| GORDON FEINBLATTIL ivrToRN LYS A'r ANDRE\V BULGIN Pus -r 1.1,V.titnn kily 19, 2023 V1,‘, EMAIL Otiractisintri Michael Racwan, Esquire Senior Vice President and General Counsel Silver Star Properties REIT, Inc. 2909 Hilleroft, Suite 420 Houston, TX 77057 Re; Allen Hartmail Dear Mr. Racusin: hsol 4 410 This firm represcnts Allen R. Hartman, flartman vRE1T XXI, Inc., and Hartman XX. Holdings, Inc., who, ;dong with their related entities (collectively, the "Hartman F,ntities“), own sharcs of common stock of Sibiu Star Properties Inc.,REIT, a Maryland corporation ("Silver Star"), Section 2-501(a) ofthe Maryland General Corporation Law provides duit a Maryland corporation "shall holt/ an amuit meeting of its stockholders to elect directors ud transact any other business within ils powers," Similarly, Section ) ofArtick .1! oC Siivcr Stars bylaws (the "Bylaws") provides that "[ajn animal meeting of stockholders for the eh:ici:ion of drrectors and the transaction ofany business ‘vithin the powers of the Corporation shall be held on a date and at the Ilune set by the .Board of directors in each yearH" Silver Star lias repeatedly breached Maryland law and lime Bylaws by not holding an annulai meeting of stockholders, Silver Star lias flot yet kid an annual meeting in 2023 and Mi., Hartman told us that Silver Star% board of directors luis indieated to hua that it does flot intend to cati or eonvene an annual meeting in 2023, To avoid any direct« entrenchment, the Hartman Entities .believe that it is imperative that stockholders be givcn the. opportunity to eleet direetors, 1,010 will represent thein and serve their interests. *Please confit-ni by August 2, 2023 that the board of directors of Silver Star Mil MI and çonvene an annual meeting of stockholders on or before December 31, 2023, ff Silver Star .fails co.mply.with tins demand, then the flartman Entities will promptly file suit to compel an EXHIBIT 1 |