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6-K Filing
Banco Santander (BSBR) 6-KBSBR20200401_6K
Filed: 1 Apr 20, 9:45pm
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If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): N/A
São Paulo, March 24, 2020.
Av. Juscelino Kubitschek, 2235 – 26oandar
São Paulo/SP
CEP: 04543-011
C/o Mr. Angel Santodomingo Marteli – Director of Investor Relations
Reference: Request for Inclusion of Appointment of Candidates in the Distance Voting Ballot
Dear Sirs,
LUIZ BARSI FILHO, a Brazilian citizen, married, enrolled with the National Register of Individual Taxpayers (CPF/MF) under No. 006.541.838-72, resident and domiciledatRuaLíberoBadaró,245,16thfloor,cityofSãoPaulo,stateofSãoPaulo, hereinafter individually referred to as “shareholder,” as shareholder ofBANCO SANTANDER BRASIL S.A.(“Company”), as proved by the attached documents (doc. 01), hereby requests, through his undersigned attorney, under the attached power-of-attorney (doc. 02), in accordance with CVM (Securities Commission) Instruction No. 481/09, that the following candidates appointed for the Company’s Board of Directors be included in the Distance Voting Ballot of the 2020 Annual Meeting:
For the Fiscal Committee, under Law No. 6404/76 (“Corporations Law”), Article 161, paragraph 4, letter “a,”where shareholders holdingpreferred sharesuse to vote:LOUISE BARSI, a Brazilian citizen, economist, bearer of Identity Card (RG) No. 35.288.007-7, enrolled with the CPF/MF under No. 343.307.008-32, resident and domiciled at Rua Nagib Izar, 248, apto. 261, city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, to apply for the position ofregular member of the Fiscal Committee,andVALMIR PEDRO ROSSI, a Brazilian citizen, married, bank clerk, bearer of Identity Card (RG) No. 55.080.446-8, issued by the Public Security Department of the state of São Paulo (SSP-SP), enrolled with the CPF/MF under No. 276.266.790/91,residentanddomiciledatRuaCarlosSteinen,335,apto.31,
Paraíso, CEP 04.004-012, city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, to apply for the position ofdeputy member of the Fiscal Committee.
The Reference Forms and Résumés are attached to this document (docs. 03 and 04), and the candidates inform that they will sign the Clearance Statement if they are elected, as provided for in the corporate legislation in force.
The shareholder also requests that this letter be disclosed on the internet throughempresas.netsystem, on the Securities Commission’s website.
Besides, the representatives of non-resident investors mustbeinformed of suchcandidaciesinEnglishand,finally,suchdisclosureistooccurstrictlyasprovided for in this letter, with total transparency as to the way and procedures according to which the candidatesareapplying for the positions and their respectiverésumés.
Therefore, the shareholder asks theCompanyto analyze and express itself regardingtheregularityofthisletteranddemandsthatthenamesofthecandidates appointedfortheBoardofDirectorsbeincludedintheDistanceVotingBallot–BVD, in accordance with ICVM No. 481/09, so the other Company’s shareholders become acquainted with such appointment, without prejudice of the other disclosures requestedherein.
ShouldtheCompanyjudgethattheshareholderhasfailedtocomplywiththe requirements for disclosure of the appointment through the Distance Voting Ballot, the shareholder requests that such appointment be disclosed throughNoticeto Shareholders,asprovidedforinArticle6,itemIIofCVMInstruction481/09, and as per CVM/SEP Circular Letter No. 02/20, as the Company is responsible for disclosing the information on candidates for the Fiscal Committee proposed by non-controlling shareholders, providing such candidates with the same transparency and disclosure that are currently given to candidates proposed by the Administration or by controlling shareholders by operation of CVM Instruction No.481/09.
Thus, the way of disclosure recommended by the said Circular Letter is through the IPE Module of theEmpresas.NET system, category “Notice to Shareholders,” type “Other Notices,” and it must be mentioned in the subject that it is an appointment of candidates for member of the Board of Directors/Fiscal Committee submitted by minority shareholders.
In such case, the shareholder requests the disclosure of this appointment through Notice to Shareholders, disclosing the content of this letter in full, so the other Company’s shareholders become acquainted with such appointment, without prejudice of the other disclosures requested herein.
On top of that, all notices concerning this document may be submitted in writingandsentbye-mailorcorrespondence,withproofofdelivery,tothefollowing addresses: Alameda Santos, 1165, Salas601/602/603, cityofSão Paulo, state of São Paulo, CEP:01311-928, care of Dr. João Gustavo Specialski, e-mail:joao@gasparino.adv.br.
Yours sincerely,
Louise Barsi
+55 11 94920-4544 |louisebarsi07@gmail.com
Awarded by the CORECON as best student of the Economics course at Presbyterian Mackenzie Institute, class of 2015.
Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP)
Jan/2016- Dec/2017
Formed between the 5 best students of Foundation in 2017. CRC active.
Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado (FECAP)
Jan/2018- Jul/2019
Master in Advanced Boardroom Program for Women
Escola de Negócios Saint Paul
Set/2019 – Set/2020
BARSI,l.,BASSO,L.F.C.SustainabilityofSocialSecurity:ACaseStudyofthe"Progressive 85/95" Project. Brazil, April 6th, 2016. Available at SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2759892
Reading: Advanced
Writing: Intermediate
Reading: Advanced
Writing: Advanced
Conversation: Advanced
Unipar Carbocloro S.A
Substitute -Board of Directors
Eternit S.A
Coordinator of the Financial and Internal Audit Committee and a member of the Ethics Committee.
Banco Santander S.A
Supervisory Board
April/2019- Presente
Aes TietêS.A
Supervisory Board
Klabin S.A
Supervisory Board
April/2017- Aug//2019
Certifications: PQO and CNPI.
Unipar Carbocloro S.A
Supervisory Board
Apr/2016 –Oct/2017
Elite Investimentos
Research Intern
Sep/2013- Jan/2015
Valuation: Valuation, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
Escola de Negócios Saint Paul
IRFS 9- Instrumentos Financeiros (CPC 48)
Fipecafi (USP)
Board Member Preparation
IBGC (Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa)
Curriculum Vitae – Valmir Pedro Rossi
ValmirPedro Rossi, Brazilian, married, Management and Supervisoryboardmember, residing at Rua Carlos Steinen, 335, apartment 31, Paraíso, ZIP code 04004-012, São Paulo,SP,Brazil, ID number 55.080.446-8SSP/SP,CPF number 276.266.790-91, Passport numberFU711598.
Academic Background:
Bachelor in Accounting at Universidade de Passo Fundo (RS), with graduate degrees in Financing from Universidade de Caixias do Sul (RS) and in Marketing from PUC Rio de Janeiro (RJ), and holding MBAs in Administration from USP São Paulo (SP) and in Business Management from UNB Brasília (DF).
Certificate in Adviser for Executive Boards and Supervisory Boards from IBGC (Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa)
Certificate in Spanish, C2 level, from DELE, and in English, B2 level, from BULLATS.
Professional Background:
Acted as Accountant in the companies CasforOgr.Contábeis and Bertol S.A, as Consultant for Sebrae RS, and was employed for 30 years by Banco do Brasil S.A., acting in many positions, including State Superintendent of Pará, State Superintendent of Rio Grande do Sul, Superintendent of Retail Business and Goverment in São Paulo, Superindent of Corporate Business in São Paulo, and Head of LatinAmerica.
From February/2013 to November/2015, acted as CEO of Banco da Amazônia S.A., Federal State-owned bank, with open capital, and based in Belém, PA.
Professional Experience in Boards:
Acted as board member in the Management or Supervisory boards of the folowing companies: Metalúrgica Gerdau S.A., Brasilprev S.A., BB Seguridade S.A., Fucapi S.A., Bando da Amazônia S.A and Kepler Weber S/A., besides holding board positions for numerous entities and associations. Currently is a member at the Supervisory Board of KaMin Cadam S.A.and member of the JSL Group audit committee
São Paulo, SP, January 31, 2020.
Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. | ||
By: | /S/ Amancio Acurcio Gouveia | |
Amancio Acurcio Gouveia Officer Without Specific Designation | ||
By: | /S/ Angel Santodomingo Martell | |
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