Form 201 | | |
| | Filed In the Office of the |
| State of Texas | Secretary of State of Texas |
Secretary of State | Certificate of Formation | Filing #: 801001557 07/09/2008 |
P.O. Box 13697 | For Profit Corporation | Document #: 221569160002 |
Austin, TX 78711-3697 | | Image Generated Electronically for Web Filing |
| | |
| | |
Filing Fee: $300 | | |
Article 1 - Entity Name and Type |
Thefiling entity being formed is a for-profit corporation. The name of the entity is:
Or-Ion Nutrients, Inc.
Article 2 - Registered Agent and Registered Office |
The initial registered is an individual resident of the state whose name is set forth below:
Name: David Simcho
The business address of the registered agent and the registered office address is:
Street Address: 3301 Conflans Road Suite 120, Irving TX USA 75061
Director 1: David Simcho
Address: 3301 Conflans Road Suite 120, Irving TX USA 75061
Article 4 - Authorized Shares |
Number of Shares: 2000 without par value
The purpose for which the corporation is organized is for the transaction of any and all lawful business for which corporations may be organized under the Texas Business Organizations Code.
This document becomes effective when the document is filed by the secretary of state.
The name and address of the organizer is set forth below:
Geneva Sarni 212 N. 3rd Avenue Suite 570, Minneapolis, MN 55401
The undersigned signs this document subject to the penalties imposed by law for the submission of a materially false or fraudulent instrument.
Geneva Sarni
Signature of organizer
Form 424 | | The space reserved for office use. |
(Revised 01/06) | | |
| | FILED |
Return in duplicate to: | State of Texas | In the Office of the |
Secretary of State | Certificate of Amendment | Secretary of State of Texas |
P.O. Box 13697 | | |
Austin, TX 78711-3697 | | JUL 18 2008 |
(512) 463-5555 | | |
FAX: (512) 463-5709 | | Corporations Section |
Filing Fee: See instructions | | |
The name of the filing entity is:
Or-Ion Nutrients, Inc.
The filing entity is a:
[X] For-profit Corporation
The file number issued to the filing entity by the secretary of state is: 801001557
The date of formation of the entity is: July 9, 2008
1. Amended Name
The name of the filing entity is: (state the new name of the entity below)
Or-Ion Products, Inc.
2. Amended Registered Agent/Registered Office
B. The registered agent is an individual resident of the state whose name is:
Joseph A. Izem Jr.
C. The business address of the registered agent and the registered office address is:
5222 Spruce St., Bellaire, TX 77401
3. Other Added, Altered, or Deleted Provisions
[X] Alter each of the following provisions of the certificate of formation. The identification or reference of the altered provision and the full text of the provision as amended are as follows:
Number of Shares 500,000,000 without pas value.
The undersigned signs this document subject to the penalties imposed by law for the submission of a materially false or fraudulent instrument.
Date: July 17, 2008
/s/ David M. Simcho, CEO