Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Audit Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Shar
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Company organization and operat
- Liquidity and Going Concern
- Significant accounting policies
- Business combinations
- Accounts receivable
- Inventories
- Sale of investment
- Long-term investments
- Property, plant and equipment
- Intangible assets
- Goodwill
- Accounts payable and accrued li
- Operating leases right-of-use a
- Short-term debt
- Long-term debt
- Long-term royalty payable
- Warranty liability
- Share capital, stock options an
- Income taxes
- Related party transactions
- Commitments and contingencies
- Segment information
- Financial instruments
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Significant accounting polici_3
- Accounts receivable (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Sale of investment (Tables)
- Long-term investments (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Accounts payable and accrued _2
- Operating leases right-of-use_2
- Short-term debt (Tables)
- Long-term debt (Tables)
- Long-term royalty payable (Tabl
- Warranty liability (Tables)
- Share capital, stock options _2
- Income taxes (Tables)
- Segment information (Tables)
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Liquidity and Going Concern (De
- Significant accounting polici_4
- Significant accounting polici_5
- Significant accounting polici_6
- Significant accounting polici_7
- Business combinations - Narrati
- Accounts receivable (Details)
- Inventories - Schedule of Inven
- Inventories - Narrative (Detail
- Sale of investment - Equity Met
- Sale of investment - Narrative
- Sale of investment - Gain on Sa
- Long-term investments - Schedul
- Long-term investments - Narrati
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Intangible assets - Finite-live
- Intangible assets - Narrative (
- Goodwill - Schedule of Goodwill
- Goodwill - Narrative (Details)
- Accounts payable and accrued _3
- Operating leases right-of-use_3
- Operating leases right-of-use_4
- Operating leases right-of-use_5
- Short-term debt (Details)
- Long-term debt - Schedule of De
- Long-term debt - Narrative (Det
- Long-term debt - Schedule of Ma
- Long-term royalty payable - Con
- Long-term royalty payable - Min
- Warranty liability (Details)
- Share capital, stock options _3
- Share capital, stock options _4
- Share capital, stock options _5
- Share capital, stock options _6
- Income taxes - Narrative (Detai
- Income taxes - Effective Income
- Income taxes - Deferred Tax Ass
- Income taxes - Components of Ta
- Income taxes - Expiration of Lo
- Related party transactions (Det
- Segment information - Narrative
- Segment information - Financial
- Segment information - Assets (D
- Segment information - Percent o
- Segment Information - Total ass
- Segment information - Assets by
- Financial instruments - Narrati
- Financial instruments - Financi