The information set forth or incorporated under the heading “Explanatory Note” and in Items 4 and 5 is incorporated by reference in its entirety into this Item 3.
On August 16, 2011, OPKO entered into an agreement to provide consulting services (the “Consulting Agreement”) to the Issuer. As compensation for services under that agreement, the Issuer granted OPKO options to purchase 913,750 shares of Common Stock. The Issuer granted OPKO additional options for the acquisition of 86,250 shares of Common Stock on August 16, 2012. OPKO exercised its stock options on November 28, 2017. The source of funds used by OPKO for each of its other acquisitions of securities of the Issuer was working capital or the exchange, exercise or conversion of securities of the Issuer of the Issuer previously acquired by OPKO.
The source of funds used by FGIT for each of its acquisitions of securities of the Issuer and its predecessors was working capital of FGIT.
The information set forth or incorporated under the heading “Explanatory Note” and in Items 2, 3 and 5 is incorporated by reference in its entirety into this Item 4.
Steven D. Rubin, who serves as Executive Vice President – Administration and a director of OPKO, is a director of the Issuer. Dr. Jane Hsiao, who serves as the Vice-Chairman and Chief Technical Officer of OPKO, is a director of the Issuer.
Each of the Reporting Persons may, at any time or from time to time, formulate plans or proposals regarding the Issuer or its securities to the extent deemed advisable by the Reporting Persons in light of each of their general investment policies, market conditions, subsequent developments affecting the Issuer, the general business and future prospects of the Issuer, or other factors. The Reporting Persons intend to review their investments in the Issuer on a continuing basis. Depending on various factors, including, without limitation, the Issuer’s financial position and strategic direction, actions taken by the board of directors, price levels of shares of the Common Stock, other investment opportunities available to the Reporting Persons, concentration of positions in the portfolios managed by the Reporting Persons, market conditions and general economic and industry conditions, the Reporting Persons may in the future take such actions with respect to their investments in the Issuer as they deem appropriate, including, without limitation, purchasing additional shares of the Common Stock or other financial instruments related to the Issuer or selling some or all of their beneficial or economic holdings, engaging in hedging or similar transactions with respect to the securities relating to the Issuer and/or otherwise changing their intention with respect to any and all matters referred to in Item 4 of Schedule 13D.
Except as disclosed herein, none of the Reporting Persons has any plans or proposals which relate to or which would result in any of the actions specified in this paragraph of Item 4 of Schedule 13D.
(a) (b) The information contained in rows 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 on each of the cover pages of this Schedule 13D and the information set forth or incorporated in Items 2, 3, 4 and 6 is incorporated by reference in its entirety into this Item 5.
Dr. Frost is the trustee of FGIT. Frost Gamma Limited Partnership is the sole and exclusive beneficiary of FGIT. Dr. Frost is one of two limited partners of Frost Gamma Limited Partnership. The general partner of Frost Gamma Limited Partnership is Frost Gamma, Inc. and the sole shareholder of