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accrual, add, addressing, alleged, Andrew, answering, Anthony, avoidance, Bankett, Barr, barred, Bold, box, briefly, CA, Calloway, cast, certify, check, choose, chronological, clear, Coldicutt, collateral, Commodity, composition, computation, computed, consequential, contact, contemplated, contra, conviction, correct, counsel, CPA, cquire, CUSIP, Darrell, debit, decree, default, defendant, Diego, email, enjoined, entry, equal, EQUITYBASED, error, Esq, Exact, excluding, factual, fax, field, final, fintech, Freeway, Holder, Houston, incidental, Insert, instrument, jurisdiction, landlord, landrew, LaTeisha, lease, leased, leasing, legend, lender, life, Likewise, LLC, LONGTERM, loop, Maker, Maturity, mechanism, mitigation, mortgage, nonrealization, Noteholder, OTC, OTCIQ, par, paramount, partnership, paul, percent, permanently, phone, Pink, platform, PMB, post, postage, posted, predecessor, Preferred, printing, promissory, recapitalization, receivership, Relationship, relief, remaining, Rent, requested, restate, restated, restatement, reversed, River, routine, San, shell, SIC, Signature, sixty, software, sought, split, standing, Stephani, subordinated, sum, surviving, tabular, temporarily, Tomball, traffic, type, unaudited, unrestricted, vacated, VARIABE, VIE, virtually
abdication, abroad, absence, absent, absorption, accelerated, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accomplishing, accounted, accredited, accuracy, accurately, achieve, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acting, actively, activist, activity, adapt, added, adding, Additionally, adequate, administration, administrative, advanced, advantage, adverse, adversely, advice, advisor, advisory, advocate, aesthetically, affected, affecting, affiliate, afforded, Africa, AG, age, aggregated, aggressive, aging, ahead, air, allocate, allocation, alternative, Alternatively, altogether, Amending, America, amortize, amortized, announced, announcing, annually, annum, anticipate, apparent, application, applied, apply, applying, appointed, approval, approximate, approximately, architectural, arising, Arizona, arrangement, array, Asia, assertion, assessed, assessing, assessment, assist, assistant, assumed, assuming, assumption, assurance, assure, assured, attendant, attention, attestation, attract, attractive, attractively, attribute, August, authority, aware, back, bargaining, base, bear, begin, behalf, Beijing, bid, billed, billing, block, body, book, bookkeeping, boom, borrowed, branch, brand, bringing, broad, Broadcasting, broader, brokerage, brought, build, building, built, bulk, Bulletin, burdensome, bureaucracy, buy, cadmium, calendar, campaign, campaigner, candidate, canteen, capability, capable, capacity, capital, capitalize, capitalized, care, carefully, carryforwarded, carrying, carton, case, catalogue, category, cell, center, central, CEO, Certificate, Certification, cessation, CFO, chain, channel, charge, charged, Chen, China, Chinese, circuit, Circular, claim, classification, classified, closely, coal, coating, collect, collectable, collectibility, collecting, collective, combination, combining, commencing, commensurate, commercial, commercialized, commercializing, commit, committed, committee, commonly, communicated, Communist, comparable, comparably, compared, comparing, comparison, compensate, compensated, compete, competing, competition, competitive, complementary, complex, compliance, complied, comply, component, composed, compound, comprehensive, concentrated, concentration, concluded, conduct, conducted, conducting, conductor, confidentiality, configured, confirmation, confirming, conflict, conform, conjunction, connected, connection, consent, conservative, conserve, consideration, consist, consistent, consistently, consolidated, construct, constructed, constructing, construction, consulting, consummate, consumption, context, continually, continued, continuously, contract, contractual, controlled, conventional, Conversely, cooling, coordinating, copy, corroborated, corrupt, COSO, costly, Council, country, County, cover, coverage, covering, creation, criteria, criterion, crystalline, crystallization, curtail, customer, cut, cutting, daily, damage, damaged, data, dated, daughter, deal, death, decide, decided, deciding, decision, declaring, decline, decrease, decreased, dedicate, dedicated, deferred, deficiency, defray, degree, delaying, deliver, delivery, demand, denominated, denoting, department, depend, dependence, dependent, deployed, deposit, deprive, derecognition, deregulation, derive, derived, design, designated, designed, designing, desirable, Desire, detect, detected, determinable, determine, deterred, deterring, develop, developed, developing, devote, devoting, dialogue, diameter, differentiate, difficult, difficulty, diligence, dilute, Diluted, dilution, dilutive, Dimension, directed, directive, disconnecting, discounted, discourage, discover, discretion, DISCUSSION, disparate, dispersed, dispose, disposed, disregard, disrupt, dissolution, distinguish, distribute, distributed, distributing, distribution, diverting, dollar, domestic, doping, dormitory, doubtful, drop, duly, Durability, earned, easily, Eastern, economic, economy, education, educator, effected, effecting, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, electric, electrical, electricity, eleven, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, elimination, emerging, emitted, emphasize, emphasizing, employ, employee, employment, enable, enacted, enactment, encounter, encountered, encourage, encouraged, enforce, enforcement, enforcing, engineering, English, enhance, enhanced, enjoy, ensure, ensuring, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entitled, environmental, environmentally, envision, envisioned, equip, equipment, equipped, equivalent, escalating, establish, established, establishing, establishment, estate, estimate, etching, EU, Europe, European, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, evasion, eventually, evolve, evolving, examining, exceed, exceeding, excellent, execute, executing, exempt, exercise, exercised, exert, exhausted, exhibit, exist, existing, exit, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expect, expected, expensive, experience, experienced, expert, expertise, expire, exploit, exploitation, explore, exploring, exposed, expressed, expressing, extended, extending, extensive, extent, exterior, external, Externally, extracting, extremely, face, facility, facing, factored, factory, failed, failure, fair, Fangcheng, fault, favorable, favorably, FCPA, February, feed, feedstock, Fengcheng, film, flexibility, flexible, floating, flow, focusing, force, forced, foregoing, foreign, foreseeable, form, formal, formation, formed, forward, fossil, founded, founder, Framework, free, freely, frequently, friendly, fuel, fulfill, fullest, fully, function, fund, funding, furnished, future, gain, gas, gathered, general, generated, generating, generator, geographically, German, Germany, governance, governed, governing, government, graduated, greater, greatly, green, grid, grooving, group, grow, grower, growing, growth, Guangdong, guarantee, guidance, guide, handle, harm, harmed, heating, heavily, Henan, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highly, hinder, hire, hired, hiring, history, hold, holding, Hong, Hui, husband, hydroelectric, identical, identification, identified, identifying, immaterial, Imp, impaired, impairment, impeded, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, important, imposing, improper, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inadequate, incentive, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incur, indefinitely, indemnification, indemnify, INDEPENDENCE, independent, Index, indirect, industrial, industry, ineffective, inexperienced, influenced, infrastructure, infringe, infringing, ingot, inherent, inherently, initiate, inject, injured, injury, innovation, innovative, innovator, inside, insolvency, insolvent, instability, installed, instance, Institute, institution, insurance, insure, insured, intangible, integrate, integrated, integrating, integration, intellectual, intend, intense, intensely, intention, intentional, interconnected, interconnection, internal, internally, international, Internet, interpretation, interpreted, interpreting, interruption, introduce, invention, inventory, invest, invested, investigation, investing, involve, irregular, Isc, issuable, Italy, iv, joining, joint, jointly, keen, killed, kilogram, kilowatt, Kong, Kotak, Kuong, labor, land, large, larger, largest, laser, launching, layer, lead, leading, legislation, level, leverage, leveraging, liable, Liaoning, lighting, Liming, limit, limitation, Ling, liquidation, Liu, local, locate, low, lower, lowering, Lv, Ma, Macau, Machine, machinery, main, maintain, maintaining, maintenance, making, mall, manage, manager, managerial, manifested, manner, manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, margin, marketing, marketplace, markup, match, matter, maximize, maximizing, maximum, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, meet, melted, member, met, metal, metering, mine, minimizing, minimum, Ministry, misconduct, mm, model, modified, modular, Modularity, modularized, module, monetary, monitoring, moratorium, motivate, movement, moving, multiple, Nanchang, Nanping, Nanyang, NASDAQ, national, natural, necessarily, necessity, negatively, negotiate, negotiated, negotiating, newly, noise, notably, noted, Notice, November, nuclear, NUST, objective, observable, obsolescence, obsolete, obstacle, obtained, obtaining, occur, October, offer, offered, offshore, oil, ongoing, open, operate, operation, operational, operator, opportunity, Optimization, optimize, Optimum, orally, orderly, organic, organically, originally, OTCBB, outcome, outsourced, overcome, overhead, overlooked, oversight, Oxley, pace, package, packaged, page, panel, Paritz, Park, participating, participation, partner, patent, patented, payment, peak, penny, people, percentage, perform, performance, performed, periodic, permissible, permit, permitted, personal, personnel, persuasive, pertaining, philosophy, Photon, photovoltaic, piece, Pingbei, pipeline, pitch, placement, plan, planning, plant, play, policy, political, pollution, polysilicon, portion, positive, practicable, practical, practice, PRC, precedence, precision, predicated, predict, predictive, predominantly, preemption, preferential, premium, prepaid, prevailing, prevalence, prevent, prevented, preventing, Prevention, previously, primarily, primary, processed, processing, produce, produced, producing, product, production, productive, profile, profit, profitability, prohibit, prominence, prominent, promising, promote, promoting, promotion, promotional, promulgate, promulgated, promulgation, proposed, proprietary, prospective, prosper, protected, protection, Prototype, prove, province, provincial, provision, publicity, published, punishment, pure, purely, purified, purifying, purity, purporting, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, purveyor, put, PV, quality, quantity, quartz, quick, quickly, quoted, radiation, range, rapidly, raw, reach, readily, real, realizable, realization, reap, rebate, receipt, receivable, receive, receiving, reclassified, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recruit, recruiting, reduce, reducing, reduction, refer, referred, reform, refundable, regime, region, register, registrant, regulating, regulation, regulatory, reinforce, relating, release, relevant, reliability, reliable, reliably, rely, remittance, remote, removal, render, rendered, Renewability, renewal, Renminbi, repaid, repatriation, replace, replacement, representation, Republic, require, requiring, requisite, resale, research, resell, reserved, resident, residential, resignation, Resistivity, resolution, resolve, resort, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, restraint, restrict, retail, retain, retaining, retroactive, return, reviewed, reviewing, revise, ribbon, RMB, role, rounded, Royal, running, SAFE, safeguard, safety, salary, sale, salespeople, salesperson, sand, Sanyo, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, scalable, scale, scarce, Schedule, Science, scope, scrap, scribing, season, Secretary, sector, secure, seek, seeking, segregating, segregation, selected, selecting, selection, sell, selling, semiconductor, senior, serve, served, service, serving, setting, settled, Settlement, shape, shaped, shared, shareholder, sharing, sharp, shed, Shenyang, shipped, shipping, shopping, shortage, showing, Side, silicon, single, site, situation, size, sized, skilled, sliced, small, smaller, social, SolarWorld, Solid, source, South, Spain, speak, speaking, specific, specifically, speculative, Sponsoring, spouse, spur, SPV, square, staffing, stage, standardized, Statistical, statute, statutory, Staying, steel, step, stifling, stipulate, stockholder, stoppage, straight, strain, strategy, strength, string, strive, strong, stronger, structure, studied, subcontracted, submit, successful, successfully, successor, sudden, sufficiently, suit, suitable, summarized, Sun, sunlight, SunTech, supervision, supervisory, supplier, supply, supplying, supported, supporting, surface, survey, sustain, sustainable, system, target, targeted, tax, taxable, technical, technological, telluride, temporary, terminated, Termination, territory, terrorism, terrorist, test, testing, text, thereunto, thermal, thin, threat, threatened, threshold, thrive, tighter, timely, timing, Today, Tolerance, ton, topic, toxic, track, traditional, train, training, transferring, transition, transitioning, translated, translation, transmission, transportation, Treadway, Treasurer, treatment, trend, tune, TV, twenty, typically, ultimately, unauthorized, uncertain, Uncollectible, uncompetitive, underlying, undersigned, undertaken, underwent, undiscounted, unenforceable, unified, Union, unique, unit, University, unobservable, unrelated, unsuitable, untimely, unvested, upfront, upstream, Urja, usage, USD, user, utility, utilization, utilized, utilizing, valid, valuation, variability, variety, vary, varying, vendor, venture, Version, vertically, vested, viability, Vice, view, violated, virgin, Vmp, Voc, volatile, volatility, voltage, volume, vote, wafer, war, warming, water, watt, weak, wealth, weekly, weight, Weilei, welding, Wensheng, Western, WFOE, white, wholesale, wholly, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wind, wire, withdraw, witnessed, work, worked, working, world, worldwide, worth, write, writing, written, Wu, Xiaodong, Xin, Yu, Yuan, Yuemao, Yumin, Zhuhai
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