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aa, ABCc, abk, AbTbU, ac, Acrobat, Adobe, af, ao, aq, atWc, au, Auhj, av, aw, aWlp, bc, bd, bf, bgw, bj, blo, bm, bp, bq, br, bt, bu, bv, bx, BYBD, ca, cbT, Ccl, CHbEF, ci, ck, clh, cq, cr, ctE, CUA, cub, cvz, cz, db, dbXm, dce, dd, DfJ, dg, Distiller, DIU, DiV, dMH, dMM, dq, dt, DTg, DTX, dx, dz, ea, eb, ec, eDd, ef, eh, ej, em, eoO, eq, EqCZ, EqHm, EqR, er, es, Evb, ew, EWr, Exf, ey, fa, fb, FCm, FDM, fEa, ff, fFp, FHw, fIjPr, fm, fmj, fmq, fNV, fu, fw, fx, fyE, fYF, gBG, gBL, gc, gd, gg, gh, gn, gnj, gp, gt, hb, HbX, hc, hd, heXkFM, hf, HfC, hg, hh, hj, HjJ, ho, hp, hpi, HQA, hr, hs, ht, hx, hz, ia, Icwm, IJBD, ik, ikf, InDesign, ip, iq, iu, iwH, ix, iy, iz, ja, jb, jc, jcQ, jd, je, jf, jg, jh, ji, jl, jm, jn, jo, jrr, jt, ju, juhZ, jv, Jwg, jx, jyy, ka, kd, ke, ki, kk, KkAT, kkB, kl, ko, kq, kr, ks, kt, kv, kVZ, kw, kz, KznV, la, lb, ld, lf, li, ll, LNj, lri, lu, lw, lx, Macintosh, mav, mb, mc, MCR, md, mEI, mh, mi, mKt, ml, mls, mm, mq, mt, mv, mw, mx, na, nc, nf, ng, nk, np, nq, nt, nu, nv, nyt, ocq, oi, oj, ol, om, op, oq, oqn, osp, Ouc, oUHU, OxE, oz, pb, pc, pd, PDm, pe, ph, pj, pl, pm, pn, pp, pq, pr, ps, pt, pv, px, py, PZt, qb, qFd, qhc, qi, qk, ql, qm, qn, qq, qr, qs, qt, qw, qy, qz, ra, rAvv, rb, rc, REg, rf, rh, rhk, ri, rkDX, rm, rme, ro, rqr, RQYX, rt, ru, rv, rVP, rw, rxa, ry, saq, sc, sd, sh, sHTVL, sv, sw, sx, sykDf, sz, ta, tb, tk, Tlwml, tq, tw, tx, ua, UEn, ug, ui, uj, um, uMF, uMO, ur, ut, uu, uv, uz, va, vg, vHYI, vkk, vl, vn, vo, vp, VpI, vq, vr, vtQ, VTR, vw, vwk, vz, wb, wc, wg, wi, wj, wk, wl, wo, wp, wq, ws, wt, ww, wx, xa, xe, xg, xh, xi, xj, Xkm, XNB, xp, xr, xt, xtb, xw, xx, xy, ya, yBaCe, yc, yd, yg, yk, yLO, yn, yo, yq, YQg, yt, yv, yw, ywA, zbd, ZDW, ze, zf, ZfZd, zg, zh, ziC, zj, zjg, ZJH, zl, zn, zp, zr, zs, zu, Zuj, zuv, zv, zw, zx, zy
ability, abroad, absence, absorb, absorbed, accelerated, acceleration, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accessible, accompanying, accomplish, account, accounted, accounting, AccountSM, accrual, accrue, accrued, accumulate, accumulated, accuracy, accurately, achieve, achieved, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acquisition, act, acting, active, actively, activity, adapt, adaptability, add, adding, addition, additional, Additionally, adequacy, adequate, adequately, Adherence, adjust, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administered, administrative, advanced, advantage, advent, adverse, adversely, advertising, affect, affected, affecting, affiliate, affiliated, aforementioned, age, aged, agency, agent, aggregate, aggressively, agree, agreed, agreement, ahead, alerted, alerting, allocate, allocated, allocating, allocation, alternative, amend, amended, amendment, America, American, Ameritrade, amex, AML, amortizable, amortization, amortized, amount, amounted, Amsterdam, analytic, analytical, AnalyticsSM, analyzed, Anne, anniversary, annual, annualized, annually, anticipate, anticipated, anticipation, API, apparent, applicable, application, applied, apply, applying, Appointment, approach, approaching, approval, approved, approximate, approximated, approximately, approximating, April, ARB, arbitrage, arbitration, Arca, architectural, archival, area, arise, arising, arrangement, articulated, ASC, ascertain, Asia, Asian, aspect, assembled, assessed, assessing, assessment, asset, assimilate, assist, assumed, assuming, assumption, assurance, assure, ASU, attempt, attention, Attn, attract, attracted, attracting, attributable, attribute, attributed, attribution, audit, audited, augment, Australia, Australian, Austria, author, authority, authorization, authorized, automate, automated, automatic, automatically, automation, AutorecoverySM, average, averaged, avoid, avoiding, award, awarded, bachelor, back, backbone, backup, bad, balance, bandwidth, bank, banking, bargaining, Barney, barrier, base, based, basic, basket, bear, began, beginning, behalf, behavior, Belgium, belief, benchmark, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiary, Berlin, bid, bidding, billion, Blocked, Blower, board, body, Bolsa, Bombay, bond, book, borrowed, borrower, borrowing, Borsa, Boston, bought, brand, Brazil, Brazilian, bring, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, broadly, Brody, broker, brokerage, brought, Budapest, buffer, build, building, built, bundled, Bureau, buy, buying, Cadwalader, calculate, calculated, calculation, calendar, California, call, called, Canada, Canadian, candidate, cap, capability, capable, capital, capitalization, capitalized, Capitalizing, caption, captive, capture, captured, capturing, carried, carry, carrying, case, cash, catastrophic, category, CBOE, censure, center, centralized, certainty, certificate, CFA, CFTC, chain, Chair, chairman, chance, characterized, charge, charged, charterholder, cheaply, checked, Chicago, chief, China, choose, circumvent, Citadel, Citibank, Citigroup, civil, claim, claimed, classification, classified, clear, clearance, cleared, clearer, clearing, clearinghouse, climate, Clipper, close, closing, CMECH, code, Codification, coding, collapse, collateral, collateralize, collateralized, collect, collective, collectively, College, collusion, color, combination, combined, comfortable, commenced, commencing, commercial, commercially, commission, commit, commitment, committed, committee, commodity, common, communicate, communicating, communication, company, comparable, comparative, comparatively, compared, comparison, compensate, compensation, compete, competing, competition, competitive, competitively, complaint, complementary, complex, compliance, comply, component, composed, composition, comprehensive, compression, comprised, comprising, compromising, computation, computed, computer, computerized, computing, concentrated, concentration, conclude, concluded, condensed, condition, conduct, conducted, conducting, conduit, confidence, confidential, configured, conformity, conjunction, connect, Connecticut, connection, connectivity, consent, conservative, considerably, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consisting, consolidate, consolidated, consolidation, constantly, constitute, constrain, consulting, Consumer, consummate, consummated, consummation, contacted, contingency, contingent, continually, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contract, contracted, contraction, contractual, contractually, contrary, contrasted, control, controlled, Controller, controlling, convention, convergence, conversion, convert, convertible, coordinator, Copenhagen, copy, copyright, core, Cornell, corporate, corporation, corrective, correlate, correlated, correspondingly, corrupted, corruption, COSO, cost, counsel, count, counter, counterbalanced, counterparty, country, court, cover, coverage, covered, covering, crash, create, created, credit, criminal, criteria, critical, crucial, culminating, culture, cum, cumulative, currency, curtail, curtailing, cushion, custodial, custodian, custom, customary, customer, customizable, cycle, daily, damage, DART, data, date, dated, de, dealer, debit, debt, December, decentralized, Dechert, decided, decision, declaration, declare, declared, declaring, decline, declined, declining, decrease, decreased, decreasing, dedicated, deductibility, deem, deemed, default, defend, defendant, defending, deferred, define, defined, degree, Delaware, delay, delayed, delete, deliver, delivered, delivery, Delta, demand, Denmark, denominated, department, depend, dependent, depending, depicted, depleted, deploy, deployment, deposit, deposited, Depository, depreciated, depreciating, depreciation, deprive, derivative, derive, derived, description, design, designated, designed, desirable, desk, destination, detail, detailed, detect, detected, detection, deter, deteriorate, deterioration, determinable, determination, determine, determined, determining, Deutsche, develop, developed, developer, developing, development, devote, dictate, differential, difficult, difficulty, diligence, dilute, diluted, dilutive, diminish, diminished, direct, directed, directing, direction, directly, director, disabled, disaster, disbursement, disciplinary, disciplined, disclosable, disclosed, disclosure, discontinue, discount, discourage, discretion, discretionary, discussed, discussion, dislocation, disparate, displaced, display, displayed, dispose, disposition, disrupt, disruption, disruptive, dissatisfied, distributable, distribute, distributed, distributing, distribution, District, diversification, diversified, diversifying, diversion, divided, dividend, Division, documentation, dollar, domestic, double, doubtful, downstreaming, dramatically, drilling, driven, driver, due, dynamically, Earl, earn, earned, ease, easily, Eastern, economic, Economist, edge, effect, effected, effective, effectively, Efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, electrical, electronic, electronically, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, embarked, embrace, emerged, emigrated, employ, employed, employee, employer, employing, employment, enable, encounter, end, ended, ending, enforce, enforced, enforcement, engineering, England, enhance, enhanced, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entertainment, entirety, entitled, entity, entry, environment, equal, equilibrium, equipment, equity, equivalent, era, error, escalation, established, establishing, estimate, estimated, Estonia, ETF, Eurex, euro, Euronext, Europe, European, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, evidence, evolved, evolving, examining, exceed, excessive, exchange, excluded, excluding, exclusive, execute, executed, executing, execution, executive, exercise, exerted, exhibit, existing, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expect, expected, expel, expenditure, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, expert, expertise, expired, expiring, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, expulsion, extend, extended, extending, extension, extensive, extensively, extent, external, extreme, face, faced, facilitate, facilitating, facility, fact, factor, fail, failing, failure, fair, fairly, fall, family, FASB, fast, faster, fault, favor, favorable, favorably, feature, February, Fed, federal, fee, fell, fewer, field, file, filed, filing, final, Finally, finance, financed, financial, financially, financing, fine, Finland, FINRA, fire, firm, fiscal, FIX, fixed, flash, flaw, flexibility, flexible, floor, flow, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuating, focused, force, forefront, foregoing, foreign, foreseeable, forex, forfeit, forfeited, forfeiture, form, formal, forward, found, founded, founder, fourth, fraction, framework, franc, France, Frank, Frankfurt, fraud, Fred, free, frequency, frequent, frequently, Friedman, FSA, fulfill, full, fully, function, functional, functioning, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, furnish, furnished, furniture, future, GAAP, gain, Galik, Gamma, gathering, general, generally, generate, generated, generating, geographic, geographical, geographically, German, Germany, Getco, global, globally, globe, Goldman, good, goodwill, govern, governance, governed, governing, government, governmental, Graduate, grant, granted, grantee, graph, great, greater, Greenwich, grew, group, grow, grown, growth, GS, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, halt, hand, handle, handled, harbor, hardware, harm, harmed, Harvard, heading, heavily, hedge, hedged, hedging, heightened, Helsinki, HFT, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highlight, highly, Hill, hindered, hired, historical, historically, HKFE, hold, holding, Hong, honored, Hotline, house, human, hundred, Hungary, hypothetical, IB, IBC, IBEC, IBEST, IBFP, IBG, IBH, IBI, IBKR, IBSJ, IBUK, ICE, IDEM, identical, identification, identified, identify, identifying, identity, iii, illustrate, immaterial, impact, impacted, impair, impairment, impede, implemented, implied, important, impose, imposed, imposition, impossible, improper, improve, improvement, improving, inability, inadequate, incentive, inception, incidence, incident, include, included, including, income, incorporate, incorporated, incorporating, incorporation, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incur, incurred, indemnify, independent, independently, indeterminate, index, indexed, India, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, industry, inflation, influence, inform, information, informed, infrastructure, infringe, infringed, infringement, inherent, inherently, inhibit, inInternal, initial, injunctive, innovation, input, inquiry, insignificant, instability, instance, Institute, institutional, instrument, insufficient, insurance, insured, intangible, integral, integrate, integrated, integrating, integration, intellectual, intend, intended, intense, intensely, intensify, intensive, intention, intentional, interactive, interbank, Intercept, interchangeable, interest, interested, interface, interfere, interim, intermediary, internal, internally, international, internationally, internet, interplay, interpretation, interruption, intervention, introduce, introduced, introducing, introduction, invalidity, inventory, inverted, invest, invested, investee, investigated, investing, investment, investor, involve, involved, involving, IPO, IROC, isolate, issuance, issue, issued, issuer, issuing, item, January, Japan, Japanese, Java, jeopardize, Jersey, joined, joint, jointly, judgment, judgmental, July, June, jurisdiction, Kanto, Keenan, key, KFT, kind, Kingdom, Kong, Korea, label, lack, lag, large, largely, larger, largest, laude, launching, laundering, law, Lawrence, lead, leader, leading, lease, leased, leasehold, leg, legacy, legal, legislation, legislative, lending, lesser, level, leverage, levied, liability, liable, LIBOR, lieu, life, light, likewise, limit, limitation, limited, limiting, link, liquid, liquidate, liquidating, liquidation, liquidity, list, listed, litigation, LLC, LLP, loan, loaned, local, located, London, long, longer, Los, lower, lowest, Lynch, made, magnitude, main, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, make, maker, making, malfunction, manage, managed, management, manager, managerial, managing, mandated, manner, manual, March, margin, margining, Marie, marked, market, marketable, marketing, marketplace, Marshall, massive, Master, match, material, materially, mathematical, matter, maturity, maximized, maximum, meaningful, measure, measured, measurement, meet, meeting, MEFF, member, membership, Mercantile, merger, merit, Merrill, meter, method, methodology, MEXDER, Mexican, Mexico, microstructure, middle, Milan, Milano, million, minimal, minimize, minimizing, minimum, misappropriate, misstatement, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mix, MobileTrader, mode, model, modify, modular, moment, monitor, monitored, monitoring, month, monthly, Montreal, Morgan, move, multiple, multiplied, municipal, mutual, narrow, narrowing, NASDAQ, National, natural, nature, necessarily, negative, negatively, Nemser, net, network, networking, neutral, newly, NFA, niche, Nominating, noncompliance, noncontrolling, Nordic, North, Northern, Norway, notable, notably, note, noted, notice, notification, notify, notion, November, number, NYSE, object, obligated, obligation, observable, observe, observed, Obstruct, obtain, obtained, obtaining, OCC, occasionally, occupancy, occur, occurred, occurrence, OCI, October, offer, offered, offering, office, officer, official, offset, offsetting, offshore, OMX, OneChicago, ongoing, online, open, opening, operate, operated, operating, operation, operational, opinion, opportunistic, opportunity, opposite, optimal, optimization, option, Optional, orally, order, orderly, ordinary, organization, Organizational, oriented, original, originally, originated, originating, Osaka, OTC, outage, outcome, outcry, outnumber, outstanding, overexposure, overleveraged, overnight, override, oversee, oversight, Overview, Owen, ownership, paid, par, pare, parent, parity, Park, part, partially, participate, participation, Partner, partnership, party, passage, passed, passive, Passport, past, patent, Patriot, pattern, Paul, Paulo, pay, payable, payment, pending, penny, percent, percentage, perception, perfect, perfectly, perform, performance, performed, performing, period, periodic, periodical, periodically, permanent, permissible, permit, permitted, permitting, person, personal, personnel, persuade, pertain, Peterffy, philosophy, PHLX, physical, pioneer, plan, planning, platform, playing, pledge, pledged, point, policy, political, popular, portfolio, portion, position, positioned, positive, possession, post, posted, potential, potentially, pound, power, practicable, practice, pre, preceding, preclude, predefined, predict, predictable, predicted, predicting, prefer, preferred, premium, preparation, prepare, prepared, prescribed, presence, present, presentation, presented, President, pressure, pretax, prevail, prevailing, prevent, prevented, prevention, previously, price, priced, pricing, pride, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principally, prior, prioritize, prioritized, priority, privacy, private, pro, proactively, processed, processing, produce, produced, product, professional, professor, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, program, programmer, programming, progressively, prohibited, prohibiting, project, projected, promote, promulgated, prone, proper, properly, property, proportion, proportional, proportionate, proportionately, proprietary, prospective, protect, protection, provincial, provision, proxy, Pty, public, publicly, publish, published, punitive, purpose, pursuant, pursue, pursued, put, Quadriserv, qualified, qualify, qualifying, qualitative, quality, quantifiable, quantified, quantitative, quantity, quarter, quarterly, queue, quickly, quote, quoted, random, range, rapid, rapidly, rata, ratably, rate, ratio, read, readily, real, realize, realized, rebalance, rebalanced, rebalancing, recalculate, recapitalization, receipt, receivable, receive, received, recent, recently, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, reconcile, reconciliation, record, recordable, recorded, recover, recoverable, recovery, recruit, recurring, redeem, redeemable, redeemed, redemption, redeployment, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, redundancy, redundant, reevaluate, reevaluating, refer, reference, referencing, referred, refinance, refine, refined, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reflection, Reform, refunded, region, Regional, registered, registrant, registration, regular, regularly, regulated, regulation, regulatory, reimbursement, reinvested, reinvestment, rejecting, rejection, relate, related, relating, relation, relationship, relevant, reliability, reliable, reliance, relied, relief, rely, remain, remaining, remedy, remember, remote, remove, render, renewal, Rent, rental, repaid, repay, repayment, replaced, repledge, repledged, report, reported, reporting, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, repurchase, repurchased, reputation, request, requested, require, required, requirement, requiring, requisite, resale, research, resell, reserve, reserved, reserving, reside, residual, resolution, resolved, resolving, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, restated, restoration, restrict, restricted, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retrospective, return, returned, reusable, revenue, review, reviewed, reviewing, revise, revocation, revolving, rewarding, rewriting, Riley, risk, roadmap, robust, ROI, role, rolled, router, routing, rule, Russia, sabotage, safe, safeguard, safekeeping, sale, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, satisfying, scale, schedule, School, Schwab, Science, scope, screen, screening, scrutiny, seamlessly, seasonal, SEC, secret, Secretary, section, secure, secured, security, seek, seeking, segment, segregate, segregated, select, selected, selectively, sell, seller, selling, send, senior, sentiment, separate, separately, September, sequence, serve, served, service, Servicing, set, settle, settled, settlement, SFC, Shanghai, share, shared, shareholder, sharply, sheet, Shereff, short, shortfall, show, significant, significantly, similar, similarly, simultaneously, Singapore, single, SIP, site, sixty, size, skilled, slowdown, slower, slowly, small, smaller, smart, SmartRouting, SmartRoutingSM, Smith, soft, software, soliciting, solution, sooner, sophisticated, sought, source, South, Southern, sovereign, space, Spain, specialist, specific, specifically, speed, Sponsoring, spot, spread, SRO, staffing, standard, Stanley, state, statement, statistical, statutory, steering, stemming, stock, stockholder, Stoll, storage, straight, strategic, strategy, streaming, street, StreetSmart, strictly, stringent, strong, structure, structured, Stuttgart, subject, subjected, submitted, subordinated, subsequent, subset, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substituted, succeeding, successful, successfully, successively, successor, sudden, sufficient, suggest, suitability, summarization, summarized, summary, superior, superiority, superseded, supervision, supervisory, supply, support, supported, supporting, surveillance, suspend, suspension, Susquehanna, sustainable, Swarthmore, Sweden, Swedish, Swidler, Switzerland, Sydney, syndicate, syndication, system, systemic, table, Taft, tailor, Taiwan, takeover, talented, tangible, target, targeted, tax, taxable, taxation, taxed, TD, team, technical, technological, technology, telecommunication, telephone, telephonically, temporary, tender, term, terminal, terminated, termination, Terrorism, terrorist, test, tested, testing, textbook, THA, thereof, thereto, Theta, thinkorswim, thousand, threatened, THSHK, tight, tighten, tightening, tighter, Timber, time, timely, timing, tiny, TOB, Today, Tokyo, tolerance, tool, toolset, topic, Toronto, tracked, tradable, trade, traded, trademark, trader, trading, traditional, traditionally, trail, trained, transact, transacted, transaction, transfer, transition, translated, translating, translation, transmission, transmit, transmitted, transparency, travel, Treadway, Treasurer, treasury, treated, true, Trust, turmoil, turn, twelve, type, typical, typically, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unamortized, unanticipated, unaudited, unauthorized, unaware, unbundled, uncertain, uncertainty, unclear, uncollectible, underlying, understand, understanding, undertaken, undeterminable, unexpected, unfavorable, unfavorably, unforeseen, unified, uniform, unintended, uninterrupted, unique, unissued, unit, United, Uniting, universal, University, unlimited, unobservable, unpledged, unpredictable, unprofitable, unqualified, unrealized, unrecognized, unresolved, unrestricted, unsecured, unsettled, unsolicited, unspecified, unsuccessful, unusually, unvested, update, updated, updating, upgrading, upward, usage, user, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizing, validity, Valori, valuation, vandalism, Vanderbilt, VaR, variable, varied, variety, varying, Vega, venue, verification, versatile, vest, vested, vesting, Vice, Vienna, view, vigorously, violation, virtual, Virtually, Visual, VIX, voice, volatility, volume, vote, voting, vulnerable, waiver, Walker, Wall, warning, web, webcast, website, WebTraderSM, weekly, weighted, Whistle, white, wholesale, wholly, Wickersham, widely, wider, withdraw, withdrawing, withheld, withholding, Wolverine, work, working, Workstation, world, worldwide, worth, write, written, XETRA, year, yearly, yen, York
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