Exhibit 99.1

Adam Schoenfeld, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA 1. Multicenter Phase II Trial Of LN - 145 TIL Cell Therapy Plus Pembrolizumab in Patients With ICI - Naïve Metastatic NSCLC Adam Schoenfeld 1 ; Kai He 2 ; Jason Chesney 3 ; Edward Garon 4 ; Jorge Nieva 5 ; Adrian Sacher 6 ; Sylvia Lee 7 ; Friedrich Graf Finckenstein 8 ; Rana Fiaz 8 ; Melissa Catlett 8 ; Guang Chen 8 ; Viktoria Gontcharova 8 ; Benjamin C. Creelan 9 1 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA; 2 James Cancer Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA; 3 James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA; 4 University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 5 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 6 Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario , Canada; 7 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA , USA; 8 Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc., San Carlos, CA, USA; 9 H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, USA

Adam Schoenfeld, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA 2. IOV - COM - 202 3A: LN - 145 + anti – PD - 1 in ICI - naïve mNSCLC Merging Potent Immunotherapy Modalities 1. Schoenfeld A, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2021;9(Suppl 2):A458. 2. Creelan BC, et al. Nat Med 2021;27(8):1410 – 1418. a Every 8 – 12 hours (3 – 24 hours after completion of LN - 145 infusion). CY, cyclophosphamide; EOA, end of assessment; EOS, end of study; EOT, end of treatment; FLU, fludarabine; GMP, Good Manufactu rin g Practice; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; IL - 2, interleukin - 2; IU, international units; mNSCLC, metastatic non - small cell lung cancer; NMA - LD, non - myeloablative lymphodepletion; PD - 1, programmed cell death protein 1; PD - L1, programmed deat h ligand - 1; TIL, tumor - infiltrating lymphocyte. Screening Enrollment / Tumor Tissue Procurement for LN-145 Manufacturing Single Dose Pembrolizumab (200 mg or 400 mg) NMA - LD Day - 7 to Day - 6: CY (60 mg/kg daily î 2 doses) Day - 5 to Day - 1: FLU (25 mg/m 2 daily î 5 doses) LN - 145 Infusion Day 0 (1 × 10 9 to 150 × 10 9 cells) IL - 2 Day 0 or 1 to Day 3 or 4 ≤6 Doses a (600,000 IU/kg) Pembrolizumab Q3W (200 mg) or Q6W (400 mg) for ≤24 months Efficacy Follow - up Long - term Follow - up Figure 1. Treatment Regimen and IL - 2 Dosing Methods and Objective • IOV - COM - 202 (NCT03645928) is a global, phase 2, multicenter, multicohort open - label study of autologous TIL cell therapy in patients with solid tumors • Cohort 3A includes patients with anti – PD - 1/PD - L1 naïve locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC with disease progression • We report data for patients in Cohort 3A treated with LN - 145 plus pembrolizumab ( Figure 1 ) GMP Manufacturing (22 days) Assessment Period: Day 0 to EOA EOA EOT EOS Progression or New Therapy Introduction • Benefit from front - line ICI ± chemotherapy in patients with mNSCLC is limited by primary and secondary resistance • TIL cell therapy has produced durable objective responses in patients with extensively pretreated mNSCLC 1,2 • Integration of TIL cell therapy in front - line regimens may improve long - term benefit

Adam Schoenfeld, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA 3. Characteristics Cohort 3A (N=19) Median age, y (min, max) 55.4 (35, 68) Never tobacco use, n (%) a 7 (36.8) Median prior lines of systemic therapy by prior therapy subgroup, n (min, max) 1 (0, 4) Treatment - naïve (n=5) b 0 (0, 1) Post - chemotherapy (n=7) c 1 (1, 3) EGFR - mutated post - TKI (n=7) d 2 (1, 4) Nonsquamous histologic cell type, n (%) e 18 (94.7) Driver mutation - positive, n (%) f 13 (68.4) EGFR 7 (36.8) KRAS g 6 (31.6) NTRK 1 (5.3) PD - L1 tumor proportion score, n (%) h <1% 13 (68.4) 1 - 49% 2 (10.5) ≥50% 4 (21.1) Median number of target and nontarget lesions, n (min, max) 4 (2, 10) Median target lesion SOD, mm (min, max) 61.0 (13, 218) Anatomic site of TTPS, n (%) i Lung 8 (42.1) Lymph node 5 (26.3) Median time from TTPS to LN - 145 infusion, d (min, max) 39.0 (34, 84) Median LN - 145 dose, î 10 9 cells (min, max) 23.5 (2.8, 57.6) Table 2. Non - hematologic TEAEs in ≥30% of Patients j Table 3. Grade 3/4 Hematologic Lab Abnormalities Data cutoff: 26 June 2023 • Patients were largely PD - L1 – negative , with high burden of disease ( Table 1 ) • TEAEs were consistent with the underlying disease and the known safety profiles of non - myeloablative lymphodepletion and IL - 2 ( Table 2; Table 3 ) • No Grade 5 TEAE was reported Preferred Term, n (%) Cohort 3A (N=19) Any grade Grade 3/4 Pyrexia 15 (78.9) 1 (5.3) Hypoxia 14 (73.7) 11 (57.9) Chills 13 (68.4) 0 Dyspnea 12 (63.2) 4 (21.1) Fatigue 10 (52.6) 3 (15.8) Cough 9 (47.4) 0 Diarrhea 9 (47.4) 0 Hypotension 9 (47.4) 3 (15.8) Nausea 9 (47.4) 1 (5.3) Febrile neutropenia 8 (42.1) 8 (42.1) Hypoalbuminemia 8 (42.1) 1 (5.3) Sinus tachycardia 8 (42.1) 0 Hypophosphatemia 7 (36.8) 6 (31.6) Hypertension 7 (36.8) 2 (10.5) Peripheral edema 7 (36.8) 1 (5.3) Constipation 6 (31.6) 0 Hyponatremia 6 (31.6) 2 (10.5) Hyperglycemia 6 (31.6) 1 (5.3) Maculopapular rash 6 (31.6) 0 Musculoskeletal chest pain 6 (31.6) 0 Table 1. Baseline Patient and Disease Characteristics Preferred Term, n (%) Cohort 3A (N=19) Grade 3/4 Neutropenia 19 (100) Leukopenia 19 (100) Lymphopenia 19 (100) Thrombocytopenia 17 (89.5) Anemia 15 (78.9) Results: Baseline Demographics and Safety Data Majority of Patients Were PD - L1 – Negative With High Disease Burden a 12 patients (63.2%) were former smokers. b ICI - naïve patients who are treatment naïve in metastatic setting (n=5); 1 patient received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. c ICI - naïve patients who received prior chemotherapy (n=7). d ICI - naïve EGFR - mutated patients who received prior TKI therapy (n=7). e 1 patient (5.3%) had squamous cell carcinoma. f Genes assessed include BRAF , EGFR , ALK , ROS1 , KRAS , and NTRK ; some patients did not have all genes assessed. g 1 patient had a KRAS G12C mutation. h As adjudicated between site - reported and central - laboratory data; 8 of the patients with PD - L1 – negative disease were EGFR wild - type. i 6 patients (26.3%) had other site, including bone, liver, skin/subcutaneous, buttock, post chest wall, and pleura (n=1 each). j Per CTCAE v4.03; TEAEs include AEs that occur from the earlier of the first dose of pembrolizumab or LN - 145 infusion, up to 30 days after the later of the last dose of pembrolizumab or LN - 145 infusion or start of a new anticancer therapy. AE, adverse event; IL - 2, interleukin 2; PD - L1, programmed death ligand - 1; SOD, sum of diameters; TEAE, treatment - emergent advers e event; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor; TTPS, tumor tissue procurement surgery.

Adam Schoenfeld, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA 4. • Median study follow - up was 18.2 months • 76.5% of patients experienced reduction in tumor burden ( Figure 2 ) • ORR was 42.1% ( Table 4 ); ORRs by prior therapy were: • Treatment - naïve: 80.0% (4/5) • Post - chemotherapy: 42.9% (3/7) • EGFR - mutated post - TKI: 14.3% (1/7) • Treatment - naïve or post - chemotherapy: 58.3% (7/12) Best Overall Response Cohort 3A (N=19) n/N % (95% CI) ORR 8/19 42.1 (20.3, 66.5) DCR 15/19 78.9 (54.4, 93.9) CR 2/19 10.5 PR 6/19 31.6 SD 7/19 36.8 PD 2/19 10.5 NE 2/19 10.5 Table 4. Best Overall Response Results: Clinical Efficacy in ICI - naïve mNSCLC Responses (RECIST v1.1) Observed Independent of PD - L1 Status *PD - L1 status (%) as adjudicated between site - reported and central - laboratory data. CR, complete response; DCR, disease control rate; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; mNSCLC , metastatic non - small cell lung cancer; NE, non - evaluable; ORR, objective response rate; PD - L1, programmed death ligand - 1; PD, progressive disease; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; SOD, sum of diameters; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Figure 2. Best Percentage Change from Baseline in Target Lesion SOD for Evaluable Patients ORR (95% CI): 80.0% (28.4%, 99.5%) ORR (95% CI): 14.3% (0.4%, 57.9%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 - 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 Treatment - naïve Post - chemotherapy EGFR - mutated post - TKI ≥50* ≥50* <1* ≥50* ≥50* <1* <1* <1* <1* <1* <1* <1* <1* 1 - 49* <1* <1* 1 - 49* % Change from Baseline Best Overall Response PD PR SD CR ORR (95% CI): 42.9% (9.9%, 81.6%)

Adam Schoenfeld, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA 5. Results: Clinical Efficacy in ICI - naïve mNSCLC Durable Responses Were Observed a As adjudicated between site - reported and central - laboratory data. b The following genes were tested: BRAF , EGFR , ALK , ROS1 , KRAS , and NTRK . c Patient received prior neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. d ROS1 , NTRK not assessed. e NTRK not assessed. BOR, best overall response; CR, complete response; ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; mNSCLC, metastatic non - small cell lung canc er; PD - L1, programmed death ligand - 1; PR, partial response; SOD, sum of diameters; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor; TPS, tumor proportion score. Figure 3. Time to Response, Duration of Response, and Time on Efficacy Assessment for Confirmed Responders (PR or Better) • 4 responses occurred in 8 patients with EGFR wild - type, PD - L1 – negative disease (50%) ( Figure 3 ) • Responses deepened over time in a subgroup of patients ( Figure 4 ) Figure 4. Percentage Change from Baseline in Target Lesion SOD CR PR SD PD 3A - 16 (PD) 3A - 03 (PD) 3A - 15 (SD) 3A - 19 (SD) 3A - 18 (SD) 3A - 05 (SD) 3A - 07 (SD) 3A - 08 (SD) 3A - 01 (SD) 3A - 04 (PR) 3A - 11 (PR) 3A - 17 (PR) 3A - 02 (PR) 3A - 10 (PR) 3A - 09 (PR) 3A - 14 (CR) 3A - 13 (CR) Baseline Day 42 Day 84 Day 126 Month 6 Month 9 Month 12 Month 15 Month 18 Visit - 100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 Percentage Change Best Response Subgroup Pt PD - L1 TPS (%) a Mutation Status b BOR on Study Treatment - naïve 3A - 02 c <1 None detected PR 3A - 04 ≥50 KRAS G12V mutated PR 3A - 17 ≥50 KRAS G12V mutated PR 3A - 10 ≥50 None detected PR Post - chemotherapy 3A - 11 <1 None detected d PR 3A - 13 <1 None detected e CR 3A - 09 <1 NTRK gene fusion PR EGFR - mutated post - TKI 3A - 14 1 - 49 EGFR mutated CR 0 Time (Months) Since LN - 145 Infusion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ongoing on Study CR start PR start Progression Pembrolizumab

Adam Schoenfeld, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA 6. • Clones from the infused TIL product persisted similarly in responders and nonresponders ( Figure 5 ) * Bars represent standard error. TCR, T - cell receptor; TIL, tumor - infiltrating lymphocyte. Figure 5. Persistence of Infused TIL* Infused TCR Clonotypes Over Time and Cell Dose Infused TIL Persist in Peripheral Blood and Cell Dose Did Not Differ By Response • Total cell dose infused was similar among responders and nonresponders ( Figure 6 ) Figure 6. Total Cell Dose Time % TCR Repertoire Pre - Infusion Day 4 0 50 100 Day 42 Nonresponder Responder Total Dose (billion) 0 20 40 60 p = 0.62

• In patients with ICI - naïve mNSCLC, activity of LN - 145 plus pembrolizumab was greater than what has previously been reported for LN-145 monotherapy or pembrolizumab alone and was not limited by PD - L1 TPS • Overall, the ORR was 42.1% • Treatment - naïve: 80.0% (4/5) • Post - chemotherapy: 42.9% (3/7) • EGFR - mutated post - TKI: 14.3% (1/7) • Treatment - naïve or post - chemotherapy: 58.3% (7/12) • EGFR wild - type, PD - L1 – negative disease: 50.0% (4/8) • No new safety signals were observed with pembrolizumab addition to the LN-145 regimen • Durable and deepening responses (up to 15.4 months and ongoing) were observed and TIL clones persisted after infusion • No difference was observed in cell dose infused for responders and nonresponders • These results support further clinical investigation of LN - 145 in ICI - naïve mNSCLC and inform design of a phase 3 study of LN - 14 5 added to front - line standard of care therapy for patients with mNSCLC Adam Schoenfeld, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA 7. ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; mNSCLC, metastatic non - small cell lung cancer; ORR, objective response rate; PD - L1, programmed death ligand - 1; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor; TPS, tumor proportion score. Trial Conclusions TIL Cell Therapy Activity May Be Independent of PD - L1 Status in ICI - naïve mNSCLC Copies of this presentation obtained through QR (Quick Response) and/or text key codes are for personal use only and may not be reproduced without written permission of the authors.