Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Stateme3
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balance5
- Condensed Consolidated Stateme6
- Condensed Consolidated Financia
- Inventories
- Income Taxes
- Earnings Per Share
- Contingencies
- Debt
- Pension and Other Postretiremen
- Fair Value Measurements
- Fair Value of Financial Instrum
- Derivative Financial Instrument
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Dividends Payable
- Assets Held for Sale (Notes)
- Derivative Financial Instrume20
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Debt (Tables)
- Pension and Other Postretirem23
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Fair Value of Financial Instr25
- Derivative Financial Instrume26
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi27
- Assets Held for Sale (Tables)
- Condensed Consolidated Financ29
- Inventories (Details)
- Income Taxes (Details)
- Earnings Per Share (Details)
- Earnings Per Share (Details Tex
- Guarantee (Details)
- Debt (Details)
- Debt Short-term borrowings (Det
- Pension and Other Postretirem37
- Fair Value Measurements (Detail
- Fair Value of Financial Instr39
- Derivative Financial Instrume40
- Derivative Financial Instrume41
- Derivative Financial Instrume42
- Derivative Financial Instrume43
- Changes in Accumulated Other Co
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi45
- Dividends Payable (Details Text
- Assets Held for Sale (Details)