Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits | Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits Employee Pension and Other Postretirement Benefit Plans Defined Benefit Pension Plans Defined benefit pension plans covering eligible U.S. hourly employees (hired prior to October 2007) and Canadian hourly employees (hired prior to October 2016) generally provide benefits of negotiated, stated amounts for each year of service and supplemental benefits for employees who retire with 30 years of service before normal retirement age. The benefits provided by the defined benefit pension plans covering eligible U.S. (hired prior to January 1, 2001) and Canadian salaried employees and employees in certain other non-U.S. locations are generally based on years of service and compensation history. Accrual of defined pension benefits ceased in 2012 for U.S. and Canadian salaried employees. There is also an unfunded nonqualified pension plan primarily covering U.S. executives for service prior to January 1, 2007 and it is based on an “excess plan” for service after that date. The funding policy for qualified defined benefit pension plans is to contribute annually not less than the minimum required by applicable laws and regulations or to directly pay benefit payments where appropriate. In the year ended December 31, 2022 all legal funding requirements were met. The following table summarizes contributions made to the defined benefit pension plans: Years Ended December 31, 2022 2021 2020 U.S. hourly and salaried $ 71 $ 67 $ 68 Non-U.S. 332 371 396 Total $ 403 $ 438 $ 464 We expect to contribute approximately $60 million to our U.S. non-qualified plans and approximately $600 million to our non-U.S. pension plans in 2023. Based on our current assumptions, over the next five years, we expect no significant mandatory contributions to our U.S. qualified pension plans and mandatory contributions totaling $269 million to our United Kingdom and Canada pension plans. Other Postretirement Benefit Plans Certain hourly and salaried defined benefit plans provide postretirement medical, dental, legal service and life insurance to eligible U.S. and Canadian retirees and their eligible dependents. Certain other non-U.S. subsidiaries have postretirement benefit plans, although most non-U.S. employees are covered by government sponsored or administered programs. We made contributions to the U.S. OPEB plans of $335 million, $351 million and $343 million in the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020. Plan participants' contributions were insignificant in the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020. Defined Contribution Plans We have defined contribution plans for eligible U.S. salaried and hourly employees that provide discretionary matching contributions. Contributions are also made to certain non-U.S. defined contribution plans. We made contributions to our defined contribution plans of $724 million, $606 million and $573 million in the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020. Significant Plan Amendments, Benefit Modifications and Related Events Other Remeasurements The SOA issued mortality improvement tables in the three months ended December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021. We reviewed our recent mortality experience and we determined our current mortality assumptions are appropriate to measure our U.S. pension and OPEB plans obligations as of December 31, 2022. In 2020, we incorporated the SOA mortality improvement tables into our December 31, 2020 measurement of U.S. pension and OPEB plans' benefit obligations. The change in these assumptions decreased U.S. pension and OPEB plans’ obligations by $686 million as of December 31, 2020. Pension and OPEB Obligations and Plan Assets Year Ended December 31, 2022 Year Ended December 31, 2021 Pension Benefits Global OPEB Plans Pension Benefits Global OPEB Plans U.S. Non-U.S. U.S. Non-U.S. Change in benefit obligations Beginning benefit obligation $ 60,208 $ 18,314 $ 6,124 $ 66,468 $ 20,807 $ 6,656 Service cost 161 146 16 187 109 18 Interest cost 1,292 293 148 1,074 236 123 Actuarial (gains) losses (12,010) (3,797) (1,289) (2,564) (1,015) (282) Benefits paid (4,239) (955) (410) (4,414) (1,151) (424) Foreign currency translation adjustments — (1,361) (69) — (509) 4 Curtailments, settlements and other (595) (58) 23 (543) (163) 29 Ending benefit obligation 44,817 12,582 4,543 60,208 18,314 6,124 Change in plan assets Beginning fair value of plan assets 59,921 13,521 — 61,077 13,846 — Actual return on plan assets (10,258) (2,257) — 3,734 602 — Employer contributions 71 332 387 67 371 400 Benefits paid (4,239) (955) (410) (4,414) (1,151) (424) Foreign currency translation adjustments — (1,024) — — 10 — Settlements and other (594) (87) 23 (543) (157) 24 Ending fair value of plan assets 44,901 9,530 — 59,921 13,521 — Ending funded status $ 84 $ (3,052) $ (4,543) $ (287) $ (4,793) $ (6,124) Amounts recorded in the consolidated balance sheets Non-current assets $ 1,557 $ 1,552 $ — $ 1,896 $ 1,440 $ — Current liabilities (62) (316) (350) (70) (338) (381) Non-current liabilities (1,411) (4,288) (4,193) (2,113) (5,895) (5,743) Net amount recorded $ 84 $ (3,052) $ (4,543) $ (287) $ (4,793) $ (6,124) Amounts recorded in Accumulated other comprehensive loss Net actuarial loss $ (1,186) $ (2,157) $ (86) $ (13) $ (3,675) $ (1,439) Net prior service (cost) credit 5 (56) 10 7 (54) 15 Total recorded in Accumulated other comprehensive loss $ (1,181) $ (2,213) $ (76) $ (6) $ (3,729) $ (1,424) In the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, the decrease in benefit obligations was primarily due to an increase in actuarial gains experienced by all plans as a result of an increase in discount rates. The following table summarizes the total accumulated benefit obligations (ABO), the ABO and fair value of plan assets for defined benefit pension plans with ABO in excess of plan assets, and the projected benefit obligation (PBO) and fair value of plan assets for defined benefit pension plans with PBO in excess of plan assets: December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 U.S. Non-U.S. U.S. Non-U.S. ABO $ 44,798 $ 12,505 $ 60,188 $ 18,244 Plans with ABO in excess of plan assets ABO $ 5,668 $ 4,739 $ 8,396 $ 6,464 Fair value of plan assets $ 4,214 $ 211 $ 6,233 $ 300 Plans with PBO in excess of plan assets PBO $ 5,687 $ 4,815 $ 8,415 $ 6,533 Fair value of plan assets $ 4,214 $ 211 $ 6,223 $ 300 The following table summarizes the components of net periodic pension and OPEB expense along with the assumptions used to determine benefit obligations: Year Ended December 31, 2022 Year Ended December 31, 2021 Year Ended December 31, 2020 Pension Benefits Global OPEB Plans Pension Benefits Global OPEB Plans Pension Benefits Global OPEB Plans U.S. Non-U.S. U.S. Non-U.S. U.S. Non-U.S. Components of expense Service cost $ 233 $ 157 $ 16 $ 260 $ 121 $ 18 $ 251 $ 145 $ 19 Interest cost 1,292 293 148 1,074 236 123 1,716 362 173 Expected return on plan assets (3,000) (534) — (3,178) (610) — (3,267) (675) — Amortization of net actuarial losses 18 133 67 26 212 97 16 171 74 Curtailments, settlements and other (17) 10 (5) 15 7 (6) 17 241 (8) Net periodic pension and OPEB (income) expense $ (1,474) $ 59 $ 226 $ (1,803) $ (34) $ 232 $ (1,267) $ 244 $ 258 Weighted-average assumptions used to determine benefit obligations(a) Discount rate 5.47 % 4.85 % 5.51 % 2.78 % 2.13 % 2.97 % 2.37 % 1.62 % 2.53 % Weighted-average assumptions used to determine net expense(a) Discount rate 2.34 % 2.98 % 2.84 % 1.86 % 2.38 % 2.24 % 2.84 % 2.80 % 3.00 % Expected rate of return on plan assets 5.38 % 4.39 % N/A 5.63 % 4.67 % N/A 5.88 % 4.96 % N/A _________ (a) The rate of compensation increase and the cash balance interest crediting rates do not have a significant effect on our U.S. pension and OPEB plans. The non-service cost components of the net periodic pension and OPEB income are presented in Interest income and other non-operating income, net. Refer to Note 19 for additional information. U.S. pension plan service cost, which includes administrative expenses and Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation premiums, were insignificant for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020. Weighted-average assumptions used to determine net expense are determined at the beginning of the period and updated for remeasurements. Non-U.S. pension plan administrative expenses included in service cost were insignificant in the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020. In the three months ended December 31, 2020, we completed a $1.5 billion annuity purchase for salaried retirees in Canada. This resulted in a non-operating pension settlement charge of $130 million. Assumptions Investment Strategies and Long-Term Rate of Return Detailed periodic studies are conducted by our internal asset management group as well as outside actuaries and are used to determine the long-term strategic mix among asset classes, risk mitigation strategies and the expected long-term return on asset assumptions for the U.S. pension plans. The U.S. study includes a review of alternative asset allocation and risk mitigation strategies, anticipated future long-term performance and risk of the individual asset classes that comprise the plans' asset mix. Similar studies are performed for the significant non-U.S. pension plans with the assistance of outside actuaries and asset managers. While the studies incorporate data from recent plan performance and historical returns, the expected rate of return on plan assets represents our estimate of long-term prospective rates of return. We continue to pursue various options to fund and de-risk our pension plans, including continued changes to the pension asset portfolio mix to reduce funded status volatility. The strategic asset mix and risk mitigation strategies for the plans are tailored specifically for each plan. Individual plans have distinct liabilities, liquidity needs and regulatory requirements. Consequently, there are different investment policies set by individual plan fiduciaries. Although investment policies and risk mitigation strategies may differ among plans, each investment strategy is considered to be appropriate in the context of the specific factors affecting each plan. In setting new strategic asset mixes, consideration is given to the likelihood that the selected asset mixes will effectively fund the projected pension plan liabilities, while aligning with the risk tolerance of the plans' fiduciaries. The strategic asset mixes for U.S. defined benefit pension plans are increasingly designed to satisfy the competing objectives of improving funded positions (market value of assets equal to or greater than the present value of the liabilities) and mitigating the possibility of a deterioration in funded status. Derivatives may be used to provide cost effective solutions for rebalancing investment portfolios, increasing or decreasing exposure to various asset classes and for mitigating risks, primarily interest rate, equity and currency risks. Equity and fixed income managers are permitted to utilize derivatives as efficient substitutes for traditional securities. Interest rate derivatives may be used to adjust portfolio duration to align with a plan's targeted investment policy and equity derivatives may be used to protect equity positions from downside market losses. Alternative investment managers are permitted to employ leverage, including through the use of derivatives, which may alter economic exposure. In December 2022, an investment policy study was completed for the U.S. pension plans. As a result of changes to our capital market assumptions, the weighted-average long-term rate of return on assets increased from 5.4% at December 31, 2021 to 6.3% at December 31, 2022. The expected long-term rate of return on plan assets used in determining pension expense for non-U.S. plans is determined in a similar manner to the U.S. plans. Target Allocation Percentages The following table summarizes the target allocations by asset category for U.S. and non-U.S. defined benefit pension plans: December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 U.S. Non-U.S. U.S. Non-U.S. Equity 8 % 10 % 9 % 14 % Debt 69 % 75 % 68 % 69 % Other(a) 23 % 15 % 23 % 17 % Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % __________ (a) Primarily includes private equity, real estate and absolute return strategies, which mainly consist of hedge funds. Assets and Fair Value Measurements The following tables summarize the fair value of U.S. and non-U.S. defined benefit pension plan assets by asset class: December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total U.S. Pension Plan Assets Common and preferred stocks $ 1,222 $ — $ 3 $ 1,225 $ 2,554 $ — $ — $ 2,554 Government and agency debt securities(a) — 9,606 — 9,606 — 14,924 — 14,924 Corporate and other debt securities — 21,816 — 21,816 — 26,064 — 26,064 Other investments, net(b) 125 60 254 439 421 21 246 688 Net plan assets subject to leveling $ 1,347 $ 31,482 $ 257 33,086 $ 2,975 $ 41,009 $ 246 44,230 Plan assets measured at net asset value Investment funds 5,124 7,304 Private equity and debt investments 3,936 4,415 Real estate investments 3,491 3,604 Total plan assets measured at net asset value 12,551 15,323 Other plan assets (liabilities), net(c) (736) 368 Net plan assets $ 44,901 $ 59,921 December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Non-U.S. Pension Plan Assets Common and preferred stocks $ 143 $ — $ — $ 143 $ 372 $ — $ — $ 372 Government and agency debt securities(a) — 2,185 — 2,185 — 3,084 — 3,084 Corporate and other debt securities — 2,570 1 2,571 — 3,379 2 3,381 Other investments, net(b)(d) 24 (70) 84 38 52 (66) 116 102 Net plan assets subject to leveling $ 167 $ 4,685 $ 85 4,937 $ 424 $ 6,397 $ 118 6,939 Plan assets measured at net asset value Investment funds 3,124 4,963 Private equity and debt investments 483 593 Real estate investments 878 989 Total plan assets measured at net asset value 4,485 6,545 Other plan assets (liabilities), net(c) 108 37 Net plan assets $ 9,530 $ 13,521 __________ (a) Includes U.S. and sovereign government and agency issues. (b) Includes net derivative assets (liabilities). (c) Cash held by the plans, net of amounts receivable/payable for unsettled security transactions and payables for investment manager fees, custody fees and other expenses. (d) Level 2 Other investments, net includes Canadian repurchase agreements of approximately $150 million and $271 million at December 31, 2022 and 2021. The activity attributable to U.S. and non-U.S. Level 3 defined benefit pension plan investments was insignificant in the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021. Investment Fund Strategies Investment funds include hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, equity funds and fixed income funds. Hedge funds and funds of hedge funds managers typically seek to achieve their objectives by allocating capital across a broad array of funds and/or investment managers. Equity funds invest in U.S. common and preferred stocks as well as similar equity securities issued by companies incorporated, listed or domiciled in developed and/or emerging market countries. Fixed income funds include investments in high quality funds and, to a lesser extent, high yield funds. High quality fixed income funds invest in government securities, investment-grade corporate bonds and mortgage and asset-backed securities. High yield fixed income funds invest in high yield fixed income securities issued by corporations, which are rated below investment grade. Other investment funds also included in this category primarily represent multi-strategy funds that invest in broadly diversified portfolios of equity, fixed income and derivative instruments. Private equity and debt investments primarily consist of investments in private equity and debt funds. These investments provide exposure to and benefit from long-term equity investments in private companies, including leveraged buy-outs, venture capital and distressed debt strategies. Real estate investments include funds that invest in entities that are primarily engaged in the ownership, acquisition, development, financing, sale and/or management of income-producing real estate properties, both commercial and residential. These funds typically seek long-term growth of capital and current income that is above average relative to public equity funds. Significant Concentrations of Risk The assets of the pension plans include certain investment funds, private equity and debt investments and real estate investments. Investment managers may be unable to quickly sell or redeem some or all of these investments at an amount close or equal to fair value in order to meet a plan's liquidity requirements or to respond to specific events such as deterioration in the creditworthiness of any particular issuer or counterparty. Illiquid investments held by the plans are generally long-term investments that complement the long-term nature of pension obligations and are not used to fund benefit payments when currently due. Plan management monitors liquidity risk on an ongoing basis and has procedures in place that are designed to maintain flexibility in addressing plan-specific, broader industry and market liquidity events. The pension plans may invest in financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies and may be exposed to risks that the foreign currency exchange rates might change in a manner that has an adverse effect on the value of the foreign currency denominated assets or liabilities. Forward currency contracts may be used to manage and mitigate foreign currency risk. The pension plans may invest in debt securities for which any change in the relevant interest rates for particular securities might result in an investment manager being unable to secure similar returns upon the maturity or the sale of securities. In addition, changes to prevailing interest rates or changes in expectations of future interest rates might result in an increase or decrease in the fair value of the securities held. Interest rate swaps and other financial derivative instruments may be used to manage interest rate risk. Benefit Payments Benefits for most U.S. pension plans and certain non-U.S. pension plans are paid out of plan assets rather than our Cash and cash equivalents. The following table summarizes net benefit payments expected to be paid in the future, which include assumptions related to estimated future employee service: Pension Benefits Global OPEB Plans U.S. Plans Non-U.S. Plans 2023 $ 4,523 $ 995 $ 358 2024 $ 4,246 $ 934 $ 354 2025 $ 4,144 $ 916 $ 351 2026 $ 4,036 $ 892 $ 349 2027 $ 3,919 $ 873 $ 346 2028–2032 $ 17,614 $ 4,142 $ 1,690 |