Exhibit 3.20(b)
of the
Deed of Amendment of the Articles of Association
Vantage Drilling Netherlands B.V.
with registered seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
executed on 15 January 2016
before J.L.F.J. Verasdonck,
civil law notary at Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
(Including complete text of the Articles of Association /
English translation)
In this translation an attempt has been made to be as literal as possible without jeopardizing the overall continuity. Inevitably, differences may occur in translation, and if so, the Dutch text will by law govern.
(Vantage Drilling Netherlands B.V.)
On the fifteenth day of January two thousand and sixteen, there appeared before me, Jacobus Leonardus Frederik Joseph Verasdonck, LL.M.,civil-law notary at Amsterdam: Laura Ann Hendriks, born in Utrecht on the eleventh day of September nineteen hundred and eighty four, with office address at De Entree139-141, 1101 HE Amsterdam. The appearer has declared that:
| • | | the general meeting ofVantage Drilling Netherlands B.V.,a private company with limited liability(besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid),having its registered seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and its office address at Herikerbergweg 238, Luna ArenA, 1101 CM Amsterdam, the Netherlands, registered with the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 34332280 (the“company”)has resolved on the twelfth day of January two thousand and sixteen to amend and to completely renew the articles of association of the company as stated hereinafter as well as to authorize the appearer to execute this deed of amendment of the articles of association of which resolutions appear from the shareholder’s resolution attached to this deed; |
| • | | the articles of association of the company were drawn up by deed of incorporation executed by a deputy of A.A. Voorneman, civil law notary at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on the twenty-sixth day of March two thousand and nine. |
In order to execute said resolution to amend the articles of association, the appearer has declared to amend and to completely renew the articles of association as follows:
Article 1.
In these articles of association the following terms shall have the following meaning:
a. | share:a share in the share capital of the company; |
b. | shareholder:holder of one (1) or more shares; |
c. | accountant:a “registered accountant” or other accountant referred to in article 2:393 DCC or an organisation where such accountants have a practice together; |
d. | general meeting:the corporate body formed by shareholders and all other persons entitled to attend general meetings as well as the meeting at which the shareholders and all other persons entitled to attend general meetings assemble; |
e. | DCC:the Dutch Civil Code; |
f. | managing director:a member of the management board; |
g. | management board:the management of the company; |
h. | subsidiary:a subsidiary as referred to in article 2:24a DCC; |
i. | annual accounts:the balance sheet and the profit and loss account with explanatory notes, as referred to in article 2:361 DCC; |
j. | annual meeting:the general meeting for the purpose of the discussion and adoption of the annual accounts; |
k. | in writing:a message transferred by letter, telefax,e-mail or any other commonly used means of communication that is receivable in writing or electronically; |
l. | company:the private company with limited liability of which its internal organization is governed by these articles of association; |
m. | meeting rights:the right, either in person or by proxy authorized in writing, to attend the general meeting and to address such meeting; |
n. | persons entitled to attend general meetings:shareholders, as well as other legal entities/persons as referred to in article 11 paragraph 3 of these articles. |
Unless the contrary is shown or it is manifestly intended otherwise, a reference to the concept of word in the singular includes the reference to the plural form of this concept or word and vice versa.
Name, registered seat, object.
Article 2. Name and registered seat.
1. | The name of the company is: |
Vantage Drilling Netherlands B.V.
2. | The company’s official seat is registered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. |
Article 3. Object.
The object of the company comprises:
a. | to incorporate, to participate in any way whatsoever, to manage and supervise businesses and companies; |
b. | to finance businesses and companies; |
c. | to borrow, to lend and to raise funds, including the issue of bonds, promissory notes or other securities or evidence of indebtedness as well as to enter into any related agreements; |
d. | to provide security or in any other way to bind itself joint or severally for any third parties; |
e. | to provide advice and to render services to enterprises and companies with which the company forms a group and to third parties; |
f. | to provide guarantees, to commit the company and to encumber its assets for the purpose of companies and enterprises with which it forms a group and for the purpose of third parties; |
g. | to obtain, control, operate and alienate registered-bound property and any assets in general; |
h. | to trade in currencies, securities and assets in general; |
i. | to develop and trade in patents, trademarks, licenses,know-how, licenses and other industrial property rights; |
j. | to perform any and all activities of an industrial, financial or commercial nature; |
as well as anything pertaining to the foregoing, relating or conducive thereto, all in the widest sense of the word.
Capital. Type of shares.
Article 4. Capital.
The capital of the company consists of one (1) or more ordinary shares of one hundred euro (EUR 100) each.
Article 5. Registered shares. Share certificates.
1. | All shares are to be registered shares and shall be consecutively numbered from number 1. |
2. | No share certificates shall be issued. |
3. | Nonon-voting shares shall be issued. |
Issuance of shares. Own shares. Capital reduction.
Article 6. Issuance of shares.
1. | The issuance of shares, including granting the right to acquire shares, may only be effected pursuant to a resolution of the general meeting, as well as the price and the further terms and conditions of the issue. |
2. | When issuing shares, the company shall not be entitled to subscribe for its own shares. |
3. | The issuance of shares shall furthermore require a deed executed for that purpose in the presence of acivil-law notary registered in the Netherlands to which those involved are party. |
Article 7. Rights ofpre-emption.
1. | Upon issuance of shares, each shareholder shall have a right ofpre-emption in proportion to the aggregate nominal amount of his shares, subject to the limitations set by law. |
2. | Shareholders shall have a similar right ofpre-emption if options are granted to subscribe for shares. |
3. | Prior to each single issuance the right ofpre-emption may be limited or excluded by the body of the company competent to issue. |
Article 8. Payment for shares.
1. | The full nominal amount of each share must be paid when shares are acquired. It may be stipulated that the par value or a part thereof need only be paid after a certain period of time or once the company has called it in. |
2. | Payment for a share must be made in cash insofar as no other manner of payment has been agreed on. |
3. | Payment in a currency other than the par value of the shares is subject to the company’s consent. |
Article 9. Acquisition and disposal of own shares.
1. | The management board resolves on the acquisition by the company of shares. Acquisition by the company of shares in its own capital which are not fully paid up, shall be null and void. |
2. | The company may, except for no consideration, not acquire fullypaid-up shares in its own capital, if: |
| a. | the capital, less the acquisition price, is less than the reserves to be retained by virtue of the law, or |
| b. | the management board is aware or should reasonably be able to anticipate that after the acquisition, the company will not be able to continue to pay its payable debts. |
3. | The previous paragraphs do not apply to shares acquired by the company by way of universal title of succession. |
4. | The disposal of own shares held by the company shall be effected pursuant to a resolution of and on the conditions to be stipulated by the general meeting. The disposal of shares held by the company shall be effected with due observance of the provisions regarding the transfer restrictions mentioned in these articles of association. |
5. | Any reference to shares in this article shall also include depository receipts of shares. |
Article 10. Reduction of capital.
1. | The general meeting may resolve to reduce the issued capital by a cancellation of shares or by the reduction of the par value of the shares by way of an amendment to the articles. |
2. | Capital reduction must be effected in compliance with the respective applicable statutory provisions. |
3. | A resolution for the reduction of the issued capital with a repayment on the shares shall have no effect as long as the management board has not given its consent. The management board shall only refuse approval if it is aware or should reasonably be able to anticipate that the company can no longer continue to pay its payable debts after repayment on shares. |
Limited rights. Depository receipts. Transfer of shares.
Article 11. Usufruct. Pledge.
1. | A right of usufruct or a right of pledge may be created on shares. |
2. | On the creation of a usufruct or a pledge in respect of a share, the voting rights may, subject to the provisions in law, be assigned to the usufructuary or pledgee. |
3. | Shareholders without voting rights as a result of the creation of a usufruct or a pledge and usufructuaries or pledgees with voting rights, shall have meeting rights. The usufructuary or pledgee who does not have voting rights, shall have meeting rights, unless otherwise decided upon the creation or the transfer of the usufruct or pledge. |
Article 12. Depository receipts of shares.
No meeting rights can be attached to depository receipts of shares.
Article 13. Transfer of shares and limited rights. Shareholders’ rights.
1. | The transfer of a share or the transfer of a limited right on shares shall require a deed executed for that purpose in the presence of acivil-law notary registered in the Netherlands to which those involved are party. |
2. | Unless the company itself is a party to the legal act, the rights attached to the share can only be exercised after the company has acknowledged said legal act or said deed has been served on the company in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions, or once the company has acknowledged such transfer through registration in the register of shareholders. |
Transfer restrictions.
Blocking clause.
Article 14.
1. | Any shareholder wishing to transfer one or more shares, shall first offer to sell those shares to hisco-shareholders in accordance with the provisions of this article. The obligation to make this offer is not applicable if, either all shareholders have given their written approval to the proposed transfer, which approval shall be valid for a period of three months, or a shareholder is obligated by law to transfer his shares to a prior shareholder. |
2. | The price at which the shares can be purchased by the other shareholders shall be agreed between the offeror and hisco-shareholders. Failing agreement between the parties the price shall be set by an independent expert on request by the most willing party to be appointed by the chairman of the Royal Notarial Association(Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie),unless the expert is appointed by the parties by mutual consent. The expert referred to in the preceding sentence shall be authorised to inspect all books and records of the company and to obtain all such information as will be useful for his setting the price. |
3. | If theco-shareholders together are interested in purchasing more shares than have been offered, the offered shares shall be distributed among them as far as possible in proportion to the shareholding of each interested party. However no interested party shall thus acquire more shares than he has applied for. |
4. | The offeror remains entitled to withdraw his offer, provided he does so within one month after he is informed to which interested parties he can sell all the shares included in the offer and at what price. |
5. | If it is established that theco-shareholders do not accept the offer or that not all shares included in the offer shall be purchased against payment in cash, the offeror shall be free to transfer the shares within three months thereafter to whomsoever he wishes. |
6. | The company itself as holder of one or more shares shall be entitled to apply for the offered shares only with the consent of the offeror. |
7. | In case of suspension of payments, bankruptcy or placement under curatorship of a shareholder and in case of appointment of an administrator by the court over the property of a shareholder or over his shares in the company or in case of death of a shareholder who is an individual, the shares of the shareholder concerned shall be put on offer in accordance with the foregoing provisions hereof, within three months of the relevant event. If applications are made for all shares on offer, the offer may not be withdrawn. |
Register of shareholders.
Article 15.
1. | The management board shall keep a register in which the names and addresses of all shareholders are recorded, stating the date on which they acquired the shares, the date of the acknowledgement or notification, and the amount paid for each share, and where applicable, the other particulars referred to in article 2:194 DCC. |
2. | The names and addresses of those with a right of usufruct or a pledge on shares shall also be entered in the register, stating the date on which they acquired the right, and the date of acknowledgement or notification, as well as the rights attached to the respective shares. |
3. | Each shareholder, each usufructuary and each pledgee must timely provide any required particulars to the management board. |
4. | The register shall regularly be updated. |
5. | The management board shall keep the register available at the company’s office for inspection by the persons entitled to attend general meetings. |
Article 16. Management board.
1. | The management board consists of one (1) or more managing directors A and one (1) or more managing directors B. Both natural persons and legal entities may be managing directors. |
2. | The general meeting shall determine the number of managing directors. |
Article 17. Appointment, suspension and dismissal.
1. | The general meeting shall appoint the managing directors. |
2. | A managing director may at any time be suspended or dismissed by the general meeting. |
Article 18. Remuneration.
The general meeting shall determine the remuneration and further conditions of employment for each managing director.
Article 19. Duties of the management board. Decision-making process. Allocation of duties.
1. | Subject to the restrictions imposed by these articles of association, the management board shall be entrusted with the management of the company. In performing their duties, the managing directors shall act in accordance with the interests of the company and of the business connected with it. |
2. | The management board shall meet whenever a managing director so requires. |
3. | The management board shall adopt its resolutions by an absolute majority of votes validly cast. In case of a tie of votes, the general meeting shall decide. |
4. | If a managing director has a direct or indirect personal conflict of interest with the company, he shall not participate in the deliberations and the decision-making process concerned in the management board. If as a result thereof no resolution of the managing board can be adopted, the resolution is adopted by the general meeting. |
5. | The management board may also adopt resolutions outside a meeting, provided such resolutions are adopted in writing and all managing directors with voting rights have consented to adopting the resolution outside a meeting. |
6. | In compliance with these articles of association, the management board may determine regulations in which internal matters are regulated. Further to this, the managing directors, whether or not through the regulations, may mutually allocate their duties. |
7. | The management board shall adhere to the instructions of the general meeting, unless such instructions are contrary to an overriding interest of the company and the business connected with it. |
Article 20. Approval of decisions of the management board.
1. | The general meeting is entitled to subject resolutions of the management board to its approval. The management board must be notified in writing of these resolutions, which must be clearly specified. |
2. | Lack of approval referred to in paragraph 1 does not affect the authority of the management board or its managing directors to represent the company. |
Article 21. Absence or prevention.
1. | If a managing director is absent or prevented from performing his duties, the remaining managing directors shall be temporarily entrusted with the entire management of the company, provided that at least one (1) managing director A and one (1) managing director B are not absent or prevented from performing their duties. |
2. | If all managing directors, or the sole managing director, of a specific class, A or B, are absent or prevented from performing their duties, the management of the company shall be temporarily entrusted to the person designated for this purpose by the general meeting, together with the managing directors, or managing director, of the other class, or together with the temporary manager of the other class, as the case may be. In the case of absence all managing directors, the person referred to in the previous sentence shall as soon as possible take the necessary measures to make definite arrangements. |
3. | The term prevention herein means: |
in the events referred to under paragraphs (b) and (c) without the possibility of contact for a period of five (5) days between the managing director and the company, unless the general meeting, where applicable, sets down a different term.
Article 22. Representation.
1. | The management board shall be authorised to represent the company. One (1) managing director A and one (1) managing director B acting jointly are also authorised to represent the company. |
2. | The management board may appoint staff members with general or limited powers to represent the company. Each staff member represents the company in compliance with any restrictions imposed on his authorization. The management board shall determine their titles. |
Annual accounts. Profits.
Article 23. Financial year. Annual accounts.
1. | The financial year coincides with the calendar year. |
2. | Annually, not later than five (5) months after the end of the financial year, unless due to special circumstances this term is extended by the general meeting by not more than five (5) months, the management board shall draw up the annual accounts and make them available for inspection by the shareholders at the company’s office. Within that period the management board must also make the annual report available for inspection by the shareholders, unless articles 2:396 paragraph 7 or 2:403 of the DCC apply. |
3. | The annual accounts shall be signed by all managing directors. Absence of a signature of one (1) or more of them shall be reported stating the reasons. |
Article 24. Accountant.
1. | The company may appoint an accountant to audit the annual accounts. |
2. | Such appointment shall be made by the general meeting. If the general meeting fails to do so, such appointment shall be made by the management board. The appointment may at any time be revoked by the general meeting and by those who made the appointment. |
3. | The accountant shall produce a report on his audit examination to the management board. |
4. | In addition, the accountant shall give the results of his investigations in a statement on the faithfulness of the annual accounts. |
5. | The provisions of this article shall not apply if pursuant to the law the company is exempt from the obligation set out in paragraph 1. |
Article 25. Adoption of the annual accounts. Discharge. Publication.
1. | The general meeting shall adopt the annual accounts. Adoption of the annual accounts shall not cause the discharge of a managing director. The general meeting may discharge a managing director through a separate resolution. |
2. | If all the shareholders are also managing directors of the company, the signing of the annual accounts by all of the managing directors shall also apply as the adoption of the annual accounts, providing that all the other persons entitled to attend general meetings have been given the opportunity to take cognizance of thedrawn-up of the annual accounts and have consented to this manner of adoption. The adoption of the annual accounts in the manner as referred to in the previous sentence shall cause the discharge of the managing directors. |
3. | The company shall publish the annual accounts within eight (8) days following the adoption thereof, unless a statutory exemption is applicable. |
Article 26. Profits.
1. | The general meeting is authorized to appropriate the profits that follow from the adoption of the annual accounts or to determine how a deficit will be accounted for as well as to determine distributions from the reserves, provided that the company’s equity exceeds the total amount of the reserves to be maintained by virtue of the law. |
2. | The management board is authorized to determine interim distributions from the profits, provided that the company’s equity exceeds the total amount of the reserves to be maintained by virtue of the law |
3. | A resolution for the distribution of profits or reserves is subject to the approval of the management board. The management board shall only withhold its approval if it is aware or could reasonably anticipate that following the distribution the company will be unable to continue to pay its payable debts. |
4. | Distributions shall be payable from the day determined by the general meeting. |
5. | The general meeting may resolve that distributions from profits or reserves shall be made in whole or in part in a form other than cash. |
6. | The shares held by the company in its capital are not included in the calculation for the profit distribution. |
7. | For the computation of the amount to be distributed on each share, only the amount of the obligatory payments on the par value of the shares shall be taken into account. |
8. | A claim of a shareholder for payment of dividend shall be barred after five (5) years have elapsed. |
General meetings.
Article 27. Annual meeting. Other meetings.
1. | The annual meeting shall be held annually, and not later than six (6) months after the end of the financial year, or at least once every book year a resolution in accordance with article 34 of these articles of association will be taken. |
2. | The agenda for the annual meeting shall contain - inter alia - the following points for discussion: |
| a. | the annual report, if the law requires the drawing of such a report; |
| b. | the adoption of the annual accounts, unless a postponement has been granted for drawing up the annual accounts; |
| c. | the appropriation of profits; |
| d. | granting discharge of managing directors for their management in the last financial year; |
| e. | any other proposal(s) brought up for discussion by the management board, by the shareholders or other persons entitled to attend the general meeting, representing at least one hundredth part of the issued share capital and announced with due observance of these articles of association. |
3. | Other general meetings shall be held as often as the management board deems necessary. |
Article 28. Convocation. Agenda.
1. | General meetings shall be convened by the management board, through letters mailed to the addresses of the person with the right to attend general meetings as shown in the register of shareholders. If the person with the right to attend general meetings agrees with this, the convocation may be sent electronically through a legible and reproducible message to the address the company has been notified of for this purpose. |
2. | The convocation shall take place no later than on the eighth (8th) day prior to the date of the meeting. |
3. | The agenda items shall be stated in the convocation. |
Article 29. Meeting place.
The general meetings shall be held in the municipality in which the company has its official seat according to these articles of association or at Schiphol, the Netherlands (municipality Haarlemmermeer).
Article 30. Decision-making process with the consent of all the persons entitled to attend general meetings.
If one or more provisions stated in the law or in the articles of associations for the convocation and holding of meetings has/have not been fulfilled, valid resolutions may only be adopted in a general meeting if all the persons entitled to attend general meetings have consented to the decision-making process and the managing directors have been given the opportunity to give advice on the proposals prior to the decision-making process.
Article 31. Chairman.
The general meeting shall itself appoint its chairman. Until that moment a managing director shall act as chairman or in the absence of such a managing director, the oldest person present at the meeting shall act as chairman.
Article 32. Meeting rights. Decisions at a meeting. Access.
1. | The meeting rights accrue to persons entitled to attend general meetings. |
2. | The persons entitled to attend general meetings may be represented by a written proxy at the meeting. The requirement of the written element of the power of attorney is fulfilled once the power of attorney has been recorded electronically. |
3. | Each share confers the right to cast one (1) vote at the general meeting. |
4. | To the extent the law does not require a qualified majority, all resolutions shall be adopted by an absolute majority of the votes cast. |
5. | In the case of a tie, the proposal shall be considered rejected. |
6. | The managing directors are entitled to attend the general meeting and have an advisory vote as such. |
7. | No vote may be cast during a general meeting for a share that belongs to the company or a subsidiary, or for a share of which one of them holds depository receipts. The company or a subsidiary cannot either cast a vote for a share for which it has a right of usufruct or pledge. |
8. | The general meeting shall decide on the admittance of persons other than those mentioned above in this article with respect to access to general meetings. |
Article 33. Minutes. Records of resolutions.
1. | Minutes shall be taken of the items discussed at each general meeting by a secretary to be designated by the chairman. The minutes shall be adopted by the chairman and the secretary, and signed as evidence of the adoption of the minutes. |
2. | The chairman or the person who convened the meeting may decide that a notarial report of the meeting be drawn up of the items discussed. The report shall be countersigned by the chairman. |
3. | The management board keeps a record of the resolutions passed. If the management board is not represented at a meeting, the chairman of the meeting shall provide the management board with a transcript of the resolutions made as soon as possible after the meeting. The records shall be deposited at the offices of the company for inspection by the shareholders and other persons entitled to attend general meetings. Upon request, each of them shall be provided with a copy or an extract of such record at not more than the actual costs. |
Article 34. Resolutions outside the meetings. Records.
1. | Resolutions of shareholders may be adopted in a manner other than at a meeting, provided that all the persons entitled to attend at the general meeting have consented to this decision-making method. The votes shall be cast in writing. The requirement of the written element of the voting shall also have been fulfilled once the resolution has been recorded in writing, stating the manner in which each of the persons entitled to attend general meetings with voting rights has cast his/her vote. |
The managing directors are given the opportunity to advise regarding such resolution prior to the adoption thereof.
2. | If the decision-making process takes place in accordance with paragraph 1, all the requirements with regard to the quorum and the qualified majority provided by law or by these articles shall be accordingly applicable, providing that outside the meeting at least an equal number of votes must be cast as required by the quorum for the respective resolution. |
3. | Those who have adopted a resolution as referred to under paragraph 1 of this article shall forthwith notify the management board. |
The management board shall keep a record of the resolutions made.
Amendment of the articles of association and dissolution. Liquidation.
Article 35. Amendment of the articles of association and dissolution.
The general meeting is entitled to resolve to amend the articles of association and dissolve the company. When a proposal to amend the articles of association or to dissolve the company is to be made to the general meeting, the proposal must be included in the convocation for the general meeting, and in the case of an amendment to the articles of association, a copy of the proposal including the text of the proposed amendment must concurrently be deposited at the company’s office for the inspection by shareholders until the end of the meeting.
Article 36. Liquidation.
1. | In the event of a dissolution of the company by virtue of a resolution of the general meeting, the managing directors shall be charged with the liquidation of the company’s assets, unless the general meeting appoints another person for this purpose. |
2. | During liquidation, the provisions of these articles of association shall remain in force as much as possible. |
3. | The balance remaining after payment of debts shall be transferred to the shareholders in proportion to the aggregate amount of their shareholding. |
4. | The liquidation shall furthermore be subject to the provisions of Title 1, Book 2 of the DCC. |
5. | After the company has ceased to exist, the books, documents and other data carriers shall be retained by the person thereto appointed by the liquidator(s) for a period of seven (7) years. |
Closing provisions
The issued share capital of the company currently amounts to eighteen thousand euro (EUR 18,000), divided into one hundred eighty (180) shares of one hundred euro (EUR 100) each. The issued share capital of the company shall not change as a consequence of the execution of this deed.
The appearer is known to me, civil law notary.
drawn up to be kept in the civil law notary’s custody was executed in Amsterdam on the date first above written.
The contents of this instrument were given and explained to the appearer.
He then declared that he had timely noted and approved the contents and did not want a full reading thereof. Thereupon, after limited reading, this instrument was signed by the appearer and by me, civil law notary.