Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Consolidated Statements of Stoc
- Consolidated Statements of St_2
- Basis of Presentation
- Recently Adopted and New Accoun
- Fair Value Measurements
- Receivables, net (Notes)
- Inventories
- Payables and Accruals
- Income Taxes
- Other Operating Charges, net (N
- Non-operating Income (Expense)
- Pension and Other Postretiremen
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Stockholders' Equity
- Earnings per Common Share
- Segment Information
- Receivables, net (Tables)
- Inventories - (Tables)
- Other Operating Charges, net (T
- Non-operating Income (Expense_2
- Pension and Other Postretirem_2
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_2
- Stockholders' Equity - (Tables)
- Earnings per Common Share - (Ta
- Segment Information - (Tables)
- Fair Value Measurements (Detail
- Receivables, net (Details)
- Inventories - Inventories (Deta
- Payables and Accruals (Details)
- Income Taxes - Narrative (Detai
- Other Operating Charges, net (D
- Non-operating Income (Expense_3
- Pension and Other Postretirem_3
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_3
- Stockholders' Equity - (Detail)
- Earnings per Common Share - Rec
- Segment Information (Detail)
- Uncategorized Items - clw-20210