Exhibit 4.12
THIS SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) is made and entered into for the purpose of this Agreement on30th Mar 2018 by and between:
甲方:Plastec International Holdings Limited
注册地址:Sea Meadow House, Blackburne Highway, (P.O. Box 116), Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
Plastec International Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a company organized and validly existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, with its registered office at Sea Meadow House, Blackburne Highway, (P.O. Box 116), Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, and the authorized representative of which is Mr. YUN Liming; and
乙方:Viewmount Developments Limited
授权代表:SZE-TO Kin Sun
注册地址:Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cay II, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands
Viewmount Developments Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), a company organized and validly existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, with its registered office at Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cay II, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands, and the authorized representative of which is Mr. SZE-TO Kin Sun.
Each of the parties listed above is referred to herein individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.
Party A is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, which is wholly owned by Shanghai YongLi Belting Co., Ltd..
2、乙方为一家依据英属维尔京群岛法律注册成立并有效存续的有限公司,合法持有标的公司Sun Ngai Industries(HK)Co., Limited(新艺工业(香港)有限公司,以下简称“新艺工业”)及Ever Ally Developments Limited(永协发展有限公司,以下简称“永协发展”)100%已发行的股权,乙方持有新艺工业、永协发展及其附属公司的情况详见本协议附件一。
Party B is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, and legally holds 100% of the issued shares of Sun Ngai Industries (HK) Co., Limited (新艺工业(香港)有限公司, hereinafter referred to as “Sun Ngai Industries” ) and Ever Ally Developments Limited (永协发展有限公司, hereinafter referred to as “Ever Ally Developments”). Details of holding of Sun Ngai Industries and Ever Ally Developments, together with their subsidiaries, by Party B are set out in theExhibit I of this Agreement.
Sun Ngai Industries and Ever Ally Developments mentioned above shall be referred to herein collectively as the “Target Companies”.
Party A intends to purchase 100% issued shares of the Target Companies held by Party B. Party A and Party B have negotiated and agreed on the terms and conditions below in connection with the aforesaid transaction.
THEREFORE, the Parties now execute this Agreement for all Parties’ observance.
第一条 交易标的股权
Article 1 Target Shares of the Transaction
The target shares to be transferred by Party B are: 100% issued shares of Sun Ngai Industries and Ever Ally Developments held by Party B (the relevant shares and transaction shall, respectively, be referred to herein collectively as “Target Shares” and the “Transaction”).
第二条 定价依据、交易对价
Article 2 Pricing Basis and the Consideration
2.1根据甲方母公司上海永利带业股份有限公司与乙方母公司Plastec Technologies, Ltd.于2015年11月14日签署的《关于Plastec International Holdings Limited之股权转让协议》的条款及精神,经友好协商,各方一致同意,以乙方实际投入标的公司的经审计的原始货币资金总金额作为对价收购标的股权。
In accordance with the terms and spirits ofSHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT In connection with 100% Shares of Plastec International Holdings Limited signed by Party A’s parent company, Shanghai YongLi Belting Co., Ltd., and Party B’s parent company, Plastec Technologies, Ltd., on November 14, 2015, the Parties, through friendly negotiations, have agreed that Party A shall purchase the Target Shares for a consideration equivalent to the aggregate of the actual registered capitals injected by Party B into the Target Companies, as audited.
2.2根据大华会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)于2018年3月26日出具的《新艺工业(香港)有限公司审计报告》(大华审字 [2018] 003677号)及《永协发展有限公司审计报告》(大华审字[2018] 003678号,以下有关之审计报告合称“审计报告”),截至2017年12月31日,乙方实际投入新艺工业的原始货币资金金额为港币70,000元,实际投入永协发展的原始货币资金金额为1美元。经双方友好协商,新艺工业及永协发展的100%已发行股权转让总价款分別为港币70,000元 及1美元(以下合称“对价”)。
In accordance with theAudit Report of Sun Ngai Industries (HK) Co., Limited (Da Hua Shen Zi [2018] No. 003677) andAudit Report of Ever Ally Developments Limited (Da Hua Shen Zi [2018] No. 003678) issued on March 26, 2018 by Da Hua Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) (the relevant audited reports shall be referred to herein collectively as the “Audited Reports”), as of December 31, 2017, the actual registered capital injected into Sun Ngai Industries by Party B is HK$70,000, the actual registered capital injected into Ever Ally Developments by Party B is US$1. Following further negotiations between the Parties, the total prices for the transfers of 100% issued shares of Sun Ngai Industries and Ever Ally have been agreed to be HK$70,000 and US$1, respectively (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Consideration”).
第三条 对价支付及股权交割
Article 3 Payment of Consideration and Closing
Party A shall pay Party B the Consideration (as sets forth in Article 2) and pay Party B all accounts payables (including but not limited to the shareholder loans) which the Target Companies owe to Party B in accordance with the amounts as confirmed in note numbered 10 to the financial statements under the Audited Reports, totaling HK$258,910,000 as of March 26, 2018, fully and in one go within 90 days after all the closing conditions, set forth in Article 4 herein, have been satisfied.
The Parties agree that closing of the Transaction shall be completed within 30 days after the receipt of the Consideration by Party B, so that on the date of closing Party A be registered as the sole shareholder of the Target Companies (hereinafter referred to as “Closing” and the date on which Closing shall take place as “Closing Date”). Details of holding of the Target Companies, together with their subsidiaries, by Party A after Closing are set out in theExhibit II of this Agreement.
第四条 本协议的交割条件
Article 4 Closing Conditions
The Parties agree that Closing contemplated hereby shall be subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions precedent:
| (1) | 本协议及本次交易所需的相关文件已经各方或相关方依法签署; |
The Parties and any relevant parties have signed this Agreement and all the relevant documents of the Transaction in accordance with law;
| (2) | 甲方母公司上海永利带业股份有限公司董事会会议和股东大会审议通过本次交易; |
The Transaction has been considered and approved both at the board of directors meeting and at the shareholders’ meeting of Party A’s parent company, Shanghai YongLi Belting Co., Ltd.;
| (3) | 乙方/乙方母公司Plastec Technologies, Ltd.董事会审议通过本次交易。 |
The Transaction has been considered and approved by the board of directors of Party B and Party B’s parent company, Plastec Technologies, Ltd.
If, prior to Closing of the Transaction, any laws applicable to the Transaction have been amended, the Parties shall in that case vary the conditions precedent to Closing of the Transaction in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations as in force at the time.
第五条 权利义务的转移
Article 5 Transfer of Rights and Obligations
As from the Closing Date, all rights and/or obligations arising from the Target Shares entitled and/or liable to by Party B shall be transferred to, and be entitled to and assumed by, Party A.
The rights set forth in Article 5.1 include voting rights, dividends distribution rights, residual assets distribution rights and any other rights in accordance with any applicable laws and articles of association arising from the Target Shares.
The Parties confirm that all current directors, supervisors and employees of the Target Companies and their subsidiaries shall remain in their office after Closing, pursuant to the appointment documents for directors and supervisors that are in force or the labor contracts for employees signed by/with the Target Companies or their subsidiaries.
第六条 甲方的声明与保证
Article 6 Representations and Warranties of Party A
Party A has all requisite power and authority to enter into and to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Party A represents and warrants that this Agreement shall not be rendered ineffective for want of authority on the part of Party A to enter into this Agreement;
The entering into and implementation of this Agreement do not and shall not violate any contracts or legal documents as enforceable against Party A;
Party A and any intermediaries engaged by it have completed all necessary due diligence investigations upon the Target Companies and their subsidiaries as they deemed appropriate. Party A agrees unconditionally to take over the Target Companies and their subsidiaries on an “as is where is” basis (including but not limited to the construction of factory, the factory facilities and equipment and employment relationship) on the Closing Date.
第七条 乙方的声明与保证
Article 7 Representations and Warranties of Party B
Party B has all requisite power and authority to enter into and to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Party B represents and warrants that this Agreement shall not be rendered ineffective for want of authority on the part of Party B to enter into this Agreement;
The entering into and implementation of this Agreement do not and shall not violate any contracts or legal documents as enforceable against Party B;
Party B represents and warrants that the Target Companies have not given any guarantees to any third parties, not been subject to any tax disputes or off-balance sheet debts. If there exists any of the foregoing prior to the Closing Date resulting in any losses and damages to the Target Companies, Party B shall be fully responsible therefor;
The documents, materials and information provided by Party B to Party A and any intermediaries engaged by Party A are true, accurate and complete without material concealment or omission, not false or misleading;
Party B represents and warrants that it is the legal owner of the Target Shares and is entitled to transfer the Target Shares. The Target Shares are not subject to any mortgages, pledges, liens, sequestration,Mareva process or any encumbrances preventing their transfers, and are not subject to any lawsuit or administrative penalties arising from its ownership of the Target Shares.
第八条 有关税费的承担
Article 8 Taxes
Each Party shall be respectively responsible for its tax liability incurred in entering into and performance of the Agreement pursuant to applicable law.
第九条 违约责任
Article 9 Breaches
Unless caused by Force Majeure, any Party that fails to perform or fails to timely or properly perform any of its obligations, or is in breach of any representations, warranties or undertakings under this Agreement shall be in breach of the Agreement, and shall be liable therefor in accordance with law.
第十条 不可抗力
Article 10 Force Majeure
10.1 “不可抗力”指本协议生效日后发生的、阻碍本协议一方履行其全部或部分义务的、本协议一方无法控制、不可预见、不可避免或不可克服的所有事件,包括地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争、政府行为或任何其他不可预见的、不可避免或不可控制的事件;
Force majeure means any event unforeseen by any party, unavoidable, uncontrollable and insurmountable to such party occurring after this Agreement shall become effective, which prevents any party to this Agreement from performing all or any of its obligations hereunder, including earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war, governmental action or other unforeseen, unavoidable or uncontrollable events;
Any Party, not at fault of its own, shall not be regarded as to be in breach of this Agreement if the non-performance of all or any of its obligations hereunder is caused by force majeure; and if circumstances permit, such Party shall take all necessary remedial steps in order to mitigate losses caused by force majeure;
In event of force majeure, the Party so affected shall notify the other Party of such an event in writing within 3 business days from the date of its occurrence, and also provide the other Party with details of force majeure and valid proof of reasons for its inability to perform or delay in performing this Agreement, whether in whole or in part, within 15 business days from the date of its occurrence. Depending on the extent to which this Agreement might be affected by force majeure, the Parties shall, through friendly negotiations, decide whether or not to terminate this Agreement or to exempt performance of certain part of this Agreement or to delay in performing this Agreement.
第十一条 适用法律与争议解决
Article 11 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
The execution, performance, effectiveness and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of PRC;
Both Parties shall seek to resolve any differences arising out of or relating to this Agreement expeditiously through friendly negotiations, failing which, any Party may refer the differences to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules applicable and in force at the time. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on all Parties.
第十二条 生效、修改
Article 12 Effectiveness and Amendment
12.1本协议经双方授权代表签署并加盖公章后成立,并经甲方母公司上海永利带业股份有限公司董事会会议及股东大会以及乙方/乙方母公司Plastec Technologies, Ltd.各自董事会批准之日起生效。
This Agreement shall be established upon its execution by authorized representatives of each Party and shall become effective on the date on which this Agreement has been approved of at the board of directors meeting and at the shareholders’ meeting of Party A’s parent company, Shanghai YongLi Belting Co., Ltd., and by the board of directors of Party B and Party B’s parent company, Plastec Technologies, Ltd.; whichever happens last.
This Agreement may be altered or amended by mutual consents of Parties hereto by an instrument in writing signed by the Parties.
第十三条 其他
Article 13 Miscellaneous
Unless otherwise agreed by all Parties in writing, no Party shall assign all or part of this Agreement or any of its rights, benefits or obligations hereunder to any third party without prior written consent of the other Parties.
This Agreement shall be written in both English and Chinese. In the event that there is any inconsistence between the English and Chinese version of the Agreement, the Chinese version shall prevail.
This Agreement shall be executed in four original sets, each of which shall have the same legal effect. Each party shall have one original set and the rest shall be used for relevant approvals, registrations or record putting purposes.
[Exhibits and Signature Page to Follow]
(《股权转让协议》之签署页) | |
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[Signature Page of the Share Transfer Agreement] | |
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甲方:Plastec International Holdings Limited(盖章) | |
Party A: Plastec International Holdings Limited (Seal) | |
| |
授权代表(签字): | |
Authorized Representative (Sign): | /s/ YUN LiMing | |
签署地点: | |
Place of Signing:Shanghai | |
日期: | |
Date:March 30, 2018 | |
| |
乙方:Viewmount Developments Limited(盖章) | |
Party B: Viewmount Developments Limited (Seal) | |
| |
授权代表(签字): | |
Authorized Representative (Sign): | /s/ SZE-TO Kin Sun | |
签署地点: | |
Place of Signing:Shanghai | |
日期: | |
Date:March 30, 2018 | |
Exhibit I: Corporate Chart depicting Party B’s holding in the Target Companies

Exhibit II: Corporate Chart depicting Party A’s holding in the Target Companies after Closing