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adversely, certify, certifying, external, fact, fairly, fourth, fraud, knowledge, light, responsible, role, untrue
abandoned, accelerated, accompanying, accreted, accrued, accumulated, acquire, acquired, acquisition, active, activity, added, adding, addition, additional, adequate, adjusted, adjustment, administrative, agent, agreed, agreement, allocated, amended, America, amortization, amortized, amount, apparent, applicable, applied, apply, approval, approximate, approximately, area, ASC, assessment, asset, ASU, attributable, audited, August, authoritative, authorized, average, balance, barrel, basic, Basin, bear, began, beginning, behalf, billed, book, bring, Brishlin, calculate, calculated, calculation, capital, capitalized, carried, carrying, ceiling, certainty, Certification, charge, charged, check, classified, code, collateralized, Colorado, combination, commenced, commercial, Commission, commitment, common, communicated, communication, company, comparable, compared, compensation, competition, component, computed, concluded, condensed, conform, conformity, conjunction, connection, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consisting, constant, contingency, contingent, continuation, continue, contract, contractual, conversion, converted, convertible, corporate, correspondingly, corroborated, cost, County, covering, credit, credited, crude, cubic, customer, data, date, debt, December, decline, decrease, decreased, deferred, demonstrate, dependent, depleted, depleting, depletion, depreciation, derivative, derived, determination, determine, determined, developed, development, difficulty, diluted, dilution, dilutive, directly, discount, discounted, discussed, discussion, dividing, drill, drilled, drilling, due, duly, easily, economic, effect, effective, EITF, embedded, Emerging, employed, Employer, enacted, ended, energy, engineering, entered, equipment, equity, established, estimate, estimated, estimating, event, exceed, excluded, exclusively, executed, executive, exercise, existing, exit, expect, expected, expenditure, expense, experience, expiration, expire, exploration, exploring, expressed, extent, fair, FASB, feature, federal, feet, field, file, filed, filer, filing, finance, financing, flow, footnote, Force, foregoing, free, frequency, full, fund, funding, future, GAAP, gain, gas, general, generate, generated, geological, geophysical, government, grant, granted, greater, guidance, heighten, hierarchy, higher, highest, highly, historical, holder, identical, identification, ii, iii, impact, impacted, impaired, impairment, implied, inception, include, income, incorporation, increase, increased, increasing, incurred, independent, indirectly, industry, inflation, inherent, inherently, initial, initially, instrument, integral, intended, intention, interest, interim, internally, inventory, investing, issuance, issue, issued, issuer, item, iv, January, joint, June, jurisdiction, land, large, lease, leasehold, leasing, legal, level, liability, life, lifting, limit, limitation, limited, liquid, liquidity, listed, literature, LLC, located, lower, maintain, making, March, marginally, mark, market, marketplace, mature, maximum, measure, measured, measurement, merger, met, method, model, month, monthly, natural, nature, net, ninety, northeast, note, November, number, objective, obligation, observability, observable, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occur, offering, office, officer, oil, omitted, ongoing, operate, operating, operator, opinion, option, orderly, organization, original, outstanding, overhead, owner, paid, par, part, participation, past, pay, payable, payment, PEM, performed, periodic, periodically, permit, permitted, petroleum, placement, plan, Platteville, PM, pool, portion, position, potential, potentially, practicable, predecessor, preferred, prescribed, presentation, previously, price, pricing, primarily, principal, prior, priority, private, processed, processing, producing, production, productive, program, promissory, promulgated, property, proportionate, proved, provision, public, pursuant, quantity, quoted, ratably, rate, read, readily, realization, receivable, received, reclaim, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recorded, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recurring, reduce, reduced, reference, reflect, reflected, Region, registered, Regulation, reimbursed, related, relation, remediate, removed, repair, replacing, reported, represent, represented, required, requiring, reserve, restore, result, retirement, revenue, reversed, review, revised, risk, routinely, rule, sale, SEC, secretarial, section, seek, sell, separate, September, service, settled, share, sheet, shell, shorter, shown, significantly, similar, single, situation, sixty, smaller, source, space, specific, stated, stock, subject, subsequent, substantial, substantially, successful, sufficient, summarized, support, supported, table, Task, tax, taxable, technical, telephone, temporary, term, test, thereto, thereunto, thousand, time, timely, timing, traded, transaction, transfer, transferred, transit, transition, treasury, tubular, turn, twelve, ultimately, unadjusted, unaudited, uncertain, uncertainty, undersigned, undeveloped, unevaluated, unit, United, unobservable, unrecognized, unsuccessful, unvested, valuation, vary, volatility, volume, warrant, Washington, Wattenburg, weighted, Weld, word, working, worldwide, worsen, yard, year
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