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absolute, abuse, abusive, accessible, accessing, accrual, accuracy, ACH, adjacent, admitting, Advertising, aforementioned, AICPA, aim, air, allde, ALLL, altogether, andRule, anticompetitive, Appendix, apro, arose, ASU, ASUNo, ATM, auditor, automated, backup, badly, Bancorporation, Basel, big, blackout, blended, Block, body, bond, borne, box, breakdown, brokered, burdened, Bureau, caption, capture, carryover, cashier, categorized, category, CBER, CD, CDI, cent, Center, CFO, Chamber, characteristic, characterized, children, choice, circumvention, civic, civil, clarification, clarified, clarify, clarifying, client, clientele, Coalition, Codificationtm, coercing, coextensive, color, combat, Combinationsthat, Commissioner, compatible, complementary, Comptroller, conceal, concept, concert, concession, conclusively, concurrently, constrain, constrained, contacting, contra, convenience, correspondingly, coupled, courier, CPA, CRA, criminal, cure, curve, dealer, debit, decay, dedicated, deeply, degradation, depositor, depreciation, depth, derecognizing, deserve, differentiate, disaggregate, disaggregated, disaggregation, discriminate, discrimination, discriminatory, disgorgement, diverted, divestiture, dividend, dollar, doubt, doubtful, downsize, drawn, duration, dwelling, earnest, Eastern, elevated, eleven, entirety, error, escrow, essentially, evasion, evidenced, exaggerated, exceeded, exceeding, excessive, expandedde, expedient, explained, explanation, Fannie, fare, feasibility, fed, fell, felt, FFIEC, FHLB, FID, fifteen, fifty, flat, flight, flipping, forma, formainformation, formarevenue, formula, formulate, fractional, Francisco, FRB, Freddie, Freedom, frequency, fromThe, gap, Ginnie, goal, Goldstein, good, grew, grown, guarantor, handicap, Handicapped, harbor, hide, homebuyer, HTM, hypothetical, illegal, imposition, improbable, imprudent, incident, incidental, ineffective, infrequent, infused, inInternal, injected, inoperable, insignificant, insist, installment, intangible, intensified, interagency, Intercompany, interconnected, interfere, interstate, intervened, intrinsic, isolated, isolation, issuedNo, IssueNo, ix, job, jointly, judicially, Jump, justified, justify, KPMG, landmark, laundering, leader, left, legacy, lender, length, lien, live, lock, longest, longstanding, Mae, magnitude, mandated, manipulation, marital, markedly, Marwick, Mary, matrix, maximize, MBA, MBS, meaningful, meant, median, medical, memo, memoranda, mention, mentioned, merge, merged, misleading, mitigate, modest, modestly, moved, Multinational, multiplied, narrowed, Nasdaq, nearest, NFID, night, NOL, nonaccretable, nonaccrual, nonbank, nonbanking, Noncompliance, noninterest, nonmember, nonpayment, nonvoting, notable, notary, notation, notification, novobank, novobranch, novobranching, novoperiod, NV, obligor, OCC, occupied, Ochal, Ochalcurrently, onset, opt, optimistic, orderly, OREO, organizational, OTC, OTTI, ourForm, outweigh, outweighed, overdraft, overlap, overly, overnight, override, overriding, overwhelming, Pacific, parent, passivity, Patricia, PATRIOT, PCI, Peat, peer, penalty, percent, permissible, Pioneer, platform, pocket, point, pose, possession, precisely, precision, predatory, predecessor, preempt, prepaid, prepay, prepayment, presentspro, preservation, prime, privacy, processed, processing, promising, prompt, proper, proportionately, proprietary, published, put, QSPE, quantitative, questionable, quorum, race, rataportion, ratified, readily, ready, rebuttably, reclassification, reclassified, reconciliation, recurrence, reevaluated, reform, refrain, refundable, regime, religion, reluctant, remember, remote, Reno, renovation, Rent, repeatedly, reportedpro, reprice, repricing, rescission, residual, restoration, restore, restored, restraining, revalued, revolving, rigid, roll, rose, rounded, rulemaking, safe, saleable, sanctioned, satisfactory, SBA, score, Secrecy, segment, segmenting, segregated, seize, seller, semiannually, sentence, seq, sex, sharp, sharper, shell, shock, shortly, shrink, shrinkage, shrinking, skewed, slight, slightly, smaller, Society, sooner, southern, split, St, stable, stagnant, standby, standing, statewide, statute, steadily, steady, Step, stimulate, stimulated, stood, stopped, stricter, subprime, Suite, suited, summarize, summarized, Sunset, supervisor, supplementalpro, Supplementary, surrendered, Survey, suspected, sweep, tampering, Teamleader, technique, telephone, temporarily, terminology, Terrence, Tew, theForm, Thepro, thisForm, ticker, tode, tolerance, tool, treated, trillion, true, Truth, twelve, twenty, typically, UBPR, unaffordable, unallocated, unchanged, uncorrected, undercapitalized, undermine, underwritten, undeveloped, undisbursed, undiscounted, unearned, unforeseen, unfunded, Uniform, uniformly, unilaterally, unimpaired, uninvested, union, unlawful, unlimited, unpaid, unpledged, unrealized, unregulated, unresolved, unsatisfactory, unsophisticated, unsound, unsuspecting, unused, upgraded, USA, vacant, vast, verify, viable, viii, Village, violate, violated, violation, Volcker, Wall, Water, weak, weakened, website, West, wholly, wide, wire, wired, withASC, worth, Wright, write, writing, wrongful, yearly, young
analyst, anniversary, approach, arbitrage, assistant, attendant, Barney, Baron, bear, beneficially, blue, called, casino, cast, caution, CFA, charterholder, choose, commercially, context, contrary, controller, convertible, declaring, delist, delisting, devote, Diego, dilution, dissolve, distribute, earliest, effecting, encounter, entering, execute, existence, expressed, facilitating, favor, FIN, focusing, founded, founder, founding, GAAP, greatly, guaranty, heading, implied, incorrect, India, inhibit, integrate, irrevocably, join, JP, leading, leisure, liquidating, lodging, LP, Magazine, Morgan, natural, negotiating, nominee, obligated, overseeing, participate, partner, proceed, pursuit, ranked, rata, realize, recourse, recruiting, register, regulate, reimbursement, release, released, remove, resale, reserved, reside, resignation, resolved, revise, school, select, send, sky, Smith, sourcing, speak, specialty, Stern, structured, structuring, suggested, unconsolidated, undue, unexercised, unissued, update, vehicle, Vermont, waiving, wholesale, withholding
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Exhibit 21
Parent and subsidiaries
Western Liberty Bancorp
Service1st Bank of Nevada (100%)
Service1st Bank of Nevada (100%)
Western Liberty Bancorp (“Registrant”) is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. Service1st Bank of Nevada (the “Bank”) is a bank organized under the laws of Nevada. Registrant owns 100 percent of the outstanding capital stock of the Bank.