Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Statements of Prof
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Statement of Changes in Consoli
- Nature, Principal Activities an
- Basis of Presentation
- Business Combinations
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Financial Risk Management Polic
- Segment Reporting
- Goodwill
- Other Intangible Assets
- Leases
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Equity-Accounted Investees
- Financial Assets
- Inventories
- Trade and Other Receivables
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Equity
- Earnings Per Share
- Non-Controlling Interests
- Grants
- Provisions
- Financial Liabilities
- Trade and Other Payables
- Other Current Liabilities
- Net Revenues
- Personnel Expenses
- Expenses by Nature
- Finance Result
- Taxation
- Other Commitments with Third Pa
- Financial Instruments
- Balances and Transactions with
- Subsequent Events
- Appendix I
- Appendix II
- Appendix III
- Appendix IV
- Appendix V
- Appendix VI
- Significant Accounting Polici_2
- Basis of Presentation (Tables)
- Business Combinations (Tables)
- Significant Accounting Polici_3
- Financial Risk Management Pol_2
- Segment Reporting (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Other Intangible Assets (Tables
- Leases (Tables)
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Equity-Accounted Investees (Tab
- Financial Assets (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Trade and Other Receivables (Ta
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tabl
- Equity (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Non-Controlling Interests (Tabl
- Grants (Tables)
- Provision (Tables)
- Financial Liabilities (Tables)
- Trade and Other Payables (Table
- Other Current Liabilities (Tabl
- Net Revenues (Tables)
- Personnel Expenses (Tables)
- Expenses by Nature (Tables)
- Finance Result (Tables)
- Taxation (Tables)
- Other Commitments with Third _2
- Financial Instruments (Tables)
- Balances and Transactions wit_2
- Appendix I (Tables)
- Appendix II (Tables)
- Appendix III (Tables)
- Appendix IV (Tables)
- Appendix V (Tables)
- Appendix VI (Tables)
- Nature, Principal Activities _2
- Basis of Presentation (Details)
- Basis of Presentation - IFRS 9
- Basis of Presentation - IFRS 15
- Basis of Presentation - IFRS 16
- Basis of Presentation - Reconci
- Business Combinations - Cost, F
- Business Combinations - Amounts
- Significant Accounting Polici_4
- Significant Accounting Polici_5
- Significant Accounting Polici_6
- Financial Risk Management Pol_3
- Financial Risk Management Pol_4
- Segment Reporting - Additional
- Segment Reporting - Net Sales b
- Segment Reporting - Main Custom
- Goodwill - Details of and movem
- Goodwill - Impairment testing (
- Goodwill - Schedule of reasonab
- Other Intangible Assets - Curre
- Other Intangible Assets - Other
- Leases - Details of leases in t
- Leases - Leases After IFRS 16 a
- Leases - Amounts recognized in
- Leases - Leases before IFRS 16
- Property, Plant and Equipment -
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Property, Plant and Equipment_4
- Property, Plant and Equipment_5
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Eq
- Equity-Accounted Investees - _2
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Pl
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Ac
- Equity-Accounted Investees - In
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Ot
- Equity-Accounted Investees - _3
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Me
- Equity-Accounted Investees - _4
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Gi
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Si
- Equity-Accounted Investees - Ki
- Financial Assets - Non current
- Financial Assets - Other curren
- Financial Assets - Financial in
- Financial Assets - Other curr_2
- Inventories (Details)
- Trade and Other Receivables - S
- Trade and Other Receivables - O
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Deta
- Equity - Share Capital - Genera
- Equity - Share Capital - Class
- Equity - Share Capital - Moveme
- Equity - Reserves - Drawdown of
- Equity - Reserves - Subsidiarie
- Equity - Reserves - Legal Reser
- Equity - Treasury Stock - Class
- Equity - Treasury Stock - Tabul
- Equity - Treasury Stock - Tab_2
- Equity - Treasury Stock - Addit
- Equity - Distribution of Profit
- Equity - Distribution of Prof_2
- Equity - Distribution of Prof_3
- Equity - Distribution of Prof_4
- Equity - Distribution of Prof_5
- Equity - Restricted Share Unit
- Earnings Per Share - Calculatio
- Earnings Per Share - Weighted A
- Earnings Per Share - Calculat_2
- Earnings Per Share - Weighted_2
- Non-Controlling Interests - Mov
- Non-Controlling Interests - Sum
- Grants (Details)
- Provisions - Summary (Details)
- Provisions - Non-current provis
- Provisions - Current provisions
- Financial Liabilities - Summary
- Financial Liabilities - Other (
- Financial Liabilities - Senior
- Financial Liabilities - Movemen
- Financial Liabilities - Promiss
- Financial Liabilities - Loans a
- Financial Liabilities - Senio_2
- Financial Liabilities - Revolvi
- Financial Liabilities - Other F
- Financial Liabilities - Changes
- Trade and Other Payables (Detai
- Other Current Liabilities (Deta
- Net Revenues - Distribution by
- Net Revenues - Geographical Dis
- Net Revenues - Discounts and Ot
- Net Revenues - Movement in Disc
- Personnel Expenses (Details)
- Expenses by Nature - Amortizati
- Expenses by Nature - Other Oper
- Expenses by Nature - Other Op_2
- Finance Result (Details)
- Taxation - Reconciliation of Ac
- Taxation - Income Tax Expense -
- Taxation - Deferred Tax Assets
- Taxation - Movement in Deferred
- Taxation - Deferred Tax Asset_2
- Taxation - Deferred Tax Asset_3
- Other Commitments with Third _3
- Other Commitments with Third _4
- Financial Instruments - Classif
- Financial Instruments - Financi
- Financial Instruments - Maximum
- Financial Instruments - Credit
- Financial Instruments - Trade R
- Financial Instruments - Contrac
- Financial Instruments - Currenc
- Financial Instruments - Interes
- Balances and Transactions wit_3
- Subsequent Events - Consequence
- Subsequent Events - Acquisition
- Appendix I - Information on Gro
- Appendix II - Operating Segment
- Appendix II - Reporting by Geog
- Appendix III - Changes in Other
- Appendix IV - Movement in Right
- Appendix V - Movement in Proper
- Appendix VI - Statement of Liqu