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absolute, accrued, adverse, aggregate, aimed, allocate, amortization, amortized, Answer, approximate, Article, assigned, attributable, audio, authoritative, basic, behalf, bench, beneficial, breached, CAO, case, category, Clark, Code, command, compensation, component, comprised, conceived, consecutive, consolidated, constituted, consumption, contended, contesting, contingent, conversion, converted, convertible, correlation, corroborated, Counterclaim, credit, criteria, currency, defaming, Defendant, deferred, deficiency, deficit, degree, denominator, depreciation, detected, diluted, dilutive, disruption, disruptive, District, dividing, doubt, dual, duly, duration, earlier, EITF, eligible, embedded, ensure, EPS, equal, equivalent, error, estimate, estimated, evolved, exceed, exercise, exhibit, exit, expense, expensed, expert, exposed, extent, face, fact, failure, FASB, fee, fewer, fixed, flow, foregoing, framework, fraud, furniture, GAAP, geographic, governmental, greater, half, hereof, herewith, hierarchical, higher, holder, ICS, IGAN, imagineering, imbedded, impact, impacted, inability, Incident, indirect, inherent, inline, instance, intend, intended, investor, issuable, issuance, key, law, lease, Lee, liability, liable, light, Linkbase, local, maintain, maintained, Makena, maker, matter, maturity, method, military, misstatement, monthly, multiple, negative, Nevada, nonrecurring, numerator, observable, October, offering, orderly, outbreak, oversight, ownership, Page, paid, pandemic, payable, percentage, persuasive, Peter, plaintiff, police, predicted, preferred, prepaid, promulgated, protective, proxy, quoted, radically, recognition, reconcile, reconciliation, recoverable, reference, regularly, relevant, remain, remaining, removing, rent, renumeration, resolution, Rettman, revised, sale, Schema, segment, segregate, separate, separately, shareholder, shipment, shipping, shown, size, Skoblow, space, spread, statement, stem, storage, stored, storing, strain, strength, sublease, subscription, substantial, substantially, sum, SUPR, SWaP, Task, tax, taxable, Taxonomy, temporary, terminology, thereunto, threshold, title, trading, treasury, twenty, uncertain, undersigned, unknown, Unobservable, update, utmost, valuation, vigorously, vote, voting, warrant, whichever, XBRL
accelerated, accomplish, accomplishing, Accountable, achieve, acquire, add, added, adding, Additionally, adequate, adherence, administrative, advance, agoingconcern, aid, analyzing, android, anticipate, anytime, application, approved, arena, Asthma, attain, audited, back, bear, began, biometric, blood, Bluetooth, building, calculate, called, Campbell, capability, capable, capture, care, carefully, caregiver, carrier, cautioned, cease, cellular, chapter, check, chronic, chronically, clarify, client, cloud, collect, collection, commence, commenced, compliant, comprehensive, computer, conducting, connect, connecting, connection, connectivity, ConnectTM, Consumer, continuing, controlling, coordination, COPD, corporate, covered, customizable, customized, Dashboard, decide, default, deliver, delivered, demand, demonstrated, dependent, derivative, designing, develop, developed, device, diagnostic, digital, discussing, Disease, display, diversity, double, easily, EBR, ECG, ecosystem, effectively, electronic, electronically, employer, EMR, EMRTM, enable, enabled, end, enforceable, enhance, enhanced, Entra, established, estate, evaluate, eventually, examining, executed, explanatory, extensive, fairly, fastest, favorable, FDA, filer, filing, Firmware, footnote, ForaCare, forced, formed, funding, Gary, glucose, goodwill, group, growing, guaranteed, health, healthcare, HIPAA, history, home, hospital, Hypertension, ideal, Identification, ii, ill, impaired, implementation, implementing, improve, improved, incidental, incorporate, increase, increasing, incurred, independently, installation, installed, installing, instant, instantly, intangible, integrate, interconnect, introducing, irrespective, IRS, issuer, joint, jurisdiction, lack, language, large, license, liquidation, manage, managed, managing, March, mark, marketing, master, medical, minimal, mobile, model, monitor, monitored, monitoring, multiemployer, native, netting, NetworkTM, Nonin, nonrecourse, noted, Obesity, obtaining, oil, omitted, online, open, operation, orbcomm, order, ordinary, organization, Oxygen, paragraph, parent, participate, partner, patient, perform, personal, phone, Pilot, plant, platform, populated, portable, post, posted, practice, pre, preceding, preprogrammed, pressure, previously, principal, private, Professional, profitability, profitable, program, programmed, programming, provisioned, publicly, pulse, purpose, pursue, qualitative, quantitative, quickly, readmission, real, receive, receiving, Record, reduce, reducing, refining, refundable, release, reliable, remote, remotely, reportable, repository, requiring, research, resident, resolve, Respiration, response, responsible, retirement, retroactively, review, rollout, round, routine, Safety, satellite, Saturation, scale, secure, security, sell, sending, senior, serve, server, setoff, shelf, shell, shorter, significantly, site, smartphone, SMS, Social, solution, source, specific, speed, split, stage, strategy, subsidiary, substance, Subtopic, successful, successfully, suggested, tablet, technical, telecommunication, Temperature, terminated, test, thereto, today, Topic, transmit, transportation, twelve, ultimately, uncertainty, unique, unit, Universal, unlocked, unsecured, user, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizing, venture, vital, voice, Washington, web, Whitepaper, WiFi, wither, world
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