LOANS | NOTE 4 – LOANS The components of loans were as follows: March 31, December 31, 2021 2020 (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 609,482 $ 606,881 Commercial real estate loans 244,791 235,969 Commercial loans 119,083 115,087 Residential real estate loans 38,063 38,084 Installment and consumer other 245 264 Total gross loans 1,011,664 996,285 Allowance for loan losses (15,082 ) (14,808 ) Net loans $ 996,582 $ 981,477 Net unamortized deferred costs totalling $0.5 million and $0.3 million as of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectivley, are included in the total gross loans above. Changes in the allowance for loan losses by portfolio segment for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020 were as follows: For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2021 Beginning Balance Provision for Loan Losses Loans Charged Off Loan Recoveries Ending Balance (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 10,859 $ 668 $ — $ — $ 11,527 Commercial real estate loans 3,139 (282 ) — 1 2,858 Commercial loans 805 (145 ) — 31 691 Residential real estate loans 5 — — — 5 Installment and consumer other — 1 — — 1 Total $ 14,808 $ 242 $ — $ 32 $ 15,082 For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2020 Beginning Balance Provision for Loan Losses Loans Charged Off Loan Recoveries Ending Balance (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 11,737 $ 948 $ — $ — $ 12,685 Commercial real estate loans 1,913 603 — 61 2,577 Commercial loans 1,599 573 — 1 2,173 Residential real estate loans 15 97 — — 112 Installment and consumer other 3 (3 ) — — — Total $ 15,267 $ 2,218 $ — $ 62 $ 17,547 The following tables present the balances in the allowance for loan losses and the recorded balance in loans by portfolio segment and based on impairment method as of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020: March 31, 2021 Individually Evaluated for Impairment Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for loan losses: Agricultural loans $ 4,340 $ 7,187 $ 11,527 Commercial real estate loans 192 2,666 2,858 Commercial loans 88 603 691 Residential real estate loans — 5 5 Installment and consumer other — 1 1 Total ending allowance for loan losses 4,620 10,462 15,082 Loans: Agricultural loans 54,495 554,987 609,482 Commercial real estate loans 7,074 237,717 244,791 Commercial loans 2,786 116,297 119,083 Residential real estate loans 58 38,005 38,063 Installment and consumer other — 245 245 Total loans 64,413 947,251 1,011,664 Net loans $ 59,793 $ 936,789 $ 996,582 December 31, 2020 Individually Evaluated for Impairment Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Total (dollars in thousands) Allowance for loan losses: Agricultural loans $ 3,504 $ 7,355 $ 10,859 Commercial real estate loans 672 2,467 3,139 Commercial loans 86 719 805 Residential real estate loans — 5 5 Installment and consumer other — — — Total ending allowance for loan losses 4,262 10,546 14,808 Loans: Agricultural loans 63,777 543,104 606,881 Commercial real estate loans 7,077 228,892 235,969 Commercial loans 2,818 112,269 115,087 Residential real estate loans 59 38,025 38,084 Installment and consumer other — 264 264 Total loans 73,731 922,554 996,285 Net loans $ 69,469 $ 912,008 $ 981,477 The following tables present loans individually evaluated for impairment by class of loans at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020: March 31, 2021 Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Allowance for Loan Losses Allocated (dollars in thousands) With no related allowance: Agricultural loans $ 7,599 $ 7,219 $ — Commercial real estate loans 5,209 4,328 — Commercial loans 2,244 2,237 — Residential real estate loans 61 58 — $ 15,113 $ 13,842 $ — With an allowance recorded: Agricultural loans $ 51,856 $ 47,276 $ 4,340 Commercial real estate loans 4,582 2,746 192 Commercial loans 580 549 88 Residential real estate loans — — — $ 57,018 $ 50,571 $ 4,620 Total $ 72,131 $ 64,413 $ 4,620 December 31, 2020 Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Allowance for Loan Losses Allocated (dollars in thousands) With no related allowance: Agricultural loans $ 20,245 $ 20,120 $ — Commercial real estate loans 288 288 — Commercial loans 2,504 2,481 — Residential real estate loans 61 59 — $ 23,098 $ 22,948 $ — With an allowance recorded: Agricultural loans $ 47,971 $ 43,657 $ 3,504 Commercial real estate loans 8,245 6,790 672 Commercial loans 357 336 86 Residential real estate loans — — — $ 56,573 $ 50,783 $ 4,262 Total $ 79,671 $ 73,731 $ 4,262 The following table presents the aging of the recorded investment in past due loans at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020: 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due 90+ Days Past Due Total Past Due Loans Not Past Due Total Loans (dollars in thousands) March 31, 2021 Agricultural loans $ 1,658 $ — $ 4,745 $ 6,403 $ 603,079 $ 609,482 Commercial real estate loans — — 4,328 4,328 240,463 244,791 Commercial loans — — 56 56 119,027 119,083 Residential real estate loans — — — — 38,063 38,063 Installment and consumer other — — — — 245 245 Total $ 1,658 $ — $ 9,129 $ 10,787 $ 1,000,877 $ 1,011,664 December 31, 2020 Agricultural loans $ 47 $ — $ 5,041 $ 5,088 $ 601,793 $ 606,881 Commercial real estate loans 82 — 4,283 4,365 231,604 235,969 Commercial loans — — 96 96 114,991 115,087 Residential real estate loans 4 — — 4 38,080 38,084 Installment and consumer other — — — — 264 264 Total $ 133 $ — $ 9,420 $ 9,553 $ 986,732 $ 996,285 The following table presents the recorded investment in nonaccrual loans by class of loan: March 31, December 31, 2021 2020 (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 37,416 $ 35,067 Commercial real estate loans 6,099 6,093 Commercial loans 400 405 Residential real estate loans 58 59 Total $ 43,973 $ 41,624 The following tables present the average recorded investment and interest income recognized on impaired loans by portfolio segment for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020: As of and for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2021 Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Allowance for Loan Losses Allocated Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 59,455 $ 54,495 $ 4,340 $ 59,136 $ 926 Commercial real estate loans 9,791 7,074 192 7,076 37 Commercial loans 2,824 2,786 88 2,802 40 Residential real estate loans 61 58 — 58 1 Total $ 72,131 $ 64,413 $ 4,620 $ 69,072 $ 1,004 As of and for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2020 Unpaid Principal Balance Recorded Investment Allowance for Loan Losses Allocated Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 63,876 $ 60,234 $ 3,678 $ 59,533 $ 1,310 Commercial real estate loans 3,674 3,640 802 3,661 25 Commercial loans 2,154 1,837 1,310 1,850 48 Residential real estate loans 61 60 — 61 1 Total $ 69,765 $ 65,771 $ 5,790 $ 65,105 $ 1,384 Impaired loans include nonaccrual loans, troubled debt restructured loans, and loans that are 90 days or more past due and still accruing. For nonaccrual loans included in impaired loans, the interest income that would have been recognized had those loans been performing in accordance with their original terms would have been approximately $0.6 million and $0.7 million for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Troubled Debt Restructurings The Company allocated approximately $4.6 million and $3.8 million of specific reserves to customers whose loan terms have been modified in troubled debt restructurings (“TDR”) at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020, respectively. The Company had no additional lending commitments at March 31, 2021 or December 31, 2020 to customers with outstanding loans that were classified as TDRs. A TDR on nonaccrual status is classified as a nonaccrual loan until evaluation supports reasonable assurance of repayment and there has been a satisfactory period of performance according to the modified terms of the loan. Once this assurance is reached, the TDR is returned to accrual status. The following table presents the TDRs and related allowance for loan losses by loan class at March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020: Non-Accrual Restructured and Accruing Total Allowance for Loan Losses Allocated (dollars in thousands) March 31, 2021 Agricultural loans $ 26,382 $ 10,630 $ 37,012 $ 4,273 Commercial real estate loans 1,772 975 2,747 192 Commercial loans 66 1,890 1,956 88 Total $ 28,220 $ 13,495 $ 41,715 $ 4,553 December 31, 2020 Agricultural loans $ 27,223 $ 15,690 $ 42,913 $ 3,494 Commercial real estate loans 1,810 984 2,794 315 Commercial loans 68 1,918 1,986 4 Total $ 29,101 $ 18,592 $ 47,693 $ 3,813 The following table provides the number of loans modified in a troubled debt restructuring investment by class for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020: For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Number of Loans Recorded Investment Number of Loans Recorded Investment (dollars in thousands) Troubled debt restructurings: Agricultural loans 1 $ 299 2 $ 232 Total 1 $ 299 2 $ 232 The following table provides the troubled debt restructurings for the three months ended March 31, 2021 and 2020 grouped by type of concession: For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Number of Loans Recorded Investment Number of Loans Recorded Investment (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans Term concessions — $ — 1 $ 49 Extension of interest-only payments 1 299 — — Combination of extension of term and interest rate concessions — — 1 183 Total 1 $ 299 2 $ 232 No troubled debt restructurings defaulted within twelve months of the restructure date during the three ended March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020. The CAA extended Section 4013 of the CARES Act which allows financial institutions to elect to suspend troubled debt restructuring accounting under certain circumstances when the temporary restructuring is related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Company has elected to implement Section 4013, the balance of those loans modified under Section 4103 was $6.1 million at March 31, 2021. Credit Quality Indicators The Company categorizes loans into risk categories based on relevant information about the ability of the borrowers to service their debt, such as current financial information, historical payment experience, credit documentation, public information and current economic trends, among other factors. The Company analyzes agricultural, commercial, and commercial real estate loans individually by classifying the credits as to credit risk. The process of analyzing loans for changes in risk rating is ongoing through routine monitoring of the portfolio and annual internal credit reviews for credits with total exposure in excess of $300,000. The Company uses the following definitions for credit risk ratings: Sound. Credits classified as sound show very good probability of ongoing ability to meet and/or exceed obligations. Acceptable. Credits classified as acceptable show a good probability of ongoing ability to meet and/or exceed obligations. Satisfactory. Credits classified as satisfactory show fair probability of ongoing ability to meet and/or exceed obligations. Low Satisfactory . Credits classified as low satisfactory show fair probability of ongoing ability to meet and/or exceed obligations. Low satisfactory credits may be newer or have a less established track record of financial performance, inconsistent earnings, or may be going through an expansion. Watch. Credits classified as watch show some questionable probability of ongoing ability to meet and/or exceed obligations. Special Mention. Credits classified as special mention show potential weaknesses that deserve management’s close attention. If left uncorrected, these potential weaknesses may result in deterioration of the repayment prospects for the loans or of the institution’s credit position at some future date. Substandard – Performing. Credits classified as substandard – performing generally have well-defined weaknesses. Collateral coverage is adequate, and the loans are not considered impaired. Payments are being made and the loans are on accrual status. Substandard - Impaired . Credits classified as substandard generally have well-defined weaknesses that jeopardize the repayment of the debt. They have a distinct possibility that a loss will be sustained if the deficiencies are not corrected. Loans are considered impaired. Loans are either exhibiting signs of delinquency, are on non-accrual or are identified as a TDR. Doubtful. Credits classified as doubtful have all the weaknesses inherent in those classified as substandard with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions, and values, highly questionable. The Company categorizes residential real estate, installment and consumer other loans as satisfactory at the time of origination based on information obtained as to the ability of the borrower(s) to service their debt, such as current financial information, employment status and history, historical payment experience, credit scores and type and amount of collateral among other factors. The Company updates relevant information on these types of loans at the time of refinance, troubled debt restructuring or other indications of financial difficulty, downgrading as needed using the same category descriptions as for agricultural, commercial, and commercial real estate loans. In addition, the Company further considers current payment status as an indicator of which risk category to assign the borrower. The greater the level of deteriorated risk as indicated by a loan’s assigned risk category, the greater the likelihood a loss will occur in the future. If the loan is substandard - impaired, then the loan loss reserves for the loan are recorded at the loss level of impairment. If the loan is not impaired, then its loan loss reserves are determined by the application of a loss rate that increases with risk in accordance with the allowance for loan loss analysis. The Bank will not accrue interest on any loan past due 90-days or more. Furthermore, the Bank will place any loan on non-accrual status for which payment in full of principal and interest is not expected. A loan shall be placed on non-accrual as soon as it is determined that payment in full of interest and/or principal is unlikely. The Bank’s chief credit officer may approve the placement of a loan on non-accrual prior to 90-days past due. Based on the most recent analysis performed by management, the risk category of loans by class of loans was as follows as of March 31, 2021 and December 31, 2020: As of March 31, 2021 Sound/ Acceptable/ Satisfactory/ Low Satisfactory Watch Special Mention Substandard Performing Substandard Impaired Total Loans (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 402,735 $ 129,840 $ — $ 34,310 $ 42,597 $ 609,482 Commercial real estate loans 210,260 26,113 — 2,319 6,099 244,791 Commercial loans 106,172 9,614 605 2,331 361 119,083 Residential real estate loans 37,749 256 — — 58 38,063 Installment and consumer other 245 — — — — 245 Total $ 757,161 $ 165,823 $ 605 $ 38,960 $ 49,115 $ 1,011,664 As of December 31, 2020 Sound/ Acceptable/ Satisfactory/ Low Satisfactory Watch Special Mention Substandard Performing Substandard Impaired Total Loans (dollars in thousands) Agricultural loans $ 374,595 $ 155,546 $ 1,854 $ 34,452 $ 40,434 $ 606,881 Commercial real estate loans 200,208 26,266 — 3,402 6,093 235,969 Commercial loans 103,488 8,022 647 2,566 364 115,087 Residential real estate loans 37,758 267 — — 59 38,084 Installment and consumer other 264 — — — — 264 Total $ 716,313 $ 190,101 $ 2,501 $ 40,420 $ 46,950 $ 996,285 |