Note3 Convertible Notes Payable | Note3 C o ver t b o t e P ay a b On N o v embe 18 20 1 1 h C o m pan s g ne $3 0 ,00 co n ver b p r om s s o r n o h r pa r t y T h no b ear n ere s a 8 pe an n u a n a du o u gu s 18 20 1 2 Th n o ha co n ver s o r gh ha a o h h o de o h no con v er af e 18 day a o an pa r o h rema n n p r i n c pa ba anc n h C o m pany c o mm o s t o c a p r c eq u a 5 8 o h avera g o h o e s rad n p r i ce f o h C om m o oc du r n h mo s recen e da per o d The conversion feature was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue as a derivative liability, but has been fully amortized in prior periods. Th n o defa u t ccord n h erm o t h n o t up o de f au h ba a n c du i 1 5 0 o t h u n pa p r nc pa b a l a n ce I ad d i o n f r o h da o defa u l h no e bea n ere s a 22 p e an n um ma t s o d s cre o con v er h d efau am o un n equ y On A p r 27 20 1 2 h C om p an s g n e $ 32 , 50 con v er b p r om s s o r n o t h r par y Th no b ear n ere s a 8 pe a n nu an a du o J anu a r 2 7 2 01 3 Th no h a c o nve r s o r g h t ha a o h ho d e o h n o c o nver a f e 1 8 da y a l o an pa r o h rema n i n p r nc pa b a l a n c n t h C o mpan y comm o s oc a pr c e q ua 5 8 o t h ave r ag o h o e s ra d n p r ce fo h C o mmo t o c d ur n h m o s r ecen e d a pe r od The conversion feature was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue as derivative liability, but has been fully amortized in prior periods. Th no d efau cco r d n t h er m o h n o u p o defau h ba anc d u 1 5 0 o h un p a p r nc pa ba a n ce I add o n fr o h d a o defau h no e bea n ere s a 22 pe ann u m T h nve s o ma i s o d s cre o conv e r h de f au amo u n n equ y On October 15, 2013, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on October 15, 2014. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A beneficial conversion feature of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. $30,000 of the beneficial conversion feature has been amortized as of September 30, 2015. Th no d efau On January 15, 2014, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on January 15, 2015. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $23,564 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. This note is in default. On March 15, 2014, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on March 15, 2015. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. This note is in default. On March 15, 2014, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on March 15, 2015. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. This note is in default. On June 15, 2014, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on June 15, 2015. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. This note is in default. On July 1, 2014, the Company converted $60,000 of amounts due to officers into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on July 31, 2015. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note after six months to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. This note is in default. On September 15, 2014, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on September 15, 2015. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. This note is in default. On December 15, 2014, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on December 15, 2015. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. This note is in default. On March 15, 2015, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on March 15, 2016. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. On April 1, 2015, the Company converted $52,500 of compensation owed into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on March 31, 2016. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $52,500 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. On April 1, 2015, the Company converted $30,000 of compensation owed into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on March 31, 2016. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. On June 15, 2015, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on June 15, 2016. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. On September 15, 2015, the Company converted $30,000 of payables into a convertible promissory note with a third party. The note bears interest at 8% per annum and was due on September 15, 2016. The note has conversion rights that allow the holder of the note at any time to convert all or any part of the remaining principal balance into the Companys common stock at a fixed price of $0.0015. A loss on extinguishment of debt of $30,000 was determined to exist and was recorded at the time of issue. I accor d anc 4 70 t h C o mpa n ha a n a l y ze h benef c a n a t u r o h c o nve r s o erm an de erm ne ha b enef c a co n ver s o fea ur ( BC ex s s T h C o mpa n ca cu a e h va u o h BC u s n h n r i n s m e t h o a s pu a e S 4 7 0 T h B C ha bee rec o rde a d s c o un h n o e p ayab a n d d ona a d- C ap a As o September 30, 2015 an ecem b e 3 1 2 014 h ba a n c o con v er b n o t e p ayab a $536,250 a n $ 363,750 . F o h m on h en d e September 30, 2015 h C o mpan ha rec o gn ze $49,470 i n ere s expe n s . |