Filing exhibits
- 20-F Annual report (foreign)
- 1.1 Exhibit 1.1
- 8.1 Exhibit 8.1
- 12.1 Exhibit 12.1
- 12.2 Exhibit 12.2
- 13.1 Exhibit 13.1
- 23.1 Exhibit 23.1
- 23.2 Exhibit 23.2
- 23.3 Exhibit 23.3
- 23.4 Exhibit 23.4
- 23.5 Exhibit 23.5
- 23.6 Exhibit 23.6
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
- 99.2 Exhibit 99.2
- 99.3 Exhibit 99.3
- 99.4 Exhibit 99.4
- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
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Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated statement of finan
- Consolidated statement of profi
- Consolidated statement of compr
- Consolidated statement of chang
- Consolidated statement of cash
- Reporting entity
- Basis for presentation
- Significant estimates and accou
- Accounting policies
- New standards and regulatory ch
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Trade and other receivables, ne
- Inventories, net
- Other financial assets
- Taxes
- Other assets
- Business combinations
- Investments in associates and j
- Property, plant and equipment
- Natural and environmental resou
- Intangible assets
- Impairment of non-current asset
- Goodwill
- Loans and borrowings
- Trade and other payables
- Provisions for employees' benef
- Accrued liabilities and provisi
- Equity
- Sales revenue from contracts wi
- Cost of sales
- Administrative, operations and
- Other operating income (expense
- Financial result, net
- Risk management
- Related parties
- Joint operations
- Information by segments
- Subsequent events
- Supplemental information on oil
- Exhibit 1. Consolidated subsidi
- Exhibit 2. Conditions of the mo
- Accounting policies (Policies)
- Accounting policies (Tables)
- New standards and regulatory _2
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Trade and other receivables, _2
- Inventories, net (Tables)
- Other financial assets (Tables)
- Taxes (Tables)
- Other assets (Tables)
- Business combinations (Tables)
- Investments in associates and_2
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Natural and environmental res_2
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Impairment of non-current ass_2
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Loans and borrowings (Tables)
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Provisions for employees' ben_2
- Accrued liabilities and provi_2
- Equity (Tables)
- Sales revenue from contracts _2
- Cost of sales (Tables)
- Administrative, operations an_2
- Other operating income (expen_2
- Risk management (Tables)
- Related parties (Tables)
- Joint operations (Tables)
- Information by segments (Tables
- Supplemental information on o_2
- Exhibit 1. Consolidated subsi_2
- Exhibit 2. Conditions of the _2
- Reporting entity (Details)
- Basis for presentation (Details
- Accounting policies (Details)
- Accounting policies - Additiona
- New standards and regulatory _3
- New standards and regulatory _4
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Cash and cash equivalents - Cre
- Cash and cash equivalents - Add
- Trade and other receivables, _3
- Trade and other receivables, _4
- Trade and other receivables, _5
- Inventories, net (Details)
- Inventories, net - Changes of t
- Inventories, net - Additional I
- Other financial assets (Details
- Other financial assets - Maturi
- Other financial assets - Other
- Other financial assets - Credit
- Other financial assets - Additi
- Taxes - Current tax assets and
- Taxes - Income tax expense (Det
- Taxes - Reconciliation of the i
- Taxes - Deferred income tax (De
- Taxes - Deferred tax assets and
- Taxes - Deferred tax assets (De
- Taxes - Deferred tax detail not
- Taxes - Income tax recorded in
- Taxes - Additional Information
- Other assets (Details)
- Business combinations - Effect
- Business combinations - Recogni
- Business combinations - Investm
- Business combinations - Additio
- Investments in associates and_3
- Investments in associates and_4
- Investments in associates and_5
- Investments in associates and_6
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Natural and environmental res_3
- Natural and environmental res_4
- Intangible assets (Details)
- Impairment of non-current ass_3
- Impairment of non-current ass_4
- Impairment of non-current ass_5
- Impairment of non-current ass_6
- Impairment of non-current ass_7
- Impairment of non-current ass_8
- Goodwill (Details)
- Loans and borrowings (Details)
- Loans and borrowings - Maturity
- Loans and borrowings - Breakdow
- Loans and borrowings - Movement
- Loans and borrowings - Addition
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Provisions for employees' ben_3
- Provisions for employees' ben_4
- Provisions for employees' ben_5
- Provisions for employees' ben_6
- Provisions for employees' ben_7
- Provisions for employees' ben_8
- Provisions for employees' ben_9
- Provisions for employees' be_10
- Provisions for employees' be_11
- Accrued liabilities and provi_3
- Accrued liabilities and provi_4
- Accrued liabilities and provi_5
- Accrued liabilities and provi_6
- Accrued liabilities and provi_7
- Equity - Ecopetrol Business Gro
- Equity - Movement of equity res
- Equity - Other comprehensive in
- Equity - Earnings per share (De
- Equity - Additional information
- Sales revenue from contracts _3
- Sales revenue from contracts _4
- Sales revenue from contracts _5
- Cost of sales - before impairme
- Administrative, operations an_3
- Other operating income (expen_3
- Financial result, net (Details)
- Financial result, net - Additio
- Risk management - Financial ass
- Risk management - Financial a_2
- Risk management - Non-derivativ
- Risk management - Other compreh
- Risk management - Cumulative ex
- Risk management - Hedge recogni
- Risk management - Significant c
- Risk management - Sensitivity o
- Risk management - Maturity of f
- Risk management - Leverage rati
- Risk management - Additional In
- Related parties (Details)
- Related parties - Transactions
- Related parties - Directors and
- Related parties - Additional In
- Joint operations - Contracts in
- Joint operations - Contracts _2
- Joint operations - Additional I
- Information by segments (Detail
- Information by segments - Sales
- Information by segments - Capit
- Subsequent events (Details)
- Supplemental information on o_3
- Supplemental information on o_4
- Supplemental information on o_5
- Supplemental information on o_6
- Supplemental information on o_7
- Supplemental information on o_8
- Supplemental information on o_9
- Exhibit 1. Consolidated subsi_3
- Exhibit 1. Consolidated subsi_4
- Exhibit 2 . Conditions of the m