Loans | Schedule IV — Mortgage Loans on Real Estate December 31, 2015 Property Type Location Interest Final Periodic Face Carrying Commercial mortgage loans Condo Conversion New York 7.00 % Sept - 16 Interest only 24,114 24,289 Condo Construction Maryland 10.50 % Mar-17 Interest only 65,125 65,087 Vacation Home Portfolio Various 7.50 % Apr-19 Principal and interest 94,147 93,277 Hotel Pennsylvania 4.74 % May-19 Interest only 34,000 33,994 Condo Construction Maryland 10.75 % Jun-17 Interest only 50,000 49,960 Multifamily New York 4.41 % Aug-19 Interest only 34,500 34,886 Mixed Use Ohio 9.25 % May-20 Interest only 165,000 163,173 Condo Conversion New York 3.75 % Jun-16 Interest only 67,300 67,038 Multifamily North Dakota 6.15 % Nov-19 Principal and interest 49,691 49,665 Vacation Home Portfolio Various US cities 7.00 % Nov-21 Interest only 50,000 49,595 Mixed Use New York 7.25 % Mar-17 Interest only 85,770 85,658 Retail redevelopment Florida 6.25 % Jan-18 Interest only 45,000 44,925 Retail redevelopment Florida 6.25 % Jul-17 Interest only 33,000 32,804 Retail New York 10.25 % Mar-17 Interest only 1,653 1,636 Hotel New York 5.50 % Sept-20 Interest only 98,373 97,381 Retail New York 7.25 % Mar-17 Interest only 5,910 5,858 Hotel U.S. Virgin Islands 5.27 % Jan-21 Interest only 42,000 41,600 Office Virginia 5.53 % Jan-20 Principal and interest 54,000 53,475 Total commercial mortgage loans 999,583 994,301 Subordinate loans (1) Office Michigan 13.00 % Jun - 20 Principal and interest 8,753 8,753 Mixed Use North Carolina 11.10 % Aug - 22 Interest only 6,525 6,525 Office Complex Missouri 11.75 % Oct - 22 Principal and interest 9,566 9,566 Hotel Portfolio Missouri 11.00 % Feb - 18 Principal and interest 24,182 24,182 Warehouse Portfolio Various US cities 11.50 % May - 23 Interest only 32,000 32,000 Office Condo New York 11.25 % Jul - 22 Interest only 14,000 13,631 Condo Conversion New York 7.00 % Sept - 16 Interest only 6,386 6,415 Mixed Use Various US cities 14.00 % Dec - 18 Interest only 19,500 19,377 Mixed Use England 10.25 % Jan - 16 Interest only 50,676 50,676 Healthcare Portfolio Various US 9.47 % Jun - 19 Interest only 39,223 39,223 Ski Resort Montana 14.00 % Sept - 20 Interest only 15,000 14,878 Mixed Use New York 10.69 % Dec - 19 Interest only 88,368 87,818 Senior Housing United Kingdom 8.83 % Dec - 19 Principal and interest 79,735 79,735 Hotel California 10.40 % Jan-20 Principal and interest 20,000 20,000 Multifamily Portfolio Florida 11.70 % May-20 Interest only 22,000 21,895 Multifamily Portfolio Florida 11.70 % May-20 Interest only 15,500 15,426 Mixed Use Various US 9.30 % May-20 Interest only 45,000 44,854 Hotel Arizona 11.50 % Jul-25 Interest only 25,000 25,000 Hotel Washington, DC 9.80 % Jul-19 Interest only 20,000 19,934 Condo Development New York 13.00 % Jul-20 Interest only 34,184 33,567 Condo Conversion New York 12.75 % Jul-20 Interest only 52,418 51,941 Mixed Use New York 10.25 % Mar-17 Interest only 12,347 12,222 Mixed Use New York 10.50 % Oct-19 Interest only 30,000 29,785 Hotel New York 5.50 % Sept-20 Interest only 2,595 2,458 Destination Resort Various US cities 9.10 % May-22 Interest only 75,000 71,362 Multifamily New York 10.75 % May-19 Interest only 55,000 54,558 Hotel New York 12.36 % Mar-17 Interest only 50,000 49,522 Condo Pre-development United Kingdom 11.14 % Dec-16 Interest only 81,048 81,048 Multifamily North Dakota 6.15 % Nov-19 Interest only 5,000 5,000 Total subordinate loans 939,006 931,351 Total $ 1,938,589 $ 1,925,652 (2 ) (1) Subject to prior liens. (2) The aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes is $1,925,652 . The following table summarizes the changes in the carrying amounts of mortgage loans during 2015 and 2014 . Reconciliation of Carrying Amount of Loans 2015 2014 Balance at beginning of year $ 1,019,702 $ 658,583 New loans 1,366,062 802,664 Sales (136,573 ) (4,950 ) Collections of principal (348,516 ) (299,551 ) Discount accretion 9,096 4,316 Foreign currency loss (6,116 ) (4,095 ) Payment-in-kind 21,997 16,570 Exchange for CMBS (held-to-maturity) — (153,835 ) Balance at the close of year $ 1,925,652 $ 1,019,702 |
Loans | Subordinate Loans The Company’s subordinate loan portfolio was comprised of the following as of December 31, 2015 : Description Date of Maturity Original Current Carrying Coupon Subordinate to the Company's commercial mortgage loans Condo Conversion – New York, NY (1) Aug-13 Sept-16 $ 29,400 $ 6,386 $ 6,415 Floating Mixed Use - Brooklyn, NY (1) Aug-15 Mar-17 12,347 12,347 12,222 Floating Hotel - New York, NY (1)(2) Sept-15 Sept-18 2,562 2,595 2,458 Floating Multifamily - Williston, ND (1)(3) Dec-15 Nov-17 5,000 5,000 5,000 Floating Total - Subordinate to the Company's commercial mortgage loans $ 49,309 $ 26,328 $ 26,095 Subordinate to third party commercial mortgage loans Office - Michigan May-10 Jun-20 $ 9,000 $ 8,753 $ 8,753 Fixed Mixed Use – North Carolina Jul-12 Aug-22 6,525 6,525 6,525 Fixed Office Complex - Missouri Sept-12 Oct-22 10,000 9,566 9,566 Fixed Hotel Portfolio – Rochester, MN Jan-13 Feb-18 25,000 24,182 24,182 Fixed Warehouse Portfolio - Various May-13 May-23 32,000 32,000 32,000 Fixed Office Condo - New York, NY Jul-13 Jul-22 14,000 14,000 13,631 Fixed Mixed Use - Various (3) Dec-13 Dec-16 17,000 19,500 19,377 Fixed Mixed Use - London, England Apr-14 Jan-16 50,009 50,676 50,676 Fixed Healthcare Portfolio - Various (4) Jun-14 Jun-16 50,000 39,223 39,223 Floating Ski Resort - Big Sky, MT Aug-14 Sept-20 15,000 15,000 14,878 Fixed Mixed Use - New York, NY (5) Dec-14 Dec-17 81,715 88,368 87,818 Floating Senior Housing - United Kingdom (3) Jan-15 Dec-17 82,063 79,735 79,735 Floating Hotel - Burbank, CA Feb-15 Jan-20 20,000 20,000 20,000 Fixed Multifamily Portfolio - Florida (4) Apr-15 May-17 22,000 22,000 21,895 Floating Multifamily Portfolio - Florida (4) Apr-15 May-17 15,500 15,500 15,426 Floating Mixed Use - Various (4) Jun-15 May-17 45,000 45,000 44,854 Floating Hotel - Phoenix, AZ Jun-15 Jul-25 25,000 25,000 25,000 Fixed Hotel - Washington, DC (3) Jun-15 Jul-17 20,000 20,000 19,934 Floating Condo Development - New York, NY (6) Jun-15 Jul-19 33,840 34,184 33,567 Floating Condo Conversion - New York, NY (3) Jul-15 Aug-18 50,000 52,418 51,941 Floating Mixed Use - New York, NY (7) Sept-15 Oct-18 30,000 30,000 29,785 Floating Destination Resort - Various (8) Sept-15 May-18 75,000 75,000 71,362 Floating Multifamily - New York, NY (9) Oct-15 Nov-18 55,000 55,000 54,558 Floating Hotel - New York, NY (10) Dec-15 Mar-17 50,000 50,000 49,522 Floating Condo Pre-development - United Kingdom (10) Dec-15 Sept-16 81,994 81,048 81,048 Floating Total - Subordinate to third party commercial mortgage loans $ 915,646 $ 912,678 $ 905,256 Total/Weighted Average $ 964,955 $ 939,006 $ 931,351 11.34 % (1) At December 31, 2015 , this loan was pledged to secure borrowings under the JPMorgan Facility. See Note 8 – Borrowings for a description of this facility. (2) Includes two one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. As of December 31, 2015 , the Company had $12,478 of unfunded loan commitments related to this loan. (3) Includes two one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. (4) Includes three one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. (5) Includes a two one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. As of December 31, 2015 , the Company had $785 of unfunded loan commitments related to this loan. (6) Includes a one -year extension option subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. As of December 31, 2015 , the Company had $41,160 of unfunded loan commitments related to this loan. (7) Includes a one -year extension option subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. (8) Includes four one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. (9) Includes a six -month extension option subject to certain conditions and the payment of a fee. (10) Includes a three -month extension option subject to certain conditions and the payment of a fee. During June 2015, the Company received the full repayment of a subordinate loan secured by a pledge of the equity interest in a borrower that owns a mixed use property located in the central business district of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During July 2015, the Company received the full repayment of a subordinate loan secured by the pledge of the equity interests in a borrower that acquired five adjacent commercial buildings in the Gramercy Park neighborhood of New York City. During August 2015, the Company sold a subordinate loan secured by a pledge of the equity interest in a borrower that owns a portfolio of hotels throughout the United States and retained an interest only strip that bore interest at 3.4% . The loan was repaid in December 2015. During August 2015, the Company sold a subordinate loan secured by a pledge of the equity interest in a borrower that owns a hotel in New York, New York. The Company retained the rights to the prepayment penalty and received a prepayment fee $333 during December 2015. During September 2015, the Company received the full repayment of a subordinate loan secured by a pledge of the equity interest in a borrower that owns a ski resort in California. During October 2015, the Company received the full repayment of a subordinate loan secured by a pledge of the equity interest in a borrower that owns a condominium town in the TriBeCa neighborhood of New York City. During October 2015, the Company received the full repayment of a subordinate loan secured by a pledge of the equity interests in the owner of two buildings in midtown Manhattan. The Company’s subordinate loan portfolio was comprised of the following as of December 31, 2014 : Description Date of Maturity Original Current Carrying Coupon Subordinate to the Company's commercial mortgage loans Condo Conversion – New York, NY (1) Aug-13 Sept-15 $ 29,400 $ 29,751 $ 29,762 Floating Total - Subordinate to the Company's commercial mortgage loans $ 29,400 $ 29,751 $ 29,762 Subordinate to third party commercial mortgage loans Office - Michigan May-10 Jun-20 $ 9,000 $ 8,813 $ 8,813 Fixed Ski Resort - California Apr-11 May-17 40,000 40,000 39,771 Fixed Mixed Use – North Carolina Jul-12 Aug-22 6,525 6,525 6,525 Fixed Office Complex - Missouri Sept-12 Oct-22 10,000 9,711 9,711 Fixed Hotel Portfolio – Various (1) Nov-12 Nov-15 50,000 34,042 33,995 Floating Condo Construction – New York, NY (1) Jan-13 Jul-17 60,000 76,344 76,005 Fixed Multifamily Conversion – New York, NY (1) Jan-13 Dec-15 18,000 14,608 14,703 Floating Hotel Portfolio – Rochester, MN Jan-13 Feb-18 25,000 24,486 24,486 Fixed Warehouse Portfolio - Various May-13 May-23 32,000 32,000 32,000 Fixed Multifamily Conversion – New York, NY (2) May-13 Feb-15 44,000 44,000 43,989 Floating Office Condo - New York, NY Jul-13 Jul-22 14,000 14,000 13,596 Fixed Mixed Use - Pittsburgh, PA (3) Aug-13 Aug-16 22,500 22,500 22,473 Floating Mixed Use - Various (3) Dec-13 Dec-16 17,000 19,464 19,294 Fixed Mixed Use - London, England Apr-14 Jan-15 50,009 52,355 52,355 Fixed Healthcare Portfolio - Various (4) Jun-14 Jun-16 50,000 50,000 50,000 Floating Hotel - New York, NY (4) Jul-14 Jul-16 20,000 20,000 19,870 Floating Ski Resort - Big Sky, MT Aug-14 Sept-20 15,000 15,000 14,861 Fixed Mixed Use - New York, NY (5) Dec-14 Dec-17 50,000 50,000 48,973 Floating Total - Subordinate to third party commercial mortgage loans $ 533,034 $ 533,848 $ 531,420 Total/Weighted Average $ 562,434 $ 563,599 $ 561,182 11.34 % (1) Includes a one -year extension option subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. (2) Includes a three -month extension option subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. (3) Includes two one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of a fee for each extension. (4) Includes three one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of an extension fee. (5) Includes two one -year extension options subject to certain conditions and the payment of a fee for each extension. At December 31, 2014, the Company had $32,500 of unfunded loan commitments related to this loan. During January 2014, the Company received a $15,000 principal repayment from a subordinate loan secured by a pledge of the equity interests in the owner of a New York City hotel. During June 2014, the Company received a $47,000 principal repayment from a mezzanine loan secured by a pledge of the equity interests in a portfolio of skilled nursing facilities. During August 2014, the Company received the final repayment from a $50,000 mezzanine loan secured by a pledge of the equity interests in a borrower that owns a portfolio of seven office parks throughout Florida. During November 2014, the Company received the final repayment from a $28,250 mezzanine loan secured by a pledge of the equity interests in a borrower that owns the leasehold interest in a hotel in New York City. During the fourth quarter of 2014, the Company received the full repayment from a subordinate loan secured by a condominium conversion project in New York City. The Company evaluates its loans for possible impairment on a quarterly basis. See Note 5 – Commercial Mortgage Loans for a summary of the metrics reviewed. The Company has determined that an allowance for loan loss was not necessary at December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014 . |