In this report, we refer to information regarding the zinc, oil and gas, iron ore, copper, aluminium, steel and power industries and our competitors from market research reports, analyst reports and other publicly available sources. Although we believe that this information is reliable, we have not independently verified the accuracy and completeness of the information. We caution you not to place undue reliance on this data.
On February 25, 2012, Vedanta Resources Limited (“Vedanta”), the parent company of Sterlite Industries (India) Limited (“Sterlite” or “SIIL”), Sesa Goa Limited (“Sesa Goa”), Vedanta Aluminium Limited (“Vedanta Aluminium”), Sterlite Energy Limited (“Sterlite Energy”), Cairn India Limited (“Vedanta Limited - oil and gas business”) and The Madras Aluminium Company Limited (“MALCO”) announced anall-share merger of majority owned subsidiaries, Sesa Goa and SIIL, to create Sesa Sterlite Limited (“Sesa Sterlite” or “SSL”) and a consolidation of various subsidiaries held by Vedanta to effect the consolidation and simplification of Vedanta’s corporate structure through two series of transactions (together the“Re-organization Transactions” consisting of the “Amalgamation andRe-organization Scheme” and the “Cairn India Consolidation”). TheRe-organization transactions were completed during fiscal year 2014 and the name of the merged entity was changed to Sesa Sterlite Limited with effect from September 18, 2013. The name of Sesa Sterlite Limited was changed to Vedanta Limited, with effect from April 21, 2015. Cairn India Limited (now Vedanta Limited’s - oil and gas business) has merged into Vedanta Limited by way of a scheme of arrangement and the Board of Directors of both the companies made the merger operative on April 11, 2017 (the “Cairn India Merger”). All references to Vedanta Limited - oil and gas business and its subsidiaries is referred to as “Cairn”.
In this report, references to the “ADS offering” is to the initial public offering of our equity shares in the form of American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), each currently representing four equity shares, in the United States (or the “US”) completed in June 2007.
Unless otherwise indicated, the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months period ended September 30, 2018 and 2019 and for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 for our Company included in this report has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, (“IASB”). References to a particular “fiscal year” are to our fiscal year ended March 31 of that year. Our fiscal quarters end on June 30, September 30 and December 31. References to a year other than a “fiscal” year are to the calendar year ended December 31.
Our unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are reported in Indian Rupees or “₹”. Unless otherwise specified, translation of amounts for the convenience of the reader has been made in this report from Indian Rupees to US dollars at the rate of₹ 70.64 per $1.00 based on the exchange rate quoted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as at September 30, 2019. No representation is made that the Indian Rupee amounts represent US dollar amounts or have been, could have been or could be converted into US dollars at such rates or any other rate. All financial information presented in US dollars has been rounded to nearest decimal. Any amount less than US dollar 0.5 million has been presented as “0”.
In this report, references to “US” or the “United States” are to the United States of America, its territories and its possessions. References to “UK” are to the United Kingdom. References to “India” are to the Republic of India. References to “Namibia” are to the Republic of Namibia. References to “South Africa” are to the Republic of South Africa. References to “Ireland” are to the Republic of Ireland. References to “Sri Lanka” are to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. References to “UAE” are to the United Arab Emirates. References to “$”, “dollars” or “US dollars” are to the legal currency of the United States. References to “Indian Rupees”, or “₹ ” are to the legal currency of the Republic of India. References to “AUD”, “Australian dollars” are to the legal currency of the Commonwealth of Australia. References to “NAD” or “Namibian dollars” are to the legal currency of Namibia. References to “ZAR” or “RAND” are to the legal currency of the Republic of South Africa. References to “¢” are to US cents. References to “RMB”, “Renminbi”, “CNY” or “Chinese Yuan” are to the legal currency of the People’s Republic of China. References to “JPY” are to the legal currency of Japan.
References to “lb” are to the imperial pounds (mass) equivalent to 0.4536 kilograms, references to “mt” or “tons” are to metric tons, references to “mmt” are to million metric tons, references to “tpd” are to tons per day, references to “tpa” are to tons per annum, a unit of mass equivalent to 1,000 kilograms or 2,204.6 lb, references to “mtpa” are to million tons per annum, “mmtpa” are to million metric tons per annum, references to “wmt” are to wet metric tons, references to “dmt” are to dry metric tons, references to “oz” are to ounces, with one kilogram being equivalent to 32.1507 oz and one ton equivalent to 32,151 oz, references to “mm” are to millimeters, references to “ha” are to hectares, references to “kms” are to kilometers, a unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters or 107,639 square feet, references to “GW” are to giga watts, references to “kt” are to kilo tons, references to “bbls” are to barrels, references to “blpd” are to barrels of liquid per day, references to “mmboe” are to million barrels of oil equivalent, references to “bboe” are to billion barrels of oil equivalent, references to “mmbopd” are to million barrels of oil per day, references to “kbopd” are to kilo barrels of oil per day, references to “bopd” are to barrels of oil per day, references to “boepd” are to barrels of oil equivalent per day, references to “tcm” are to trillion cubic meters, references to “mmscmd” are to million metric standard cubic meter per day, references to “mscf” are to million standard cubic feet, references to “mmscf” are to million metric standard cubic feet, references to “mmscfd” are to million metric standard cubic feet per day, references to “TWh” are to terawatt hours, references to “bcf” are to billion cubic feet, and references to “TcRc” are to treatment and refining charges. References to net oil and gas production are to the entitlement interest production of Vedanta Limited’s - oil and gas business and its subsidiaries, in which the Ravva royalty is not netted off. References to “GoI” are to Government of India.