Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Audit Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Earn
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Ch_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Nature of operations
- Basis of presentation
- Business combinations
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Inventories
- Disposal of pulp mills
- Property, plant and equipment
- Timber licenses
- Goodwill and other intangibles
- Other assets
- Payables and accrued liabilitie
- Other liabilities
- Operating loans and long-term d
- Retirement benefits
- Share capital
- Equity-based compensation
- Restructuring and impairment ch
- Finance expense, net
- Other
- Tax provision
- Employee compensation
- Earnings (loss) per share
- Financial instruments
- Capital disclosures
- Segment and geographical inform
- Countervailing ("CVD") and anti
- Contingencies
- Basis of presentation (Policies
- Business combinations (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Inventories (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Timber licenses (Tables)
- Goodwill and other intangibles
- Other assets (Tables)
- Payables and accrued liabilit_2
- Other liabilities (Tables)
- Operating loans and long-term_2
- Retirement benefits (Tables)
- Share capital (Tables)
- Equity-based compensation (Tabl
- Finance expense, net (Tables)
- Other (Tables)
- Tax provision (Tables)
- Employee compensation (Tables)
- Earnings (loss) per share (Tabl
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Capital disclosures (Tables)
- Segment and geographical info_2
- Countervailing ("CVD") and an_2
- Basis of presentation (Details)
- Business combinations - Narrati
- Business combinations - Schedul
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Inventories (Details)
- Inventories - Narrative (Detail
- Disposal of pulp mills - Narrat
- Disposal groups held for sale -
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Timber licenses - Narrative (De
- Timber licenses (Details)
- Goodwill and other intangible_2
- Goodwill and other intangible_3
- Goodwill and other intangible_4
- Goodwill and other intangible_5
- Other assets (Details)
- Payables and accrued liabilit_3
- Other liabilities (Details)
- Other liabilities - Liabilities
- Other liabilities - Narrative (
- Operating loans and long-term_3
- Operating loans and long-term_4
- Retirement benefits - Narrative
- Retirement benefits - Status of
- Retirement benefits - Defined b
- Retirement benefits - Projected
- Retirement benefits - Actuarial
- Retirement benefits - Impact of
- Retirement benefits - Assets al
- Share capital - Narrative (Deta
- Share capital (Details)
- Equity-based compensation - Nar
- Equity-based compensation - Sha
- Equity-based compensation - Ran
- Equity-based compensation - Sch
- Restructuring and impairment _2
- Restructuring and impairment _3
- Finance expense, net (Details)
- Other (Details)
- Tax provision - Major component
- Tax provision - Income tax rate
- Tax provision - Deferred income
- Employee compensation - Narrati
- Employee compensation (Details)
- Earnings (loss) per share (Deta
- Financial instruments - Financi
- Financial instruments - Narrati
- Financial instruments - Aging a
- Financial instruments - Contrac
- Financial instruments - Finan_2
- Capital disclosures (Details)
- Segment and geographical info_3
- Segment and geographical info_4
- Countervailing ("CVD") and an_3
- Countervailing ("CVD") and an_4
- Countervailing ("CVD") and an_5
- Countervailing ("CVD") and an_6