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abdominal, abroad, absence, absorb, academic, ACAQ, Accenture, accessibility, accessible, accuracy, Aceola, Acerola, acid, ad, adapt, adaptogen, adaptogenic, add, added, addressed, addressing, adjustment, administered, adrenal, ADTV, adulterated, advantage, advertised, advertisement, advertising, advisory, affirmative, aforementioned, aggressive, Agriculture, aid, aiding, aim, air, algorithm, alleged, allergenic, alleviate, allocate, allocated, allocating, altered, amazing, American, amidst, Amit, amplify, Anabel, analytical, anniversary, annum, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antioxidative, anxiety, app, appetite, Apple, Arefpoour, argued, array, Artichoke, artificial, Asia, Asian, assumption, ASU, atai, Athena, attaching, attract, attracting, attraction, attractive, audience, Auricularia, Australia, Authoritative, automatic, automatically, AVCG, AVGG, awaiting, Ayurveda, Ayurvedic, Baccalaureate, back, background, backlash, bacteria, bad, BAME, Bartlett, BBC, bedroom, begin, beginning, behavior, Belsham, Berlin, betulin, beverage, bifido, biggest, bike, biloba, bioactive, biodegradable, biological, biotech, birch, Black, bloating, blockchain, blocked, blocking, blood, body, book, boost, borrow, Borrower, bowel, brain, brand, branded, branding, breach, break, breed, bright, bring, bringing, broader, Broccoli, Brooklyn, brown, browser, buildup, built, buy, buyout, BVL, CA, cable, calendar, California, Cambridge, campaign, Canada, canceled, cancellation, cap, capacity, capture, card, carefully, cartilage, catastrophic, category, caution, Cautionary, CBD, CDB, CE, cease, celebrity, Center, CFOrward, Chaga, Chain, Chairman, Chairperson, channel, characterized, chemical, Chicago, Chinese, cholesterol, choose, Chopra, chosen, Chrome, chronic, CircleUp, circulation, civil, Claiborne, classified, cleanup, climate, clinical, closure, Club, coach, Cobalamin, cocktail, cognition, cognitive, collaboration, collateral, College, command, commerce, Commodity, commonly, comparison, compassionate, compensatory, competitor, complaint, complementary, compliant, component, composed, composition, compostable, comprehensive, compromise, concentrated, concentration, concept, concert, concurrently, confer, conferring, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, conflict, consume, consumer, consuming, consumption, contaminated, contamination, contemplated, content, contractor, contractual, contractually, contrary, contributor, conventional, conversation, conversion, cooked, cookie, coping, Copper, core, Corrupt, corruption, cortisol, Cosmetic, Council, coverage, COVID, CPSC, creation, creator, credible, cryptography, culinary, cultivated, cultivating, cultivation, culture, cumulative, Curcumin, cure, currency, curtail, customary, daily, damage, danced, dancing, dandelion, deal, debarment, debut, deceptive, decision, declaration, declared, decline, decrease, decreased, decreasing, dedicated, Deepak, defamation, default, defective, defend, defending, defense, degeneration, degrade, Delaware, delay, delete, deleted, Delhi, delivery, dementia, Demetri, Den, Department, depict, deploy, deployed, depression, descent, detoxifying, device, DHL, diabetic, diagnose, Diary, diet, dietary, differentiate, digested, digestion, digestive, digital, diminution, Diola, disability, disable, disabled, discipline, discontinuance, discover, discovered, discretionary, disease, disgorgement, dismissed, dispatched, disproportionately, dispute, disrupt, disruption, disruptive, dissatisfied, dissolution, distributor, diuretic, diversion, diverted, divested, dividend, doctor, Dog, domain, domestic, domiciled, donation, dose, download, downturn, drafted, Dragon, drawn, dried, drink, driven, drought, drug, duty, dynamic, ear, earlier, easily, eastern, easy, eclectic, ecommerce, economy, ecosystem, edition, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, EFSA, elastic, elderly, elevated, elixir, emotional, employed, enable, enabling, encompassing, encourage, endocrine, endurance, enforcement, enforcing, Engineering, enhance, enhanced, enhancer, enjoyed, enlargement, ensuing, Enterprise, entirety, entomopathogenic, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial, entrepreneurship, entry, environmental, EPA, Equinox, equitable, escalating, Escrow, essential, EU, EUR, Euro, Europe, European, evidenced, evolve, evolving, excellent, exclusive, exclusively, exonerate, expenditure, exponential, export, exporting, expose, exposed, exposure, expressly, external, extract, extremely, facility, fad, fail, failing, failure, fairer, faith, fall, false, Fame, familiarity, fashion, fast, faster, fastest, fat, fatigue, fault, Fax, FCPA, FDA, FDCA, FDIC, fee, Fennel, fewer, fiduciary, field, fifty, Fight, Figurative, fill, final, finalization, finalizing, finally, Firefox, firsthand, fit, fixed, flexibility, Flight, flood, flora, fluctuate, fluctuation, Folic, food, force, forced, forecast, foreign, forfeited, forfeiture, formula, formulated, formulation, Forster, Fortune, foster, Foundation, founder, FourSigmatic, fragmented, frame, fraudulent, freelance, freely, frequent, frequently, frondosa, FSL, FTC, fuel, fulfil, fulfill, fulfillment, fullest, fully, fundamental, fundraising, fungi, gabl, Gabriella, gain, gained, Ganoderma, Garden, gas, gastrointestinal, gather, geographical, geographically, geopolitical, German, Germany, Ginkgo, Ginseng, gland, global, glucose, glycoprotein, gmbh, GMP, Goal, Goldmine, good, goodwill, Google, graduating, Grand, Grape, great, greater, greatly, Greek, Greenstein, Grifola, groundwater, grow, growing, grown, gu, Guaranty, guard, guide, gut, Hall, handling, happy, harder, Harvard, healthcare, healthier, healthy, heart, heathy, heightened, hemp, herb, herbal, Hieracium, Hip, historical, historically, HLCO, Hoekman, Hohenzollerndamm, holder, hormone, host, hou, housing, Huel, humanitarian, humankind, hundred, hurt, ICFR, ID, IDs, IIN, image, IMG, immigration, immortality, immune, immunity, impartial, impermissible, implicitly, import, importance, important, importation, importing, impose, imposed, imposition, imprisonment, inability, inconsistent, increasingly, incurrence, indemnification, indemnify, indemnity, Indian, inflammation, inflammatory, inflation, influence, influenced, influencer, influencing, influential, infringed, infringement, ingested, ingestible, ingredient, injunction, injury, InnerSpace, innovate, innovation, innovative, inspire, inspiring, instability, Instinet, insulin, intent, intention, intentional, intercompany, interfere, internationally, interruption, intestate, intestinal, intrinsic, introducing, introduction, invalidated, inventory, investor, invoice, invoiced, involuntarily, involuntary, ION, IP, Iridium, issuable, iv, Jamieson, Jeffery, Jiyo, John, join, joined, joining, joint, judicial, July, Kapur, Kate, Kay, Kellogg, Kelly, KET, kickstarter, king, Koplovitz, lab, laboratory, lactic, landscape, lapse, largest, launch, launched, lead, leader, leading, lease, leave, leaving, Lee, legend, legislative, Lender, Lentinula, leveraging, levy, liable, licensed, licensing, lien, lieu, light, line, lining, linked, linking, lion, lipid, liver, living, Liz, LLC, LLP, local, London, longevity, Los, lose, lost, lot, love, lower, lowering, loyalty, lucidum, MA, Machaiah, machine, macroeconomic, main, Maitake, maker, maladaptive, man, Manchester, mandate, mandatory, mane, Manganese, manner, manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, march, Marketerhire, Mary, Master, matter, maximum, MBA, meant, medical, medicinal, medicine, melatonin, memory, mental, mention, Mentor, met, Meta, metabolic, metabolism, Methylsulfonylmethane, Michael, mild, Millionaire, mindful, minimum, Mint, misappropriated, misappropriating, misappropriation, misbranded, mislabeled, misleading, missed, mission, misuse, mobile, mobility, modification, modified, modify, moment, monetary, Monk, month, mood, motivate, Motorola, move, Movement, MSM, multiplying, muscle, mushroom, mutual, Nabisco, narcotic, NBCU, negligence, negligent, neighborhood, NemV, neuroprotective, newly, NFT, Niacin, nickname, noeo, noncompliance, Nonqualified, Nortel, northeastern, Northwestern, Notwithstanding, November, nutraceutical, nutritionist, NY, Oberhof, obesity, objective, Ocado, occurrence, Oelmann, official, officinale, onboarding, online, ONNIT, opportunity, optimizing, Oracle, orally, organizational, outlook, outright, outsourced, overcome, overhead, overkill, overseeing, overstocking, overwhelming, Oxley, oxygen, pace, packaged, packaging, page, pain, Paley, Panax, Pantothenic, paragraph, parasite, Parkway, partial, partly, partner, partnering, passion, passionate, pattern, peace, peak, penalty, people, perception, perfectly, persistent, petition, pharma, pharmaceutical, phase, philosophical, physical, physiological, Pink, pioneer, pioneering, pituitary, plant, Pledge, political, Poonacha, popular, popularity, possessing, possession, Prager, precise, predecessor, premature, prepaid, prescribe, prescription, presence, pressure, prevailing, previously, primary, principle, priority, privacy, pro, procurement, profile, program, prohibit, prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, prolonged, promised, promising, proper, proportion, proportionate, protectionist, protein, provincial, punishable, Pure, purplish, push, put, QB, quality, question, quickly, Qyuki, ran, range, rank, ranked, rapid, rapidly, rare, rata, ratably, raw, RBSM, reaction, reality, rebranding, recall, recapitalization, recessionary, reclassified, recyclable, reddish, redevelop, ref, reformulated, reformulation, rehabilitating, reimbursed, reinvestment, Reishi, reissued, rejected, relabeled, relax, release, released, reliability, reliance, reliant, relied, relinquished, relocated, relocating, rely, remedial, remediate, remediation, remedy, remembering, remitted, reorganization, repaid, replace, replaced, replacement, replacing, replenish, represent, representative, represented, representing, repriced, repricing, Republic, reputation, reputational, request, resale, Rescue, resell, resemble, resembling, reset, resilient, resistance, resold, resolve, resolved, restitution, restructuring, resubmitted, resurgence, retail, retaliatory, retention, return, revert, rheumatoid, Rho, rhythm, Riboflavin, rid, risky, Rose, rosea, Rountree, routine, run, rushing, Russia, sabotage, Safari, Saffron, salary, sanction, SAR, Sasken, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, satisfying, Scandinavian, School, scientific, scrutiny, secret, seed, segment, Segundo, Selenium, seller, sensitive, sentence, sentiment, separate, separately, serial, settlement, Seva, Sexy, shaggy, shift, Shiitake, ship, shipment, shipping, Shitake, Shopify, shortage, shortfall, side, Similarly, Simon, simplify, simultaneously, skin, sleep, slower, smooth, social, societal, society, software, solution, solvency, soothe, sophisticated, sought, SoulCycle, SPAC, space, Spade, speak, spectrum, spent, spiritual, Springboard, stamina, standalone, staple, steeped, stemming, stepping, Steven, stevia, stimulated, stomach, stopped, storage, Story, strategy, stressful, stricter, stringent, strive, strong, stronger, struggle, submission, subscribed, subscriber, subscription, subsidiary, subsiding, substantive, substitute, substitution, successfully, successor, suffer, suffering, sugar, Suicide, Sunday, Super, superfood, Superfyt, superior, supplier, supply, surface, surrender, surrendered, suspension, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustainably, sustained, sustaining, Sydney, SyFy, syndrome, synergize, tabular, Taha, talent, talented, tangible, Taraxacum, taste, tea, team, teamed, tech, technical, technically, technological, technology, television, tender, tendered, terrorist, testament, testamentary, text, texture, theft, thereon, therewith, Thiamine, thirdweb, thirty, thought, thousand, threat, threatened, Tibetan, ticker, tier, tighter, tint, tissue, Title, titled, today, tolerance, tonic, top, Toptal, tou, tough, traditional, trained, Training, tranche, transformation, transformative, translated, translation, transmit, transparency, transport, transportation, transposed, travel, travelled, treat, treated, treating, Trinity, triumphal, trouble, true, trustee, truthful, turmoil, turn, TV, UIC, uk, unacceptable, Unamortized, unavailable, unclear, undergone, underlying, undermine, undertaken, undertook, undervalued, underwent, underwritten, unexpected, unexpectedly, unfair, unfavorable, unfavorably, unforeseen, uniform, unintentionally, unique, unlocking, unpaid, unpopular, unrest, unsettled, unsolicited, unsuccessful, unusually, unvested, unwilling, upfront, upgrade, uplist, uplisting, USA, usage, USDA, user, vacated, vague, vast, VAT, vegan, Veniam, version, vertically, viability, Vice, view, violence, vision, visionary, Vital, vitality, vitamin, volatile, volatility, voluntary, waive, waived, Walmart, Wanja, WAOW, WAOWE, war, Warrior, wastage, water, weaker, weather, web, wellbeing, whereunder, white, wholesale, wholesaler, wide, widely, wider, William, winding, wire, wisdom, withdraw, withheld, withholding, witnessed, Wood, Word, wording, worker, worth, Wright, Yahoo, yamabushitake, yield, York, young, youngest, Zuar
accomplishing, afforded, appraisal, bank, calling, Carson, combine, consummate, consummation, delinquent, desiring, detailed, deterrent, devote, devoted, diversify, documenting, electronic, exhaustive, hope, incumbent, listing, merged, Mortgage, offsetting, preparing, prove, proxy, receivership, recording, recurring, Room, seeking, spreading, vary
Filing tables
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- 10-K Annual report
- 10.14 Consulting Agreement
- 10.15 Credit Agreement
- 10.16 Guarantee and Collateral Agreement
- 10.17 Pledge Agreement
- 10.18 Guaranty
- 10.19 Master Escrow Agreement
- 10.20 Collateral Assignment
- 10.21 Collateral Assignment
- 10.22 Warrant Agreement
- 10.24 Amendment to Simon Belsham Employment Agreement
- 10.25 Amendment to Services Agreement
- 10.26 Consulting Agreement
- 10.27 Form of Agreement
- 10.28 Form of Stock Option Agreement
- 10.29 Form of Stock Option Agreement
- 21 List of Subsidiaries
- 31.1 Certification
- 31.2 Certification
- 32.1 Certification
- 32.2 Certification
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