UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF Delaware In Re. NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Debtor(s) § § § § Case No. 23-10937 Lead Case No. 23-10937 Jointly Administered Monthly Operating Report Chapter 11 Reporting Period Ended: 10/31/2023 Petition Date: 07/17/2023 Months Pending: 4 Industry Classification: 3 2 5 4 Reporting Method: Accrual Basis Cash Basis Debtor's Full-Time Employees (current): 0 Debtor's Full-Time Employees (as of date of order for relief): 37 Supporting Documentation (check all that are attached): (For jointly administered debtors, any required schedules must be provided on a non-consolidated basis for each debtor) Statement of cash receipts and disbursements Balance sheet containing the summary and detail of the assets, liabilities and equity (net worth) or deficit Statement of operations (profit or loss statement) Accounts receivable aging Postpetition liabilities aging Statement of capital assets Schedule of payments to professionals Schedule of payments to insiders All bank statements and bank reconciliations for the reporting period Description of the assets sold or transferred and the terms of the sale or transfer Signature of Responsible Party Printed Name of Responsible Party Date Address /s/ Daniel B. Butz 11/21/2023 Daniel B. Butz Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP 1201 North Market Street, PO Box 1347 Wilmington, DE 19899-1347 STATEMENT: This Periodic Report is associated with an open bankruptcy case; therefore, Paperwork Reduction Act exemption 5 C.F.R. § 1320.4(a)(2) applies. Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 1 of 17 Exhibit 99.1
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 2 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 Part 1: Cash Receipts and Disbursements Current Month Cumulative a. Cash balance beginning of month $6,398,515 b. Total receipts (net of transfers between accounts) $41,515 $20,045,354 c. Total disbursements (net of transfers between accounts) $2,597,562 $19,363,096 d. Cash balance end of month (a+b-c) $3,842,468 e. Disbursements made by third party for the benefit of the estate $0 $1,207,567 f. Total disbursements for quarterly fee calculation (c+e) $2,597,562 $20,570,663 Part 2: Asset and Liability Status Current Month (Not generally applicable to Individual Debtors. See Instructions.) a. Accounts receivable (total net of allowance) $0 b. Accounts receivable over 90 days outstanding (net of allowance) $0 c. Inventory ( (attach explanation))Book Market Other $0 d Total current assets $6,833,019 e. Total assets $6,843,319 f. Postpetition payables (excluding taxes) $-1,385,637 g. Postpetition payables past due (excluding taxes) $0 h. Postpetition taxes payable $0 i. Postpetition taxes past due $0 j. Total postpetition debt (f+h) $-1,385,637 k. Prepetition secured debt $0 l. Prepetition priority debt $0 m. Prepetition unsecured debt $6,709,338 n. Total liabilities (debt) (j+k+l+m) $5,323,701 o. Ending equity/net worth (e-n) $1,519,618 Part 3: Assets Sold or Transferred Current Month Cumulative a. Total cash sales price for assets sold/transferred outside the ordinary course of business $0 $21,357,567 b. Total payments to third parties incident to assets being sold/transferred outside the ordinary course of business $0 $1,207,567 c. Net cash proceeds from assets sold/transferred outside the ordinary course of business (a-b) $0 $20,150,000 Part 4: Income Statement (Statement of Operations) Current Month Cumulative (Not generally applicable to Individual Debtors. See Instructions.) a. Gross income/sales (net of returns and allowances) $0 b. Cost of goods sold (inclusive of depreciation, if applicable) $0 c. Gross profit (a-b) $0 d. Selling expenses $0 e. General and administrative expenses $1,105,659 f. Other expenses $-18,870 g. Depreciation and/or amortization (not included in 4b) $0 h. Interest $0 i. Taxes (local, state, and federal) $0 j. Reorganization items $0 k. Profit (loss) $-1,086,789 $22,934,166 Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 2 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 3 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 Part 5: Professional Fees and Expenses Approved Current Month Approved Cumulative Paid Current Month Paid Cumulative a. Debtor's professional fees & expenses (bankruptcy) Aggregate Total $195,793 $416,222 $1,032,029 $1,252,458 Itemized Breakdown by Firm Firm Name Role i Morris Nichols Lead Counsel $0 $0 $552,120 $552,120 ii SierraConstellation Partners Financial Professional $0 $0 $265,953 $265,953 iii KCC (156) Other $195,793 $316,222 $195,793 $316,222 iv KCC (327) Other $0 $0 $18,163 $18,163 v Raymond James Financial Professional $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxv xxxvi Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 3 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 4 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 xxxvii xxxvii xxxix xl xli xlii xliii xliv xlv xlvi xlvii xlviii xlix l li lii liii liv lv lvi lvii lviii lix lx lxi lxii lxiii lxiv lxv lxvi lxvii lxviii lxix lxx lxxi lxxii lxxiii lxxiv lxxv lxxvi lxxvii lxxvii Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 4 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 5 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 lxxix lxxx lxxxi lxxxii lxxxii lxxxiv lxxxv lxxxvi lxxxvi lxxxvi lxxxix xc xci xcii xciii xciv xcv xcvi xcvii xcviii xcix c ci Approved Current Month Approved Cumulative Paid Current Month Paid Cumulative b. Debtor's professional fees & expenses (nonbankruptcy) Aggregate Total $11,250 $91,763 $11,250 $91,763 Itemized Breakdown by Firm Firm Name Role i Law office of Kathleen Lynch Special Counsel $8,750 $26,250 $8,750 $26,250 ii Myers Bigel Sibley & Sajovec, Special Counsel $2,500 $43,200 $2,500 $43,200 iii Deloitte Tax LLP Financial Professional $0 $22,313 $0 $22,313 iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 5 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 6 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxv xxxvi xxxvii xxxvii xxxix xl xli xlii xliii xliv xlv xlvi xlvii xlviii xlix l li lii liii liv lv lvi Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 6 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 7 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 lvii lviii lix lx lxi lxii lxiii lxiv lxv lxvi lxvii lxviii lxix lxx lxxi lxxii lxxiii lxxiv lxxv lxxvi lxxvii lxxvii lxxix lxxx lxxxi lxxxii lxxxii lxxxiv lxxxv lxxxvi lxxxvi lxxxvi lxxxix xc xci xcii xciii xciv xcv xcvi xcvii xcviii Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 7 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 8 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 xcix c c. All professional fees and expenses (debtor & committees) $0 $0 $675,300 $675,300 Part 6: Postpetition Taxes Current Month Cumulative a. Postpetition income taxes accrued (local, state, and federal) $0 $0 b. Postpetition income taxes paid (local, state, and federal) $0 $0 c. Postpetition employer payroll taxes accrued $0 $16,593 d. Postpetition employer payroll taxes paid $0 $84,855 e. Postpetition property taxes paid $0 $0 f. Postpetition other taxes accrued (local, state, and federal) $0 $0 g. Postpetition other taxes paid (local, state, and federal) $0 $0 Part 7: Questionnaire - During this reporting period: a. Were any payments made on prepetition debt? (if yes, see Instructions) Yes No b. Yes NoWere any payments made outside the ordinary course of business without court approval? (if yes, see Instructions) c. Yes NoWere any payments made to or on behalf of insiders? d. Yes NoAre you current on postpetition tax return filings? e. Yes NoAre you current on postpetition estimated tax payments? f. Were all trust fund taxes remitted on a current basis? Yes No g. Yes NoWas there any postpetition borrowing, other than trade credit? (if yes, see Instructions) h. Were all payments made to or on behalf of professionals approved by the court? Yes No N/A i. Do you have: Worker's compensation insurance? Yes No If yes, are your premiums current? Yes No N/A (if no, see Instructions) Casualty/property insurance? Yes No If yes, are your premiums current? Yes No N/A (if no, see Instructions) General liability insurance? Yes No If yes, are your premiums current? Yes No N/A (if no, see Instructions) j. Has a plan of reorganization been filed with the court? Yes No k. Has a disclosure statement been filed with the court? Yes No l. Are you current with quarterly U.S. Trustee fees as set forth under 28 U.S.C. § 1930? Yes No Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 8 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 9 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 Part 8: Individual Chapter 11 Debtors (Only) a. Gross income (receipts) from salary and wages $0 b. Gross income (receipts) from self-employment $0 c. Gross income from all other sources $0 d. Total income in the reporting period (a+b+c) $0 e. Payroll deductions $0 f. Self-employment related expenses $0 g. Living expenses $0 h. All other expenses $0 i. Total expenses in the reporting period (e+f+g+h) $0 j. Difference between total income and total expenses (d-i) $0 k. List the total amount of all postpetition debts that are past due $0 l. Are you required to pay any Domestic Support Obligations as defined by 11 U.S.C § 101(14A)? Yes No m. Yes No N/AIf yes, have you made all Domestic Support Obligation payments? Privacy Act Statement 28 U.S.C. § 589b authorizes the collection of this information, and provision of this information is mandatory under 11 U.S.C. §§ 704, 1106, and 1107. The United States Trustee will use this information to calculate statutory fee assessments under 28 U.S.C. § 1930(a)(6). The United States Trustee will also use this information to evaluate a chapter 11 debtor's progress through the bankruptcy system, including the likelihood of a plan of reorganization being confirmed and whether the case is being prosecuted in good faith. This information may be disclosed to a bankruptcy trustee or examiner when the information is needed to perform the trustee's or examiner's duties or to the appropriate federal, state, local, regulatory, tribal, or foreign law enforcement agency when the information indicates a violation or potential violation of law. Other disclosures may be made for routine purposes. For a discussion of the types of routine disclosures that may be made, you may consult the Executive Office for United States Trustee's systems of records notice, UST-001, "Bankruptcy Case Files and Associated Records." See 71 Fed. Reg. 59,818 et seq. (Oct. 11, 2006). A copy of the notice may be obtained at the following link: http:// www.justice.gov/ust/eo/rules_regulations/index.htm. Failure to provide this information could result in the dismissal or conversion of your bankruptcy case or other action by the United States Trustee. 11 U.S.C. § 1112(b)(4)(F). I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Monthly Operating Report and its supporting documentation are true and correct and that I have been authorized to sign this report on behalf of the estate. /s/ Paula Brown Stafford Signature of Responsible Party CEO Printed Name of Responsible Party 11/21/2023 DateTitle Paula Brown Stafford Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 9 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 10 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 PageOnePartOne PageOnePartTwo PageTwoPartOne PageTwoPartTwo Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 10 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 11 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 Bankruptcy51to100 NonBankruptcy1to50 NonBankruptcy51to100 Bankruptcy1to50 Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 11 of 17
UST Form 11-MOR (12/01/2021) 12 Debtor's Name NVN Liquidation, Inc., f/k/a Novan, Inc. Case No. 23-10937 PageFour PageThree Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 12 of 17
NVN Liquidation, Inc. Balance Sheet As of October 31, 2023 Cash and cash equivalents 3,842,468$ Prepaid expenses and other current assets 2,990,551 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 6,833,019 Other assets 10,300 TOTAL ASSETS 6,843,319$ Accounts payable 1,476,787$ Accrued expenses 3,846,914 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 5,323,701 Contingent Consideration due to EPG for purchase, net of current portion 2,352,961 Due to/from EPI Health, LLC 13,006,470 [1] TOTAL LIABILITIES 20,683,132 Common Stock 3,683 Additional paid-in capital 291,393,658 Treasury stock (155,268) Accumulated deficit (305,081,886) TOTAL EQUITY (DEFICIT) (13,839,813) TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY (DEFICIT) 6,843,319$ Footnote: [1] This line item includes an intercompany balance generated post-petition related to the NVN Liquidation, Inc. (f/k/a Novan, Inc.) joint administration of case 23-10937 and 23-10938 totaling $4.4 million. As part of the joint administration of the bankruptcy proceedings, certain transactions and amounts have been recorded on the books and records of NVN Liquidation, Inc. rather than EPI Health, LLC, due to the nature of the underlying general ledger and accounting system. Post-petition adjustments specifically impacting either Debtor have been reflected within the intercompany account balances accordingly. Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 13 of 17
NVN Liquidation, Inc. Statement of Operations Reporting Period: October 1 to October 31, 2023 License and collaboration revenue -$ Government research contracts and grants revenue - TOTAL REVENUE - Research and development (18,870) General and administrative 1,105,659 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,086,789 Interest income - Interest expense - Impairment of goodwill - Gain on sale of assets - NET INCOME (LOSS) (1,086,789)$ Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 14 of 17
NVN Liquidation, Inc. Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements Summary (Cash Basis) Reporting Period: October 1 to October 31, 2023 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE 6,398,515$ Receipts: Advance deposit for TSA services 41,515 TOTAL RECEIPTS 41,515 Operating Disbursements: Intellectual property activities 13,124 Manufacturing and QA services 245,297 Facility, administrative and information technology services 57,978 Activities and services related to lead R&D asset (SB206) 20,189 Professional fees related to bankruptcy 2,043,208 [1] Consulting services related to bankruptcy 66,450 [1] Transfers to EPI Health, LLC 147,449 Bank fees and other misc. 3,867 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 2,597,562 NET CASH FLOW (2,556,047) ENDING CASH BALANCE 3,842,468$ Footnote: [1] As part of the joint administration of the bankruptcy proceedings, certain transactions and amounts have been recorded on the books and records of NVN Liquidation, Inc. rather than EPI Health, LLC, due to the nature of the underlying general ledger and accounting system. Post-petition adjustments specifically impacting either Debtor have been reflected within the intercompany account balances accordingly. Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 15 of 17
NVN Liquidation, Inc. Summary of Cash Book Balances As of October 31, 2023 Cash and cash equivalents Account Description Bank Account Number Last 4 Digits Book Balance as of 10/31/2023 Operational Silicon Valley Bank 7949 13,517 Utility Motion Account East West Bank 0000 18,125 Operational PNC Bank 0299 3,798,527 Operational PNC Bank 3407 (185) Collateral/Unrestricted (Letter of Credit) PNC Bank 3374 12,484 3,842,468$ Restricted Cash, current Account Description Bank Account Number Last 4 Digits Book Balance as of 10/31/2023 Collateral/Restricted (Letter of Credit) PNC Bank 3374 -$ Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 16 of 17
NVN Liquidation, Inc. Summary of Intercompany Balances Reporting Period: October 1 to October 31, 2023 Pre-petition Post-petition Total BEGINNING BALANCE (October 1, 2023) 9,614,641$ 3,514,050$ 13,128,691$ [1] Reductions: Operating transactions - 122,221 122,221 TOTAL REDUCTIONS - 122,221 122,221 NET ACTIVITY - (122,221) (122,221) ENDING BALANCE (October 31, 2023) 9,614,641$ 3,391,829$ 13,006,470$ Footnote: [1] Certain intercompany balance generated post-petition relate to the NVN Liquidation, Inc. (f/k/a Novan, Inc.) joint administration of Case 23-10937 and Case 23-10938. As part of the joint administration of the bankruptcy proceedings, certain transactions and amounts have been recorded on the books and records of NVN Liquidation, Inc. rather than EPI Health, LLC, due to the nature of the underlying general ledger and accounting system. Post-petition adjustments specifically impacting either Debtor have been reflected within the intercompany account balances accordingly. Prior to the petition date, the Debtors recorded intercompany assets and liabilities through one intercompany account. The intercompany account recorded transactions, including, but not limited to, transfers of cash, disbursements and other financial reporting adjustments related to the operations of the Debtor and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis. The pre- petition intercompany balance was generated by transactions which were based on the consolidated operations of the Debtors, not on an arm's length basis. For example, there were no intercompany allocation of certain operating and non- operating expenses to EPI Health, LLC from NVN Liquidation, Inc. Such allocations, if recorded, would have impacted the pre-petition intercompany balances. Case 23-10937-LSS Doc 434 Filed 11/21/23 Page 17 of 17