Exhibit 99.3
The 56th Annual General Meeting (‘AGM/Meeting’) of the members of Vedanta Limited (the ‘Company’) was held on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 03:00 P.M. IST by way of Video Conferencing/Other Audio-Visual Means (‘VC/OAVM’) in accordance with the circulars issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA’) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) in addition to the applicable provisions of Companies Act, 2013 (the ‘Act’) and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Rules made thereunder.
The Meeting commenced at 03:00 P.M. IST and concluded at 05:55 P.M. IST (including the time allowed for e-voting at the AGM).
Mr. Anil Agarwal, Chairman of the Board, chaired the Meeting and extended a warm welcome to all the members attending the meeting through VC/OAVM.
Before commencing the proceedings, the Chairman introduced the Board of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company present at the Meeting and confirmed that all directors were present at the Meeting and attended from their respective locations. Further, the representatives of Statutory Auditors, Secretarial Auditors and the Scrutinizer for the Meeting were also present at the Meeting.
As per the records of attendance, 189 members attended the Meeting. The requisite quorum being present, the Chairman called the Meeting to order.
Ms. Prerna Halwasiya, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer of the Company, welcomed the members and briefed them on the general instructions relating to their participation at the Meeting through Audio-Visual means and also, that the Company had taken all feasible efforts under the current circumstances for conducting this AGM in a smooth manner to enable participation and voting through electronic mode. In this regard, the facility to view the proceedings of the Meeting was also made available for the members on the Company’s website and the website of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL).
Members were further requested to refer to the Instructions provided in the Notice dated June 30, 2021 convening the Meeting (the ‘Notice’) and the FAQs available on the Company’s website and NSDL website for seamless participation through VC/OAVM.
It was also informed that as stated in the notes to Notice of this AGM, the statutory registers and documents required under the Act were available electronically for inspection by the members during the AGM by sending requests as per the guidelines in the Notice.
The Chairman then made his opening remarks and delivered his official address to the members. Post conclusion of the Chairman’s speech, the business items stated in the Notice were transacted.
With the consent of the members present at the Meeting, the Notice along with the Annual Report containing the Audited Financial Statements with Directors’ and Auditors’ Report for the year ended March 31, 2021 as sent to the members through electronic mode and available on the Company’s website, were taken as read. It was confirmed that the Auditors’ report does not contain any qualifications/modified opinion or adverse remarks.
Members were further informed that in compliance with the Act, the Company had provided the remote e-voting facility before and during the AGM to cast vote electronically on all the resolutions set forth in the Notice. The remote e-voting period before the date of AGM commenced on Saturday, August 07, 2021 (09:00 A.M. IST) and ended on Monday, August 09, 2021 (05:00 P.M. IST). Members, who did not cast their votes electronically earlier, were also permitted to cast their votes during the course of Meeting through the e-voting system provided by NSDL as detailed in the Notice.
REGISTERED OFFICE: Vedanta Limited, 1st Floor, ‘C’ wing, Unit 103, Corporate Avenue, Atul Projects, Chakala, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400093, Maharashtra, India | T +91 22 6643 4500 | F +91 22 6643 4530
CIN: L13209MH1965PLC291394