As a broker-dealer registered with the SEC, Cboe Trading is subject to the SEC’s Uniform Net Capital Rule (“Rule 15c3-1”), which requires the maintenance of minimum net capital, as defined therein. The SEC’s requirement also provides that equity capital may not be withdrawn or a cash dividend paid if certain minimum net capital requirements are not met. Cboe Trading computes the net capital requirements under the basic method provided for in Rule 15c3-1.
As of September 30, 2020, Cboe Trading is required to maintain net capital equal to the greater of 6.67% of aggregate indebtedness items, as defined, or $0.1 million. At September 30, 2020, Cboe Trading had net capital of $19.0 million, which was $18.2 million in excess of its required net capital of $0.8 million.
As entities regulated by the FCA, Cboe Europe is subject to the Financial Resource Requirement (“FRR”) and Cboe Chi-X Europe is subject to the Capital Resources Requirement (“CRR”). As a RIE, Cboe Europe computes its FRR in accordance with its Financial Risk Assessment, as agreed by the FCA. This FRR was $22.7 million at September 30, 2020. At September 30, 2020, Cboe Europe had $27.5 million capital in excess of its required FRR.
In accordance with the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive of the FCA requirements, Cboe Chi-X Europe computes its CRR as the greater of the base requirement of $0.1 million at September 30, 2020, or the summation of the credit risk, market risk and fixed overheads requirements, as defined. At September 30, 2020, Cboe Chi-X Europe had $0.3 million capital in excess of its required CRR. Cboe Chi-X Europe Limited is currently dormant having ceased offering its routing service in November 2018.
On March 8, 2019, Cboe Europe NL received approval from the Dutch Ministry of Finance to operate a RM, a MTF, and an approved publication arrangement in the Netherlands. As a RM, Cboe Europe NL is subject to minimum capital requirements, as established by the Dutch Ministry of Finance in the license dated March 8, 2019. As of September 30, 2020, the minimum capital requirement calculated in accordance with the license was $5.7 million. At September 30, 2020, Cboe Europe NL had $1.2 million capital in excess of its requirement.
On April 1, 2014, EuroCCP was granted authorization under European Market Infrastructure Regulation (“EMIR”) by the National Competent Authority, DNB. EuroCCP is required by the EMIR, to maintain a minimum amount of capital to reflect an estimate of the capital required to wind down or restructure the activities of the clearinghouse, cover operational, legal and business risks and to reserve capital to meet credit, counterparty and market risks not covered by the clearing participants’ collateral and clearing funds. At September 30, 2020, EuroCCP net capital was $59.2 million, which exceeded the EMIR capital requirement of $29.6 million.
The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”) sets and monitors regulatory capital requirements for MATCHNow to protect its clients and counterparties. MATCHNow is required to maintain a prescribed minimum level of risk adjusted capital (“RAC”) of $0.2 million in accordance with such requirements as IIROC may from time to time prescribe. At September 30, 2020, MATCHNow had RAC of $1.0 million, which was $0.8 million in excess of its required RAC of $0.2 million.
As a designated contract market regulated by the CFTC, CFE is required to meet two capital adequacy tests: (i) its financial resources must be equal to at least twelve months of its projected operating costs and (ii) its unencumbered, liquid financial assets, which may include a line of credit, must be equal to at least six months of its projected operating costs. As of September 30, 2020, CFE had annual projected operating expenses of $59.3 million and had financial resources that exceeded this amount. Additionally, as of September 30, 2020, CFE had projected operating expenses for the upcoming six months of $29.7 million and had unencumbered, liquid financial assets, including a line of credit from Cboe, that exceeded this amount.
As a swap execution facility regulated by the CFTC, Cboe SEF is required to meet two capital adequacy tests: (i) its financial resources must be equal to at least twelve months of its projected operating costs and (ii) its unencumbered, liquid financial assets must be equal to at least six months of its projected operating costs. As of September 30, 2020, Cboe SEF had annual projected operating expenses of $0.8 million and had financial resources that