Equity Method Investments and Joint Ventures Disclosure [Text Block] | Note 4 Australian Future Energy Pty Ltd In February 2014, On June 9, 2015, May 10, 2017 ( no On May 10, 2017, $2.0 first five no If AFE makes, whether patentable or not, AFE provides indemnity to us for damages resulting from the use of the technology in a manner other than as contemplated by the license, while we indemnify AFE to the extent that the intellectual property associated with the technology is found to infringe on the rights of a third may may may AFE has evaluated multiple project opportunities and is currently focused on three In 2016, In August 2017, 266 For our ownership interest in AFE, we have been contributing cash and engineering support for AFE’s business development while Ambre contributed cash and services. Additional ownership in AFE has been granted to the AFE management team and staff individuals providing services to AFE. In January 2017, $0.4 August 2017 March 2018, $0.47 $0.16 We account for our investment in AFE under the equity method. Our ownership of 38% second not June 30, 2018, 38% zero June 30, 2018 $39,000 June 30, 2017. The following summarizes unaudited condensed financial information of AFE as of and for the years ended June 30, 2018 2017 Year ended 2018 2017 Total assets $ 421 $ 525 Total equity (158 ) (130 ) Net loss (1,777 ) (870 ) Batchfire Resources Pty Ltd As a result of AFE’s early stage business development efforts associated with the Callide coal mine in Central Queensland, Australia, AFE created BFR. BFR was a spin-off company for which ownership interest was distributed to the existing shareholders of AFE and to the new BFR management team in December 2015. one 20 In October 2016, October 2016. In January 2018, 2043 We account for our investment in BFR under the cost method due to our limited investment and lack of significant influence. At the time of the spin-off, the carrying amount of our investment in AFE was reduced to zero June 30, 2018, 11% zero June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017. SES EnCoal Energy sp. z o.o In October 2017, Tauron Wytwarzanie S.A. (“Tauron”), has contracted Poland’s Institute of Coal Chemistry (“IChPW”) to complete a detailed preliminary design assessment and economic study for the conversion of its 200MW first For our ownership interest in SEE, we have been contributing cash and assisting in the development of SEE. SEE was initially funded in January 2018 $6,000 March 2018 $76,000. We account for our investment in SEE under the equity method. Our ownership of 50% two four not June 30, 2018, 50% $36,000 zero June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017, Yima Joint Venture In August 2009, October 2008 April 2009. 25% 75%, not not not The term of the joint venture commenced June 9, 2009 30 June 8, 2039. November 2016, We continue to own a 25% 75% 49% Despite initiating methanol production in December 2012, 2016. March 2016, During the quarter ended June 30, 2016, three November 2016. In December 2017 January 2018, 16 June 30, 2018, 6.15 $0.9 may Since 2014, eight two six two not 2016, April 2016 July 2016 January 2017. not not The Yima Joint Venture experienced certain cash flow concerns resulting primarily from a series of third 2016, 75% October 2016. third 2017. June 30, 2018, third 91.9 $13.8 $3.8 October 2018 $3.0 March 2019, $5.1 April 2019 $1.9 April 2020. $3.8 October 2018 We evaluated the conditions of the Yima Joint Venture to determine whether other-than-temporary decrease in value had occurred as of June 30, 2018 2017. June 30, 2018, fourth June 30, 2017, may third 2 (f) Use of Estimates June 30, 2018 $3.5 June 30, 2018. $17.7 June 30, 2017. The carrying value of our Yima Joint Venture investment as of June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017 $5.0 $8.5 Tianwo-SES Clean Energy Technologies Limited Joint Venture Contract In February 2014, one 53.8 $8.0 April 2014 46.2 $6.8 two 100 $14.8 65% second 46.2 $6.8 not April 2016 We have contributed certain exclusive technology sub-licensing rights into the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture for the territory pursuant to the terms of a Technology Usage and Contribution Agreement (the “TUCA”) entered into among the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture, STT and us on the same date and further described in more detail below. This resulted in an original ownership of 35% may first In August 2017, December 2017. 25% 25% 50%. three 11.15 $1.7 1.2 $180,000 In addition to the ownership changes described above, Tianwo-SES is now managed by a board of directors (the “Board”) consisting of eight four two two The JV Contract also includes a non-competition provision which requires that the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture be the exclusive legal entity within the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture territory for the marketing and sale of any gasification technology or related equipment that utilizes low quality coal feedstock. Notwithstanding this, STT retained the right to manufacture and sell gasification equipment outside the scope of the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture within the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture territory. In addition, we retained the right to develop and invest equity in projects outside of the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture within the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture territory. As a result of the Restructuring Agreement, we have further retained the right to provide gasification technology licenses and to sell proprietary equipment directly into projects in the joint venture territory provided we have an equity interest in the project. After the termination of the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture, STT and ICCDI must obtain written consent from us to market development of any gasification technology that utilizes low quality coal feedstock in the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture territory. The JV Contract may not 24 Tianwo-SES Joint Venture unaudited financial data The following table presents summarizes unaudited financial information for the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture (in thousands): Year Ended Income Statement data: 2018 2017 Revenue $ 109 $ 3,709 Operating loss (1,686 ) (3,470 ) Net loss (1,686 ) (4,303 ) As of June 30, Balance sheet data: 2018 2017 Current assets $ 5,151 $ 6,016 Noncurrent assets 1,376 5,565 Current liabilities 4,011 3,696 Noncurrent liabilities — — Equity 2,516 7,885 The Tianwo-SES Joint Venture is accounted for under the equity method. Our initial capital contribution in the formation of the venture was the TUCA, which is an intangible asset. As such, we did not zero June 30, 2018 2017. December 2017, 11.15 $1.7 Under the equity method of accounting, losses in the venture are not no not not $0.5 $1.5 June 30, 2018 2017, $3.4 TUCA Pursuant to the TUCA, we have contributed to the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture certain exclusive rights to our gasification technology in the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture territory, including the right to: (i) grant site specific project sub-licenses to third The Tianwo-SES Joint Venture will be the exclusive operational entity for business relating to our technology in the Tianwo-SES Joint Venture territory, except for projects in which SES has an equity ownership position. For these projects, as a result of the Restructuring Agreement, SES can provide technology and equipment directly with no second not Any party making improvements, whether patentable or not, The Tianwo-SES Joint Venture is required to establish an Intellectual Property Committee, with two two June 30, 2018, Any breach of or default under the TUCA which is not third Synthesis Energy Systems (Zao Zhuang) New Gas Company Ltd. In July 2006, We initially owned 97.6% 2.4%. June 2015, 61% $10 four December 2016, first $1.6 June 26, 2015. not 88.1% In August 2016, no nine 2013. October 31, 2016. not During the second 2017, zero June 30, 2018 2017. |