Supplemental Oil and Gas Information | Note 13 — Supplemental Oil and Gas Information (unaudited) Costs Incurred in Oil and Gas Property Acquisition, Exploration, and Development Activities Costs incurred during 2017, 2016 and 2015 related to oil and gas property acquisition, exploration and development activities, including the fair value of oil and gas properties acquired are summarized as follows (in thousands): 2017 2016 2015 Acquisition costs Proved $ 20,590 $ 41,830 $ — Unproved 147,442 120,851 6,583 Exploration costs 175,254 101,719 13,764 Development costs* 133,066 31,057 39,883 Total $ 476,352 $ 295,457 $ 60,230 * Includes $3.3 million, $5.9 million and $8.9 million of acquired CO 2 . Capitalized Costs of Oil and Gas Properties Net capitalized costs related to Resolute’s oil and gas producing activities at December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2016 were as follows (in thousands): 2017 2016 Proved oil and gas properties $ 2,030,316 $ 1,889,111 Unevaluated oil and gas properties, not subject to amortization 248,059 121,375 Accumulated depletion, depreciation and amortization (1,730,204 ) (1,640,279 ) Oil and gas properties, net $ 548,171 $ 370,207 Oil and Gas Reserve Quantities The reserve data as of December 31, 2017, was prepared by Resolute. Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc. (“NSAI”), independent petroleum engineers, audited all properties. Users of this information should be aware that the process of estimating quantities of proved oil and gas reserves is very complex, requiring significant subjective decisions to be made in the evaluation of available geological, engineering and economic data for each reservoir. The data for a given reservoir may also change substantially over time as a result of numerous factors, including, but not limited to, additional development activity, evolving production history and continual reassessment of the viability of production under varying economic conditions. As a result, revisions to existing reserves estimates may occur from time to time. Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure reserves estimates reported represent the most accurate assessments possible, the subjective decisions and variances in available data for various reservoirs make these estimates generally less precise than other estimates included in the financial statement disclosures. Presented below is a summary of the changes in estimated reserves (in thousands): Oil Equivalent Oil (Bbl) Gas (MMcf) NGL (Bbl) (Boe) (1) Proved reserves as of January 1, 2015 63,715 36,798 4,370 74,218 Purchase of minerals in place — — — — Production (3,270 ) (5,193 ) (400 ) (4,535 ) Extensions, discoveries and other additions 1,965 8,208 1,269 4,602 Sales of minerals in place (5,289 ) (23,674 ) (2,837 ) (12,072 ) Revisions of previous estimates (28,373 ) (2,279 ) (341 ) (29,093 ) Proved reserves as of December 31, 2015 28,748 13,860 2,061 33,120 Purchase of minerals in place 1,492 5,810 863 3,323 Production (3,821 ) (4,811 ) (559 ) (5,182 ) Extensions, discoveries and other additions 21,427 41,151 6,257 34,543 Sales of minerals in place — — — — Revisions of previous estimates (4,042 ) (3,562 ) (900 ) (5,537 ) Proved reserves as of December 31, 2016 43,804 52,448 7,722 60,267 Purchase of minerals in place 171 704 73 362 Production (5,499 ) (12,101 ) (1,641 ) (9,156 ) Extensions, discoveries and other additions 14,170 60,330 7,394 31,619 Sales of minerals in place (22,821 ) (654 ) (96 ) (23,026 ) Revisions of previous estimates (4,506 ) (5,913 ) (1,143 ) (6,636 ) Proved reserves as of December 31, 2017 25,319 94,814 12,309 53,430 Proved developed reserves: As of December 31, 2017 12,274 46,827 6,136 26,215 As of December 31, 2016 30,026 24,209 3,595 37,656 As of December 31, 2015 25,672 7,098 1,019 27,874 Proved undeveloped reserves: As of December 31, 2017 13,045 47,987 6,173 27,215 As of December 31, 2016 13,778 28,238 4,127 22,611 As of December 31, 2015 3,076 6,761 1,043 5,246 (1) Boe is determined using one Bbl of oil or NGL to six Mcf of gas. In accordance with SEC and Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) requirements, our estimated net proved reserves and standardized measure at December 31, 2017, 2016 and 2015, were determined utilizing prices equal to the twelve-month unweighted arithmetic average using first day of the month prices, resulting in an average Plains Marketing, L.P. posted WTI oil price of $47.79, $39.25 and $46.79 per Bbl and an average Platts Gas Daily El Paso Permian Basin spot gas price of $2.62, $2.31, and $2.45 per MMBtu for the Permian Properties, respectively. Our estimated net proved reserves and standardized measure at December 31, 2016 and 2015 for the Aneth Properties, were determined utilizing prices equal to the respective twelve-month unweighted arithmetic average using the first day of the month prices, resulting in an average NYMEX WTI oil price of $42.75 and $50.28 per Bbl, and an average Platts Gas Daily El Paso San Juan Basin spot gas price of $2.33 and $2.46, respectively Purchase of minerals in place During 2017, purchases of minerals in place consisted of 362 MBoe net from 2 gross producing wells acquired in the Delaware Basin Bronco Acquisition, which closed in May 2017. During 2016, purchase of minerals in place of 3,323 MBoe net were a result of additional ownership in certain existing Permian Basin wells acquired in the Delaware Basin Firewheel acquisition. This number includes 169 MBoe of 2016 production. Production Of the 2017 amount, 20% of the oil equivalent production or 1,816 MBoe (1,734 MBbl oil and 489 MMcf gas) was from Aneth Field properties prior to the divestiture in November, and 80% or 7,341 MBoe (3,765 MBbl oil, 11,612 MMcf gas and 1,641 MBbl NGL) was from the Permian Basin properties. Of the 2016 amount, 44% of the oil equivalent production or 2,255 MBoe (2,132 MBbl oil and 739 MMcf gas) was from Aneth Field properties, and 56% or 2,927 MBoe (1,689 MBbl oil, 4,071 MMcf gas and 559 MBbl NGL) was from Permian Basin properties. Of the 2015 amount, 51% of the oil equivalent production or 2,292 MBoe (2,172 MBbl oil and 717 MMcf gas) was from Aneth Field properties, 39% or 1,782 MBoe (973 MBbl oil, 2,523 MMcf gas and 389 MBbl NGL) was from Permian Basin properties, and 10% or 462 MBoe (125 MBbl oil, 1,954 MMcf gas and 11 MBbl NGL) was from Powder River Basin properties, prior to their divestiture in October. Extensions, discoveries and other additions Extensions, discoveries and other additions in 2017 consisted primarily of 10,741 MBoe net from 16 gross newly drilled Permian wells and 2,722 MBoe net from 7 gross completions of drilled but uncompleted ("DUC") locations acquired in the Delaware Basin Bronco Acquisition together with 11,939 MBoe net from 15 gross immediate offset proved undeveloped Permian locations. These numbers include 2,469 MBoe net of 2017 production. Also included in additions are 6,217 MBoe net of proved undeveloped reserves from 9 gross offset locations to Permian wells drilled prior to 2017 which were uneconomic under previous reports' SEC pricing. Extensions, discoveries Extensions, discoveries Sales of minerals in place Sales of minerals in place during 2017 consisted of 431 MBoe net from 36 gross producing wells in the Denton and Knowles South Fields New Mexico, which were divested in February 2017, plus 22,595 MBoe net from 371 gross producing wells, and their associated injectors, in the divestiture of Aneth Field. These numbers are net of 1,847 MBoe net of 2017 production, 32 MBoe net in Denton and Knowles South Fields, and 1,816 MBoe net in Aneth Field. During 2015, sales of minerals in place of 12,072 MBoe net during 2015 consisted of 5,475 MBoe from 161 gross wells in the Powder River Basin, which was divested in October 2015, 1,698 MBoe from 54 gross wells in the Howard and Martin County properties, which was divested in May and 4,899 MBoe from 102 gross wells in the Gardendale Midland Basin, which was divested in December 2015. These numbers are net of 1,091 MBoe of 2015 production, 462 MBoe in the Powder River Basin, 86 MBoe in Howard and Martin counties, and 543 MBoe in Gardendale. Revisions of previous estimates Revisions of previous estimates of 6,636 MBoe during 2017 were a function of well performance resulting from interference between existing, mature producers and newly drilled wells. The 2018 development plan has been designed to minimize further interference. During 2016, decreased in proved reserves of 5,537 MBoe net was associated with revisions of previous estimates that were primarily a result of reduced product pricing. The average NYMEX West Texas Intermediate oil benchmark price fell 15% from $50.28 per Bbl at December 31, 2015 to $42.75 per Bbl at December 31, 2016. This decrease in product pricing resulted in the deferral of a number of Aneth Field development projects decreasing proved undeveloped reserves by 3,660 MBoe or 66% of the total 2016 revisions of previous estimates. During 2015, decreases in proved reserves of 29,093 MBoe net associated with revisions of previous estimates were primarily a result of reduced product pricing and management's decision to allocate more of its 2015 capital expenditures toward exploitation drilling of higher than expected rates-of-return horizontal wells in the Permian Basin and less capital towards development projects in Aneth Field. The average NYMEX West Texas Intermediate oil benchmark price fell 47% from $94.99 per Bbl at December 31, 2014 to $50.28 per Bbl at December 31, 2015. This decrease in product pricing resulted in deferral of the Aneth CO2 projects which decreased proved undeveloped reserves by 22,786 MBoe or 78% of the total 2015 revisions of previous estimates. Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves: The following summarizes the policies used in the preparation of the accompanying oil and gas reserves disclosures, standardized measures of discounted future net cash flows from proved oil and gas reserves and the reconciliations of standardized measures at December 31, 2017. The information disclosed is an attempt to present the information in a manner comparable with industry peers. The information is based on estimates of proved reserves attributable to Resolute’s interest in oil and gas properties as of December 31, 2017. Proved reserves are estimated quantities of oil and gas that geological and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. The standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows from production of proved reserves was developed as follows: 1) Estimates were made of quantities of proved reserves and future periods during which they are expected to be produced based on year-end economic conditions. 2) The estimated future cash flows were compiled by applying average (based on the first day of the month) annual prices of oil and gas relating to Resolute’s proved reserves to the year-end quantities of those reserves. 3) The future cash flows were reduced by estimated production costs, costs to develop and produce the proved reserves and abandonment costs, all based on year-end economic conditions. 4) Future income tax expenses were based on year-end statutory tax rates giving effect to the remaining tax basis in the oil and gas properties, other deductions, credits and allowances relating to Resolute’s proved oil and gas reserves. 5) Future net cash flows were discounted to present value by applying a discount rate of 10%. The standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows does not purport, nor should it be interpreted, to present the fair value of Resolute’s oil and gas reserves. An estimate of fair value would also take into account, among other things, the recovery of reserves not presently classified as proved, anticipated future changes in prices and costs and a discount factor more representative of the time value of money and the risks inherent in reserve estimates. The following summary sets forth Resolute’s future net cash flows relating to proved oil and gas reserves based on the standardized measure prescribed by FASB ASC Topic 932: December 31, 2017 2016 2015 (in thousands) Future cash inflows $ 1,623,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 1,293,000 Future production costs (629,000 ) (934,000 ) (774,000 ) Future development costs (285,000 ) (288,000 ) (180,000 ) Future income taxes (3,000 ) (1,000 ) — Future net cash flows 706,000 577,000 339,000 10% annual discount for estimated timing of cash flows (273,000 ) (233,000 ) (140,000 ) Standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows $ 433,000 $ 344,000 $ 199,000 The principal sources of change in the standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows are: December 31, 2017 2016 2015 (in thousands) Standardized measure, beginning of year $ 344,000 $ 199,000 $ 833,000 Sales of oil and gas produced, net of production costs (136,000 ) (82,000 ) (181,000 ) Net changes in prices and production costs 41,000 (106,000 ) (917,000 ) Purchases of minerals in place 5,000 10,000 — Sales of minerals in place (99,000 ) — (134,000 ) Previously estimated development costs incurred during the year 16,000 22,000 33,000 Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery 108,000 268,000 13,000 Changes in estimated future development costs 213,000 12,000 119,000 Revisions of previous quantity estimates (71,000 ) (3,000 ) 196,000 Accretion of discount 25,000 20,000 70,000 Net change in income taxes (1,000 ) — 104,000 Changes in timing and other (12,000 ) 4,000 63,000 Standardized measure, end of year $ 433,000 $ 344,000 $ 199,000 |