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AAS, Abajo, abide, ability, absorption, abstain, Abundancia, academia, Acadia, accessed, accessibility, accredited, accrual, accruing, acid, Aclara, Acme, acQuireTM, actuarial, add, added, addendum, adding, Additionally, adequacy, adequate, adjacent, adjoining, administer, advance, advanced, advantage, advisory, AES, affiliate, affiliated, Africa, Ag, age, AGM, Agnico, ago, agreed, agreement, Aguirre, ahead, air, aircraft, airfreighted, airport, AISC, Alaska, Alberta, Albino, albitophyre, Alcaparossa, Alcaparrosa, aliquot, alleged, alleging, alleviate, Allison, Alpala, ALS, alter, alteration, aluminum, Alumni, amalgamated, Amarilla, Ambiente, amenable, American, AMF, Amortization, AMP, AMR, Amri, analytical, analyze, analyzed, analyzing, ANAM, andesite, andesitic, Andrew, angle, AngloGold, announce, announced, Announcement, annum, Antamina, Antapaccay, anticline, Anticlinorium, Antofagasta, appeal, appointed, appointment, appraisal, apprised, approach, approval, approve, approved, approximately, approximation, April, arbitrary, arbitration, arc, area, Arequipa, Argillic, Argonaut, Ariana, Arizona, arsenopyrite, Arturo, ascending, Ascot, Ashanti, ASIC, assay, assayed, assaying, assembly, assignment, assist, Assistant, ASX, Atacama, atomic, attend, attendant, attention, attitude, attracting, attractive, Au, auditor, August, aureole, Austin, Australia, Authorit, Autoridad, avenue, avoid, Award, aware, BABR, Bachelor, back, backfill, bag, Baker, balance, Balboa, Bald, ball, Bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, Barbara, Barrick, basement, basic, basin, batch, batched, batholith, Bay, Baytex, bear, began, Belt, bench, benchmark, benefactor, Bermuda, Bernardino, berth, bewithin, BHP, billion, Biographical, biotite, bit, blank, blasted, blasting, bleed, block, BMO, body, Boerne, bookkeeping, borehole, bornite, borrowed, borrowing, Botija, bottom, boundary, bounded, Boyd, Brazil, Brazo, breach, breakdown, breccia, brecciated, Brendan, Bridge, bring, Brink, British, broader, broadly, brought, brown, Brucejack, Brucutu, BSc, Bt, budget, build, building, built, bulk, Bull, burden, burdensome, buy, CA, Cabinet, calcic, Caldera, calendar, Calgary, California, call, called, Cambior, camp, cancellation, Candelaria, cap, capable, Capped, carbonate, care, career, carefully, cargo, Caribbean, Carleton, Carlin, Carol, carved, Cascabel, Castle, Catalyst, categorized, Catharine, Causa, cautionary, Centamin, Centerra, central, Centre, CEO, Cerda, CESGC, cessation, CFA, CFO, CFR, chain, Chairman, chalcopyrite, character, characterization, characterized, chart, Charterholder, Chemex, Chile, Chilean, China, chosen, Christ, chrysocolla, Church, CIBC, circuit, circular, Circulation, claim, clay, clean, cleaned, cleaner, clear, cleared, climate, Climatic, closure, cloud, coal, coarse, coast, Coastal, Coclecito, Coeur, coeval, Colina, College, Colon, Colorado, coloured, commensurate, Commerce, commingling, comminution, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, compact, comparison, compensatory, compete, competition, competitive, compliant, composed, compromise, Comptroller, Computershare, concave, concentrate, concentrated, concentrator, concession, conclude, concluded, concluding, Condestable, condition, conditioning, confidential, confidentiality, confirm, confirmation, confirmatory, confirmed, conflict, conformity, confusion, consecutive, conserve, considerable, consideration, consignment, Consolidado, constitutionality, constrain, contact, contamination, contemplated, context, Continental, contingent, contract, contracting, contractor, conveyed, conveying, cooperated, Copiap, Copiapo, Cordillera, core, Cornerstone, Coro, corruption, costly, Cote, CoTec, Council, counsel, counted, counterparty, country, County, courier, CPA, CRA, cratering, create, created, creating, creditor, Creek, crime, CRIRSCO, criteria, critical, Crown, crude, crushed, crusher, crushing, Cu, culmination, cumulative, curtail, custody, cut, cyber, cybersecurity, cycle, cyclical, daily, Dakota, Dalhousie, dam, damage, damaged, Dartmouth, database, Datamine, de, deadline, deal, death, decanted, decide, decision, declaration, declare, declared, decline, decommissioned, dedicated, deep, deeper, default, defeat, defect, defend, degree, del, delay, delayed, delegate, delegated, delegation, delineation, delivered, delivery, demonstrable, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, dense, Denver, depleted, depletion, deployed, deposit, deposited, depressed, deprivation, depth, derived, des, desalination, description, desirable, destabilization, destabilize, destruction, Deswik, detail, detailed, detect, detriment, Devonian, devote, dewatering, DHL, dialogue, diameter, diamond, differential, difficult, difficulty, digestion, digital, diligence, dilute, diluted, dilution, diogenite, dip, diploma, dipping, disadvantage, disadvantaged, disaster, discarded, discharge, discharged, discharging, discontinue, discount, discovered, discovery, discretion, dismissed, dispatched, displacement, display, dispute, disqualified, disrupt, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, distinct, Distinguished, diverse, diversification, diversified, diversion, diversity, DLA, Doctor, Doctorate, Dodge, domain, dominant, dominantly, Donoso, downstream, downturn, Dr, draft, drafting, drainage, dramatic, drawable, drawn, dried, drift, drifting, drill, drilled, drillhole, drilling, DRIP, driven, dropping, dry, drying, du, dumped, duration, duty, dyke, Eagle, earlier, earned, Earth, easement, easily, east, eastern, Eaun, economy, Ecuador, education, Edward, efficiency, efficiently, effort, Eldorado, electric, electrical, electricity, element, elevated, elevation, eliminate, emphasize, empowerment, EMX, enable, encountered, encountering, encourage, endangered, Endeavour, energy, Engineer, engineering, enhance, enhanced, Enivronmental, enjoy, enrichment, ensuing, enter, entered, entering, entirety, environment, environmental, Epiroc, Equinox, equipment, equitable, ERISA, erosion, error, ESIA, Eskay, essential, Esteban, evidence, Evolution, evolve, evolving, examine, exclusive, exclusively, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expenditure, expense, experience, experienced, experiencing, expertise, expiration, expire, exploitation, exploited, exploiting, export, expose, exposed, expropriation, external, extreme, Exxon, face, faced, facility, facing, factor, faith, Falconbridge, fall, falling, Fame, FarExGeoMine, farming, Farrow, fashion, fault, faulty, favorable, favour, favourable, FCPA, Fe, fee, feed, feldspar, Fenelon, fewer, FH, fiduciary, field, figure, filter, filtration, Finan, finance, financed, financing, fine, FINRA, fire, fired, fixed, flagged, fleet, flexibility, floor, flotation, flow, fluctuate, FNBC, FNV, FNX, focused, fold, folded, foliation, force, forced, forecast, forecasted, forest, forma, formal, formally, Fortuna, Fortune, found, Foundation, founding, fracture, framework, Franklin, free, freehold, Freeport, French, frequent, frequently, fresh, fuel, fulfill, full, fundamental, furnace, garnet, Gascoyne, gathering, Gazette, generalist, geo, geographical, geography, Geolaqium, Geolaquim, geologist, geology, geomechanical, geometallurgical, geopolitical, geoscientist, geostatistical, geotechnical, geothermal, Gignac, Glencore, glossary, Goldstrike, good, GOP, GORR, governmental, governor, GP, GR, Grande, granodiorite, granodioritic, grant, granted, granting, gravity, Gray, greater, Gregorio, grid, grievance, grind, grinding, ground, grow, growing, GRs, guarantee, guaranteeing, Gun, half, Hall, hand, Handbook, hardrock, harm, Harmony, Harrison, Harvey, haul, haulage, hauled, Haynesville, health, heat, Hecla, hectare, heightened, Helicopter, hematite, Hemlo, Henry, hereof, heritage, Herrera, high, highway, Hill, Hillsborough, hire, hiring, History, Hochschild, hole, honestly, Hong, honour, honoured, horizon, host, hosted, Hot, Houston, hub, Hudbay, human, humidity, hydrogeologic, hydrogeological, hydrothermal, Hypogene, ICD, ideal, identical, IFC, ii, iii, illustrative, impair, impairment, impede, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, import, importance, important, imposition, impossible, impoundment, improve, improved, improving, inability, inaccessibility, inactive, inadvertent, incentive, incident, inclement, inclined, increasingly, increment, incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, indefinite, indexed, inducted, infill, inflation, inflationary, infrequent, inhabited, inhibit, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, injury, Inmet, INN, innovation, inserted, insertion, insider, insolvency, inspected, inspection, Inspirational, instability, installation, installed, Instituto, INTEM, intense, intent, intention, interbedded, interference, interim, Intermediate, interpretation, interpreted, interruption, intersect, Intertek, interval, intra, introduce, introduced, introduction, intruded, intrusive, inundated, investigation, IOC, IOCG, iron, irregular, Isabel, Island, ISO, issuance, Itabira, iv, Ivanhoe, Jason, Jensen, Jersey, joined, joining, joint, JSLA, judgment, July, June, junior, Jurassic, jurisprudence, justify, JX, Karma, key, kg, KGHM, kilometre, km, knowledge, Korea, Korean, koz, KPMC, kriging, kt, ktpd, kV, la, labelling, laboratory, labour, Labrador, lack, Lake, land, landing, large, largely, larger, largest, Latin, Laurentian, Laval, lawsuit, leasehold, led, length, lenticular, lessee, lesser, Lessor, letter, leverage, liable, liberating, life, likelihood, Likewise, Lima, limb, line, linked, LIORC, literate, lithology, Llano, LLC, Lloyd, LMC, loaded, loading, loan, locked, logged, logging, LOM, long, longer, Lonmin, lopolith, Los, low, lowermost, lowland, LP, Lundin, Magino, magmatic, magnetite, main, maintenance, malachite, malware, man, manganese, manto, Marathon, margin, Mariana, Marigold, marine, Maritime, marketplace, Marshall, Martiniere, Massawa, massive, Master, Matsa, matter, mature, maturity, Maureen, maximize, maximum, MBA, Mbcm, McGill, meaningful, Mechanical, Medal, Medio, medium, MEG, member, MERC, Mesa, mesh, met, metal, metallic, Metalmark, metasedimentary, metric, Mexico, MiAmbiente, MICI, Mied, military, mill, milled, Millennial, milling, million, Minera, mineralisation, mineralogical, mineralogy, Minesight, minimal, minimize, Minister, Ministerio, Minnesota, MIRA, misappropriate, misleading, Missouri, misuse, mitigate, mitigated, mitigation, mix, mixing, mm, modal, model, modelling, moderate, modification, modified, modifying, molybdenite, molybdenum, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, month, monthly, Montreal, motion, Mount, Mountain, move, movement, moving, Moz, Mozambique, MPSA, MSc, Mt, Mtpa, Mucked, multi, multidisciplinary, multiple, Municipality, Musselwhite, MW, MWS, NACD, Nacional, native, Neal, nearby, nearest, necessarily, negotiating, negotiation, neighbouring, NEO, Nesbitt, network, Neuromodulation, nevada, Newfield, Newfoundland, Newmont, Nippon, nominal, nominate, nominated, noncompliance, Noront, Norte, north, northeast, northern, northwest, Norton, notice, notification, November, Novomining, NPI, NRI, NSR, numerical, objective, objectivity, observed, occasional, Occasionally, occupation, occurrence, Ocean, October, offer, offering, Official, offset, Oklahoma, Omar, Ombudsman, omitted, Ontario, open, opened, opening, opinion, opportunity, oppose, opposition, opt, optimization, optimized, Optimizer, option, optionality, order, orderly, Ordre, Oregon, orientation, original, Ormat, ORR, OSC, ounce, outlined, outlook, outperformed, outsourcing, overhead, overland, Overnight, overriding, oversight, owed, Oxford, oxidation, oxide, oxidized, oz, PAC, pace, Pacific, package, Paipote, Palabora, palladium, Pan, Panam, Panamanian, panel, Panola, Par, parity, partially, participate, participating, participation, particle, partly, partner, Passage, passed, passing, Patagonia, patchy, Paul, payable, payback, payment, Pd, PEA, peak, Pedro, pending, penetrate, Pengrowth, Pennsylvania, Penomon, Penonom, pension, people, percentage, percussion, perfecting, permanent, Permian, Perpetua, perpetual, Perron, personnel, pertain, pertaining, Perth, Peru, pervasive, Petaquilla, PGM, PGO, phase, phased, PhD, phenomena, philosophy, photovoltaic, phyllic, physical, picked, pillar, Pintada, piped, Piper, pit, placement, plant, plastic, play, plc, plutonic, point, policy, Polska, polymetallic, Polytechnique, pond, populated, population, porphyritic, porphyry, porphyrytic, port, portion, pose, possession, possessory, postgraduate, postponement, Potassic, potassium, pour, precautionary, precipitated, precipitation, precision, Precordillera, predicated, predominantly, prefeasibility, preference, preferred, preliminary, presence, preset, Pretium, prevailing, prevalent, prevent, prevention, primarily, principle, privileged, procedure, proceeding, processed, processing, profession, profile, profit, profitability, programme, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, promoting, promotion, promulgated, proportion, propylitic, Prosperity, protect, protection, provincial, proximity, PSA, Pt, Pty, pulp, pulverized, pumped, Punta, put, pyrite, pyrrhotite, Quadra, qualification, quality, quantify, Quantum, Quarry, quarter, quartz, Quebec, Queen, question, questionable, quoted, rainfall, rally, ramp, Rana, range, ranging, rank, ranking, rapid, rapidly, ratio, RC, reach, reached, read, ready, realignment, Reassessment, Rebecca, recalculated, reception, recertified, recession, recipient, Reclaimed, reclamation, recognition, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconcile, reconsideration, reconsidered, record, recorded, recourse, recover, recoverability, recovered, recovery, Recruiting, recycled, redemption, reduction, refined, refinery, refining, refocused, refresh, refreshed, refusal, regime, region, regional, registrar, regular, reinvest, Reinvestment, reject, rejected, relationship, release, released, relief, relocated, remediate, remobilize, removal, remove, remuneration, render, rendering, renewal, renewed, repaid, repatriation, repayment, repeat, represent, representative, representing, repression, reproduced, Republic, reputation, requisite, resale, research, resequencing, Residual, resignation, resolution, resolve, resolved, response, responsibility, responsible, Rest, restarted, restated, restrict, restricted, restriction, restructure, restructuring, resumed, retain, retained, retaining, retention, Retrieval, Reverse, review, reviewed, reviewing, Revolver, revolving, rib, rifle, rig, Rincon, Ring, Rio, river, road, robin, Robinson, rock, Rockcliff, rockfill, rod, ROFR, role, Rolla, roof, room, rope, rotary, Rothschild, rougher, round, rounded, routine, rugged, runway, SA, Sabodala, sabotage, safe, safely, safety, SAG, Salado, salmon, sample, sampled, sampling, San, Sanchez, Sandip, Santiago, satellite, satisfaction, scalable, scale, scheme, Scholar, School, Schulich, Science, scope, sea, Seabridge, sealed, secondary, Secretary, sector, sectorial, sedar, sedimentary, seek, seeking, seismic, select, selection, sell, seller, sensitive, sequence, sequencing, sequential, sereticised, sericite, SERNAGEOMIN, Serra, serve, served, serving, SesaSterlite, settlement, sewage, SGS, shaft, shallow, shallowly, shape, shelf, Shifting, ship, shipment, shipped, shipping, short, shortly, shovel, Shovelnose, shown, Sibanye, side, sieve, silica, silicified, sill, Simba, similarly, simple, simply, single, sinkhole, sinking, Sinuhaji, site, situ, situation, size, skarn, Skeena, skilled, Sliding, slightly, slot, slurry, small, smaller, smelter, smelting, social, Society, SOFR, softer, software, SolGold, soluble, Sonora, Sossego, sought, sour, south, southeast, Southeastern, southern, southwest, Southwestern, sovereign, SOX, spacing, sparsely, spatial, spectroscopy, specular, speculative, spent, split, splitter, SPM, spot, spread, Spring, ss, SSR, St, stability, stable, staffing, stage, stake, stakeholder, standby, Star, station, statistical, statutory, steady, steep, steeply, stemming, step, sterilize, Stibnite, Stillwater, stockpile, stockpiled, stockwork, stope, stoping, stoppage, storage, stored, storm, strategic, strategy, stratigraphic, Street, strength, stretching, stricter, striking, stringent, strip, stripping, strive, strong, structural, structure, structured, study, style, subdivided, sublevel, submission, subscribed, subsistence, substation, succeed, succeeded, successfully, successor, Sudbury, sudden, suddenly, suffer, suggested, suitability, suitable, suite, suited, Sul, sulfur, sulphide, sum, Sumitomo, summarized, sump, Sunnybrook, supergene, supernatant, supplant, Supplement, supplemented, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, surface, surficial, Surveillance, survey, susceptible, suspend, suspended, suspension, sustain, sustainable, sustaining, SVP, symbol, synchronized, systematically, tabular, tabulated, tag, Talisker, tampering, Tasiast, team, technological, technology, Teck, tectonically, temporarily, tenure, Teranga, terrace, terracing, testwork, therefrom, thermal, thick, thirty, Thompson, thought, threatened, throughput, tied, Tierra, timeframe, Tinto, titleholder, TMAC, TMF, Tocantinzinho, ton, tonne, tool, Top, tophammer, topography, Toronto, Township, tpd, trace, tracing, transfer, translation, transmission, transmitted, transport, transportation, transported, treasurer, trend, trending, Trident, tropical, trucked, trustee, TSF, TSX, Tuck, tuff, turn, Turquoise, typical, typically, UBS, ultimate, ultimately, umpire, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, Unauthorized, unavailable, uncertain, unconstitutionality, uncover, undercut, underground, undertaken, underway, undetected, undeveloped, undivided, undrawn, uneconomic, unfavourable, unforeseen, uniform, unintended, unique, Universidad, University, unlimited, unpatented, unpredictable, unprofitable, unrelated, unresolved, unsecured, unsophisticated, unwilling, upfront, upper, upside, utilization, utilize, Valentine, Valle, valuation, variable, variance, varied, variety, vary, varying, Vedanta, vein, venture, verging, verification, verified, verify, vertical, vi, viability, Vice, vicinity, Victoria, view, vigorously, village, violation, violence, visibility, visit, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcaniclastic, volcanoclastic, volume, voluntary, vulnerable, wall, Wallbridge, warehouse, warrant, warranted, waste, water, weak, weather, week, west, western, Westhaven, Weyburn, whilst, whistleblower, wholly, WI, wide, width, William, Wiluna, winding, WIP, Witwatersrand, Women, Wood, work, worked, worker, workforce, working, workplace, workplan, world, worth, writing, WTI, Wyloo, Yamana, yield, YTD, zinc, zone
allocate, allocated, amendment, attribution, behalf, binding, blackout, Box, BTR, certify, chapter, charge, citizen, collection, communicated, consent, construed, consumed, Convention, copy, correct, decreased, deduct, deduction, deemed, depreciable, designated, disagree, disposed, disposing, DL, emerging, Employer, estate, exempt, facilitate, failed, functional, furnish, furnished, GAAP, generality, gift, hedging, hereto, highest, identification, incidental, Interactive, invalidated, legally, Linkbase, listing, Manual, mark, middleman, mineable, multijurisdictional, organized, overseeing, partnership, payor, perjury, Phil, preferential, presiding, print, promptly, properly, proportionate, purport, QEF, ratably, readily, real, referencing, refunded, registrant, Registration, regulated, resident, revised, revocation, satisfactory, Schema, shareholder, shorter, statute, straddle, taxed, Taxonomy, taxpayer, telephone, thereon, thereunto, tradeable, transition, treat, treaty, trust, undersigned, unfavorable, upgraded, valid, waiver, Washington, Wilson, withheld, worldwide, written, XBRL
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