreme, Diego, differential, difficult, difficulty, digest, digestion, diligence, dill, diminished, dip, dipping, direct, direction, directly, director, disable, discharge, discharging, discontinued, discount, discounted, discovery, discretion, disposal, disposed, disposition, disputed, disruption, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, dissolve, dissolved, distal, distance, distribution, district, disturbance, disturbed, diversion, divert, divided, dome, dominated, Don, dor, dosage, double, doubt, downhole, downstream, Dr, drain, Drainage, drawn, driest, drillhole, driven, drop, dropped, dropping, dry, drying, dump, dumped, dumping, dust, dyke, earliest, earn, earned, earth, east, Eastern, echelon, economy, edgar, Edward, EEIA, efficiency, El, electricity, electrum, element, elevation, eliminate, eliminating, embankment, Emission, employed, employee, Empresa, enable, encouraged, encouraging, encroach, endangered, energy, Engineer, engineering, enhance, enhanced, enjoining, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, environment, envisaged, equal, equally, equator, equipment, equity, equivalent, era, Ernst, eroded, erosion, eruption, escalation, escrow, ESCROWED, Esperanza, Espiritu, essential, Eugene, evaluate, evaluated, evaluation, event, eventual, evidence, evidencing, evident, evolving, examination, examined, excavated, exceeding, excl, excluded, excluding, exclusively, exercise, exercised, exhaustive, expansion, expedited, expended, expensive, experienced, expert, expired, expiring, expiry, exploitation, exploiting, exploratory, explosive, export, exporting, exposed, expressly, expropriation, extensional, extracted, extraction, facilitate, facility, fact, fail, Failed, failing, failure, fairly, faith, familiar, father, fault, faulted, FAusIMM, favorable, favour, favourable, feasibility, featuring, February, federal, Federico, fee, feed, Feng, field, Figure, fill, filled, filter, filtered, filtration, final, finalize, fine, fire, fixed, flagship, flat, fleet, flexibility, flitch, flooding, floor, flotation, flow, flowsheet, fluctuating, Fluent, fluvial, focused, focusing, folded, force, forecast, foregoing, foreseeable, Forest, formal, formally, formula, found, founder, fourth, fractal, fracture, fracturing, framework, franchise, free, freibergite, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, Frontier, FS, fuel, Fuerte, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funding, galena, Gao, gate, gather, Gazette, genetic, gently, geo, geochemical, geochemistry, geographic, geologic, geological, geologically, geologist, geomembrane, geometallurgical, geometry, geomorphologically, geophysical, geotechnical, GEOVIA, German, God, good, goodbye, GPS, grab, gradient, graduate, grand, Granville, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, greater, greenfield, grey, grid, grinding, ground, groundwater, group, grown, guard, gully, GyroMaster, half, halted, Halyard, hamper, handled, haphazardly, harm, haul, haulage, hauled, hedge, height, heightened, HempNova, hereto, heritage, heterolithic, high, higher, highest, highly, highway, hill, historic, historical, historically, history, Hochschild, hold, holder, holding, hole, honestly, honey, horizon, horizontal, horizontally, hornblende, host, hosted, HQ, humidity, Hunter, hybrid, hydraulic, hydrogen, hydrogeological, HydroTechnica, hydrothermal, ICP, ignimbrite, ii, III, illegal, immateriality, impair, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, importance, important, importing, impose, imposed, impossible, impractical, imprecise, improve, improved, improvement, inability, inaccessible, inadequate, inaugural, incentive, incident, inclement, income, increasingly, incremental, incrementally, incurred, incurring, indemnify, indirect, indirectly, induced, Inductively, inferred, infill, infilling, inflation, inflexible, initial, Initiate, initiated, injury, input, inscribed, inserted, insertion, inside, insider, insolvency, inspection, install, installation, installed, insurance, insurer, intake, integrated, integrity, intended, intense, intensely, intensity, intensive, intention, intercalated, intercept, Intercorporate, interim, intermittently, internet, interpolation, intersected, intervention, introduction, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, inverse, inverted, investigate, investigated, investigation, investigative, investment, investor, IP, iron, IRR, Island, ISO, issuance, Item, IV, Jade, Jardan, jewellery, Jisasjardan, joint, jointly, Jose, judicial, July, Jurassic, kind, Kinematic, kinetic, km, kms, Knight, knowledge, kriging, kV, La, lab, laboratory, laccolith, land, landholding, landscape, Langley, large, larger, latitude, lawyer, layout, leach, leachable, leachate, leaching, lead, Leader, leadership, leading, Leapfrog, lease, led, legal, legally, length, level, licence, license, lie, life, LifeTech, LifterbottleTM, light, Lima, line, lined, liner, literacy, literate, lithic, lithology, LLC, Llicancabur, loaded, loading, local, locally, locate, located, location, locked, log, logged, logging, LOM, long, longer, longitude, loose, lose, low, lower, Ltda, maar, MAC, Machacamarca, magma, magmatic, magnetic, magnetometry, main, maintenance, Majestic, Maldonado, Mandarin, mandatory, Manitoba, manner, manufacturing, mapped, mapping, marine, marmatite, Martin, Mascota, masl, matrix, matter, maximize, maximizing, maximum, meant, measured, measurement, MEC, Megaw, member, Merril, Merrill, met, metal, metallic, Metallurgist, meteoric, method, methodology, metreage, Mexico, miargyrite, middle, mild, mill, milled, milling, million, Minaurum, Minco, mineable, minimize, minimum, Miocene, mitigation, mm, mobile, model, modelling, moderate, modern, Modernization, modification, modifying, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, monthly, monument, moratorium, Moritz, morphology, move, movement, Moz, MPC, MRE, mt, Mtpa, mudstone, multielement, multiple, MW, MX, Nankai, narrow, native, NE, nearby, necessarily, negotiate, neighbouring, net, network, Newfoundland, NEWP, nil, nitrate, Niugini, NNW, nominal, nominate, nominated, north, northeast, northerly, northern, Notably, notarization, notarized, Note, Notwithstanding, Nova, November, NPV, NUAG, NW, objective, objectivity, oblique, observation, observed, obstructed, occupation, occupational, October, offering, official, Offset, older, oldest, ongoing, onsite, Ontario, open, opinion, opportunity, opposition, optimization, optimize, optimized, optimum, option, Orcko, order, ordinary, Ordovician, Oriental, orientation, origin, original, originally, orogenic, orthogonal, Oruro, Osgoode, ounce, outcome, outlined, overburden, overlap, overlay, oversee, oversight, overview, owner, ownership, oxidation, oxide, oxidized, oxygen, oxygenation, oz, paid, Paleozoic, Pan, paper, par, parallel, parcel, part, partially, participate, participated, participation, partnership, passing, patent, Paul, paved, pay, payability, payable, payback, paying, payment, Paz, Pb, PDC, PEA, pebble, PEL, pending, people, Percent, perfect, perfectly, perimeter, peripheral, permanent, Permeability, peroxide, perpendicular, perpendicularly, personnel, Peru, Peter, Petroleum, PFS, pharmaceutical, phase, phenomenon, phreatic, phreatomagmatic, physiography, piezometer, pipe, pit, placement, plagioclase, Plain, plant, Plasma, plastic, Plata, pleasure, point, Polarization, polybasite, polymetallic, pond, poorly, porphyritic, porphyry, portable, Portfolio, position, positioned, positioning, positive, power, ppm, practical, precipitate, precipitation, precise, precluded, predominantly, predominately, prefeasibility, Prefecture, preferential, preferred, pregnant, preliminary, presence, preservation, President, pressure, prevalence, prevented, primarily, primary, Prince, priority, private, privileged, pro, procedure, proceeding, processed, processing, produce, produced, producing, professional, profile, profitability, profitable, profitably, profound, program, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, prohibitive, prominent, proper, properly, proposal, proposed, prospect, prospecting, prospective, protect, protection, protocol, prove, proven, Province, provincial, provision, proximity, pseudoflow, Pte, published, Puerta, pulp, pulverize, pumping, pure, purpose, pursuing, put, pyrite, Qinghai, QP, quality, quantified, quantity, quarry, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Quebec, questionable, quick, quorum, quotation, quoted, radial, rainy, range, Ranger, ranging, rank, rapidly, rare, rata, rate, ratified, ratio, raw, reached, reaching, read, real, realized, rear, receivership, recent, recently, recessionary, reclaimed, recognize, recognized, recommenced, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconnaissance, recorded, recording, recover, recovered, recruitment, recycle, recycled, recycling, reduce, reduction, refinery, REFLEX, Reform, regia, regime, region, regional, registrar, Registry, regular, regularization, regularized, reimburse, reinstatement, reject, rejected, relationship, relay, release, released, relied, relieve, remain, remaining, remedial, remediate, remittance, removal, removed, remuneration, render, rendered, repatriation, repeat, replaced, reproduced, reproducibility, reputation, reputational, requisite, reservoir, resettlement, residence, residing, resignation, resolution, resolve, resolving, response, responsibility, responsible, restricted, restriction, result, resulted, resulting, retain, retaining, retention, return, returned, revenue, reverse, reversed, Revery, revived, rheological, rhyolite, rhyolitic, Richmond, Rico, riffle, rig, river, RMB, road, robust, rock, rockfill, roll, rolling, ROM, roughly, rounding, route, routine, royalty, RPD, RPM, rpmglobal, RQD, RSU, Rui, running, runoff, RZY, Sabaya, sabotage, safe, safeguard, SAG, sale, sample, sampled, sampling, San, sandstone, sandy, Santo, Saskatchewan, satellite, satisfy, saturated, scale, scalping, scattered, School, Science, Scotia, screen, sea, season, secondary, secret, sector, sedimentary, seepage, seismic, selected, selection, selective, selectively, selling, senior, sensitivity, sentiment, sequence, Sequent, sequential, serve, served, settlement, shack, shallow, shape, share, shared, shareholder, shelf, shell, shipped, shop, short, show, showed, shown, siderite, sieve, sigmoid, silica, siltstone, Silurian, Silvercorp, similarly, Simpson, single, situated, size, sized, skilled, Skyline, slightly, slope, slowdown, slurry, small, smelted, smelting, Snake, software, Soil, solid, solution, sophisticated, sophistication, sound, Source, sourced, south, southern, southwest, southwestern, space, spacing, Spanish, spanning, sparged, sparging, sparsely, spatial, specialist, spectroscopy, spending, sphalerite, split, Sponsoring, SPT, squared, SRL, stacker, stage, staged, standby, standpipe, starter, state, stated, static, stating, statistical, statutory, steep, step, stepped, stepping, stockpile, stockpiling, storage, store, stored, straightforward, strategy, streamlined, Street, strength, stretch, strike, stringent, strip, stripping, strong, stronger, strongly, structural, structurally, structure, study, submission, subparallel, subpart, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substation, subvolcanic, successful, successfully, Sucre, suffer, suffering, sufficient, sufficiently, suitable, Suite, sulfide, sulfuric, sulphur, sum, summarized, summary, summer, Sun, superseded, supervision, supplement, supplemented, supplied, supply, support, supported, supporting, surrender, surrendered, surveillance, survey, surveyed, surveying, suspended, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, SW, swarm, syncline, systematic, tailing, tank, Tarapaya, target, targeted, taxable, team, technology, tectonic, temperature, tenure, Tertiary, test, tested, testing, testwork, texture, therefrom, thick, Thickened, thickener, thickening, Thirteen, thousand, threatened, threshold, throughput, Tibetan, tin, tonnage, top, topsoil, Toronto, toxic, traced, tracked, traditionally, traffic, transaction, transfer, transferred, Transitoria, translate, transmission, transport, transportation, transported, travelling, Treadway, treated, treatment, trend, trending, trial, triangulation, troy, truck, trustee, TSF, TSX, Tucker, tuff, Tunku, turmoil, turn, turnover, twin, type, typical, typically, ULC, ultimate, ultimately, umpire, unable, unanticipated, unauthorized, uncertain, unconformably, underflow, underground, underlying, undermine, underpinned, understand, understanding, understood, undertaken, underwent, undetected, unemployment, unfavourable, unforeseen, uniform, unionized, Unison, University, unlimited, unlithified, unprecedented, unregistered, unreliable, unsecured, unusual, upgrade, upgraded, uplifting, upper, upslope, upstream, utilized, utilizing, valid, validated, validation, validity, valley, valuable, valuation, Valuestone, variability, variable, variance, variety, Vegetation, vehicle, vein, veining, venture, verification, viable, vibrating, Vice, vicinity, video, view, visible, visit, volcanic, volcaniclastic, volcanoclastic, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, VP, Wafforn, wage, wall, warehouse, warmer, warning, warrant, warranted, waste, water, weaken, weakly, weather, weathered, weathering, week, weekly, west, western, wet, wetland, Whittle, wholly, wide, widely, widened, widening, widespread, width, wire, withdrawal, work, worked, working, workplan, workshop, world, worldwide, worse, worsened, wrapped, XRF, yearly, young, Yrs, Yushu, zinc, Zn, zone, zoning
abide, Alex, amendment, attestation, BTR, chapter, charge, Codification, communicated, complying, controller, deemed, designated, determinable, domestic, duly, electronically, Employer, enforceability, file, formatted, furnish, GAAP, guaranteed, hereof, Identification, implied, Inline, Instance, Interactive, involvement, Label, Linkbase, listed, listing, multijurisdictional, nongovernmental, page, post, posted, posting, projection, promptly, registrant, relation, relaxing, renew, requested, respond, revise, revised, rule, scheduled, Schema, Secretary, send, sheet, Taxonomy, telephone, thereon, thereunto, undersigned, vary, verified, waiver, Washington, XBRL, Zhang, zip
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 97 Clawback Policy
- 99.1 Annual Information Form for June 30, 2024
- 99.2 Managements Discussion and Analysis for June 30, 2024
- 99.3 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for June 30, 2024
- 99.4 Sox 302 Certificate of Chief Executive Officer
- 99.5 Sox 302 Certificate of Chief Financial Officer
- 99.6 Sox 906 Certificate of Chief Executive Officer
- 99.7 Sox 906 Certificate of Chief Financial Officer
- 99.8 Consent of Deloitte LLP
- 99.9 Consent of Eugene Tucker
- 99.10 Consent of Wayne Rogers
- 99.11 Consent of Mo Molavi
- 99.12 Consent of Andrew Holloway
- 99.13 Consent of Leon Botham
- 99.14 Consent of Dinara Nussipakynova
- 99.15 Consent of Anderson Goncalves Candido
- 99.16 Consent of Marcelo Giudice
- 99.17 Consent of Alex Zhang
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