Exhibit 3.9
Extract of the Company Register Hamburg regarding
NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH, listed under HRB 84865
as recorded on April 10, 2007.
1. Number of Entries hitherto
2. a) Company Name
NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
b) Commercial Seat, Branches
c) Business Subject
The development, production and distribution and marketing of semiconductors components.
3. Nominal Capital
75,600,000.00 EUR
4. a) General Representation of the Company
The company is represented through one general manager if he is the sole general manager or if the shareholders have authorized him to represent the company alone. Beyond this, the company is jointly represented through two general managers or jointly through one general manager and one authorized signatory, entitled through procuration.
The entitlement to represent the company alone may be granted. The general managers may be authorized to conclude on their own behalf or as representatives of a third party transactions with the company.
b) Board of directors, management body, personally liable shareholders, general manager, representatives and specific rights to represent the company
Entitled to represent the company together with another general manager or an authorized signatory, entitled through procuration:
General Manager: Dr. Hummel, Michael, resident in Weil im Schönbuch, bom April 2, 1959
Entitled to represent the company together with another general manager or an authorized signatory, entitled through procuration:
General Manager: Dr. Kuckhermann, Volker, resident In Herrenberg, bom March 15, 1955
5. Authorized Signatories entitled through Procuration
Joint procuration together with a general manager or another authorized signatory, entitled through procuration:
Atorf, Manfred, resident in Allersberg, born January 4, 1952
Dr. Barthel, Thomas, resident in Wentorf, bom July 1, 1965
Behnke, Günter, resident in Langerwehe-Schlich, born November 7, 1952
Clauss, Sonja, resident in Escheburg, born October 13, 1958
Dr. Diehl, Frank, resident in Hamburg, born December 16, 1969
Duverne, Christophe Benoit Quention, resident in Hamburg, born August 20, 1966
Kamenzky, Hans-Erich, resident in Hamburg, born October 1, 1946
Langlois, Pascal, resident in München, born April 16, 1960
Leydag, Bernd, resident in Bargteheide, born January 18, 1945
Dr. Podbielski, Rainer, resident in Jork, born April 21, 1953
Dr. Ridder, Wigand, resident in Hamburg, born December 30, 1947
Rolla, Peter, resident in Hamburg, born September 27, 1960
Sauer, Willem, resident in EX Bennekom/NL, born March 25, 1964
Schachtschneider, Jürgen, resident in Tiefenbach, born April 11, 1953
Schwenk, Rudi, resident in Herrenberg, born March 28, 1945
Siemers, Heinz-Jürgen, resident in Tramm, born December 20, 1945
Weggen, Wolfgang, resident in Hamburg, born July 11, 1957
De Jong, Marc, resident in DE Eindhoven, Niederlande, born February 8, 1961
Zur Verth, Stephan, resident in Buchholz i.d.N., born November 27, 1956
6. a) Legal form, Effective Date, Articles of Association or Deed of Partnership
Limited Liability Company
Articles of Association of August 14, 2002
Last modified through shareholder resolution of November 20, 2006
b) Further Legal Relationships
The company has been, as the absorbing legal entity under the stipulations of the merger treaty of November 27, 2006 as well as the approving shareholder resolutions of the company’s shareholder meeting and the general meeting of the absorbed legal entity effected on the same day, merged with Philips Semiconductors AG having its commercial seat in Dresden (district court Dresden, HRB 18227).
7. Date of the Last Entry
April 3, 2007