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This publication is unaudited and should be used in conjunction with Entergy’s | • uncertainty regarding the establishment of interim or permanent sites for |
2016 Annual Report to Shareholders and Form 10-K filed with the Securities | spent nuclear fuel and nuclear waste storage and disposal and the level of |
and Exchange Commission. It has been prepared for information purposes and | spent fuel and nuclear waste disposal fees charged by the U.S. |
is not intended for use in connection with any sale or purchase of, or any offer | government or other providers related to such sites |
to buy, any securities of Entergy Corporation or its subsidiaries. | • variations in weather and the occurrence of hurricanes and other storms |
| and disasters, including uncertainties associated with efforts to remediate |
FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION | the effects of hurricanes, ice storms, or other weather events and the recovery |
In this report and from time to time, Entergy Corporation makes statements concerning | of costs associated with restoration, including accessing funded storm reserves, |
its expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, strategies, and future | federal and local cost recovery mechanisms, securitization, and insurance |
events or performance. Such statements are “forward-looking statements” | • effects of climate change, including the potential for increases in sea |
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. | levels or coastal land and wetland loss |
Words such as “may,” “will,” “could,” “project,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” | • changes in the quality and availability of water supplies and the related |
“expect,” “estimate,” “continue,” “potential,” “plan,” “predict,” “forecast,” | regulation of water use and diversion |
and other similar words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking | • Entergy’s ability to manage its capital projects and operation |
statements but are not the only means to identify these statements. Although Entergy | and maintenance costs |
believes that these forward-looking statements and the underlying assumptions are | • Entergy’s ability to purchase and sell assets at attractive prices |
reasonable, it cannot provide assurance that they will prove correct. Any | and on other attractive terms |
forward-looking statement is based on information current as of the date of this | • the economic climate, and particularly economic conditions in Entergy’s |
report and speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made. | Utility service area and the Northeast United States and events and |
Except to the extent required by the federal securities laws, Entergy undertakes | circumstances that could influence economic conditions in those areas, |
no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, | including power prices, and the risk that anticipated load growth |
whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. | may not materialize |
Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties. | • the effects of Entergy’s strategies to reduce tax payments |
There are factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those | • changes in the financial markets and regulatory requirements for the |
expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements, including those | issuance of securities, particularly as they affect access to |
factors discussed or incorporated by reference in (a) Item 1A. Risk Factors | capital and Entergy’s ability to refinance existing securities, execute |
in the 2016 Form 10-K, (b) Management’s Financial Discussion and Analysis | share repurchase programs, and fund investments and acquisitions |
in the 2016 Form 10-K, and (c) the following factors (in addition to others | • actions of rating agencies, including changes in the ratings of |
described elsewhere in this report and in subsequent securities filings): | debt and preferred stock, changes in general corporate ratings, |
• resolution of pending and future rate cases and negotiations, | and changes in the rating agencies’ ratings criteria |
including various performance-based rate discussions, | • changes in inflation and interest rates |
Entergy’s utility supply plan, and recovery of fuel and purchased power costs | • the effect of litigation and government investigations or proceedings |
• long-term risks and uncertainties associated with the termination of the System | • changes in technology, including with respect to new, developing, or |
Agreement in 2016, including the potential absence of federal authority to resolve | alternative sources of generation |
certain issues among the Utility operating companies and their retail regulators | • the effects, including increased security costs, of threatened or actual |
• regulatory and operating challenges and uncertainties and economic risks | terrorism, cyber-attacks or data security breaches, natural or man-made |
associated with the Utility operating companies’ participation in MISO, | electromagnetic pulses that affect transmission or generation infrastructure, |
including the effect of current or projected MISO market rules and | accidents, and war or a catastrophic event such as a nuclear accident or a |
market and system conditions in the MISO markets, the allocation of MISO system | natural gas pipeline explosion |
transmission upgrade costs, and the effect of planning decisions that MISO makes | • Entergy’s ability to attract and retain talented management and directors |
with respect to future transmission investments by the Utility operating companies | • changes in accounting standards and corporate governance |
• changes in utility regulation, including the beginning or end of retail and wholesale | • declines in the market prices of marketable securities and resulting funding |
competition, the ability to recover net utility assets and other potential stranded | requirements and the effects on benefits costs for Entergy’s defined benefit |
costs, and the application of more stringent transmission reliability requirements | pension and other postretirement benefit plans |
or market power criteria by the FERC or the U.S. Department of Justice | • future wage and employee benefit costs, including changes |
• changes in the regulation or regulatory oversight of Entergy’s nuclear generating | in discount rates and returns on benefit plan assets |
facilities and nuclear materials and fuel, including with respect to the planned, potential | • changes in decommissioning trust fund values or earnings or in the |
or actual shutdown of nuclear generating facilities owned or operated by | timing of, requirement for, or cost to decommission Entergy's nuclear plant |
Entergy Wholesale Commodities and the effects of new or existing safety or | sites and the implementation of decommissioning of such sites |
environmental concerns regarding nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel | following shutdown |
• resolution of pending or future applications, and related regulatory proceedings | • the decision to cease merchant power generation at all Entergy |
and litigation, for license renewals or modifications or other authorizations required | Wholesale Commodities nuclear power plants by as early as 2021, including |
of nuclear generating facilities and the effect of public and political opposition on | the implementation of the planned shutdown of Pilgrim, Palisades, |
these applications, regulatory proceedings and litigation | Indian Point 2, and Indian Point 3 |
• the performance of and deliverability of power from Entergy’s generation | • the effectiveness of Entergy’s risk management policies and procedures |
resources, including the capacity factors at its nuclear generating facilities | and the ability and willingness of its counterparties to satisfy their |
• the operation and maintenance of Entergy’s nuclear generating facilities require | financial and performance commitments |
the commitment of substantial human and capital resources that can result in | • factors that could lead to impairment of long-lived assets |
increased costs and capital expenditures | • the ability to successfully complete strategic transactions Entergy may |
• Entergy’s ability to develop and execute on a point of view regarding future | undertake, including mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures, regulatory or |
prices of electricity, natural gas, and other energy-related commodities | other limitations imposed as a result of any such strategic transaction |