LOANS | Note 5 – Loans The following table presents total loans outstanding by portfolio, which includes Non-PCI loans and PCI loans, at December 31, 2019 and 2018: 2019 2018 Non-PCI PCI Non-PCI PCI (dollars in thousands) Loans Loans (1) Total Loans Loans (1) Total Loans: Commercial $ 1,052,107 $ 3,078 $ 1,055,185 $ 806,027 $ 4,857 $ 810,884 Commercial real estate 1,506,397 20,107 1,526,504 1,619,903 19,252 1,639,155 Construction and land development 203,056 5,677 208,733 223,898 8,331 232,229 Total commercial loans 2,761,560 28,862 2,790,422 2,649,828 32,440 2,682,268 Residential real estate 555,654 12,637 568,291 569,289 8,759 578,048 Consumer 708,904 1,212 710,116 611,408 1,776 613,184 Lease financing 332,581 — 332,581 264,051 — 264,051 Total loans $ 4,358,699 $ 42,711 $ 4,401,410 $ 4,094,576 $ 42,975 $ 4,137,551 (1) The customers’ unpaid principal balance for PCI loans totaled $51.9 million and $56.9 million as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Total loans include net deferred loan fees of $2.2 million and $11.6 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively, and unearned discounts of $39.6 million and $29.2 million within the lease financing portfolio at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. At December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Company had commercial and residential loans held for sale totaling $16.4 million and $30.4 million, respectively. During the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, the Company sold commercial real estate and residential real estate loans with proceeds totaling $530.1 million and $590.3 million, respectively. During the year ended December 31, 2019, the Company sold consumer loans with proceeds totaling $59.5 million. Classifications of Loan Portfolio The Company monitors and assesses the credit risk of its loan portfolio using the classes set forth below. These classes also represent the segments by which the Company monitors the performance of its loan portfolio and estimates its allowance for loan losses. Commercial Commercial real estate Construction and land development —Secured loans for the construction of business and residential properties. Real estate construction loans often convert to a real estate commercial loan at the completion of the construction period. Secured development loans are made to borrowers for the purpose of infrastructure improvements to vacant land to create finished marketable residential and commercial lots/land. Most land development loans are originated with the intention that the loans will be paid through the sale of developed lots/land by the developers within twelve months of the completion date. Interest reserves may be established on real estate construction loans. Residential real estate Consumer Lease financing Commercial, commercial real estate, and construction and land development loans are collectively referred to as the Company’s commercial loan portfolio, while residential real estate, consumer loans and lease financing receivables are collectively referred to as the Company’s other loan portfolio. We have extended loans to certain of our directors, executive officers, principal shareholders and their affiliates. These loans were made in the ordinary course of business upon normal terms, including collateralization and interest rates prevailing at the time, and did not involve more than the normal risk of repayment by the borrower. The aggregate loans outstanding to the directors, executive officers, principal shareholders and their affiliates totaled $23.0 million and $26.5 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. During 2019 and 2018, there were $3.4 million and $11.1 million, respectively, of new loans and other additions, while repayments and other reductions totaled $6.9 million and $6.9 million, respectively. Credit Quality Monitoring The Company maintains loan policies and credit underwriting standards as part of the process of managing credit risk. These standards include making loans generally within the Company’s four main regions, which include eastern, northern and southern Illinois and the St. Louis metropolitan area. Our equipment leasing business provides financing to business customers across the country. The Company has a loan approval process involving underwriting and individual and group loan approval authorities to consider credit quality and loss exposure at loan origination. The loans in the Company’s commercial loan portfolio are risk rated at origination based on the grading system set forth below. All loan authority is based on the aggregate credit to a borrower and its related entities. All loans in the commercial loan portfolio have an assigned relationship manager, and most borrowers provide periodic financial and operating information that allows the relationship managers to stay abreast of credit quality during the life of the loans. The risk ratings of loans in the commercial loan portfolio are reassessed at least annually, with loans below an acceptable risk rating reassessed more frequently and reviewed by various individuals within the Company at least quarterly. The Company’s consumer loan portfolio is primarily comprised of both secured and unsecured loans that are relatively small and are evaluated at origination on a centralized basis against standardized underwriting criteria. The ongoing measurement of credit quality of the consumer loan portfolio is largely done on an exception basis. If payments are made on schedule, as agreed, then no further monitoring is performed. However, if delinquency occurs, the delinquent loans are turned over to the Company’s consumer collections group for resolution. Credit quality for the entire consumer loan portfolio is measured by the periodic delinquency rate, nonaccrual amounts and actual losses incurred. The Company maintains a centralized independent loan review function that monitors the approval process and ongoing asset quality of the loan portfolio, including the accuracy of loan grades. The Company also maintains an independent appraisal review function that participates in the review of all appraisals obtained by the Company. Credit Quality Indicators The Company uses a ten grade risk rating system to monitor the ongoing credit quality of its commercial loan portfolio. These loan grades rank the credit quality of a borrower by measuring liquidity, debt capacity, and coverage and payment behavior as shown in the borrower’s financial statements. The risk grades also measure the quality of the borrower’s management and the repayment support offered by any guarantors. A summary of the Company’s loan grades (or, characteristics of the loans with each grade) is as follows: Risk Grades 1-6 (Acceptable Credit Quality) ranking of loans that are all viewed to be of acceptable credit quality, taking into consideration the various factors mentioned above, but with varying degrees of financial strength, debt coverage, management and factors that could impact credit quality. Business credits within Risk Grades 1 - 6 range from Risk Grade 1: Excellent (factors include: excellent business credit; excellent debt capacity and coverage; outstanding management; strong guarantors; superior liquidity and net worth; favorable loan-to-value ratios; debt secured by cash or equivalents, or backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government) to Risk Grade 6: Marginal (factors include: acceptable business credit, but with added risk due to specific industry or internal situations; uncertainty associated with performance or repayment ability). Risk Grade 7 (Special Mention) Risk Grade 8 (Substandard) Risk Grade 9 (Substandard-Nonaccrual) Risk Grade 10 (Doubtful) The Company considers all loans with Risk Grades of 1 – 6 as acceptable credit risks and structures and manages such relationships accordingly. Periodic financial and operating data combined with regular loan officer interactions are deemed adequate to monitor borrower performance. Loans with Risk Grades of 7 are considered “watch credits” and the frequency of loan officer contact and receipt of financial data is increased to stay abreast of borrower performance. Loans with Risk Grades of 8 – 10 are considered problematic and require special care. Further, loans with Risk Grades of 7 – 10 are managed and monitored regularly through a number of processes, procedures and committees, including oversight by a loan administration committee comprised of executive and senior management of the Company, which includes highly structured reporting of financial and operating data, intensive loan officer intervention and strategies to exit, as well as potential management by the Company’s special assets group. Loans not graded in the commercial loan portfolio are monitored by aging status and payment activity. The following table presents the recorded investment of the commercial loan portfolio (excluding PCI loans) by risk category at December 31, 2019 and 2018: 2019 2018 Commercial Construction Commercial Construction Real and Land Real and Land (dollars in thousands) Commercial Estate Development Total Commercial Estate Development Total Acceptable credit quality $ 1,005,442 $ 1,398,400 $ 194,992 $ 2,598,834 $ 748,296 $ 1,536,127 $ 218,798 $ 2,503,221 Special mention 17,435 18,450 2,420 38,305 35,103 15,306 3,448 53,857 Substandard 23,387 67,805 1,250 92,442 14,139 46,976 — 61,115 Substandard – nonaccrual 5,843 21,742 1,304 28,889 8,489 21,494 1,171 31,154 Doubtful — — — — — — — — Not graded — — 3,090 3,090 — — 481 481 Total (excluding PCI) $ 1,052,107 $ 1,506,397 $ 203,056 $ 2,761,560 $ 806,027 $ 1,619,903 $ 223,898 $ 2,649,828 The Company evaluates the credit quality of its other loan portfolio based primarily on the aging status of the loan and payment activity. Accordingly, loans on nonaccrual status, loans past due 90 days or more and still accruing interest, and loans modified under troubled debt restructurings are considered to be impaired for purposes of credit quality evaluation. The following table presents the recorded investment of our other loan portfolio (excluding PCI loans) based on the credit risk profile of loans that are performing and loans that are impaired at December 31, 2019 and 2018: 2019 2018 Residential Lease Residential Lease (dollars in thousands) Real Estate Consumer Financing Total Real Estate Consumer Financing Total Performing $ 546,630 $ 708,528 $ 330,988 $ 1,586,146 $ 562,019 $ 610,839 $ 263,094 $ 1,435,952 Impaired 9,024 376 1,593 10,993 7,270 569 957 8,796 Total (excluding PCI) $ 555,654 $ 708,904 $ 332,581 $ 1,597,139 $ 569,289 $ 611,408 $ 264,051 $ 1,444,748 Impaired Loans Impaired loans include loans on nonaccrual status, loans past due 90 days or more and still accruing interest, and loans modified under troubled debt restructurings. Impaired loans at December 31, 2019 and 2018 do not include $42.7 million and $43.0 million, respectively, of PCI loans. The risk of credit loss on acquired loans was recognized as part of the fair value adjustment at the acquisition date. There was no interest income recognized on nonaccrual loans during 2019, 2018 and 2017 while the loans were in nonaccrual status. Additional interest income that would have been recorded on nonaccrual loans had they been current in accordance with their original terms was $2.2 million, $1.8 million and $860,000 in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The Company recognized interest income on commercial and commercial real estate loans modified under troubled debt restructurings of $117,000, $97,000 and $85,000 in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The following table presents impaired loans (excluding PCI loans) by portfolio and related valuation allowance, at December 31, 2019 and 2018: 2019 2018 Unpaid Related Unpaid Related Recorded Principal Valuation Recorded Principal Valuation (dollars in thousands) Investment Balance Allowance Investment Balance Allowance Impaired loans with a valuation allowance: Commercial $ 4,562 $ 4,672 $ 3,632 $ 7,945 $ 8,102 $ 4,448 Commercial real estate 14,603 17,765 6,068 7,496 13,844 523 Construction and land development 104 150 14 171 171 54 Residential real estate 5,319 6,138 734 4,055 4,662 554 Consumer 368 488 39 428 444 45 Lease financing 1,258 1,259 278 766 766 361 Total impaired loans with a valuation allowance 26,214 30,472 10,765 20,861 27,989 5,985 Impaired loans with no related valuation allowance: Commercial 1,716 5,210 — 983 4,392 — Commercial real estate 8,859 15,716 — 16,372 16,921 — Construction and land development 1,245 1,252 — 1,136 1,136 — Residential real estate 3,705 4,413 — 3,215 3,516 — Consumer 8 9 — 141 145 — Lease financing 335 335 — 191 191 — Total impaired loans with no related valuation allowance 15,868 26,935 — 22,038 26,301 — Total impaired loans: Commercial 6,278 9,882 3,632 8,928 12,494 4,448 Commercial real estate 23,462 33,481 6,068 23,868 30,765 523 Construction and land development 1,349 1,402 14 1,307 1,307 54 Residential real estate 9,024 10,551 734 7,270 8,178 554 Consumer 376 497 39 569 589 45 Lease financing 1,593 1,594 278 957 957 361 Total impaired loans (excluding PCI) $ 42,082 $ 57,407 $ 10,765 $ 42,899 $ 54,290 $ 5,985 The difference between a loan’s recorded investment and the unpaid principal balance represents: (1) a partial charge-off resulting from a confirmed loss due to the value of the collateral securing the loan being below the loan’s principal balance and management’s assessment that the full collection of the loan balance is not likely and/or (2) payments received on nonaccrual loans that are fully applied to principal on the loan’s recorded investment as compared to being applied to principal and interest on the unpaid customer principal and interest balance. The difference between the recorded investment and the unpaid principal balance was $15.3 million and $11.4 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The average balance of impaired loans (excluding PCI loans) and interest income recognized on impaired loans during the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 are included in the table below: 2019 2018 2017 Interest Income Interest Income Interest Income Average Recognized Average Recognized Average Recognized Recorded While on Recorded While on Recorded While on (dollars in thousands) Investment Impaired Status Investment Impaired Status Investment Impaired Status Impaired loans with a valuation allowance: Commercial $ 4,737 $ 28 $ 8,359 $ 30 $ 2,969 $ 15 Commercial real estate 16,786 77 8,082 45 5,408 70 Construction and land development 113 — 175 3 83 4 Residential real estate 5,528 33 3,855 41 3,854 38 Consumer 505 — 360 — 299 — Lease financing 1,259 — 766 — 1,064 — Total impaired loans with a valuation allowance 28,928 138 21,597 119 13,677 127 Impaired loans with no related valuation allowance: Commercial 2,029 — 1,233 — 2,369 — Commercial real estate 9,631 12 16,253 22 16,822 — Construction and land development 1,254 3 1,152 — 815 — Residential real estate 3,993 17 3,348 22 2,055 3 Consumer 10 1 95 — 13 — Lease financing 335 — 191 — 282 — Total impaired loans with no related valuation allowance 17,252 33 22,272 44 22,356 3 Total impaired loans: Commercial 6,766 28 9,592 30 5,338 15 Commercial real estate 26,417 89 24,335 67 22,230 70 Construction and land development 1,367 3 1,327 3 898 4 Residential real estate 9,521 50 7,203 63 5,909 41 Consumer 515 1 455 — 312 — Lease financing 1,594 — 957 — 1,346 — Total impaired loans (excluding PCI) $ 46,180 $ 171 $ 43,869 $ 163 $ 36,033 $ 130 The aging status of the recorded investment in loans by portfolio (excluding PCI loans) at December 31, 2019 and 2018 are included in the table below: Accruing Loans 30-59 60-89 Past Due Days Days 90 Days Nonaccrual Total Total (dollars in thousands) Past Due Past Due or More Loans Past Due Current Loans December 31, 2019 Commercial $ 5,910 $ 3,086 $ — $ 5,843 $ 14,839 $ 1,037,268 $ 1,052,107 Commercial real estate 2,895 399 — 21,742 25,036 1,481,361 1,506,397 Construction and land development 1,539 72 — 1,304 2,915 200,141 203,056 Residential real estate 588 1,561 145 7,796 10,090 545,564 555,654 Consumer 6,701 4,154 — 341 11,196 697,708 708,904 Lease financing 1,783 1,188 218 1,375 4,564 328,017 332,581 Total loans (excluding PCI) $ 19,416 $ 10,460 $ 363 $ 38,401 $ 68,640 $ 4,290,059 $ 4,358,699 December 31, 2018 Commercial $ 4,013 $ 2,581 $ 4 $ 8,489 $ 15,087 $ 790,940 $ 806,027 Commercial real estate 1,667 945 149 21,494 24,255 1,595,648 1,619,903 Construction and land development 989 — 85 1,171 2,245 221,653 223,898 Residential real estate 1,292 728 566 5,894 8,480 560,809 569,289 Consumer 5,211 2,533 51 388 8,183 603,225 611,408 Lease financing 4,322 932 206 751 6,211 257,840 264,051 Total loans (excluding PCI) $ 17,494 $ 7,719 $ 1,061 $ 38,187 $ 64,461 $ 4,030,115 $ 4,094,576 Troubled Debt Restructurings Loans modified as TDRs for commercial and commercial real estate loans generally consist of allowing commercial borrowers to defer scheduled principal payments and make interest only payments for a specified period of time at the stated interest rate of the original loan agreement or lower payments due to a modification of the loans’ contractual terms. TDRs that continue to accrue interest and are greater than $50,000 are individually evaluated for impairment, on a quarterly basis, and transferred to nonaccrual status when it is probable that any remaining principal and interest payments due on the loan will not be collected in accordance with the contractual terms of the loan. TDRs that subsequently default are individually evaluated for impairment at the time of default. The allowance for loan losses on TDRs totaled $2.0 million and $557,000 as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The Company had no unfunded commitments in connection with TDRs at December 31, 2019 and 2018. The Company’s TDRs are identified on a case-by-case basis in connection with the ongoing loan collection processes. The following table presents TDRs by loan portfolio (excluding PCI loans) at December 31, 2019 and 2018: 2019 2018 (dollars in thousands) Accruing (1) Non-accrual (2) Total Accruing (1) Non-accrual (2) Total Commercial $ 435 $ 369 $ 804 $ 435 $ 406 $ 841 Commercial real estate 1,720 9,834 11,554 2,225 9,103 11,328 Construction and land development 45 167 212 51 — 51 Residential real estate 1,083 1,993 3,076 810 853 1,663 Consumer 35 — 35 130 — 130 Lease financing — 55 55 — — — Total loans (excluding PCI) $ 3,318 $ 12,418 $ 15,736 $ 3,651 $ 10,362 $ 14,013 (1) These loans are still accruing interest. (2) These loans are included in non-accrual loans in the preceding tables. The following table presents a summary of loans by portfolio that were restructured during the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 and the loans by portfolio that were modified as TDRs within the previous twelve months that subsequently defaulted during the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017: Commercial Loan Portfolio Other Loan Portfolio Commercial Construction Residential Real and Land Real Lease (dollars in thousands) Commercial Estate Development Estate Consumer Financing Total For the year ended December 31, 2019: Troubled debt restructurings: Number of loans 1 3 2 25 5 1 37 Pre-modification outstanding balance $ 249 $ 1,924 $ 221 $ 1,422 $ 26 $ 55 $ 3,897 Post-modification outstanding balance 249 1,322 167 1,322 25 55 3,140 Troubled debt restructurings that subsequently defaulted Number of loans — — — — — — — Recorded balance $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — For the year ended December 31, 2018: Troubled debt restructurings: Number of loans 2 2 — 7 25 — 36 Pre-modification outstanding balance $ 423 $ 1,571 $ — $ 708 $ 130 $ — $ 2,832 Post-modification outstanding balance 408 1,565 — 696 130 — 2,799 Troubled debt restructurings that subsequently defaulted Number of loans — — — — — — — Recorded balance $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — For the year ended December 31, 2017: Troubled debt restructurings: Number of loans 1 1 — 4 — — 6 Pre-modification outstanding balance $ 362 $ 323 $ — $ 528 $ — $ — $ 1,213 Post-modification outstanding balance 299 323 — 508 — — 1,130 Troubled debt restructurings that subsequently defaulted Number of loans — — — — — — — Recorded balance $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — Purchased Credit Impaired Loans The Company has purchased loans for which there was, at acquisition, evidence of deterioration of credit quality since origination and it was probable, at acquisition, that all contractually required payments would not be collected. Accretable yield of PCI loans, or income expected to be collected, for the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 were as follows: (dollars in thousands) 2019 2018 2017 Balance, beginning of period $ 12,240 $ 5,732 $ 9,035 New loans purchased – HomeStar acquisition 427 — — New loans purchased – Alpine acquisition — 6,095 — New loans purchased – Centrue acquisition — — 1,929 Accretion (6,423) (6,092) (5,546) Other adjustments (including maturities, charge-offs and impact of changes in timing of expected cash flows) 3,785 2,682 120 Reclassification from non-accretable 2,038 3,823 194 Balance, end of period $ 12,067 $ 12,240 $ 5,732 Allowance for Loan Losses The Company’s loan portfolio is principally comprised of commercial, commercial real estate, construction and land development, residential real estate and consumer loans and lease financing receivables. The principal risks to each category of loans are as follows: Commercial Commercial real estate Construction and land development – Residential real estate Consumer Lease financing – Our financing leases are primarily for business equipment leased to varying types of businesses, nationwide, for the purchase of business equipment and software. If the cash flow from business operations is reduced, the business’s ability to repay may become impaired. The following table presents, by loan portfolio, a summary of changes in the allowance for loan losses for the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017: Commercial Loan Portfolio Other Loan Portfolio Commercial Construction Residential Real and Land Real Lease (dollars in thousands) Commercial Estate Development Estate Consumer Financing Total Changes in allowance for loan losses in 2019: Balance, beginning of period $ 9,524 $ 4,723 $ 372 $ 2,041 $ 2,154 $ 2,089 $ 20,903 Provision for loan losses 3,852 7,939 (53) 1,392 1,767 2,088 16,985 Charge-offs (3,412) (3,339) (44) (1,076) (1,946) (2,251) (12,068) Recoveries 67 949 15 142 667 368 2,208 Balance, end of period $ 10,031 $ 10,272 $ 290 $ 2,499 $ 2,642 $ 2,294 $ 28,028 Changes in allowance for loan losses in 2018: Balance, beginning of period $ 5,256 $ 5,044 $ 518 $ 2,750 $ 1,344 $ 1,519 $ 16,431 Provision for loan losses 4,941 (207) (227) (517) 2,156 3,284 9,430 Charge-offs (1,236) (492) — (361) (1,876) (3,024) (6,989) Recoveries 563 378 81 169 530 310 2,031 Balance, end of period $ 9,524 $ 4,723 $ 372 $ 2,041 $ 2,154 $ 2,089 $ 20,903 Changes in allowance for loan losses in 2017: Balance, beginning of period $ 5,920 $ 3,225 $ 345 $ 2,929 $ 930 $ 1,513 $ 14,862 Provision for loan losses (118) 7,879 110 1 954 730 9,556 Charge-offs (737) (6,552) — (698) (794) (1,041) (9,822) Recoveries 191 492 63 518 254 317 1,835 Balance, end of period $ 5,256 $ 5,044 $ 518 $ 2,750 $ 1,344 $ 1,519 $ 16,431 The following table presents, by loan portfolio, details regarding the balance in the allowance for loan losses and the recorded investment in loans at December 31, 2019 and 2018 by impairment evaluation method: Commercial Loan Portfolio Other Loan Portfolio Commercial Construction Residential Real and Land Real Lease (dollars in thousands) Commercial Estate Development Estate Consumer Financing Total December 31, 2019: Allowance for loan losses: Loans individually evaluated for impairment $ 3,563 $ 5,968 $ — $ 290 $ — $ 156 $ 9,977 Loans collectively evaluated for impairment 69 100 14 444 39 122 788 Non-impaired loans collectively evaluated for impairment 6,380 3,643 272 1,269 2,500 2,016 16,080 Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality (1) 19 561 4 496 103 — 1,183 Total allowance for loan losses $ 10,031 $ 10,272 $ 290 $ 2,499 $ 2,642 $ 2,294 $ 28,028 Recorded investment (loan balance): Impaired loans individually evaluated for impairment $ 5,767 $ 22,698 $ 1,245 $ 5,329 $ — $ 697 $ 35,736 Impaired loans collectively evaluated for impairment 511 764 104 3,695 376 896 6,346 Non-impaired loans collectively evaluated for impairment 1,045,829 1,482,935 201,707 546,630 708,528 330,988 4,316,617 Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality (1) 3,078 20,107 5,677 12,637 1,212 — 42,711 Total recorded investment (loan balance) $ 1,055,185 $ 1,526,504 $ 208,733 $ 568,291 $ 710,116 $ 332,581 $ 4,401,410 December 31, 2018: Allowance for loan losses: Loans individually evaluated for impairment $ 4,405 $ 476 $ 48 $ 233 $ — $ 330 $ 5,492 Loans collectively evaluated for impairment 43 47 6 321 45 31 493 Non-impaired loans collectively evaluated for impairment 4,971 3,356 318 1,051 1,926 1,728 13,350 Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality (1) 105 844 — 436 183 — 1,568 Total allowance for loan losses $ 9,524 $ 4,723 $ 372 $ 2,041 $ 2,154 $ 2,089 $ 20,903 Recorded investment (loan balance): Impaired loans individually evaluated for impairment $ 8,520 $ 23,431 $ 1,249 $ 3,929 $ 5 $ 668 $ 37,802 Impaired loans collectively evaluated for impairment 408 437 58 3,341 564 289 5,097 Non-impaired loans collectively evaluated for impairment 797,099 1,596,035 222,591 562,019 610,839 263,094 4,051,677 Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality (1) 4,857 19,252 8,331 8,759 1,776 — 42,975 Total recorded investment (loan balance) $ 810,884 $ 1,639,155 $ 232,229 $ 578,048 $ 613,184 $ 264,051 $ 4,137,551 (1) Loans acquired with deteriorated credit quality were originally recorded at fair value at the acquisition date, and the risk of credit loss was recognized at that date based on estimates of expected cash flows. |