This Provider Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is made and entered into by and between Blue Cross of California doing business as Anthem Blue Cross (hereinafter “Anthem”) and Online Care Network P.C. (hereinafter “Provider”). In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the sufficiency of which is acknowledged by the parties, the parties agree as follows:
“Affiliate” means any entity owned or controlled, either directly or through a parent or subsidiary entity, by Anthem, or any entity which is under common control with Anthem and that accesses the rates, terms or conditions of this Agreement. Anthem will have a current listing of such Affiliates available through a commonly available web site or upon request.
“Anthem Rate” means the lesser of Provider’s Charges for Covered Services, or the total reimbursement amount that Provider and Anthem have agreed upon as set forth in the Plan Compensation Schedule (“PCS”). The Anthem Rate shall represent payment in full to Provider for Covered Services.
“CaliforniaCare Network/Participating Provider” means a physician, Medical Group or IPA who has entered into a CaliforniaCare Medical Services Agreement (or other CaliforniaCare participating physician agreement) with Anthem to provide Covered Services to CaliforniaCare Covered Individuals.
“Capitation” means the amount of pre-payment made by Anthem to a provider or management services organization on a per member per month basis for either specific services or the total cost of care.
“Case Management” means a process of arranging, negotiating, and coordinating medically appropriate care in a more economical, cost effective and coordinated manner during prolonged periods of intensive medical care, including the use of Covered Services Substitution, based upon the Covered Individual’s Health Benefit Plan.
“Case Rate” means the all inclusive Anthem Rate for an entire admission or one outpatient encounter. “Global Case Rate” means the all inclusive Anthem Rate which includes facility, professional and physician services for specific Coded Service Identifier(s).
“Claim” means either the uniform bill claim form or electronic claim form in the format prescribed by Plan submitted by a provider for payment by a Plan for Health Services rendered to a Covered Individual. “Complete Claim” means, unless state law otherwise requires, an accurate Claim submitted pursuant to this Agreement, for which all information necessary to process such Claim and make a benefit determination is included.
“Coded Service Identifier(s)” means a listing of descriptive terms and identifying codes, updated from time to time by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) or other industry source, for reporting Health Services on the CMS 1500 claim form or its successor. The codes include but are not limited to, American Medical Association Current Procedural Terminology (“CPT®-4”), CMS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (“HCPCS”), International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (“ICD-9-CM”), and National Drug Code (“NDC”) or their successors.
“Cost Share” means, with respect to Covered Services, an amount which a Covered Individual is required to pay under the terms of the applicable Health Benefit Plan. Such payment may be referred to as an allowance, coinsurance, copayment, deductible, penalty or other Covered Individual payment responsibility, and may be a fixed amount or a percentage of applicable payment for Covered Services rendered to the Covered Individual.
“Covered Individual” means any individual who is eligible, as determined by Plan, to receive Covered Services under a Health Benefit Plan. For all purposes related to this Agreement, including all schedules, attachments, exhibits, manual(s), notices and communications related to this Agreement, the term “Covered Individual” may be used interchangeably with the terms Insured, Covered Person, Member, Enrollee, Subscriber, Dependent Spouse/Domestic Partner, Child or Contract Holder, and the meaning of each is synonymous with any such other.