Exhibit A
In addition to terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, the terms listed below are defined as follows:
Affiliate means, with respect to any person, any other person (other than an individual) that, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, such person. For purposes of the foregoing definition, control means the direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding capital stock or other equity interests having ordinary voting power or ability to direct the affairs of the affiliate.
Ancillary Servicesmeans all services as defined in the Transmission Provider OATT that Buyer must obtain to deliver Capacity and Energy under this Agreement.
Buyer’s Network Transmission Agreements means the service agreements for Network Integration Transmission Service and the Network Operating Agreement among the Transmission Provider, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, Pennsylvania Power, and The Toledo Edison Company
Buyer’s Power Supply Requirements means Capacity and Energy, necessary to meet its Provider of Last Resort obligations under Ohio law, as well as other power supply obligations incurred by law, contract or tariff. Buyer’s Power Supply Requirements do not include deviations in the amount of energy scheduled and consumed under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, energy imbalance, transmission losses, and congestion as defined in the Transmission Provider OATT.
Buyer’s Retail Tariffs mean all retail tariffs of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Ohio Edison Company, and The Toledo Edison Company as approved by the PUCO.
Business Day means any day on which Federal Reserve member banks in New York City are open for business.
Capacity means the resource that produces electric Energy, measured in megawatts.
Code of Conduct means statutes, rules, regulations, or orders issued by a Government Authority that prohibit, restrict, or condition the exchange of information between the regulated and competitive business operations of Affiliates.
Confidential Information means any confidential, proprietary, trade secret, critical energy infrastructure information, customer account information, or commercially sensitive information relating to the present or planned business of a Party that is supplied under this Agreement, and is identified as confidential by the Party supplying the information.
Delivery Point means where Capacity and Energy are supplied from generating facilities owned or controlled by the Seller within the FirstEnergy Balancing Area at the point of
interconnection between the generating facility and the transmission facilities of the Transmission Owner. Delivery Point means, where Capacity and Energy are supplied from generating resources outside of the FirstEnergy Balancing Area, the interface between the transmission facilities of the adjacent balancing area and the transmission facilities of the Transmission Owner.
Electric Reliability Organization has the meaning given in Section 215(a)(2) of the Federal Power Act.
Energy means electric energy delivered under this Agreement at three-phase, 60-hertz alternating current measured in megawatt hours.
FERC means The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or its regulatory successor.
FirstEnergy Balancing Area means the collection of generation, transmission, and loads within the metered boundaries of the FirstEnergy system where FirstEnergy maintains load resource balance.
Force Majeure has the meaning given in Section VII.A.
Good Utility Practice means any of the practices, methods and acts engaged in or approved by a significant portion of the electric utility industry during the relevant time period or any of the practices, methods and acts which, in the exercise of reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time the decision was made, could have been expected to accomplish the desired result at a reasonable cost consistent with good business practices, reliability, safety, and expedition. Good Utility Practice includes compliance with the standards adopted by NERC, its applicable regional councils, an Electric Reliability Organization or Regional Entity as approved by the FERC. Good Utility Practice is not intended to be limited to the optimum practice, method or act to the exclusion of all others, but rather to be acceptable practices, methods or acts, generally accepted in the region and consistently adhered to by utilities in the region.
Government Authority means any federal, state, local, municipal or other governmental entity, authority or agency, department, board, court tribunal, regulatory commission, or other body, whether legislative, judicial or executive, together or individually, exercising or entitled to exercise any administrative, executive, judicial, legislative, policy, regulatory or taxing authority or power over Buyer or Seller.
Interest Rate means the lesser of Prime Rate plus two percent and the maximum lawful rate permitted by applicable law.
NERC means The North American Electric Reliability Council or any superceding organization with responsibility for establishing reliability standards for the bulk power system.
Power means Capacity and/or Energy.
Prime Rate means for any date, the per annum rate of interest announced from time to time by Citibank, N.A., as its prime rate for commercial loans, effective for such date as established from time to time by such bank.
Regional Entity has the meaning given in Section 215(a)(7) of the Federal Power Act.
Regional Transmission Organization has the meaning given in Section 3(27) of the Federal Power Act.
Special Contracts mean contracts between the Buyer and Ohio retail customers for the sales of Power and other related services at prices that differ from the Buyer’s Retail Tariffs.
Spot Market means the Day Ahead or Real Time Energy Markets administered by the Regional Transmission Organization or any other over-the-counter Energy market in which the transaction date of the Energy purchase is within thirty calendar days of the last day of the delivery period specified for the purchase.
Transmission Owner means the entity that owns facilities used for the transmission of Power from the Seller’s Generating Facilities.
Transmission Provider means the Midwest Independent System Transmission Operator, Inc., or other utility, including Regional Transmission Organizations, transmitting Power on behalf of Buyer to or from the Delivery Point(s) under this Agreement.
Transmission Provider OATT means the Open Access Transmission Tariff, Open Access Transmission and Energy Markets Tariff, or any other tariff of general applicability on file at the FERC under which the Transmission Provider offers transmission service.
Exhibit B
Total monthly bill will not exceed Σ(A + C) + WCR + (IBT * PP)
| where: | A = Σ (ga,n+ RSCa,n+ FRMa,n+IFCa,n) C = Σ (gc,n + RSCc,n+ FRMc,n+IFCc,n) |
subject to annual rate caps:
For component A annual maximum average rate = MIN(Capa, (ΣAt / MWha))
For calendar year 2006 Capa = $50.50
For calendar year 2007 Capa = $52.50
For calendar year 2008 Capa = $53.62
For component C annual maximum average rate = MIN($37.50, (ΣCt / MWhc)
For component WCR annual maximum average rate = MIN($35.00, (ΣWCRt / MWhw))
subscript n denotes Ohio Edison, Cleveland Electric, Toledo Edison
subscript t denotes months in year
| ga = | the generation charge, expressed in total dollars, billed to Buyer’s customers which receive generation service under retail tariffs |
| gc = | the generation charge, expressed in total dollars, billed to Buyer’s customers which receive generation service under special retail contracts |
| RSCa= | the Rate Stabilization Charge, expressed in total dollars, billed to Buyer’s customers which receive generation service under retail tariffs |
| RSCc= | the Rate Stabilization Charge, expressed in total dollars, billed to Buyer’s customers which receive generation service under special retail contracts |
| FRMa= | the Fuel Recovery Mechanism charge, expressed in total dollars, billed to Buyer’s customers which receive generation service under retail tariffs |
| FRMc= | the Fuel Recovery Mechanism charge, expressed in total dollars, billed to Buyer’s customers which receive generation service under special retail contracts |
| IFCa = | the Incremental Fuel Cost, expressed in total dollars, associated with the provision of generation service by Buyer to retail customers which receive generation service under retail tariffs from Buyer |
| IFCc= | the Incremental Fuel Cost, expressed in total dollars, associated with the provision of generation service by Buyer to retail customers which receive generation service under special retail contracts |
| WCR= | Wholesale Contract Revenues for Power Supply |
| IBT = | the MWhs provided by Buyer to their interruptible customers who do not reduce load in response to a request for an interruption, for the period of the interruption |
| PP = | Average price of Spot Market purchases made by Seller which are delivered to the FirstEnergy Balancing Area and which are made to supply Buyer’s interruptible customers who do not reduce load in response to a request for an interruption, for the period of the interruption |
| MWha= | The annual volume of MWh, at the power supply level, provided by Seller for resale by Buyer to retail customers which receive generation service under retail tariffs |
| MWhc= | The annual volume of MWh, at the power supply level, provided by Seller for resale by Buyer to retail customers which receive generation service under special retail contracts |
| MWhw= | The annual volume of MWh, at the power supply level, provided by Seller for resale by Buyer to wholesale customers |