Financial Risk Management | 4. Financial Risk Management 4.1 Summary 4.1.1 Overview of financial risk management policy The financial risks that the Group is exposed to are credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, and others. This note regarding financial risk management provides information about the risks that the Group is exposed to and about its objectives, policies, risk assessment and management procedures, and capital management. Additional quantitative information is disclosed throughout the consolidated financial statements. The Group’s risk management system focuses on efficiently supporting long-term strategy and management decisions of the Group by increasing risk transparency, preventing risk transfer between subsidiaries and preemptive response to rapidly changing financial environments. Credit risk, market risk, operational risk, interest rate risk, insurance risk, liquidity risk, credit concentration risk, strategy risk, and reputation risk are recognized as the Group’s significant risks and measured and managed by quantifying them in the form of internal capital or Value at Risk (“VaR”) using statistical methods. 4.1.2 Risk management organization Risk Management Committee The Risk Management Committee, as the ultimate decision-making body, deals with risk-related issues, such as establishing risk management strategies in accordance with the strategic direction determined by the board of directors, determining the affordable level of risk appetite, reviewing the level of risk and the status of risk management activities, approving the application of risk management systems, methodologies, and major improvements, and establishing and approving risk management policies and procedures to timely recognize, measure, monitor, and control risks arising from various transactions by the Group. Risk Management Council The Risk Management Council is responsible for consulting on matters delegated by the Risk Management Committee and requests for review by the Management Executive Committee, consulting on details of each subsidiary’s risk management policies and procedures, monitoring the Group’s risk management status, and establishing and implementing necessary measures. Risk Management Department The Risk Management Department performs the Group’s risk management detailed policies, procedures, and business processes, and is responsible for calculating the Group’s risk-weighted assets, monitoring and managing internal capital limits. 4.2 Credit Risk 4.2.1 Overview of credit risk Credit risk is the risk of loss from the portfolio of assets held due to the counterparty’s default, breach of contract, and deterioration of credit quality. For risk management purposes, the Group manages all factors of credit risk exposure, such as default risk of individual borrowers, country risk, and risk of specific sectors in an integrated way. 4.2.2 Credit risk management The Group measures the expected loss and internal capital for the assets subject to credit risk management, including on-balance off-balance In addition, to prevent excessive concentration of exposures by borrower and industry, the total exposure limit at the Group level is introduced, applied, and managed to control the credit concentration risk. All of the Kookmin Bank’s loan customers (individuals and corporates) are assigned a credit rating and managed by a comprehensive internal credit evaluation system. For individuals, the credit rating is evaluated by utilizing personal information, income and job information, asset information, and bank transaction information. For corporates, the credit rating is evaluated by analyzing and utilizing financial and non-financial The credit rating, once assigned, serves as the fundamental instrument in Kookmin Bank’s credit risk management, and is applied in a wide range of credit risk management processes, including credit approval, credit limit management, loan pricing, and assessment of allowances for credit losses. For corporates, Kookmin Bank conducts a regular credit evaluation at least once a year, and the review and supervision departments regularly validate the adequacy of credit ratings to manage credit risks. KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd.’s credit scoring system is divided into Application Scoring System (“ASS”) and Behavior Scoring System (“BSS”). For applications that meet the eligibility criteria for card issuance, the card will be issued only if the ASS credit rating is above the standard. KB Kookmin Card Co., Ltd.’s internal information, external information from the credit bureau company and others, and personal information on the application are used to calculate the ASS credit rating. The BSS, which is recalculated on a weekly basis, predicts the delinquency probability of cardholders, and utilizes it to monitor cardholders and portfolio risk. In order to establish a credit risk management system, the Group manages credit risk by forming a separate risk management organization. In particular, independently of the Sales Group, the Credit Management & Analysis Group of Kookmin Bank, a subsidiary, is in charge of loan policy, loan system, credit rating, credit analysis, follow-up 4.2.3 Maximum exposure to credit risk The Group’s maximum exposures to credit risk without consideration of collateral values in relation to financial instruments other than equity securities as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 (In millions of Korean won) Financial assets Due from financial institutions measured at amortized cost* ₩ 22,720,091 ₩ 28,362,387 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: Due from financial institutions measured at fair value through profit or loss 100,094 200,742 Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss 58,415,100 63,002,692 Loans measured at fair value through profit or loss 337,983 269,296 Financial instruments indexed to the price of gold 89,965 113,622 Derivatives 5,545,385 3,721,370 Loans measured at amortized cost* 377,166,984 417,900,273 Financial investments: Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 58,456,889 56,259,511 Securities measured at amortized cost* 36,870,229 44,471,628 Loans measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 293,409 313,604 Other financial assets* 14,167,689 10,755,350 574,163,818 625,370,475 Off-balance Acceptances and guarantees contracts 8,548,928 10,199,689 Financial guarantee contracts 4,964,468 6,892,464 Commitments 159,133,983 170,218,143 172,647,379 187,310,296 ₩ 746,811,197 ₩ 812,680,771 * After netting of allowance 4.2.4 Credit risk of loans The Group maintains allowances for loan losses associated with credit risk of loans to manage its credit risk. The Group assesses expected credit losses and recognizes loss allowances of financial assets at amortized cost and financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are excluded. Expected credit losses are a probability-weighted estimate of possible credit losses occurring in a certain range by reflecting reasonable and supportable information that is reasonably available at the end of the reporting period without undue cost or effort, including information about past events, current conditions, and forecasts of future economic conditions. The Group measures the expected credit losses of loans classified as financial assets at amortized cost, by deducting allowances for credit losses. The expected credit losses of loans classified as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income are presented in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements. Credit risk exposure Credit qualities of loans as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 12-month Lifetime expected credit losses Not applying Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Loans measured at amortized cost* Corporate Grade 1 ₩ 93,033,311 ₩ 4,646,801 ₩ 7,042 ₩ — ₩ 97,687,154 Grade 2 61,701,031 7,060,916 7,817 — 68,769,764 Grade 3 2,702,369 2,507,455 3,055 — 5,212,879 Grade 4 611,743 1,085,704 8,562 — 1,706,009 Grade 5 18,792 394,935 2,162,732 — 2,576,459 158,067,246 15,695,811 2,189,208 — 175,952,265 Retail Grade 1 163,261,012 3,536,290 6,789 — 166,804,091 Grade 2 8,828,445 4,197,409 34,896 — 13,060,750 Grade 3 2,519,004 1,322,878 9,012 — 3,850,894 Grade 4 225,262 402,881 8,352 — 636,495 Grade 5 39,466 636,361 672,397 — 1,348,224 174,873,189 10,095,819 731,446 — 185,700,454 Credit card Grade 1 8,210,540 412,555 — — 8,623,095 Grade 2 5,831,625 708,405 — — 6,540,030 Grade 3 1,526,382 1,216,434 — — 2,742,816 Grade 4 16,978 247,241 — — 264,219 Grade 5 2,101 118,907 506,462 — 627,470 15,587,626 2,703,542 506,462 — 18,797,630 348,528,061 28,495,172 3,427,116 — 380,450,349 Loans measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Corporate Grade 1 235,469 — — — 235,469 Grade 2 57,940 — — — 57,940 Grade 3 — — — — — Grade 4 — — — — — Grade 5 — — — — — 293,409 — — — 293,409 293,409 — — — 293,409 ₩ 348,821,470 ₩ 28,495,172 ₩ 3,427,116 ₩ — ₩ 380,743,758 December 31, 2021 12-month Lifetime expected credit losses Not applying Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Loans measured at amortized cost* Corporate Grade 1 ₩ 111,284,284 ₩ 5,345,956 ₩ 3,705 ₩ — ₩ 116,633,945 Grade 2 68,050,042 7,847,126 4,338 — 75,901,506 Grade 3 5,323,745 2,850,266 2,949 — 8,176,960 Grade 4 586,857 1,037,461 7,570 — 1,631,888 Grade 5 12,877 352,046 2,143,708 — 2,508,631 185,257,805 17,432,855 2,162,270 — 204,852,930 Retail Grade 1 170,810,128 4,593,302 11,609 — 175,415,039 Grade 2 9,093,868 4,209,451 35,097 — 13,338,416 Grade 3 3,410,624 1,414,439 23,467 — 4,848,530 Grade 4 235,150 400,029 17,998 — 653,177 Grade 5 495,987 445,588 710,341 — 1,651,916 184,045,757 11,062,809 798,512 — 195,907,078 Credit card Grade 1 10,640,412 1,113,400 — — 11,753,812 Grade 2 3,919,053 1,027,546 — — 4,946,599 Grade 3 1,360,908 1,412,951 — — 2,773,859 Grade 4 82,565 608,250 — — 690,815 Grade 5 1,267 130,712 527,256 — 659,235 16,004,205 4,292,859 527,256 — 20,824,320 385,307,767 32,788,523 3,488,038 — 421,584,328 Loans measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Corporate Grade 1 233,868 — — — 233,868 Grade 2 79,736 — — — 79,736 Grade 3 — — — — — Grade 4 — — — — — Grade 5 — — — — — 313,604 — — — 313,604 313,604 — — — 313,604 ₩ 385,621,371 ₩ 32,788,523 ₩ 3,488,038 ₩ — ₩ 421,897,932 * Before netting of allowance Credit qualities of loans graded according to internal credit ratings as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: Range of probability Retail Corporate Grade 1 0.0 ~ 1.0 1 ~ 5 grade AAA Grade 2 1.0 ~ 5.0 6 ~ 8 grade BBB ~ BB Grade 3 5.0 ~ 15.0 9 ~ 10 grade BB- Grade 4 15.0 ~ 30.0 11 grade B- Grade 5 30.0 ~ 12 CC or under Quantification of the extent to which collateral and other credit enhancements mitigate credit risk of loans as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 12-month Lifetime expected credit losses Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Guarantees ₩ 79,088,720 ₩ 5,732,814 ₩ 187,512 ₩ 85,009,046 Deposits and savings 5,210,681 149,745 67,047 5,427,473 Property and equipment 11,607,675 808,476 120,471 12,536,622 Real estate 170,171,707 12,836,286 1,836,865 184,844,858 ₩ 266,078,783 ₩ 19,527,321 ₩ 2,211,895 ₩ 287,817,999 December 31, 2021 12-month Lifetime expected credit losses Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Guarantees ₩ 90,696,507 ₩ 6,604,758 ₩ 396,097 ₩ 97,697,362 Deposits and savings 5,723,090 98,389 79,229 5,900,708 Property and equipment 13,205,822 597,251 319,697 14,122,770 Real estate 182,139,890 13,736,634 1,990,847 197,867,371 ₩ 291,765,309 ₩ 21,037,032 ₩ 2,785,870 ₩ 315,588,211 4.2.5 Credit risk of securities Credit qualities of securities exposed to credit risk other than equity securities among financial investments as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 12-month Lifetime expected credit Not applying Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Securities measured at amortized cost* Grade 1 ₩ 36,467,719 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 36,467,719 Grade 2 359,551 — — — 359,551 Grade 3 38,847 7,061 — — 45,908 Grade 4 — — — — — Grade 5 — — — — — 36,866,117 7,061 — — 36,873,178 Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Grade 1 54,576,777 — — — 54,576,777 Grade 2 3,746,200 — — — 3,746,200 Grade 3 126,391 — — — 126,391 Grade 4 7,521 — — — 7,521 Grade 5 — — — — — 58,456,889 — — — 58,456,889 ₩ 95,323,006 ₩ 7,061 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 95,330,067 December 31, 2021 12-month Lifetime expected credit Not applying Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Securities measured at amortized cost* Grade 1 ₩ 43,427,028 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 43,427,028 Grade 2 1,039,757 — — — 1,039,757 Grade 3 1,371 7,641 — — 9,012 Grade 4 — — — — — Grade 5 — — — — — 44,468,156 7,641 — — 44,475,797 Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Grade 1 51,490,960 — — — 51,490,960 Grade 2 4,682,582 — — — 4,682,582 Grade 3 42,861 3,973 — — 46,834 Grade 4 39,135 — — — 39,135 Grade 5 — — — — — 56,255,538 3,973 — — 56,259,511 ₩ 100,723,694 ₩ 11,614 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 100,735,308 * Before netting of allowance Credit qualities of securities other than equity securities, according to the credit ratings by external credit rating agencies as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: Domestic Foreign Credit quality KIS NICE P&I KAP FnPricing Inc. S&P Fitch-IBCA Moody’s Grade 1 AA0 to AAA AA0 to AAA AA0 to AAA AA0 to AAA A- to AAA A- to AAA A3 to Aaa Grade 2 A- A- A- A- BBB- to BBB+ BBB- to BBB+ Baa3 to Baa1 Grade 3 BBB0 to BBB+ BBB0 to BBB+ BBB0 to BBB+ BBB0 to BBB+ BB to BB+ BB to BB+ Ba2 to Ba1 Grade 4 BB0 to BBB- BB0 to BBB- BB0 to BBB- BB0 to BBB- B+ to BB- B+ to BB- B1 to Ba3 Grade 5 BB- BB- BB- BB- B or under B or under B2 or under Credit qualities of debt securities denominated in Korean won are based on the lowest credit rating by the domestic credit rating agencies above, and those denominated in foreign currencies are based on the lowest credit rating by the foreign credit rating agencies above. 4.2.6 Credit risk of due from financial institutions Credit qualities of due from financial institutions as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 12-month expected Lifetime expected credit losses Not applying Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Due from financial institutions measured at amortized cost* Grade 1 ₩ 21,437,207 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 21,437,207 Grade 2 334,371 — — — 334,371 Grade 3 445,732 13,099 — — 458,831 Grade 4 479,142 — — — 479,142 Grade 5 13,520 — 283 — 13,803 ₩ 22,709,972 ₩ 13,099 ₩ 283 ₩ — ₩ 22,723,354 December 31, 2021 12-month expected Lifetime expected credit losses Not applying Total Non-impaired Impaired (In millions of Korean won) Due from financial institutions measured at amortized cost* Grade 1 ₩ 26,548,145 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 26,548,145 Grade 2 1,305,539 — — — 1,305,539 Grade 3 61,177 — — — 61,177 Grade 4 439,511 — — — 439,511 Grade 5 10,984 — — — 10,984 ₩ 28,365,356 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 28,365,356 * Before netting of allowance The classification criteria of the credit qualities of due from financial institutions as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are the same as the criteria for securities other than equity securities. 4.2.7 Credit risk mitigation of derivative financial instruments Quantification of the extent to which collateral mitigates credit risk of derivative financial instruments as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 December 31, 2021 (In millions of Korean won) Deposits, savings, securities, and others ₩ 1,651,322 ₩ 834,175 4.2.8 Credit risk concentration analysis Classifications of loans by country as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 * Retail Corporate Credit card Total % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Korea ₩ 182,344,832 ₩ 160,385,598 ₩ 18,734,570 ₩ 361,465,000 94.85 ₩ (2,433,702 ) ₩ 359,031,298 Europe — 2,042,979 — 2,042,979 0.54 (11,141 ) 2,031,838 China — 4,518,737 654 4,519,391 1.19 (20,489 ) 4,498,902 Japan 94 923,354 10 923,458 0.24 (1,249 ) 922,209 United States — 1,962,377 — 1,962,377 0.51 (21,489 ) 1,940,888 Cambodia 1,444,906 2,280,180 — 3,725,086 0.98 (89,652 ) 3,635,434 Indonesia 1,483,345 3,637,351 60,959 5,181,655 1.36 (699,947 ) 4,481,708 Others 427,276 833,080 1,437 1,261,793 0.33 (5,694 ) 1,256,099 ₩ 185,700,453 ₩ 176,583,656 ₩ 18,797,630 ₩ 381,081,739 100.00 ₩ (3,283,363 ) ₩ 377,798,376 December 31, 2021 * Retail Corporate Credit card Total % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Korea ₩ 191,601,232 ₩ 183,222,201 ₩ 20,766,535 ₩ 395,589,968 93.70 ₩ (2,653,256 ) ₩ 392,936,712 Europe — 2,673,817 — 2,673,817 0.63 (29,015 ) 2,644,802 China 34,982 6,743,756 327 6,779,065 1.61 (34,316 ) 6,744,749 Japan 86 1,039,453 8 1,039,547 0.25 (2,227 ) 1,037,320 United States — 3,555,723 — 3,555,723 0.84 (28,113 ) 3,527,610 Cambodia 1,985,808 3,115,992 — 5,101,800 1.21 (70,660 ) 5,031,140 Indonesia 1,666,850 3,710,586 55,520 5,432,956 1.29 (841,145 ) 4,591,811 Others 618,120 1,374,302 1,930 1,994,352 0.47 (25,323 ) 1,969,029 ₩ 195,907,078 ₩ 205,435,830 ₩ 20,824,320 ₩ 422,167,228 100.00 ₩ (3,684,055 ) ₩ 418,483,173 * Amount includes loans measured at fair value through profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and amortized cost. Classifications of corporate loans by industry as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 Loans % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Financial institutions ₩ 16,044,243 9.09 ₩ (20,987 ) ₩ 16,023,256 Manufacturing 45,884,606 25.98 (473,360 ) 45,411,246 Service 76,001,877 43.04 (385,093 ) 75,616,784 Wholesale and retail 23,129,457 13.10 (241,021 ) 22,888,436 Construction 4,397,814 2.49 (190,819 ) 4,206,995 Public sector 1,660,370 0.94 (74,839 ) 1,585,531 Others 9,465,289 5.36 (285,660 ) 9,179,629 ₩ 176,583,656 100.00 ₩ (1,671,779 ) ₩ 174,911,877 December 31, 2021 Loans % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Financial institutions ₩ 22,059,895 10.74 ₩ (32,856 ) ₩ 22,027,039 Manufacturing 49,149,918 23.92 (510,762 ) 48,639,156 Service 86,926,095 42.31 (450,272 ) 86,475,823 Wholesale and retail 26,862,247 13.08 (257,541 ) 26,604,706 Construction 5,683,471 2.77 (228,803 ) 5,454,668 Public sector 2,070,960 1.01 (95,053 ) 1,975,907 Others 12,683,244 6.17 (311,629 ) 12,371,615 ₩ 205,435,830 100.00 ₩ (1,886,916 ) ₩ 203,548,914 Classifications of retail loans and credit card receivables as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 Loans % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Housing loan ₩ 87,312,052 42.70 ₩ (61,155 ) ₩ 87,250,897 General loan 98,388,401 48.11 (848,933 ) 97,539,468 Credit card 18,797,630 9.19 (701,496 ) 18,096,134 ₩ 204,498,083 100.00 ₩ (1,611,584 ) ₩ 202,886,499 December 31, 2021 Loans % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Housing loan ₩ 93,695,479 43.23 ₩ (71,424 ) ₩ 93,624,055 General loan 102,211,599 47.16 (933,571 ) 101,278,028 Credit card 20,824,320 9.61 (792,144 ) 20,032,176 ₩ 216,731,398 100.00 ₩ (1,797,139 ) ₩ 214,934,259 Classifications of due from financial institutions, securities other than equity securities, and derivative financial assets by industry as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 Amount % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Due from financial institutions measured at amortized cost Finance and insur a ₩ 22,723,354 100.00 ₩ (3,263 ) ₩ 22,720,091 22,723,354 100.00 (3,263 ) 22,720,091 Due from financial institutions measured at fair value through profit or loss Finance and insurance 100,094 100.00 — 100,094 100,094 100.00 — 100,094 Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss Government and government funded institutions 16,902,284 28.94 — 16,902,284 Finance and insurance 34,244,398 58.62 — 34,244,398 Others 7,268,418 12.44 — 7,268,418 58,415,100 100.00 — 58,415,100 Derivative financial assets Government and government funded institutions 44,670 0.81 — 44,670 Finance and insurance 4,925,535 88.82 — 4,925,535 Others 575,180 10.37 — 575,180 5,545,385 100.00 — 5,545,385 Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Government and government funded institutions 26,205,864 44.83 — 26,205,864 Finance and insurance 24,847,602 42.51 — 24,847,602 Others 7,403,423 12.66 — 7,403,423 58,456,889 100.00 — 58,456,889 Securities measured at amortized cost Government and government funded institutions 24,018,884 65.14 (30 ) 24,018,854 Finance and insurance 11,019,911 29.89 (2,475 ) 11,017,436 Others 1,834,383 4.97 (445 ) 1,833,938 36,873,178 100.00 (2,950 ) 36,870,228 ₩ 182,114,000 ₩ (6,213 ) ₩ 182,107,787 December 31, 2021 Amount % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Due from financial institutions measured at amortized cost Finance and insurance ₩ 28,365,356 100.00 ₩ (2,969 ) ₩ 28,362,387 28,365,356 100.00 (2,969 ) 28,362,387 Due from financial institutions measured at fair value through profit or loss Finance and insurance 200,742 100.00 — 200,742 200,742 100.00 — 200,742 Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss Government and government funded institutions 16,101,187 25.56 — 16,101,187 Finance and insurance 35,025,800 55.59 — 35,025,800 Others 11,875,705 18.85 — 11,875,705 63,002,692 100.00 — 63,002,692 Derivative financial assets Government and government funded institutions 6,985 0.19 — 6,985 Finance and insurance 3,554,783 95.52 — 3,554,783 Others 159,602 4.29 — 159,602 3,721,370 100.00 — 3,721,370 Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Government and government funded institutions 24,609,458 43.74 — 24,609,458 Finance and insurance 22,669,379 40.29 — 22,669,379 Others 8,980,674 15.97 — 8,980,674 56,259,511 100.00 — 56,259,511 Securities measured at amortized cost Government and government funded institutions 31,996,180 71.94 (34 ) 31,996,146 Finance and insurance 10,450,497 23.50 (3,337 ) 10,447,160 Others 2,029,120 4.56 (798 ) 2,028,322 44,475,797 100.00 (4,169 ) 44,471,628 ₩ 196,025,468 ₩ (7,138 ) ₩ 196,018,330 Classifications of due from financial institutions, securities other than equity securities, and derivative financial assets by country as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 Amount % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Due from financial institutions measured at amortized cost Korea ₩ 16,535,849 72.78 ₩ (607 ) ₩ 16,535,242 United States 2,030,614 8.94 (283 ) 2,030,331 Others 4,156,891 18.28 (2,373 ) 4,154,518 22,723,354 100.00 (3,263 ) 22,720,091 Due from financial institutions measured at fair value through profit or loss Korea 100,094 100.00 — 100,094 100,094 100.00 — 100,094 Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss Korea 53,991,978 92.43 — 53,991,978 United States 2,370,538 4.06 — 2,370,538 Others 2,052,584 3.51 — 2,052,584 58,415,100 100.00 — 58,415,100 Derivative financial assets Korea 2,885,214 52.03 — 2,885,214 United States 706,866 12.75 — 706,866 Others 1,953,305 35.22 — 1,953,305 5,545,385 100.00 — 5,545,385 Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Korea 54,786,461 93.72 — 54,786,461 United States 942,151 1.61 — 942,151 Others 2,728,277 4.67 — 2,728,277 58,456,889 100.00 — 58,456,889 Securities measured at amortized cost Korea 34,545,872 93.69 (2,283 ) 34,543,589 United States 1,049,387 2.85 (241 ) 1,049,146 Others 1,277,919 3.46 (426 ) 1,277,493 36,873,178 100.00 (2,950 ) 36,870,228 ₩ 182,114,000 ₩ (6,213 ) ₩ 182,107,787 December 31, 2021 Amount % Allowances Carrying amount (In millions of Korean won) Due from financial institutions measured at amortized cost Korea ₩ 21,051,229 74.21 ₩ (574 ) ₩ 21,050,655 United States 2,875,884 10.14 (136 ) 2,875,748 Others 4,438,243 15.65 (2,259 ) 4,435,984 28,365,356 100.00 (2,969 ) 28,362,387 Due from financial institutions measured at fair value through profit or loss Korea 200,742 100.00 — 200,742 200,742 100.00 — 200,742 Securities measured at fair value through profit or loss Korea 56,920,225 90.35 — 56,920,225 United States 3,334,888 5.29 — 3,334,888 Others 2,747,579 4.36 — 2,747,579 63,002,692 100.00 — 63,002,692 Derivative financial assets Korea 1,639,657 44.06 — 1,639,657 United States 753,896 20.26 — 753,896 France 370,787 9.96 — 370,787 Singapore 117,964 3.17 — 117,964 Japan 96,438 2.59 — 96,438 Others 742,628 19.96 — 742,628 3,721,370 100.00 — 3,721,370 Securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Korea 51,484,332 91.51 — 51,484,332 United States 1,417,898 2.52 — 1,417,898 Others 3,357,281 5.97 — 3,357,281 56,259,511 100.00 — 56,259,511 Securities measured at amortized cost Korea 41,912,154 94.24 (3,183 ) 41,908,971 United States 1,188,427 2.67 (466 ) 1,187,961 Others 1,375,216 3.09 (520 ) 1,374,696 44,475,797 100.00 (4,169 ) 44,471,628 ₩ 196,025,468 ₩ (7,138 ) ₩ 196,018,330 4.3 Liquidity Risk 4.3.1 Overview of liquidity risk Liquidity risk is a risk that the Group becomes insolvent due to the mismatch between the inflow and outflow of funds, unexpected cash outflows, or a risk of loss due to financing funds at a high interest rate or disposing of securities at an unfavorable price due to lack of available funds. The Group manages its liquidity risk through analysis of the contractual maturity of interest-bearing assets and liabilities, assets and liabilities related to the other inflows and outflows of funds, and off-balance 4.3.2 Liquidity risk management and indicator The liquidity risk is managed by risk management policies and liquidity risk management guidelines set forth in these policies that apply to all risk management policies and procedures that may arise throughout the overall business of the Group. The Group calculates and manages liquidity ratio and others for all transactions and off-balance 4.3.3 Analysis of remaining contractual maturity of financial liabilities The cash flows disclosed in the maturity analysis are undiscounted contractual amounts including principal and future interest payments; as such, amounts in the table below do not match with those in the consolidated statements of financial position which are based on discounted cash flows. The future interest payments for floating-rate liabilities are calculated on the assumption that the current interest rate is the same until maturity. Remaining contractual maturity of financial liabilities other than derivatives held for cash flow hedge, and off-balance December 31, 2020 On demand Up to 1 month 1-3 3-12 1-5 Over 5 years Total (In millions of Korean won) Financial liabilities Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 1 ₩ 2,025,952 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 2,025,952 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 1 9,784,107 — — — — — 9,784,107 Derivatives held for trading 1 5,014,072 — — — — — 5,014,072 Derivatives held for hedging 2 — 3,123 4,120 62,147 35,198 109 104,697 Deposits 3 182,111,594 17,207,360 28,485,765 99,879,946 12,133,364 1,664,509 341,482,538 Borrowings 9,333,894 17,730,230 4,923,897 9,617,100 7,616,809 938,374 50,160,304 Debentures 18,105 2,806,105 6,769,859 14,330,686 35,512,544 6,241,226 65,678,525 Lease liabilities 205 22,372 40,376 152,084 332,033 44,882 591,952 Other financial liabilities 217,866 24,153,880 208,745 329,291 748,593 215,447 25,873,822 ₩ 208,505,795 ₩ 61,923,070 ₩ 40,432,762 ₩ 124,371,254 ₩ 56,378,541 ₩ 9,104,547 ₩ 500,715,969 Off-balance Commitments 4 ₩ 159,133,983 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 159,133,983 Acceptances and guarantees contracts 8,548,928 — — — — — 8,548,928 Financial guarantee contracts 5 4,964,468 — — — — — 4,964,468 ₩ 172,647,379 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 172,647,379 December 31, 2021 On demand Up to 1 month 1-3 3-12 1-5 Over 5 years Total (In millions of Korean won) Financial liabilities Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 1 ₩ 2,939,584 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 2,939,584 Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss 1 9,149,396 — — — — — 9,149,396 Derivatives held for trading 1 3,509,789 — — — — — 3,509,789 Derivatives held for hedging 2 — 11,355 9,993 31,135 31,640 1,423 85,546 Deposits 3 204,616,202 16,556,213 31,123,968 111,140,222 10,157,238 1,329,120 374,922,963 Borrowings 8,504,084 17,807,785 5,825,350 13,861,238 10,380,171 1,003,369 57,381,997 Debentures 14,528 3,438,621 5,318,699 20,496,869 34,863,044 6,509,966 70,641,727 Lease liabilities 139 23,387 42,406 157,536 334,359 50,555 608,382 Other financial liabilities 217,874 22,953,515 203,897 354,876 934,389 372,745 25,037,296 ₩ 228,951,596 ₩ 60,790,876 ₩ 42,524,313 ₩ 146,041,876 ₩ 56,700,841 ₩ 9,267,178 ₩ 544,276,680 Off-balance Commitments 4 ₩ 170,218,143 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 170,218,143 Acceptances and guarantees contracts 10,199,689 — — — — — 10,199,689 Financial guarantee contracts 5 6,892,464 — — — — — 6,892,464 ₩ 187,310,296 ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ — ₩ 187,310,296 1 Financial liabilities measured or designated at fair value through profit or loss and derivatives held for trading are not managed by contractual maturity because they are expected to be traded or redeemed before maturity. Therefore, the carrying amounts of those financial instruments are included in the ‘On demand’ category. 2 Cash flows of derivatives held for hedging are shown at net amount of cash inflows and outflows by remaining contractual maturity. 3 Deposits that are contractually repayable on demand or on short notice are included in the ‘On demand’ category. 4 Commitments are included in the ‘On demand’ category because payments can be requested at any time. 5 Cash flows under financial guarantee contracts are classified based on the earliest period that the contract can be executed. Contractual cash flows of derivatives held for cash flow hedge as of December 31, 2020 and 2021, are as follows: December 31, 2020 Up to 1-3 3-12 1-5 Over 5 years Total (In millions of Korean won) Cash flow to be received (paid) of net-settled ₩ (1,082 ) ₩ (5,569 ) ₩ (15,132 ) ₩ (25,354 ) ₩ 290 ₩ (46,847 ) Cash flow to be received of gross-settled derivatives 85,064 220,339 517,929 2,289,277 — 3,112,609 Cash flow to be paid of gross-settled derivatives (88,952 ) (221,261 ) (523,442 ) (1,616,530 ) — (2,450,185 ) December 31, 2021 Up to 1-3 3-12 1-5 Over 5 years Total (In millions of Korean won) Cash flow to be received (paid) of net-settled ₩ (102 ) ₩ (2,647 ) ₩ (252 ) ₩ 24,812 ₩ (11 ) ₩ 21,800 Cash flow to be received of gross-settled derivatives 126,429 325,664 619,100 2,084,618 — 3,155,811 Cash flow to be paid of gross-settled derivatives (130,919 ) (329,546 ) (630,023 ) (1,428,759 ) — (2,519,247 ) 4.4 Market Risk 4.4.1 Concept Market risk refers to risks that can result in losses due to changes in market factors such as interest rate, stock price, and foreign exchange rate, etc., which arise from securities, derivatives, and others. The most significant risks associated with trading positions are interest rate risk, currency risk, and additional risks include stock price risk. The non-trading non-trading 4.4.2 Risk management The Group sets and monitors internal capital limits for market risk and interest rate risk to manage the risks of trading and non-trading non-trading In the case of Kookmin Bank, a major subsidiary, the Risk Management Council establishes and enforces overall market risk management policies for market risk management and decides to establish position limits, loss limits, VaR limits, and approves non-standard Kookmin Bank’s Asset-Liability Management Committee (“ALCO”) determines interest rate and commission operating standards and Asset Liability Management (“ALM”) operation policies and enacts and revises relevant guidelines. The Risk Management Committee and the Risk Management Council monitor the establishment and enforcement of ALM risk management policies and enact and revise ALM risk management guidelines. Interest rate risk limits are set based on future asset and liability positions and expected interest rate volatility, which reflect annual business plans. The ALM Department and the Risk Management Department regularly measure and monitor interest rate risk and report the status and limit of interest rate risk including changes in Economic Value of Equity (“ΔEVE”), changes in Net Interest Income (“ΔNII”), and duration gap to the ALCO and the Risk Management Council on a monthly basis, and to the Risk Management Committee on a quarterly basis. To ensure the adequacy of interest rate risk and liquidity risk management, the Risk Management Dep |