The transaction was financed with a combination of cash on hand and a draw of $150.0 million on the Company’s $1 billion corporate revolving credit facility. Management has determined that the Royalty Debentures are economically equivalent to royalty interests with no maturity until the underlying mining rights are extinguished and will be accounting for them as an acquisition of a mineral interest.
Investment in Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corporation - Canada
Franco-Nevada has accumulated a 9.9% equity investment in Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corporation (“LIORC”). The position was acquired over a number of years for a total investment of $74.2 million (C$93 million), representing an average cost of $11.72 (C$14.72) per share. The investment in LIORC functions similar to a royalty given the flow through of revenue generated from LIORC’s underlying 7% gross overriding royalty interest, C$0.10 per tonne commission, and 15.1% equity interest in Iron Ore Company of Canada’s (“IOC”) Carol Lake mine, operated by Rio Tinto. LIORC normally pays cash dividends from net income derived from IOC to the maximum extent possible, while maintaining appropriate levels of working capital. Dividends from LIORC received by Franco-Nevada are reflected in revenue from Other Mining Assets and included in the calculation of GEOs sold.
Acquisition of Séguéla Royalty – Côte d'Ivoire
On March 30, 2021, the Company acquired a 1.2% NSR on Roxgold Inc.’s (“Roxgold”) Séguéla gold project in Côte d'Ivoire for $15.2 million (A$20.0 million). The royalty agreement is subject to a buy-back at the option of Roxgold of up to 50% of the royalty at a pro rata portion of the purchase price for a period of up to three years after closing. In April 2021, Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. agreed to acquire Roxgold.
Acquisition of Condestable Gold and Silver Stream – Peru
On March 8, 2021, the Company, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, closed a precious metals stream agreement with reference to the gold and silver production from the Condestable mine in Peru, for an up-front deposit of $165.0 million. The Condestable mine is located approximately 90 kilometers south of Lima, Peru and is owned and operated by a subsidiary of Southern Peaks Mining LP (“SPM”), a private company. Commencing on January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2025, Franco-Nevada will receive 8,760 ounces of gold and 291,000 ounces of silver annually until a total of 43,800 ounces of gold and 1,455,000 ounces of silver have been delivered (the “Fixed Deliveries”). Thereafter, Franco-Nevada will receive 63% of the contained gold and contained silver produced until a cumulative total of 87,600 ounces of gold and 2,910,000 ounces of silver have been delivered (the “Variable Phase 1 Deliveries”). The stream then reduces to 25% over the remaining life of mine (the “Variable Phase 2 Deliveries”). Franco-Nevada will pay 20% of the spot price for gold and silver for each ounce delivered under the stream (the “Ongoing Payment”). The stream has an effective date of January 1, 2021, with the first quarterly delivery received March 15, 2021.
For a period of four years from closing, subject to certain restrictions, a subsidiary of SPM may, at its option, make a one-time special delivery comprising the number of ounces of refined gold equal to $118.8 million at the then current spot price subject to the Ongoing Payment, to achieve the early payment of the Fixed Deliveries and Variable Phase 1 Deliveries. The Variable Phase 2 Deliveries would commence immediately thereafter.
Acquisition of U.S. Oil & Gas Royalty Rights with Continental Resources, Inc.
The Company, through a wholly-owned subsidiary, has a strategic relationship with Continental Resources. Inc. (“Continental”) to acquire, through a jointly-owned entity (the “Royalty Acquisition Venture”), royalty rights within Continental’s areas of operation. In Q1/2021, Franco-Nevada recorded contributions to the Royalty Acquisition Venture of $1.2 million (Q1/2020 – $16.8 million). As at March 31, 2021, the cumulative investment in the Royalty Acquisition Venture by the Company totaled $407.2 million and Franco-Nevada has remaining commitments of up to $112.8 million, approximately half of which is expected to be deployed in the remainder of 2021.
Credit Facilities
As at March 31, 2021, the Company had no amounts drawn against its $1.0 billion unsecured revolving term credit facility (the “Corporate Revolver”). However, subsequent to quarter-end, on April 12, 2021, the Company drew down $150.0 million from its Corporate Revolver to finance part of the acquisition of the Vale Royalty Debentures. Further, the Company has posted security in the form of standby letters of credit in the amount of $18.4 million (C$23.1 million) in connection with the audit by the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”). The standby letters of credit reduce the available balance under the Corporate Revolver.
On March 16, 2021, Franco-Nevada (Barbados) Corporation amended its $100.0 million unsecured revolving credit facility (the “FNBC Revolver”) to extend the term to March 20, 2022. As at March 31, 2021, the Company had no amounts outstanding against the FNBC Revolver.
Dividend Increase
As had been previously announced, Franco-Nevada is that its Board of Directors has declared a quarterly dividend of $0.30 per share to be payable on June 24, 2021 to shareholders of record on June 10, 2021. The dividend will be a 15.4% increase from the previous $0.26 per share quarterly dividend and will mark the 14th consecutive annual dividend increase for Franco-Nevada shareholders.