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Subsidiary companies of General Motors Company are listed below: |
| |
Chevrolet Sociedad Anonima de Ahorro para Fines Determinados | | Argentina |
General Motors Argentina S.r.l. | | Argentina |
Sarmiento 1113 S.A. en Liquidacion | | Argentina |
General Motors Australia Ltd. | | Australia |
General Motors Investments Pty. Ltd. | | Australia |
GM Holden Ltd. | | Australia |
General Motors Holden Sales Pty. Limited | | Australia |
Holden Employees Superannuation Fund Pty. Ltd. | | Australia |
Rhodes Automotive Manufacturing Pty Ltd | | Australia |
Salmon Street Ltd (in liquidation) | | Australia |
Automobile Swoboda Alpenstrasse GmbH | | Austria |
Chevrolet Austria GmbH | | Austria |
General Motors Austria GmbH | | Austria |
General Motors Powertrain-Austria GmbH | | Austria |
Autohaus Anif GmbH | | Austria |
Chevrolet Belgium N.V. | | Belgium |
General Motors Belgium N.V. | | Belgium |
General Motors Coordination Center BVBA | | Belgium |
General Motors Investment Services Company N.V. | | Belgium |
GM Automotive Services Belgium NV | | Belgium |
General International Insurance Services Limited | | Bermuda |
General International Limited | | Bermuda |
Funcap-Comercio e Administracao de Bens Moveis e Valores Ltda. | | Brazil |
General Motors do Brasil Ltda. | | Brazil |
GM Factoring Sociedade de Fomento Comercial Ltda. | | Brazil |
2035208 Ontario Inc. | | Canada |
2140879 Ontario Inc. | | Canada |
3072352 Nova Scotia Company | | Canada |
3183795 Nova Scotia ULC | | Canada |
3535673 Canada Inc. | | Canada |
4501101 Canada, Inc. | | Canada |
CAMI | | Canada |
General Motors Nova Scotia Investments Ltd. | | Canada |
General Motors of Canada Limited | | Canada |
GMCH&SP Private Equity II L.P. | | Canada |
GMCH&SP Private Equity L.P. | | Canada |
Canadian Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. | | Canada |
Hydrogenics Corporation | | Canada |
1908 Holdings Ltd. | | Cayman Islands |
Auto Lease Finance Corporation | | Cayman Islands |
GM International Sales Ltd. | | Cayman Islands |
Parkwood Holdings Ltd. | | Cayman Islands |
General Motors Chile Industria Automotriz Limitada | | Chile |
GM Inversiones Santiago Limitada | | Chile |
Delphi Saginaw Lingyun Drive Shaft Co. Ltd | | China |
General Motors (China) Investment Company Limited | | China |
General Motors Warehousing and Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. | | China |
Saginaw Lingyun Drive Shaft (Wuhu) Co. Ltd | | China |
Saginaw Steering (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. | | China |
SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Ltd. | | China |
Shanghai General Motors Corporation | | China |
| | |
| | |
Shanghai GM Dongyue Motors Co. Ltd. | | China |
Shanghai GM Dongyue Powertrain | | China |
Shanghai GM Shenyang Norsom Motors Co. Ltd. | | China |
Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Company | | China |
General Motors—Colmotores S.A. | | Colombia |
General Motors Isuzu Camiones (Colombia) | | Colombia |
Chevyplan S.A. | | Colombia |
General Motors del Ecuador S.A. | | Ecuador |
Holdcorp S.A. | | Ecuador |
Omnibus BB Transportes, S.A. | | Ecuador |
Elasto S.A. | | Ecuador |
Plan Automotor Ecuatoriano S.A. Planautomotor | | Ecuador |
General Motors Isuzu Camiones Ecuador | | Ecuador |
Al Mansour Automotive S.A.E. | | Egypt |
General Motors Egypt S.A.E. | | Egypt |
Chevrolet Finland Oy | | Finland |
General Motors Finland Oy | | Finland |
Chevrolet France S.A.S. | | France |
General Motors France S.A.S. | | France |
Steering France SAS | | France |
Adam Opel GmbH | | Germany |
ATK Automotive Technology Kaiserslautern GmbH | | Germany |
Carus Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Kuno 65 KG | | Germany |
Carus Grundstücks-Vermietungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. Objekt Leo 40 KG | | Germany |
Chevrolet Deutschland GmbH | | Germany |
General Motors Powertrain—Germany GmbH | | Germany |
General Motors Powertrain—Kaiserslautern Germany GmbH | | Germany |
GM Auslandsprojekte GmbH | | Germany |
GM Europe GmbH | | Germany |
Opel Eisenach GmbH | | Germany |
Opel Live GmbH | | Germany |
Opel Special Vehicles GmbH | | Germany |
Opel Wohnbau GmbH | | Germany |
Rhodes Germany GmbH | | Germany |
SAAB Deutschland GmbH | | Germany |
Caterpillar Logistics Supply Chain Services GmbH | | Germany |
ISF International Schule Frankfurt Rhein Main GmbH & Co. KG | | Germany |
Randstad WorkNet GmbH | | Germany |
Georg Von Opel Logistik | | Germany |
Prostep GmbH | | Germany |
RAG Bildung Opel GmbH | | Germany |
VRP Venture Capital Rheinland Pfalz Nr. 1 GmbH & Co. KG | | Germany |
VRP Venture Capital Rheinland Pfalz Nr. 2 GmbH & Co. KG | | Germany |
General Motors Hellas S.A. | | Greece |
General Motors (Hong Kong) Company Limited | | Hong Kong |
Chevrolet Southeast Europe Ltd. | | Hungary |
General Motors Powertrain—Hungary Ltd. | | Hungary |
General Motors Southeast Europe Ltd. | | Hungary |
Caterpillar Logistics LLC | | Hungary |
Chevrolet Sales India Private Ltd. | | India |
General Motors India Private Limited | | India |
Rhodes India Automotive Private Ltd | | India |
P.T. G M AutoWorld Indonesia | | Indonesia |
P.T. General Motors Indonesia | | Indonesia |
P.T. Mesin Isuzu Indonesia | | Indonesia |
| | |
| | |
General Motors Ireland | | Ireland |
General Motors Israel Ltd. | | Israel |
GM-UMI Technology Research and Development Ltd. | | Israel |
Universal Motors Israel Ltd. | | Israel |
Aftermarket Italia S.r.l. | | Italy |
Caterpillar Logistics Supply Chain Services Italia S.r.l. | | Italy |
Chevrolet Italia S.p.A. | | Italy |
General Motors Italia S.r.l. | | Italy |
General Motors Powertrain—Europe S.r.l. | | Italy |
Rhodes Italy Srl | | Italy |
VM Motori S.p.A. | | Italy |
General Motors Asia Pacific (Japan) Limited | | Japan |
GM AutoWorld Yugen Kaisha | | Japan |
GMI Diesel Engineering Limited K.K. | | Japan |
Rhodes Japan LLC | | Japan |
LCV Platform Engineering Corp. | | Japan |
General Motors East Africa Limited | | Kenya |
Automotive Steering Korea Limited | | Korea |
GM AutoWorld Korea Co. Ltd. | | Korea |
GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Company | | Korea |
GM Korea Co., Ltd. | | Korea |
Rhodes Holding I S.a.r.l. | | Luxembourg |
Rhodes Holding II S.a.r.l. | | Luxembourg |
Hicom-Chevrolet, Sdn Bhd | | Malaysia |
Cadillac Polanco, S.A. de C.V. | | Mexico |
Controladora ACDelco S.A. de C.V. | | Mexico |
Controladora General Motors, S.A. de C.V. | | Mexico |
General Motors de Mexico, S. De R.L. de C.V. | | Mexico |
GMAC Holding S.A. de C.V. | | Mexico |
Sistemas para Automotores de Mexico, S. De R.L. de C.V. | | Mexico |
Chevrolet Euro Parts Center B.V. | | Netherlands |
Chevrolet Nederland B.V. | | Netherlands |
EMWE B.V. | | Netherlands |
General Motors Nederland B.V. | | Netherlands |
GM Powertrain Holding B.V. | | Netherlands |
ISPOL Holding B.V. | | Netherlands |
Rhodes Holding Netherlands BV | | Netherlands |
VM Holdings B.V. | | Netherlands |
General Motors New Zealand Pensions Limited | | New Zealand |
Holden New Zealand Limited | | New Zealand |
General Motors Nigeria Ltd. | | Nigeria |
General Motors Norge AS | | Norway |
General Motors Peru S.A. | | Peru |
General Motors Automobiles Philippines, Inc. | | Philippines |
Chevrolet Poland Sp. Z.o.o. | | Poland |
General Motors Manufacturing Poland Sp. Z.o.o | | Poland |
General Motors Poland Spolka, z.o.o. | | Poland |
Isuzu Motors Polska Sp. Z.o.o | | Poland |
Fiat-GM Powertrain Polska Sp. Z.o. o | | Poland |
Chevrolet Portugal, Lda. | | Portugal |
General Motors Portugal Lda. | | Portugal |
Daewoo Motor de Puerto Rico Inc. | | Puerto Rico |
GM Global Purchasing and Supply Chain Romania Srl | | Romania |
General Motors Auto LLC | | Russia |
General Motors CIS, LLC | | Russia |
| | |
| | |
General Motors Daewoo Auto Technology CIS, LLC | | Russia |
General Motors Avtovaz CJSC | | Russia |
General Motors Asia Pacific (Pte) Ltd. | | Singapore |
Steering Holding Pte. Ltd | | Singapore |
BOCO (Proprietary) Limited | | South Africa |
General Motors South Africa (Pty) Limited | | South Africa |
GM Plats (Proprietary) Limited | | South Africa |
Isuzu Truck South Africa (Pty) Limited (ITSA) | | South Africa |
DAD Holdings (Pty.) Ltd. | | South Africa |
Chevrolet Espana, S.A. | | Spain |
General Motors Automotive Holdings, S.L. | | Spain |
General Motors Espana, S.L. | | Spain |
General Motors Europe Holdings, S.L. | | Spain |
Chevrolet Sverige AB | | Sweden |
General Motors Nordiska AB | | Sweden |
General Motors Powertrain-Sweden AB | | Sweden |
GM Europe Treasury Company AB | | Sweden |
GM Worldwide Purchasing Sweden AB | | Sweden |
SAAB Automobile A.B. | | Sweden |
SAAB Automobile Investering A.B. | | Sweden |
Chevrolet Europe GmbH | | Switzerland |
Chevrolet Suisse S.A. | | Switzerland |
General Motors Europe AG | | Switzerland |
General Motors Suisse S.A. | | Switzerland |
GM-SAAB Communication GmbH | | Switzerland |
General Motors Taiwan Ltd. | | Taiwan, Province of China |
Tai Jin International Automotive Distribution Co. Ltd. | | Taiwan, Province of China |
General Motors (Thailand) Limited | | Thailand |
Chevrolet Sales (Thailand) Limited | | Thailand |
General Motors Powertrain (Thailand) Limited | | Thailand |
General Motors Southeast Asia Operations Limited | | Thailand |
Industries Mecaniques Maghrebines S.A. | | Tunisia |
Chevrolet Tükiye Otomotive Limited Sirketi | | Turkey |
General Motors Türkiye Limited Sirketi | | Turkey |
Rhodes Otomotive Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi | | Turkey |
General Motors Africa and Middle East FZE | | United Arab Emirates |
MAC International FZCO | | United Arab Emirates |
Aftermarket UK Limited | | United Kingdom |
Berse Road (No. 1) Limited | | United Kingdom |
Berse Road (No. 2) Limited | | United Kingdom |
Chevrolet UK Limited Ltd. | | United Kingdom |
General Motors Limited | | United Kingdom |
General Motors UK Limited | | United Kingdom |
Global Tooling Service Company Europe Limited | | United Kingdom |
GM (UK) Pension Trustees Limited | | United Kingdom |
GM (UK) Unclassified Pension Trustees Limited | | United Kingdom |
GM Automotive UK Limited | | United Kingdom |
GM Purchasing Vauxhall UK Limited | | United Kingdom |
GM Retirees Pension Trustees Limited | | United Kingdom |
GPSC UK Limited | | United Kingdom |
IBC Pension Trustees Limited | | United Kingdom |
IBC Vehicles (Distribution) Limited | | United Kingdom |
IBC Vehicles Limited | | United Kingdom |
Millbrook Land & Co., Limited | | United Kingdom |
Millbrook Pension Management Limited | | United Kingdom |
| | |
| | |
Millbrook Proving Ground Limited | | United Kingdom |
Motors Investments (Caernarfon) Limited | | United Kingdom |
Promark Global Advisors Limited | | United Kingdom |
Promark Investment Trustees Limited | | United Kingdom |
SAAB City Limited | | United Kingdom |
SAAB GB Pension Plan Trustees Company Limited | | United Kingdom |
SAAB Great Britain Limited | | United Kingdom |
Vauxhall Powertrain Limited | | United Kingdom |
VHC Sub-Holdings (UK) | | United Kingdom |
Superbroad Limited | | United Kingdom |
General Motors Uruguay, S.A. | | Uruguay |
General Motors Powertrain—Uzbekistan CJSC | | Uzbekistan |
General Motors Uzbekistan CJSC | | Uzbekistan |
General Motors Venezolana, C.A. | | Venezuela |
Sistemas de Compra Programada Chevrolet, C.A. | | Venezuela |
Fabrica Nacional De Autobuses Fanabus S.A. | | Venezuela |
Vietnam-Daewoo Motor Co., Ltd | | Vietnam |
| |
Annunciata Corporation | | Delaware |
Argonaut Holdings, Inc. | | Delaware |
Carve-Out Ownership Cooperative LLC | | Delaware |
Dealership Liquidations, Inc. | | Delaware |
Delphi Energy and Engine Management Systems UK Overseas Corporation | | Delaware |
DMAX, Ltd. | | Ohio |
General Motors Asia Pacific Holdings, LLC | | Delaware |
General Motors Asia, Inc. | | Delaware |
General Motors China, Inc. | | Delaware |
General Motors Foundation, Inc. | | Michigan |
General Motors Global Service Operations, Inc. | | Delaware |
General Motors International Holdings, Inc. | | Delaware |
General Motors Korea, Inc. | | Delaware |
General Motors MNS Center, LLC | | Delaware |
General Motors Overseas Commercial Vehicle Corporation | | Delaware |
General Motors Overseas Corporation | | Delaware |
General Motors Overseas Distribution Corporation | | Delaware |
General Motors Product Services, Inc. | | Delaware |
General Motors Research Corporation | | Delaware |
General Motors Thailand Investments, LLC | | Delaware |
General Motors U.S. Trading Corp. | | Nevada |
General Sales Company of West Chester, Inc. | | Delaware |
GM APO Holdings, LLC | | Delaware |
GM Car Company LLC | | Delaware |
GM Components Holdings, LLC | | Delaware |
GM-DI Leasing Corporation | | Delaware |
GM Eurometals, Inc. | | Delaware |
GM Finance Co. Holdings LLC | | Delaware |
GM GEFS L.P. | | Nevada |
GM Global Steering Holdings, LLC | | Delaware |
GM Global Technology Operations, Inc. | | Delaware |
GM Global Tooling Company, Inc. | | Delaware |
GM LAAM Holdings, LLC | | Delaware |
GM Overseas Funding, LLC | | Delaware |
GM Personnel Services, Inc. | | Delaware |
GM Preferred Finance Co. Holdings LLC | | Delaware |
GM Preferred Receivables LLC | | Delaware |
| | |
| | |
GM Subsystems Manufacturing, LLC | | Delaware |
GM Supplier Receivables LLC | | Delaware |
GM Technologies, LLC | | Delaware |
GM Warranty LLC | | Delaware |
GMEH Holding, LLC | | Delaware |
GMETR Trade Receivables LLC | | Delaware |
GMOC Administrative Services Corporation | | Delaware |
GMODC Receivables Funding LLC | | Delaware |
GMODC Trade Receivables LLC | | Delaware |
Grand Pointe Holdings, Inc. | | Michigan |
Koneyren, Inc. | | Michigan |
Lease Ownership Cooperative LLC | | Delaware |
Lidlington Engineering Company, Ltd. | | Delaware |
Metal Casting Technology, Inc. | | Delaware |
Monetization of Carve-Out, LLC | | Delaware |
Motors Holding San Fernando Valley, Inc. | | Delaware |
Multi-Use Lease Entity Trust | | Delaware |
North American New Cars, Inc. | | Delaware |
OnStar Global Services Corporation | | Delaware |
OnStar, LLC | | Delaware |
PIMS Co. | | Delaware |
Project Rhodes Holding Corporation | | Delaware |
Promark Global Advisors, Inc. | | Delaware |
Promark Investment Advisors, Inc. | | Delaware |
Promark Real Estate Advisors, LLC | | Delaware |
Promark Trust Bank, N.A. | | New York |
Saturn County Bond Corporation | | Delaware |
Steering Solutions Corporation | | Delaware |
Steering Solutions Expat Holding Corporation | | Delaware |
Steering Solutions IP Holding Corporation | | Delaware |
Steering Solutions Services Corporation | | Delaware |
Truck and Bus Engineering U.K., Limited | | Delaware |
Vehicle Asset Universal Leasing Trust | | Delaware |
VM North America, Inc. | | Delaware |
WRE, Inc. | | Michigan |
Pentastar Aviation Charter, Inc. | | Delaware |
Gabriel Venture Partners | | Delaware |
Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnerships | | Michigan |
Coskata, Inc. | | Delaware |
Detroit Investment Fund, L.P. | | Michigan |
Aviation Spectrum Resource Holdings, Inc. | | Delaware |
Giner Electrochemical Systems, L.L.C. | | Delaware |
NJDOI/GMAM Opportunistic Real Estate Investment Program, L.P. | | Delaware |
NJDOI/GMAM High Grade Partners II, L.P. | | Delaware |
NJDOI/GMAM Core Plus Real Estate Investment Program, L.P. | | Delaware |
GMAC Inc. | | Delaware |
IUE-GM National Joint Skill Development and Training Committee | | Ohio |
HRL Laboratories LLC | | Delaware |
Mascoma Corporation | | Delaware |
OEConnection LLC | | Delaware |
OEConnection Manager Corp. | | Delaware |
Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc. | | Delaware |
Segway, Inc. | | Delaware |
Sirius XM Radio, Inc. | | Delaware |
United States Council for Automotive Research LLC | | Delaware |
| | |
| | |
United States Automotive Materials Partnership, LLC | | Michigan |
United States Advanced Battery Consortium, LLC | | Delaware |
Vehicle Recycling Partnership, LLC | | Michigan |
Performance Equity Management, LLC | | Delaware |
San Fernando Valley Automotive, LLC | | Delaware |
Wind Point Partners III, LP | | Delaware |
Citrix (CTXS) Systems, Inc. | | Delaware |
Coach Insignia LLC | | Michigan |
Riverfront Holdings III, Inc. | | Delaware |
Riverfront Holdings Phase II, Inc. | | Delaware |
Riverfront Holdings, Inc. | | Delaware |
Andiamo Riverfront, LLC | | Michigan |
Renaissance Center Management Company | | Delaware |