5.Fee Table – Indexed Account Charge Footnote
The indexed account charge footnote states:
The Indexed Account Charge is assessed to help cover administrative and other expenses associated with making available the Fixed Indexed Accounts.
Please describe what is meant by “other expenses.”
In response to the SEC Staff Comment, Minnesota Life has modified the Indexed Account Charge footnote to state:
The Indexed Account Charge is assessed to help cover administrative and other expenses, including but not limited to, the cost of hedging, associated with making available the Fixed Indexed Accounts.
6.Representative Insured
Please confirm all representative insured information represents the age and rating classification of the greatest number of expected contracts.
In response to the SEC Staff Comment, Minnesota Life confirms that all representative insured information represents the age and rating classification of the greatest number of expected contracts.
7.Fund Allocations
Please add to the prospectus where future payments are allocated if a fund is merged, liquidated or substituted.
In response to the SEC Staff Comment, Minnesota Life has modified the Additions, Deletions or Substitutions section to add where future payments are allocated if a fund is merged or liquidated. See below. Please note, the information regarding future payments after a substitution was already included in this section.
In the event of a fund merger, any future premium payments will be allocated to the successor or acquiring fund.
In the event of the liquidation of a fund, you will be required to provide a new allocation to one of the available accounts for future premium payments at the time of the request.