Revenue | Note 2: Revenue Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognized when obligations under the terms of a contract with the Company’s customer are satisfied. This occurs when control of the promised goods or services is transferred to its customers, in an amount that reflects the consideration the Company expects to be entitled to in exchange for those goods or services, typically at contract price or determined by stand-alone selling price. The Company has an estimated allowance for credits, refunds and similar obligations. Sales tax collected concurrent with revenue-producing activities are excluded from revenue. The table below sets forth revenue disaggregated by reportable segment and revenue source. Prio r period was recast as a result of the Company’s change in segment reporting; see Note 10 – Segment Reporting for additional information. Three Months Ended June 30, Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 2023 (Recast) 2024 2023 (Recast) TDMN Print advertising $ 6,558 $ 10,294 $ 12,197 $ 19,590 Digital advertising 2,274 2,255 4,232 4,332 Agency Marketing and media services 3,952 3,674 8,001 7,610 Advertising and Marketing Services $ 12,784 $ 16,223 $ 24,430 $ 31,532 TDMN Print circulation $ 11,603 $ 12,144 $ 23,359 $ 24,525 Digital circulation 4,578 3,852 9,122 7,482 Circulation $ 16,181 $ 15,996 $ 32,481 $ 32,007 TDMN $ 3,096 $ 3,634 $ 6,252 $ 7,357 Agency — 159 — 318 Printing, Distribution and Other $ 3,096 $ 3,793 $ 6,252 $ 7,675 Total Revenue $ 32,061 $ 36,012 $ 63,163 $ 71,214 Advertising and Marketing Services Advertising and marketing services revenue is recognized when an ad or service is complete and delivered based on the contract price. Payment is typically received within 30 to 60 days after the customer is billed . Longer-term contracts often include multiple performance obligations, digital and other forms of advertising, and a single performance obligation containing a bundle of services that are not distinct but provided to maximize a customer’s marketing plan. When the Company has a longer-term contract, revenue is recognized over time as the ads or services are delivered. For contracts with over-time revenue recognition the company is providing a series of services and recognizes revenue by 1) using a time-based method of measuring progress of delivery over time, or 2) as each distinct performance obligation (typically ads or impressions) are delivered on a monthly basis. In addition, certain digital advertising revenue related to website access is recognized over time, based on the customers’ monthly rate. The Company typically extends credit to advertising and marketing services customers, although for certain advertising campaigns the customer may pay in advance. Print advertising r evenue is primarily comprised of display and classified advertising space within the Company’s newspaper. Display revenue results from sales of advertising space within the Company’s newspaper to local, regional or national businesses with local operations, affiliates or resellers. Classified revenue, which includes automotive, real estate, employment, obituaries, immigration, and other, results from sales of advertising space in the classified and other sections of the Company’s newspaper. At the end of August 2023, the Company exited its shared mail program to deliver weekly preprints and discontinued print-only editions of its niche publications. Digital advertising r evenue is generated by digital sales of banner, classified and native advertisements on the Company’s news websites, social media platforms and mobile apps. Prior to the segment reporting change, digital advertising, and marketing and media services revenues were reported in aggregate. Marketing and media services revenue is primarily comprised of strategic and creative services, website management and content services, media services consisting of paid search, social and targeted digital advertising on third-party platforms (programmatic), as well as traditional media including direct mail, promotional products, out of market print inserts, and over-the-top advertising on streaming platforms. The revenue also includes subscriptions to the Company’s multi-channel marketing solutions cloud-based software and services. For ads placed on certain third-party platforms, the Company must evaluate and use judgment to determine whether it is acting as the principal, where revenue is reported on a gross basis, or acting as the agent, where revenue is reported on a net basis. Generally, the Company reports advertising revenue for ads placed on third-party platforms on a net basis, meaning the amount recorded to revenue is the amount billed to the customer net of amounts paid to the publisher of the third-party platforms. The Company is acting as the agent because the publisher controls the advertising inventory. The Company will record certain arrangements gross when it controls the inventory or it has latitude in establishing price or it determines that advertising campaign management, targeting or other actions provide significant value added service to the customer . Barter advertising transactions are recognized at estimated fair value based on the negotiated contract price and the range of prices for similar advertising from customers unrelated to the barter transaction. The Company expenses barter costs as incurred, which is independent from the timing of revenue recognition. Circulation Print circulation revenue is generated primarily by selling home delivery subscriptions, including premium publications, and from single copy sales to non-subscribers. Home delivery revenue is recognized over the subscription period based on the days of actual delivery over the total subscription days and single copy revenue is recognized at a point in time when the paper is purchased. Revenue is directly reduced for any non-payment for the grace period of home delivery subscriptions where the Company recorded revenue for newspapers delivered after a subscription expired. Digital circulation revenue is generated by digital-only subscriptions and is recognized over the subscription period based on daily or monthly access to the content in the subscription period. Payment of circulation fees is typically received in advance and deferred over the subscription period. There is little judgment required for valuation or timing of circulation revenue recognition. Printing, Distribution and Other Printing, distribution and other revenue is primarily generated from printing and distribution of other newspapers, as well as mailed advertisements for business customers. Printing, distribution and other revenue is recognized at a point in time when the product or service is delivered, which requires little judgment to determine. The Company typically extends credit to printing and distribution customers. Contract Liabilities Deferred revenue is recorded when cash payments are received in advance of the Company’s performance, including amounts which are refundable. The Company’s primary sources of deferred revenue are from circulation subscriptions and advertising paid in advance of the service provided. These up-front payments are recorded upon receipt as contract liabilities in the Consolidated Balance Sheets and the revenue is recognized when the Company’s obligations under the terms of the contract are satisfied . In the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, the Company recognized $ 2,173 and $ 8,317 , respectively, of revenue that was included in the contract liabilities balance as of December 31, 2023. The Company typically recognizes deferred revenue within 1 to 12 months. Practical Expedients and Exemptions The Company generally expenses sales commissions and circulation acquisition costs when incurred because the amortization period would have been one year or less. These costs are recorded within employee compensation and benefits expense and other production, distribution and operating costs expense, respectively. The Company does not disclose the value of unsatisfied performance obligations for contracts with an original expected length of one year or less and contracts for which revenue is recognized at the amount invoiced for services performed. |