Loans Receivable and Related Allowance for Loan Losses | Note 5—Loans Receivable and Related Allowance for Loan Losses Loans receivable consist of the following at December 31, 2015 and 2014. December 31, 2015 2014 (Dollars in thousands) Commercial: Commercial and industrial................................ $ 74,470 $ 75,412 Commercial mortgage....................................... 179,365 168,969 Commercial construction................................. 13,466 6,497 Total commercial.......................................... 267,301 250,878 Residential mortgage loans............................ 101,185 80,134 Consumer: Home equity lines of credit.............................. 24,762 27,902 Other consumer loans...................................... 15,915 16,378 Total consumer............................................. 40,677 44,280 Total loans................................................ 409,163 375,292 Allowance for loan losses............................... (2,795) (2,313) Net deferred loan cost (fees)........................... (10) (70) Total loans receivable, net $ 406,358 $ 372,909 During the third quarter of 2015 the Company purchased $9.8 million of performing residential real estate loans located in western Pennsylvania which were underwritten using similar underwriting standards as the Bank uses for its organic portfolio. The following tables summarize the activity in the allowance for loan losses by loan class for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014: For the year ended December 31, 2015 Allowance for Loan Losses (Dollars in thousands) Beginning Balance Charge-offs Recoveries Provision for loan losses Ending Balance Commercial and industrial $ 788 $ (46) $ 13 $ (124) $ 631 Commercial mortgage 468 (149) - 512 831 Commercial construction 26 - - 30 56 Residential mortgage loans 159 (15) - 115 259 Home equity lines of credit 270 (12) 103 (194) 167 Other consumer loans 87 (38) 16 19 84 Unallocated 515 - - 252 767 Total $ 2,313 $ (260) $ 132 $ 610 $ 2,795 For the year ended December 31, 2014 Allowance for Loan Losses (Dollars in thousands) Beginning Balance Charge-offs Recoveries Provision for loan losses Ending Balance Commercial and industrial $ 445 $ (137) $ 58 $ 422 $ 788 Commercial mortgage 452 (169) - 185 468 Commercial construction 12 - 10 4 26 Residential mortgage loans 149 (194) - 204 159 Home equity lines of credit 177 (603) 17 679 270 Other consumer loans 67 (89) 15 94 87 Unallocated 971 - - (456) 515 Total $ 2,273 $ (1,192) $ 100 $ 1,132 $ 2,313 The following tables present the balance in the allowance for loan losses at December 31, 2015 and 2014 disaggregated on the basis of the Company’s impairment method by class of loans receivable along with the balance of loans receivable by class disaggregated on the basis of the Company’s impairment methodology: December 31, 2015 Allowance for Loan Losses Loans Receivables (Dollars in thousands) Ending Balance Ending Balance Individually Evaluated for Impairment Ending Balance Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Ending Balance Ending Balance Individually Evaluated for Impairment Ending Balance Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Commercial and industrial..... $ 631 $ 123 $ 508 $ 74,470 $ 1,259 $ 73,211 Commercial mortgage............. 831 264 567 179,365 2,196 177,169 Commercial construction....... 56 - 56 13,466 - 13,466 Residential mortgage loans..... 259 46 213 101,185 669 100,516 Home equity lines of credit... 167 - 167 24,762 96 24,666 Other consumer loans............ 84 19 65 15,915 351 15,564 Unallocated............................ 767 - 767 - - - Total...................................... $ 2,795 $ 452 $ 2,343 $ 409,163 $ 4,571 $ 404,592 December 31, 2014 Allowance for Loan Losses Loans Receivables (Dollars in thousands) Ending Balance Ending Balance Individually Evaluated for Impairment Ending Balance Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Ending Balance Ending Balance Individually Evaluated for Impairment Ending Balance Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Commercial and industrial..... $ 788 $ 147 $ 641 $ 75,412 $ 2,131 $ 73,281 Commercial mortgage............. 468 5 463 168,969 3,660 165,309 Commercial construction....... 26 - 26 6,497 - 6,497 Residential mortgage loans..... 159 - 159 80,134 347 79,787 Home equity lines of credit... 270 12 258 27,902 113 27,789 Other consumer loans............ 87 2 85 16,378 364 16,014 Unallocated............................ 515 - 515 - - - Total...................................... $ 2,313 $ 166 $ 2,147 $ 375,292 $ 6,615 $ 368,677 The following tables summarize information in regard to impaired loans by loan portfolio class as of December 31, 2015 and 2014 as well as for the years then ended, respectively: December 31, 2015 December 31, 3014 Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance (Dollars in thousands) With no related allowance recorded: Commercial and industrial................. $ 317 $ 803 $ - $ 1,840 $ 2,290 $ - Commercial mortgage........................ 1,463 1,530 - 3,618 3,928 - Commercial construction................... - - - - - - Residential mortgage loans................ 31 64 - 347 426 - Home equity lines of credit............... 96 97 - 101 101 - Other consumer loans........................ 185 206 - 196 215 - With an allowance recorded: Commercial and industrial................. $ 942 $ 995 $ 123 $ 291 $ 301 $ 147 Commercial mortgage........................ 733 850 264 42 70 5 Commercial construction................... - - - - - - Residential mortgage loans................ 638 638 46 - - - Home equity lines of credit............... - - - 12 12 12 Other consumer loans........................ 166 168 19 168 168 2 Total: Commercial and industrial................. $ 1,259 $ 1,798 $ 123 $ 2,131 $ 2,591 $ 147 Commercial mortgage........................ 2,196 2,380 264 3,660 3,998 5 Commercial construction................... - - - - - - Residential mortgage loans................ 669 702 46 347 426 - Home equity lines of credit............... 96 97 - 113 113 12 Other consumer loans........................ 351 374 19 364 383 2 Total........................................ $ 4,571 $ 5,351 $ 452 $ 6,615 $ 7,511 $ 166 For the year ended December 31, 2015 2014 Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized (Dollars in thousands) With no related allowance recorded: Commercial and industrial................ $ 678 $ 10 $ 1,565 $ 40 Commercial mortgage....................... 2,165 52 1,132 2 Commercial construction................. - - 256 14 Residential mortgage loans............. 184 - 278 - Home equity lines of credit.............. 98 4 70 1 Other consumer loans...................... 257 6 285 - With an allowance recorded: Commercial and industrial................ $ 942 $ 10 $ 194 $ - Commercial mortgage....................... 1,138 1 107 - Commercial construction................. - - - - Residential mortgage loans............. 159 4 - - Home equity lines of credit.............. - - 17 - Other consumer loans...................... 83 - 33 - Total: Commercial and industrial................ $ 1,620 $ 20 $ 1,759 $ 40 Commercial mortgage....................... 3,303 53 1,239 2 Commercial construction................. - - 256 14 Residential mortgage loans............. 343 4 278 - Home equity lines of credit.............. 98 4 87 1 Other consumer loans...................... 340 6 318 - Total........................................... $ 5,704 $ 87 $ 3,937 $ 57 The following table presents nonaccrual loans by classes of the loan portfolio as of December 31, 2015 and 2014: December 31, 2015 2014 (Dollars in thousands) Commercial and industrial............ $ 1,059 $ 1,474 Commercial mortgage.................... 575 2,370 Commercial construction.............. - - Residential mortgage loans.......... 31 347 Home equity lines of credit.......... 16 31 Other consumer loans................... 252 262 Total loans................................ $ 1,933 $ 4,484 The Company’s policy for interest income recognition on nonaccrual loans is to recognize income under the cash basis when the loans are both current and the collateral on the loan is sufficient to cover the outstanding obligation to the Company. The Company will not recognize income if these factors do not exist. Interest that would have been accrued on non-accruing loans under the original terms but was not recognized as interest income totaled $228 thousand and $379 thousand for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The following tables present the classes of the loan portfolio summarized by the aggregate pass rating and the classified ratings of special mention, substandard and doubtful within the Company’s internal risk rating system as of December 31, 2015 and 2014: December 31, 2015 Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Total (Dollars in thousands) Commercial: Commercial and industrial............... $ 67,509 $ 5,290 $ 1,671 $ - $ 74,470 Commercial mortgage....................... 174,339 3,478 1,548 - 179,365 Commercial construction................. 13,466 - - - 13,466 Residential mortgage loans................. 101,154 - 31 - 101,185 Consumer: Home equity lines of credit............. 24,746 - 16 - 24,762 Other consumer loans...................... 15,663 - 252 - 15,915 Total.................................. $ 396,877 $ 8,768 $ 3,518 $ - $ 409,163 December 31, 2014 Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Total (Dollars in thousands) Commercial: Commercial and industrial.......... $ 73,498 $ - $ 1,914 $ - $ 75,412 Commercial mortgage.................. 163,899 745 4,325 - 168,969 Commercial construction............ 6,497 - - - 6,497 Residential mortgage loans............ 79,787 - 347 - 80,134 Consumer: Home equity lines of credit........ 27,871 - 31 - 27,902 Other consumer loans................. 16,116 - 262 - 16,378 Total............................. $ 367,668 $ 745 $ 6,879 $ - $ 375,292 The performance and credit quality of the loan portfolio is also monitored by analyzing the age of the loans receivable as determined by the length of time a recorded payment is past due. The following tables present the classes of the loan portfolio summarized by the past due status as of December 31, 2015 and 2014: December 31, 2015 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due Greater Than 90 Days Total Past Due Current Total Loans Receivables (Dollars in thousands) Commercial: Commercial and industrial.......... $ - $ 67 $ 230 $ 297 $ 74,173 $ 74,470 Commercial mortgage.................. 51 101 195 347 179,018 179,365 Commercial construction............ - - - - 13,466 13,466 Residential mortgage loans............ 975 - - 975 100,210 101,185 Consumer: Home equity lines of credit........ - - - - 24,762 24,762 Other consumer loans................. 15 - 209 224 15,691 15,915 Total............................. $ 1,041 $ 168 $ 634 $ 1,843 $ 407,320 $ 409,163 December 31, 2014 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due Greater Than 90 Days Total Past Due Current Total Loans Receivables (Dollars in thousands) Commercial: Commercial and industrial.......... $ 70 $ 102 $ 1,260 $ 1,432 $ 73,980 $ 75,412 Commercial mortgage.................. 310 15 2,355 2,680 166,289 168,969 Commercial construction............ - - - - 6,497 6,497 Residential mortgage loans............ 478 - 312 790 79,344 80,134 Consumer: Home equity lines of credit........ - - 12 12 27,890 27,902 Other consumer loans................. 31 66 214 311 16,067 16,378 Total............................. $ 889 $ 183 $ 4,153 $ 5,225 $ 370,067 $ 375,292 As of December 31, 2015, there were no loans 90 days past due and still accruing interest. As of December 31, 2014, there was one residential mortgage loan totaling $70 thousand which was greater than 90 days past due and still accruing interest which has subsequently been paid current. The Company may grant a concession or modification for economic or legal reasons related to a borrower’s declining financial condition that it would not otherwise consider resulting in a modified loan which is then identified as a troubled debt restructuring (“TDR”). The Company may modify loans through rate reductions, extensions of maturity, interest only payments, or payment modifications to better match the timing of cash flows due under the modified terms with the cash flows from the borrowers’ operations. Loan modifications are intended to minimize the economic loss and to avoid foreclosure or repossession of the collateral. TDRs are considered impaired loans for purposes of calculating the Company’s allowance for loan losses. The Company identifies loans for potential restructure primarily through direct communication with the borrower and evaluation of the borrower’s financial statements, revenue projections, tax returns, and credit reports. Even if the borrower is not presently in default, management will consider the likelihood that cash flow shortages, adverse economic conditions, and negative trends may result in a payment default in the near future. The following tables reflect information regarding TDR’s entered into by the Company for each of the periods ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. For the year ended December 31, 2015 Number of Contracts Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investments Post-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investments (Dollars in thousands) Troubled debt restructurings: Commercial and industrial......... 3 $ 922 $ 922 Commercial mortgage................ 3 637 637 Residential mortgage loans........ 2 673 673 Total......................................... 8 $ 2,232 $ 2,232 For the year ended December 31, 2014 Number of Contracts Pre-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investments Post-Modification Outstanding Recorded Investments (Dollars in thousands) Troubled debt restructurings: Commercial and industrial........ 1 $ 28 $ 28 Commercial mortgage.............. 1 1,292 1,292 Home equity lines of credit….. 2 112 102 Other consumer loans............... 3 170 158 Total....................................... 7 $ 1,602 $ 1,580 The following is an analysis of loans modified in a troubled debt restructuring by type of concession for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. For the year ended December 31, 2015 For the year ended December 31, 2014 Number of Contracts Recorded Investment Number of Contracts Recorded Investment (Dollars in thousands) Extended under forbearance............................ 3 $ 1,001 4 $ 1,453 Interest-rate reductions.................................... 3 793 - Other maturity / payment modifications.......... 2 438 3 127 Total.................................................................. 8 $ 2,232 7 $ 1,580 Two commercial loans, classified as TDR’s, with a combined balance totaling $64 thousand and $78 thousand as of December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively, were in default and remain classified as non-accrual status. Additionally, a mortgage loan restructured during the fourth quarter of 2015 with an outstanding balance of $638 thousand was past due 30 days as of December 31, 2015. As of December 31, 2014, a residential mortgage loan with an outstanding balance of $76 thousand was in default; this loan was subsequently moved to other real estate owned during the fourth quarter of 2015 through foreclosure. No other TDRs were subsequently in default as of the periods stated. The carrying amount of foreclosed residential real estate properties held was $715 thousand as of December 31, 2015. Consumer mortgage loans collateralized by residential real estate property that are in the process of foreclosure totaled $230 thousand as of December 31, 2015. |