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AA, AAS, abandonment, abide, ability, absent, absorption, Acacia, Academy, acanthite, accelerate, accessed, accessible, accessing, accommodation, accordion, Accreditation, accredited, accretionary, accrual, accrued, accuracy, acid, aClawback, acme, aCode, acquisition, activist, add, added, adding, adeep, adequacy, adherence, aDiversity, adjacent, adjoining, adjusted, adjustment, administration, administrative, adularia, advisor, advisory, advocacy, advocating, Aegean, aeromagnetic, affiliate, affirmative, aforementioned, Africa, African, afternoon, AG, age, aged, Agency, aggregate, aggressive, agitated, agitation, AGN, ago, Agostina, agreed, agreement, agriculture, Agua, ahead, aHealth, aid, aim, aimed, air, airborne, aircraft, airport, airstrip, Akdeniz, al, Alberta, aliquot, Alizade, alkaline, allocation, alluvial, Alonte, alpha, Alpine, ALS, alteration, altered, alternative, alternatively, Altin, Alto, Alumbrera, alunite, aMajority, amalgamated, amalgamation, Amapari, Amax, Amazonian, Ambiental, Ambiente, AMC, amenability, amenable, America, AMG, amphibolite, ample, amygdaloidal, anakkale, analysed, Analyst, analytical, analyzed, analyzing, anchor, anchored, Ancient, ancillary, andesite, andesitic, angle, Anglo, AngloGold, anhydrite, Ankara, anniversary, announce, announced, annum, anomaly, Anonima, answered, anticlinal, anticline, antimony, aphanitic, aPolicy, apparent, applied, applying, appraise, approach, approval, approve, approved, APPROVEDby, approximate, approximately, aqua, aquatic, Arabian, arc, Archean, Arctic, ARD, areinclusive, Argentina, Argentine, argentite, argillic, argillitization, Ariana, arise, arising, Arizona, arrangement, array, arrival, arsenic, Artmin, Artvin, ascending, ascribed, ASD, Ashanti, Asia, AsiaGlobal, asphalt, assay, assayed, assemblage, asset, assigned, Astana, Aster, aStock, atomic, attack, attained, attend, attention, attitude, attract, attractive, attributable, attributed, Au, auction, Audio, Aug, August, Australia, Autograv, automatic, automobile, auxiliary, avenue, Avion, avoid, award, aware, aWhistleblower, aWorkplace, Awram, azimuth, back, backfill, background, bag, Bahar, Baie, balance, ball, Banamichi, banded, bankrupt, bankruptcy, bar, barium, barrel, barren, Barrick, Barry, Baru, basalt, baseline, basement, basic, basin, Baskil, batch, Bathurst, Baviacora, bay, BC, BCBCA, Bear, bearing, Beaty, bedded, bedrock, began, behavior, Belen, belief, Belizor, belt, bematerial, bench, benchmark, benchmarked, beneath, beneficially, beneficiate, Berta, beta, bid, billion, bin, Binding, biodiversity, biotic, biotite, biotitization, bismuth, bladed, Blanco, blank, blast, blasted, blasting, BLEG, blend, Blind, block, BMO, body, boiling, Bonanza, Bond, Bonterra, border, bornite, borrow, bottom, bought, bounded, box, Brasilia, Brazil, Brazilian, breach, breadth, breakage, breccia, brecciated, brecciation, bribery, brittle, broad, broader, broadly, broken, brought, brown, BS, budged, building, built, bulk, Bullion, bullying, Bureau, buried, Buriti, Burkina, businessman, Buyback, BV, calcite, calcium, calculated, calculating, calculation, calendar, Calgary, caliber, calibrated, California, camp, campaign, Campinorte, CAMYEN, Cananea, cancellation, cancelled, Canyon, cap, capacity, capping, capture, captured, carbon, careful, Caridad, Carla, Carlita, Casa, Casapalca, case, cash, cast, Catamarca, Cava, Cayeli, CCAA, CCD, cease, ceased, ceasing, CELG, cell, cement, cemented, Cenozoic, centerline, central, centre, centreline, centrifugal, century, Cerattepe, Cerratepe, certification, certified, cessation, cetera, chain, Chairman, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenging, channel, character, characterisation, characterised, characterization, characterized, charitable, Charterholder, Chemex, Chile, chimney, China, chip, chisel, chlorite, chloritic, chloritization, chose, chronology, Circa, circuit, circular, circulating, circulation, civil, claim, clarified, clarifier, clarifying, clast, clawback, Clean, cleaned, cleaner, cleaning, clear, cleared, climate, closer, closest, closure, clustered, coal, Coalition, coarse, coarsely, coast, coastal, coastline, cobalt, Coipa, collapse, collapsed, collar, collected, collection, collectively, collision, Colorado, colour, column, columnar, combination, combine, combined, combining, Comercio, Cominco, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, Commerce, commercial, commercially, Committeewill, commodity, commonly, Commonwealth, Compact, compacted, comparison, compatible, compensate, compensation, compete, complex, complexity, component, composed, compositing, composition, composting, comprehensive, comprehensiveBribery, compression, compromise, Computershare, CONAMA, concentrate, concentrated, concentrating, concentration, concentrator, concept, concession, confer, confidence, confidential, confirm, confirmed, conflict, conform, conjunction, consecutive, conservative, considerable, considerably, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consistently, consisting, conspicuously, constrained, constraining, consult, consultant, consultation, Consulting, Consultoria, consuming, consumption, contamination, contemplated, content, continental, contingency, contract, contractor, contrary, contrast, conventional, conversion, conveyed, conveying, conveyor, cooling, cooperation, Cooperative, Copiap, copper, core, Corina, Cormark, Corpo, correct, corrective, correlated, correlation, corridor, corroborated, corruption, COSO, cost, costly, Cote, counsel, countercurrent, counterparty, country, coupled, court, coverage, CP, CRA, craton, create, created, creating, creation, credit, credited, creditor, crest, crew, crime, criminal, Cristal, critical, critically, CRM, crosscutting, Crowe, crudely, crush, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, Cruz, crystalline, crystallisation, CSAMT, CSIRO, Cu, cube, cubic, culminated, cultural, culture, Cumobabi, cumulative, curing, currency, curtailed, custom, cut, cutter, cutting, CVSA, cyanide, cyber, cybersecurity, cycle, cyclical, cyclone, da, dacite, dacitic, dam, damage, database, Datum, DCF, DDDLP, DDMI, deaerated, deaeration, deal, dealing, death, debenture, Deborah, debt, decant, decantation, deceiving, decide, declaration, declare, declared, decline, declining, decommissioning, decompression, decrease, decreased, dedicated, deducting, deemed, deep, deeper, deepest, deeply, default, defer, deferred, deflation, deformation, delay, delegated, deliberation, delimit, delimiting, delineate, delineated, delineating, delineation, delisted, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, demand, demobilized, Democracy, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, denominated, density, dental, Departamento, department, depend, dependant, dependent, depending, depleted, depletion, deposit, deposited, deposition, depressed, depth, Deputy, derived, Deseado, desert, desirable, desired, desktop, destabilization, destroy, destruction, detail, detailed, detoxification, Detoxified, detrimental, developmental, Device, Devico, devote, diameter, diamond, dictate, diesel, differential, differentiate, digestion, Dike, diligence, diligent, diluted, diluting, dilution, dimension, dioritic, dip, diploma, Diplomacy, dipping, direct, directed, direction, Directive, directly, director, Directorate, disability, disagreement, disaster, discharge, discharged, discharging, disciplinary, discontinue, discontinuity, discordant, discount, discounted, discover, discovered, discovering, discovery, discretion, discretionary, disease, disinterested, dispatched, displaced, displacement, displaying, disposal, dispose, dispute, disqualified, disrupt, disruption, disseminated, dissolution, dissolved, distal, distance, distinct, distributed, distribution, district, diversification, diversified, diversify, diversity, divert, divested, divided, DNPM, domain, dome, dominant, dominantly, dominated, Dominion, Don, donation, dor, Dora, doubt, downhole, downstream, downturn, Doyuran, drain, drainage, drawn, dried, drift, drill, drilled, drillhole, drilling, drilljumbo, driven, drought, dry, drying, Duke, dump, Durango, duration, duty, dynamic, earlier, earmarked, earned, Earth, EarthFirst, earthwork, easily, east, eastern, eastwest, Echo, economy, Ecuador, edge, education, effluent, effort, Egypt, EIA, EIS, Ejido, El, Elazi, electric, electrical, electricity, electromagnetic, electrum, element, elevation, eliminate, Elina, elongated, Eluma, embody, emission, Empire, emplaced, emplacement, employ, employed, employee, empowered, en, enargite, encountered, encourage, encouraged, encumbrance, endangered, Endeavour, endemic, Energetica, energy, Enerji, Enerson, enforce, enforceability, enforcement, Eng, engineering, England, English, enrichment, entirety, entity, envelope, environment, envisaged, EnWave, Eocene, EPC, EPCM, epidemic, epigenetic, episode, episodic, epithermal, epizonal, equal, equate, Equinox, equipment, equipped, equivalent, era, Erdene, Ererenn, Erfan, Ergama, eroded, erosion, Erzurum, Escondida, ESG, Esperanza, essential, essentially, Estado, Estate, Estelar, estimatedMineral, estimatedupdated, ethical, ethnic, ETI, Eurasian, Europe, European, event, eventual, eventually, evidence, evident, evolve, evolving, Evrim, exact, excavated, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusive, exclusively, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exercising, exert, Exeter, exhumation, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expansionary, expelled, expenditure, experience, experienced, Experimental, expertise, expiry, exploitation, exploited, explosive, Expo, export, exporting, expose, exposed, exposure, expropriation, extensional, extent, Extorre, extraordinary, extreme, extrusive, face, facilitation, facility, facing, fail, failed, failure, fairly, faith, falling, familiarity, family, Farallon, fashion, Faso, fault, faulting, fauna, FAusIMM, favourable, favourably, feature, February, fee, feed, feedback, feeding, feel, feldspar, fell, Fellow, felsic, FEMAGO, ferricrete, fiduciary, field, fieldwork, fifteen, fighting, fill, filled, filling, filter, filtered, filtration, finance, financing, fine, finely, finer, fire, Firuz, fixinggold, fixingsilver, flank, flanking, flash, fleet, flexibility, float, flooding, floor, flora, Florida, flotation, flow, flowsheet, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuation, fluent, fluid, fluorine, fluorite, focused, focusing, foliation, Fomento, Fomicruz, footprint, footwall, force, forced, forecast, forecasted, forecasting, foregoing, forehead, foreseeable, forestry, formal, formation, formula, formulated, Forty, Forum, forward, fossilized, foster, foundation, founder, fourth, fraction, fractional, fracturing, fragmental, fragmentation, Francisco, Franco, free, French, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, freshly, Fronteer, froth, fuel, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, fundamental, furnace, fusion, Gabriela, Gachi, gain, gained, galena, Gangue, gap, gathered, gave, GC, gender, genetic, Genetically, gentle, gently, Geo, geochemical, geochemistry, geographic, geographically, Geoingenieria, geologic, geological, geologically, geologist, geology, geometallurgy, geometric, geometry, geophysical, Georgia, Georgian, GEOSOL, geostatistical, geotechnical, Geoteknik, Glatiator, Glencore, global, globe, Gobi, goethite, Goiania, Goldcorp, Golden, good, GOR, GPI, GPR, GPS, gradient, gradually, graduated, grained, gram, Grande, granodiorite, grant, granted, granting, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, green, greenish, greenstone, grid, grievance, grind, grinding, ground, groundbreaking, groundwater, groundwork, group, grouped, grow, growing, grown, GRR, GSR, Guadalajara, guarantee, guaranteed, guarded, Guernsey, Guiana, guidance, Gulf, gypsum, gyratory, Hacettepe, half, Halilaga, Hall, hammer, handle, handled, handling, hangingwall, Hanjin, harassment, harm, hasMATERIAL, haul, haulage, hauled, hauling, head, heading, health, heap, heat, hedge, hedging, height, heightened, hematite, Hermosillo, HIG, high, highest, highly, highway, Hill, history, hold, holder, holding, hole, honest, honesty, Hong, honouring, Hopa, horizontally, Horizonte, hornblende, host, hostage, hosted, hosting, hotline, housekeeping, housing, HQ, Huakan, hued, human, Hunter, hydro, hydrogen, hydrogeological, hydrology, hydrothermal, hydrothermally, IAMGOLD, IC, ICMM, IFC, ignimbrite, IIA, iii, illegal, illustrative, imagery, immaterial, immature, immersion, Impacto, impair, impaired, Imperial, impermeable, imposition, impossible, impoundment, impracticable, imprecise, improper, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inaccurate, inappropriate, incentive, incentivize, incident, inclusive, INCO, income, inconsistent, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, Incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, indelible, indenture, index, indirect, indirectly, Indonesia, induced, inductively, Industria, infill, infilled, infiltration, inflation, inflationary, influence, influenced, Informationhave, infrastructure, infrequent, Ingeneria, inhabited, initial, initially, initiated, injury, Inlet, innovation, inorganic, inserted, inserting, Insertion, inside, insider, insight, insolvency, inspection, Inspectorate, inspire, instability, installation, installed, insufficient, insurance, intact, integral, integrate, integrated, integration, integrity, intense, intensity, intensive, intercalated, intercepting, interestingly, interference, interim, intermittently, interpolation, interrupt, interruption, intersect, intersected, interval, intervention, intimate, introduce, introduced, introduction, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, invaluable, inventory, Inversara, inverse, invest, invested, investee, investigate, investigation, investing, investment, investor, invitation, invited, IP, irketi, iron, island, ISO, issuable, issuance, Itapaci, itsmaterial, itsproducing, iv, Ivrindi, jackleg, Jakarta, Japan, jarosite, jasper, Jatoba, jaw, Ji, job, join, joined, joining, joint, jointed, jointly, judgment, judicial, jumbo, junction, Jurassic, jurisdiction, Justice, justified, JV, Kaolin, kaolinite, kaolinization, Kari, Kazakhstan, Kazemi, Keith, Kenz, key, KGHM, Kilborn, kilometre, kilowatt, kind, km, Knight, knowledge, Kobalia, Kong, kriging, kV, La, labelled, laboratory, labour, Lac, lack, lacking, LAG, Lakefield, land, Laramide, large, largely, larger, largest, Larox, Laskowski, laterite, lateritic, Latin, latitude, Laura, layered, layout, lb, leach, leached, leaching, lead, leadership, leading, Leapfrog, learning, lease, lecturer, led, LEED, left, length, Leon, lesser, leverage, levied, liable, liberate, liberated, liberation, LIBOR, Library, licence, licenced, license, licensing, Lidya, Lima, limestone, limonite, Lin, line, linear, lined, Link, Lira, literate, lithological, lithology, living, LLDPE, loaded, loader, loading, loan, local, locality, localized, locally, locate, located, locating, location, lock, logged, logging, LOM, Loma, London, longer, longitidinal, longitude, longitudinal, loose, lose, low, lower, lowest, lt, Ltda, Lucia, Luna, Lundin, luxury, Ma, Madencilik, Madre, mafic, magazine, magmatic, magnetic, magnetometer, Magnetotelluric, mailed, main, maintenance, Majestic, mandate, mandated, mandatory, manganese, Manifestacion, manner, mantle, manual, manufactured, map, mapped, mapping, Maptek, Mara, Marac, Maraca, Margarita, margin, marginal, marginally, Maricunga, marine, marker, Martina, Mary, MASA, Massif, massive, matching, matrix, MAusIMM, max, maximised, maximising, maximum, MBA, McEwen, McOuat, meaningful, mechanical, mechanism, mechanized, media, Medio, Mehmet, membership, membrane, memorandum, Mendoza, MENR, mentioned, mercury, merged, mesh, Mesozoic, metal, metallic, metallogenic, metallurgical, metamorphic, metamorphosed, Metanor, metaplutonic, metasedimentary, meteorological, method, methodology, metre, Metso, Mexican, Mexico, Meydan, MH, MHA, MIA, mica, Michelle, middle, Miedz, MIGEM, migrated, military, mill, millimetre, milling, million, Mincorp, Minera, mineralised, mineralising, mineralogical, Mineria, minimal, minimising, minimize, minimizing, minimum, Minister, Ministry, Miocene, MIRA, Mirasol, misplaced, misuse, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mixed, mixing, mixture, Mlb, MMD, MMIC, mN, mobile, mobility, model, modelling, moderate, moderately, modification, modified, Modifying, moisture, molybdenum, monetary, monetize, Mongolia, monomictic, month, Montreal, Moreno, Morien, morning, morphology, Mosquito, motivational, mountain, mounted, move, movement, moving, msc, MTA, multinational, multiphase, multiple, multiplied, Murgul, mutual, Nacional, Nacozari, NAG, nameplate, narcoterrorism, narrow, Natalia, native, natural, nature, Naty, NCIB, NE, nearby, nearest, necessarily, negotiate, Negrita, Neogene, Nesbitt, net, network, Nevada, Newfoundland, Newling, newly, Newmont, NewPro, nickel, Nini, noise, Nolan, nominal, nominate, nominated, nominating, northeast, northeastern, northern, northwest, northwestern, notably, Notwithstanding, Nova, NPI, NPV, NQ, NSR, Nugget, nullification, Nunavut, nursery, Nusantara, objective, objectivity, oblique, observation, observed, occasional, Occasionally, Occidental, occupation, occupational, occurrence, ocean, October, ofDecember, offer, offered, offering, official, officially, offset, ofJune, ofMay, ofThe, oldest, Oligocene, omitted, online, onset, onsite, Ontario, open, opened, oppose, opposition, optimization, optimized, Optimizer, optimizing, optimum, option, order, ordinary, orebody, organic, organization, orientation, oriented, origin, original, originally, originated, Orion, orogenic, orogeny, Ottoman, ounce, outbreak, outcrop, Outcropping, outlined, output, overburden, overflow, overlain, overlie, overlying, overprinted, oversee, overseeing, owner, ownership, oxidation, oxide, oxidized, oxygen, Oyu, Pacific, package, pad, PAG, paid, paint, Pan, pandemic, Pangea, Panza, paper, Paraguay, parallel, parameter, parent, partial, partially, particle, partly, partner, partnered, Partnership, party, passed, passing, Patagonia, Pathway, Patricia, pattern, Paul, paved, pay, payability, payable, payback, paying, pebble, Pelada, pence, Peninsula, percent, perception, perched, percolating, perimeter, Perito, permanent, peroxide, Pershing, personnel, perspective, pertaining, Peru, pervasive, peso, PFS, PGeo, phase, phenomena, philosophy, Phoenix, photographed, phyllic, physical, Piaba, picture, Piesold, Pike, pilot, pipe, piping, pit, placement, plant, plasma, plastic, plate, play, plc, Pliocene, plotted, plunge, plutonic, Pocock, point, Poland, polarisation, polarization, pole, policy, political, pollution, Polska, polyethylene, polymetallic, pond, Pontide, pool, poorly, populated, population, porphyritic, porphyry, port, portal, portion, posed, position, positioned, positive, possession, Postle, postulated, Potosi, pound, poured, PQ, practicable, practical, practice, practiced, practised, precipitate, precipitation, precise, precision, preclude, predecessor, predict, predictability, predicted, predominant, predominantly, preferentially, pregnant, preliminary, Premier, premium, prescriptive, presence, preservation, preserved, President, pressure, prevailing, prevalent, primarily, Primero, principle, prioritised, priority, pro, procedure, proceed, proceeding, processor, procurement, Producao, professional, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, program, programme, progressed, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, prolonged, prominent, promising, promote, promoting, propagated, proportion, proportionately, proposal, proposed, proposing, propylitic, propylitization, prospect, prospecting, prospective, protect, protection, province, provincial, provisionally, proximal, proximity, psilomelane, Pty, publicly, Puerto, pulp, pulse, pulverising, pulverized, pulverizing, pump, pumped, pumping, Pure, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, put, puttable, pyrite, Pyritic, pyritisation, pyrolusite, QP, QPs, quality, quantitatively, quantity, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Quaternary, Quebec, questionable, quickly, quoted, Rainy, Rambler, Ramon, ramp, ramping, random, range, ranging, ranked, ranking, rapid, rata, ratio, RBC, RC, reach, reached, reactivation, read, reader, reagent, Real, realisation, realise, realised, realising, realize, realized, reanalysed, reanalyzed, reassessment, receipt, recession, recirculated, reclaim, reclamation, recognising, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconstruction, recount, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recruit, recruiting, recruitment, recycled, recycling, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refinery, refractory, refrain, refusal, regia, regime, region, regional, registrar, regrind, regrinding, reground, regrowth, regular, regularize, regularly, regulatory, rehabilitated, reimburse, reimbursed, relationship, release, relevant, relied, Relief, religion, relocate, rely, relying, remain, remained, remaining, remarkably, remittance, remitted, remitting, remobilized, remote, remotely, removal, remove, removing, remuneration, render, rendered, renegotiation, renewal, renewed, repatriation, repay, repeat, replace, replaced, replacement, reportedly, repression, reprocessed, reprocessing, repurchase, reputation, reputational, requisite, research, reservoir, residence, residential, resistivity, resolution, resolved, rest, restated, restatement, restricted, restriction, restructured, restructuring, resubmitted, resurvey, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retirement, retreat, reuse, revenue, reverse, reverted, revocation, revoked, revolution, revolving, rewarding, reworked, rhyodacitic, rhyolite, Rica, rich, Richmond, Ridge, riffle, rifting, rig, rim, Rio, riot, Rize, RM, road, robust, rock, rockfill, Rodney, role, ROM, Rosa, Roscoe, rough, rougher, roughing, roughly, round, rounded, rounding, Route, routine, Royal, RQD, rugged, run, running, runoff, rupture, Russia, Russian, SA, sabotage, safety, SAG, salary, sale, saleable, Salt, Samco, sample, sampled, sampling, Sanayi, sanctioned, sand, Santacruz, Santiago, saprolite, SARL, satellite, Satir, satisfactory, satisfy, sawn, sc, scale, scattered, scavenger, scheme, schist, Science, Scintrex, scope, Scotia, Scott, scout, SE, sea, sealed, secondary, Secretariat, sector, sediment, sedimentary, sedimentation, seed, seek, seeking, seepage, segment, seismic, select, selected, selection, selective, sell, selling, SEMARH, SEMARNAT, semi, senior, sensing, separate, separated, separately, separation, September, sequence, sequential, sequentially, SERCOR, sericite, sericitization, Serra, serve, served, settled, settlement, settlementcopper, settling, sewage, sexual, SFR, SGS, shaft, shallow, shallower, shape, shear, shelf, shelter, shift, shipment, shipped, shipping, shop, short, shovel, show, showed, showing, shown, shut, shutdown, side, Sierra, signature, significantly, silica, silicic, silicification, silver, SilverCrest, Similarly, simply, single, sinking, situated, sixteen, Sixto, size, sized, Sizer, skilled, slag, sliding, slightly, SLO, slope, slurry, small, smaller, SME, smelter, smelting, SND, snowpack, social, Sociedad, Society, socioeconomic, sodium, software, soil, Solicit, solicitation, solid, solution, Sonora, sought, source, sourced, south, southeast, southern, southwest, sovereign, SOX, space, spaced, spacing, span, spanning, sparse, spatially, specific, specifically, Spectral, spectrometer, spectrometry, spectroscopy, speculative, spending, spent, sphalerite, spherulitic, spin, Splay, Splaying, split, splitting, spray, spread, square, SSL, stability, stable, stack, stakeholder, standby, starter, Static, station, statistical, statutory, steeply, step, sterile, stockpile, stockpiled, stockpiling, Stockport, stockwork, stope, stoping, stoppage, storage, stored, Stratabound, strategic, stratified, stratigraphic, stratigraphically, stratigraphy, streamline, Street, strength, stretch, strict, stricter, strictly, strike, striking, stringent, strip, stripping, strong, strongly, structural, structurally, structure, style, subduction, submission, subscription, Subseqently, subsidiary, substantial, substation, subvolcanic, succeeded, successful, successfully, successor, Sucupira, suffer, suffering, sufficient, suitability, suitable, Sul, sulfide, sulphidation, sulphide, sulphidic, sulphosalt, sulphur, summer, Supercomputing, supercontinent, supergene, Superior, supplement, supplemented, supply, support, supported, Sur, surface, Suriname, Suruca, survey, surveyed, surveyor, suspected, suspend, suspended, suspension, suture, Suyai, SW, swapped, swath, Sweden, SWRPA, symbol, syndicate, syndicated, Systematic, tabulated, tag, tailing, takeover, talent, tallest, tank, target, targeted, targeting, Tariff, Tatajuba, taxation, Tbilisi, team, technological, technology, Teck, tectonic, Teknolojileri, Tellier, temperature, temporarily, temporary, tenure, Terezinha, terminate, terminated, termination, terrain, Terraspec, terrestrial, territory, terrmain, terrorism, terrorist, tertiary, testwork, tetrahedrite, text, textural, theaudit, theCanada, theCompensation, theCorporate, theft, theirupdated, theMariana, thereof, TheupdatedMineral, thick, thickener, thickening, thicker, Thin, thirty, thought, thousand, threat, Threshold, throughput, ti, Tic, Ticaret, tighter, Tinka, Tinto, toe, tolerate, Tolgoi, ton, tonne, tool, top, topic, topographic, topographically, Tortuga, tough, tower, town, toxic, Trabzon, trace, traced, track, trade, traded, trading, traditional, traffic, trained, training, tranche, transaction, transcription, transected, transfer, transferred, transforming, transmission, transparency, transport, transportation, transported, transverse, travel, treasury, treat, treated, treatment, trenching, trend, trending, triple, troy, truck, true, Trust, trustee, TSF, TSX, TSXV, tube, Tumad, Tungsteno, tunnel, tunnelling, Turam, Turkey, Turkish, turmoil, turn, turnoff, Turquoise, twelve, twinned, type, typical, typically, UCS, ULC, ultimate, ultimately, ultrafiltration, unable, unaffected, unaltered, unaudited, unauthorized, unavailable, uncertain, unclear, uncommon, unconfined, uncover, underflow, undergo, undergone, underground, underlain, understand, understanding, understood, undertaken, underwriting, undetected, undisclosed, undiscounted, undiscovered, undivided, undrawn, undulating, uneconomic, uneven, unexpected, unfavourable, unfolding, unincorporated, universally, University, unlimited, unlisted, unnecessary, unplanned, unregistered, unrelated, unrest, unsafe, unsettled, unusual, unwilling, upcoming, upfront, uphole, uplift, uplifted, uplisted, upper, upside, upsizing, Urbanisation, USA, utilised, utilising, utilized, utilizing, UTM, Val, Valedictorian, valid, validate, validity, valley, valuable, Vancouver, Vanguardia, variation, varied, variety, variography, vary, varying, vast, VAT, ve, vector, vein, veining, veinlet, veneer, ventilation, venting, venture, Vera, verification, verify, version, Verte, vertical, vertically, Vertimill, Vespasiano, vi, viability, viable, Vibrating, Vice, vicinity, view, vii, viii, village, violation, visit, visited, visiting, visual, vital, Vitoria, VMS, Volcan, volcanic, volcanism, volcano, volcanoclastic, volcanogenic, volcanosedimentary, volume, voluntarily, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voting, VSO, vuggy, Vulcan, vulnerable, wage, waived, wall, waning, war, warehouse, warrant, Warsaw, wash, washing, waste, water, Waterton, Watson, weakly, weather, weathered, weathering, Webster, week, weighed, weighing, weight, weighted, west, western, wet, Wheaton, whilst, whistleblower, white, Whittle, wholly, wide, widely, widening, wider, widespread, width, Wilson, wind, winding, Wire, wireline, withdraw, withdrew, withholding, WMC, women, won, wooden, Woodgrove, work, worked, workflow, workforce, working, workplace, world, worldwide, worth, write, writing, Yamana, YASSA, yearly, yellow, Yellowknife, young, younger, Yr, Yukarimaden, Yusufeli, Zafir, zinc, Zoe, zonation, zone
absolute, addressed, attorney, blackout, BTR, CEO, CFO, chapter, circumvented, collusion, conceived, conclusion, detected, deteriorate, documentation, efficient, electronically, eligible, Employer, establishing, exempt, fact, filing, furnish, herewith, Instruction, Interactive, mark, mistake, override, page, paragraph, phone, preceding, prescribed, print, PSLRA, PwC, quorum, referencing, Reform, request, revise, Secretary, send, shorter, sophisticated, sound, submit, succeed, undersigned, Washington, zip
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