Segment Information | Segment Information The Company’s segment information reflects the way the chief operating decision maker uses internal reporting to evaluate business performance, allocate resources and manage operations. The Company has three reportable segments: Corporate, which is comprised primarily of private sector business customers with more than 250 employees in the US, Small Business, primarily servicing private sector business customers with up to 250 employees in the US, and Public, which is comprised of government agencies and education and healthcare institutions in the US. The Company has two other operating segments: CDW UK and CDW Canada, both of which do not meet the reportable segment quantitative thresholds and, accordingly, are included in an all other category (“Other”). The Company has centralized logistics and headquarters functions that provide services to the segments. The logistics function includes purchasing, distribution and fulfillment services to support the Corporate, Small Business and Public segments. As a result, costs and intercompany charges associated with the logistics function are fully allocated to all of these segments based on a percent of Net sales. The centralized headquarters function provides services in areas such as accounting, information technology, marketing, legal and coworker services. Headquarters function costs that are not allocated to the segments are included under the heading of “Headquarters” in the tables below. Information about the Company’s segments is as follows: Corporate Small Business Public Other Headquarters Total Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 Net sales $ 2,245.0 $ 396.2 $ 2,295.1 $ 689.8 $ — $ 5,626.1 Operating income (loss) 206.5 42.4 210.3 32.4 (79.4) 412.2 Depreciation and amortization expense (19.6) (1.1) (14.2) (7.5) (23.5) (65.9) Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 Net sales $ 2,660.7 $ 500.0 $ 2,243.0 $ 742.1 $ — $ 6,145.8 Operating income (loss) 231.2 47.0 177.2 27.8 (47.9) 435.3 Depreciation and amortization expense (23.6) (1.9) (16.5) (8.1) (21.0) (71.1) Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 Net sales $ 4,448.7 $ 807.6 $ 4,107.9 $ 1,365.0 $ — $ 10,729.2 Operating income (loss) 399.8 83.9 337.8 68.9 (122.9) 767.5 Depreciation and amortization expense (42.4) (2.4) (30.4) (15.3) (46.1) (136.6) Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Net sales $ 5,288.3 $ 1,024.0 $ 4,276.0 $ 1,506.6 $ — $ 12,094.9 Operating income (loss) 441.2 93.7 319.0 64.5 (96.2) 822.2 Depreciation and amortization expense (48.6) (3.3) (32.8) (16.5) (41.3) (142.5) Geographic Areas and Revenue Mix Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 Corporate Small Business Public Other Total Geography (1) United States $ 2,214.0 $ 390.7 $ 2,293.8 $ 5.4 $ 4,903.9 Rest of World 31.0 5.5 1.3 684.4 722.2 Total Net sales 2,245.0 396.2 2,295.1 689.8 5,626.1 Major Product and Services Hardware 1,596.4 317.5 1,884.9 481.5 4,280.3 Software 388.8 58.6 274.1 142.6 864.1 Services 243.4 15.5 131.4 62.9 453.2 Other (2) 16.4 4.6 4.7 2.8 28.5 Total Net sales 2,245.0 396.2 2,295.1 689.8 5,626.1 Sales by Channel Corporate 2,245.0 — — — 2,245.0 Small Business — 396.2 — — 396.2 Government — — 681.2 — 681.2 Education — — 1,026.8 — 1,026.8 Healthcare — — 587.1 — 587.1 Other — — — 689.8 689.8 Total Net sales 2,245.0 396.2 2,295.1 689.8 5,626.1 Timing of Revenue Recognition Transferred at a point in time where CDW is principal 1,891.3 354.9 2,080.7 607.3 4,934.2 Transferred at a point in time where CDW is agent 185.0 32.9 116.7 26.7 361.3 Transferred over time where CDW is principal 168.7 8.4 97.7 55.8 330.6 Total Net sales $ 2,245.0 $ 396.2 $ 2,295.1 $ 689.8 $ 5,626.1 (1) Net sales by geography is generally based on the ship-to address with the exception of certain services that may be performed at, or on behalf of, multiple locations. Such service arrangements are categorized based on the bill-to address. (2) Includes items such as delivery charges to customers. Three Months Ended June 30, 2022 Corporate Small Business Public Other Total Geography (1) United States $ 2,655.4 $ 500.0 $ 2,243.0 $ 4.1 $ 5,402.5 Rest of World 5.3 — — 738.0 743.3 Total Net sales 2,660.7 500.0 2,243.0 742.1 6,145.8 Major Product and Services Hardware 1,989.3 419.7 1,797.1 515.8 4,721.9 Software 423.0 55.0 288.7 154.2 920.9 Services 228.9 19.8 152.4 68.6 469.7 Other (2) 19.5 5.5 4.8 3.5 33.3 Total Net sales 2,660.7 500.0 2,243.0 742.1 6,145.8 Sales by Channel Corporate 2,660.7 — — — 2,660.7 Small Business — 500.0 — — 500.0 Government — — 609.5 — 609.5 Education — — 1,041.3 — 1,041.3 Healthcare — — 592.2 — 592.2 Other — — — 742.1 742.1 Total Net sales 2,660.7 500.0 2,243.0 742.1 6,145.8 Timing of Revenue Recognition Transferred at a point in time where CDW is principal 2,325.9 456.2 2,032.4 662.6 5,477.1 Transferred at a point in time where CDW is agent 172.3 33.4 103.5 19.3 328.5 Transferred over time where CDW is principal 162.5 10.4 107.1 60.2 340.2 Total Net sales $ 2,660.7 $ 500.0 $ 2,243.0 $ 742.1 $ 6,145.8 (1) Net sales by geography is generally based on the ship-to address with the exception of certain services that may be performed at, or on behalf of, multiple locations. Such service arrangements are categorized based on the bill-to address. (2) Includes items such as delivery charges to customers. Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 Corporate Small Business Public Other Total Geography (1) United States $ 4,413.2 $ 800.3 $ 4,106.4 $ 13.9 $ 9,333.8 Rest of World 35.5 7.3 1.5 1,351.1 1,395.4 Total Net sales 4,448.7 807.6 4,107.9 1,365.0 10,729.2 Major Product and Services Hardware 3,115.8 652.2 3,247.4 953.1 7,968.5 Software 841.8 114.8 575.6 276.6 1,808.8 Services 458.9 31.2 275.8 129.4 895.3 Other (2) 32.2 9.4 9.1 5.9 56.6 Total Net sales 4,448.7 807.6 4,107.9 1,365.0 10,729.2 Sales by Channel Corporate 4,448.7 — — — 4,448.7 Small Business — 807.6 — — 807.6 Government — — 1,232.7 — 1,232.7 Education — — 1,692.5 — 1,692.5 Healthcare — — 1,182.7 — 1,182.7 Other — — — 1,365.0 1,365.0 Total Net sales 4,448.7 807.6 4,107.9 1,365.0 10,729.2 Timing of Revenue Recognition Transferred at a point in time where CDW is principal 3,752.7 720.2 3,689.3 1,197.8 9,360.0 Transferred at a point in time where CDW is agent 370.4 69.7 218.2 55.1 713.4 Transferred over time where CDW is principal 325.6 17.7 200.4 112.1 655.8 Total Net sales $ 4,448.7 $ 807.6 $ 4,107.9 $ 1,365.0 $ 10,729.2 (1) Net sales by geography is generally based on the ship-to address with the exception of certain services that may be performed at, or on behalf of, multiple locations. Such service arrangements are categorized based on the bill-to address. (2) Includes items such as delivery charges to customers. Six Months Ended June 30, 2022 Corporate Small Business Public Other Total Geography (1) United States $ 5,272.2 $ 1,024.0 $ 4,276.0 $ 8.7 $ 10,580.9 Rest of World 16.1 — — 1,497.9 1,514.0 Total Net sales 5,288.3 1,024.0 4,276.0 1,506.6 12,094.9 Major Product and Services Hardware 3,972.9 863.2 3,443.4 1,124.5 9,404.0 Software 822.8 114.8 542.0 239.8 1,719.4 Services 454.2 34.9 281.5 136.5 907.1 Other (2) 38.4 11.1 9.1 5.8 64.4 Total Net sales 5,288.3 1,024.0 4,276.0 1,506.6 12,094.9 Sales by Channel Corporate 5,288.3 — — — 5,288.3 Small Business — 1,024.0 — — 1,024.0 Government — — 1,153.4 — 1,153.4 Education — — 1,944.1 — 1,944.1 Healthcare — — 1,178.5 — 1,178.5 Other — — — 1,506.6 1,506.6 Total Net sales 5,288.3 1,024.0 4,276.0 1,506.6 12,094.9 Timing of Revenue Recognition Transferred at a point in time where CDW is principal 4,617.1 936.2 3,872.7 1,339.7 10,765.7 Transferred at a point in time where CDW is agent 352.9 67.7 199.8 48.8 669.2 Transferred over time where CDW is principal 318.3 20.1 203.5 118.1 660.0 Total Net sales $ 5,288.3 $ 1,024.0 $ 4,276.0 $ 1,506.6 $ 12,094.9 (1) Net sales by geography is generally based on the ship-to address with the exception of certain services that may be performed at, or on behalf of, multiple locations. Such service arrangements are categorized based on the bill-to address. (2) Includes items such as delivery charges to customers. The following tables present Net sales by major category for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022. Categories are based upon internal classifications. Three Months Ended June 30, 2023 2022 Net Sales Percentage Net Sales Percentage Notebooks/Mobile Devices $ 1,320.9 23.5 % $ 1,763.6 28.7 % Netcomm Products (3) 916.4 16.3 623.9 10.2 Collaboration (3) 533.6 9.5 691.6 11.3 Data Storage and Servers (3) 536.1 9.5 626.5 10.2 Desktops 304.8 5.4 350.2 5.7 Other Hardware (3) 668.5 11.9 666.1 10.8 Total Hardware 4,280.3 76.1 4,721.9 76.9 Software (1) 864.1 15.4 920.9 15.0 Services (1) 453.2 8.1 469.7 7.6 Other (2) 28.5 0.4 33.3 0.5 Total Net sales $ 5,626.1 100.0 % $ 6,145.8 100.0 % Six Months Ended June 30, 2023 2022 Net Sales Percentage Net Sales Percentage Hardware: Notebooks/Mobile Devices $ 2,385.5 22.2 % $ 3,477.4 28.8 % Netcomm Products 1,660.9 15.5 1,191.6 9.9 Collaboration (3) 1,009.6 9.4 1,320.9 10.9 Data Storage and Servers (3) 1,078.0 10.0 1,247.3 10.3 Desktops 562.7 5.2 687.6 5.7 Other Hardware (3) 1,271.8 12.0 1,479.2 12.3 Total Hardware 7,968.5 74.3 9,404.0 77.9 Software (1) 1,808.8 16.9 1,719.4 14.2 Services (1) 895.3 8.3 907.1 7.5 Other (2) 56.6 0.5 64.4 0.4 Total Net sales $ 10,729.2 100.0 % $ 12,094.9 100.0 % (1) Certain software and services revenues are recorded on a net basis as the Company is acting as an agent in the transaction. As a result, the category percentage of net revenues is not representative of the category percentage of gross profits. (2) Includes items such as delivery charges to customers. (3) Prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform with current period presentation. |